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Dreaming Together With You

Applications Closed

Hello. Welcome to my experiment. I've never done an anime-style RP before, but the inspiration struck me and here we are. The roleplay will be about a group of people who inadvertently travel into another world together and how their actions and lives in that other world impact their day-to-day existences in their home town on Earth. As such, this roleplay will be featuring Slice of Life elements as well as the more traditional Adventure, Exploration, Magic, and Action highlights of a Fantasy game.

My background in anime is as a casual consumer and regular convention attendee. My background in Fantasy comes from classical and gothic literature and, frankly, I have a penchant for gritty, dark, and realism as qualifiers; as such, this experiment in 'anime' will be a labor of growing pains and broaching the realm of the uncomfortable and unfamiliar. What this means is that you will encounter strange creatures, unfamiliar situations, the occasional puzzle or riddle, and circumstances that will have lasting consequences for the world(s) your characters inhabit.

The game will feature a Prologue Segment; this segment will focus on the characters as teenagers when they first discover this ability to travel to the 'other world', the initial introduction of the 'other world', and essentially be an organic means of introducing elements that would otherwise have just been prompts on a character sheet so that these things can develop on screen. All of this is important to me as a DM because I want the roleplay to focus on the bonds of the characters and their supporting cast, and I feel that if people are willing to put in the legwork for a prologue segment like this that it will strengthen the characterization and themes moving forward. The prologue segment will conclude with the characters returning home and segue into a Time Skip to when the roleplay will begin properly. Over the Time Skip, the events of the prologue will become memory, dream, myth, imagination; the roleplay proper will begin with an event bringing the player characters, now adults whose bond over their shared imaginary adventure has kept them in touch with each other, back together with a reawakening of the Dream...

Below will be a brief interest-blurb of the two key locations of the roleplay.

Art by Sin Jong Hun

The Small Village of New Hope

"New Hope. Nestled between two mountains, at the junction of two rivers, where the beautiful Lake Chartreuse basks in the golden rays of the sun... At least, that's what this brochure says. Truth is, this place is about as 'quaint' and 'small-town' as you could ever expect. The history of this place is long- but quiet and boring despite how well documented it is. Family lines can be traced back to the founding families of New Hope, and a stubborn sort of pride persists in its people. Myself included, to be honest. Everyone tries to leave at one point or another, and a few manage to stay away... But most come back, seeking the quiet of this place. As the brochure says; 'Welcome to New Hope, where all your dreams come true'."
-"Hickory" Earhart, local Librarian.

New Hope is the Player Characters' home town and the setting of our roleplay on Earth. This small village houses a population of three hundred. This is always in a gentle state of flux as people come and go, and travelers pass through, but it's a quirk of the town's history that the population has more or less always stayed the same. The landmarks of the area are the Mountains Bilica and Hoar [The former being the lesser of the two mounts], the Lake Chartreuse, the adjoining rivers [Bilica: River Fontaine, Hoar: Swallow River; "The Swallow"], and the nearby forest called "Weeping Sam" after a local myth. The mountains and the river coming down Mount Bilica are named after three of the Founding Families of New Hope.

The village contains a schoolhouse, a grocer, two restaurants, a gathering hall for communal vote, a local shrine to the old gods of the Founding Families up on Mount Bilica, a small library, and a small communal dock on Lake Chartreuse. Everyone in town has stories of hidden places or forgotten hideouts or mysterious buildings up on the mountains or in the Weeping Sam, but the townsfolk are generally settled in to their routines of farming and toil and many of these adventures of the elders have become local myth or forgotten entirely.

