Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I got struck by the cleaning bug after the anniversary, so I’m a bit delayed but I honestly don’t need to make any sort of large post so I should be good for tomorrow no problems.
Alright, survived my anniversary. Going to work on my post for tomorrow.
Hey, I can alter history a bit either way. As long as folks are fine with my intended route of 'The Janissary Order has been destroyed and the Ottomans are a modernized empire' being a world thing, I don't mind a specific year analogue. The themes I'm focusing on are 'Old World New Problems' and 'The Rise of Technology Destroyed My People', so if I need to be a little wibbly-wobbly on the specific timeline that's easy.
Leviathan is the very series I referenced in my earlier post :) Big inspirations in a lot of my musings from that, across the last decade or so since I read it. I 'll have to dig up its description of Istanbul to see where it lines up with my own stewing ideas.

I even purchased some very fine fan art at a convention that someone made of it, was very pleased to see some representation of the series.
Did some light historical rereading, and a remnant of the Janissary old guard who survived their revolt and pursued a life of medical research is definitely the vibe. The Janissary order was destroyed by the modernizing Ottoman Empire in this time period and that is huge potential for characterization and development arcs within the academy. The character will focus on development of the human condition and natural biological enhancement and vehemently oppose mechanical insights and automata research, so healthy conflict and the butting of heads is abound.

My muse is thoroughly struck. I’ve got mad envisions for a steampunk istanbul and scenes of Imperial Warmongering and the development of the ‘modern’ Ottoman military and how it all pushed my concept to where it will be for the sheet.
I dig it, my current concept is formulating around an Ottoman Janissary focused on medical studies/alternatively, potential religious influences and mixes with the steampunk automata aspects. Details coalescing as I dredge up both history and elaborate on it mentally.
Gotcha, been stewing