Art by Asur Misoa
The Dreamlands - Yo'Bikur

"Yo'Bikur is the home of the Bikura. It is not unusual for strange beings to appear in the deep wilds of our home, drawn in by Yo'Bikur's silent beckoning. Our history is colored by such visits! The Great Songs of the Elder Voices tell of many a Hero- and many a conqueror- to visit our lands. The Power of Yo'Bikur is an allure, drawing those who visit her back again and again for better or worse. Such is the way of things. Such they shall always be."
-The Princess Rulania, The Song of the Bikura volume 1

Yo'Bikur, The Dreamlands, will be the 'other world' that our roleplay takes part in. Information will be sparse for now, and be revealed as the roleplay takes places. It will be a Medieval themed fantasy land featuring magic, beasts, adventures, mysteries, myths, and danger. In their initial trip to this land as teenagers, the characters will begin awakening to the mystical properties of the Dreamlands organically and in this way the character sheets will grow and become 'complete' after the Prologue. Once the Time Skip occurs and the prologue is complete, travel between The Dreamlands and Earth will be generally sandbox for the Player Characters with the exception of key story beats requiring the full cast in one location or the other. Will your characters try to achieve a balance, fear the Dream and the strange powers they gain there, or lose themselves in this other world?

Character Information and Rules

-Follow Guild Guidelines.

-I'm here for a good time, not anything else. Posting is required, but communication is king; I will hold no particular timeline so long as people are having a good time. Dedication and commitment trump posting speed.

-I will arbitrate conflicts between characters if they arise. Conflicts between players shouldn't arise if we're all communicating properly, so try to keep it civil or I'll have to make some very easy decisions.

-I hold to an oldschool roleplaying mentality. 'Collaborations' aren't really necessary here, let's all just roleplay and let things happen in the open. If you need NPCs in your scenes, feel free to handle that among yourselves; as notable ones are created or pop up, I'll keep tabs on them and document things as necessary on my end. I don't need to be hands-on and GM every little detail, this is partially a slice of life and sandbox game while in New Hope; if you want to write a scene with a tourist or traveler coming into town, feel free to do so- I encourage creativity and characterization! Feel free to request my attention to storytell an NPC or guide a scene, of course, but I am trying to give people a little freedom to avoid being tied down waiting on me to post.

-Contrary to the above, once we get the ball rolling and the characters begin to get involved with the world of Yo'Bikur, I will generally need to hands-on storytell those scenes until we reach a certain point as a community where the rules and cultures of the world are understood by all. Once we reach that point, the reins will be relaxed. I will be focusing on handling story hooks, plot relevant scenes, and otherwise impactful and dramatic moments as a storyteller.

Character Requirements

For the Prologue, characters must be aged 13-18. This is to work within the intended confines of a planned Time Skip, which will be approximately 10 years. Due to the small town nature of the roleplay, this means that all of your characters will know each other; I encourage you all to communicate and establish relationships together, as well as with the noteworthy NPCs in the town.

Note on Backstory; brevity is acceptable here, as in a meta sense I am looking for halfway complete characters here. We are taking a snapshot of a character in their teenage years and playing out a formative, dramatic, series of events that will alter their futures and lives on Earth irrevocably. As such, I do not need intense sheets or exceptional details; I am more interested in organic characters with clear arcs of growth and the roots of characterization at this stage. Once we end the Prologue, that is when the sheets will be updated and improved to accommodate.

Note on Aesthetics: Do whatever you want, I don't care. Use any formatting or tricks that you want to pretty it up, or keep it simple- my only request is please use Hiders. I can't explain it, but they soothe my aching grey matter.

Enough folks have showed interest for me to put more brain power onto the concept, I’ll begin moving forward and prepping an OOC and a character sheet. As a heads up the initial character sheet will be quite light, as a bulk of the important information will come during the prologue and need to be prepared for the time skip afterwards.
Dreaming Together With You

Hello. Welcome to my experiment. I've never done an anime-style RP before, but the inspiration struck me and here we are. The roleplay will be about a group of people who inadvertently travel into another world together and how their actions and lives in that other world impact their day-to-day existences in their home town on Earth. As such, this roleplay will be featuring Slice of Life elements as well as the more traditional Adventure, Exploration, Magic, and Action highlights of a Fantasy game.

My background in anime is as a casual consumer and regular convention attendee. My background in Fantasy comes from classical and gothic literature and, frankly, I have a penchant for gritty, dark, and realism as qualifiers; as such, this experiment in 'anime' will be a labor of growing pains and broaching the realm of the uncomfortable and unfamiliar. What this means is that you will encounter strange creatures, unfamiliar situations, the occasional puzzle or riddle, and circumstances that will have lasting consequences for the world(s) your characters inhabit.

The game will feature a Prologue Segment; this segment will focus on the characters as teenagers when they first discover this ability to travel to the 'other world', the initial introduction of the 'other world', and essentially be an organic means of introducing elements that would otherwise have just been prompts on a character sheet so that these things can develop on screen. All of this is important to me as a DM because I want the roleplay to focus on the bonds of the characters and their supporting cast, and I feel that if people are willing to put in the legwork for a prologue segment like this that it will strengthen the characterization and themes moving forward. The prologue segment will conclude with the characters returning home and segue into a Time Skip to when the roleplay will begin properly. Over the Time Skip, the events of the prologue will become memory, dream, myth, imagination; the roleplay proper will begin with an event bringing the player characters, now adults whose bond over their shared imaginary adventure has kept them in touch with each other, back together with a reawakening of the Dream...

Below will be a brief interest-blurb of the two key locations of the roleplay.

Art by Sin Jong Hun

The Small Village of New Hope

"New Hope. Nestled between two mountains, at the junction of two rivers, where the beautiful Lake Chartreuse basks in the golden rays of the sun... At least, that's what this brochure says. Truth is, this place is about as 'quaint' and 'small-town' as you could ever expect. The history of this place is long- but quiet and boring despite how well documented it is. Family lines can be traced back to the founding families of New Hope, and a stubborn sort of pride persists in its people. Myself included, to be honest. Everyone tries to leave at one point or another, and a few manage to stay away... But most come back, seeking the quiet of this place. As the brochure says; 'Welcome to New Hope, where all your dreams come true'."
-"Hickory" Earhart, local Librarian.

New Hope is the Player Characters' home town and the setting of our roleplay on Earth. This small village houses a population of three hundred. This is always in a gentle state of flux as people come and go, and travelers pass through, but it's a quirk of the town's history that the population has more or less always stayed the same. The landmarks of the area are the Mountains Bilica and Hoar [The former being the lesser of the two mounts], the Lake Chartreuse, the adjoining rivers [Bilica: River Fontaine, Hoar: Swallow River; "The Swallow"], and the nearby forest called "Weeping Sam" after a local myth. The mountains and the river coming down Mount Bilica are named after three of the Founding Families of New Hope.

The village contains a schoolhouse, a grocer, two restaurants, a gathering hall for communal vote, a local shrine to the old gods of the Founding Families up on Mount Bilica, a small library, and a small communal dock on Lake Chartreuse. Everyone in town has stories of hidden places or forgotten hideouts or mysterious buildings up on the mountains or in the Weeping Sam, but the townsfolk are generally settled in to their routines of farming and toil and many of these adventures of the elders have become local myth or forgotten entirely.

Art by Asur Misoa
The Dreamlands - Yo'Bikur

"Yo'Bikur is the home of the Bikura. It is not unusual for strange beings to appear in the deep wilds of our home, drawn in by Yo'Bikur's silent beckoning. Our history is colored by such visits! The Great Songs of the Elder Voices tell of many a Hero- and many a conqueror- to visit our lands. The Power of Yo'Bikur is an allure, drawing those who visit her back again and again for better or worse. Such is the way of things. Such they shall always be."
-The Princess Rulania, The Song of the Bikura volume 1

Yo'Bikur, The Dreamlands, will be the 'other world' that our roleplay takes part in. Information will be sparse for now, and be revealed as the roleplay takes places. It will be a Medieval themed fantasy land featuring magic, beasts, adventures, mysteries, myths, and danger. In their initial trip to this land as teenagers, the characters will begin awakening to the mystical properties of the Dreamlands organically and in this way the character sheets will grow and become 'complete' after the Prologue. Once the Time Skip occurs and the prologue is complete, travel between The Dreamlands and Earth will be generally sandbox for the Player Characters with the exception of key story beats requiring the full cast in one location or the other. Will your characters try to achieve a balance, fear the Dream and the strange powers they gain there, or lose themselves in this other world?
In the interest of ‘Relevant to my setting musings’ I actually recently got in a massive pile of kickstarted settings and rule books. Has anyone played Forgotten Lands by Free League? It pretty much hit the nail on the head for all the vibes I was trying to capture with Aesithas and I’m being transparent in my viewing of other systems as I run this game. I was just curious if anyone had any personal experience with the Mechanics of it, as the setting itself is very alluring to me.
Happy New Year!

Some appropriate tunes

Physical Details
Rising to a height of five feet ten inches tall, Hyperion presents a well built figure. Not a slab of imposing meat or brutish demeanor of the musclehead- but the lean and disciplined frame of career hardship. Muscles are taut and whiplike, movements fluid and powerful, and his physical presence fills the air around him and makes him seem larger than he truly is.

His body is marred by marks both fresh and faded. A myriad of combat wounds and surgery marks riddle his form, but most of his serious injuries over the years weren't able to be concealed by modern medical technology. Notably, a severe scar crosses over his face- an injury from a Batarian's knife- which has never faded fully over the years. His left forearm also bears the severe scarring of a Varren's mauling, this particular wound seeming to agitate him still despite the months of recovery.

His body moves with the languid nature and cool comfort of one to whom armor is a second skin. Even while donning the heavy armor he is known for he makes movement and athleticism seem natural and easy. When operating without the constraints of gravity, he can even almost seem graceful thanks to his Zero-G training and operational experience.

Grey hair accents the grizzled features of the aging man. His face is often rough from stubble, and if given enough time without a shave his beard would grow in thick and full- but by the time it would reach that point he has often brought it back down to rough stubble with the edge of a knife. His eyes, a crystalline blue, can appear quite stunning when they catch light- but are otherwise an extension of the emptiness that grips the man's emotional state. His expressions are subdued and gripped by severity, with rare moments of levity or brightness. His skin is darkened by years of sunlight, foreign and familiar, into a warm tan and lines or wrinkles of a lifetime of labor are beginning to furrow his face.

Personal History

Combat Analysis
"Form up on me; Op-For consists of five tangos, well equipped and ready for us. They're itching to get out of this in one piece just like we are. Call your shots and keep friendlies in periphery. Tight formation; anchor on me; sweep and clear. On my mark... Go."

Hyperion has the training of an elite N7 Commando, with specialized training in Shock and Awe tactics and leadership experience in squad based operational scenarios. In plain language, he's a tough sonuvabitch with command experience who likes to end fights quickly. He is well versed in the handling of all modern equipment of war, with a foundation of terrestrial vehicle operation and shuttlecraft piloting- though these are not his area of expertise. The most stunning aspect of Hyperion's combat analysis is the mastery of his armor systems and his role as the 'anchor' of a squad's maneuvers...

His own lethality is impressive; his ability to take a hit and get back up is incredible; his capacity to enable the success of others in his unit, however, is what truly sets him apart.

"I don't want to see anyone playing hero. Watch my back and I'll watch yours; if we can't agree to that, then nothing else matters."

Reason for Vacating Previous Situation
"I was hitting the bottom of my cred line. You can't really 'disappear' on Illium, but I'm a nobody there unless someone needs to hire a gun. The only issue is that damn near everything costs double on that planet. I was scraping together the last of the creds to punch my ticket on a shuttle off-world and coming up short when I got a ping from Queenie. She always seems to find me when I need money the most, so I took the call...

Exo-Geni. Big name, big work. I didn't have anything better to do and funds were low. I told Queenie that she'd have to forward me the fare for transport; she told me I'd have to pay her back with interest. Fair enough, Queenie. Fair enough."
Heavens, the boss is considering doing something. It truly is Christmas. And my birthday! Nearly a New Year, even. Miracles do happen.

Edit: I realized I spelled 'Ordnance' 'Ordinance'. Hyperion can probably disparage Turian Ordinances quite well, but not their Ordnance.

Edit 2: Added a song link to a tune I felt appropriate to the character.

edit 3: a word
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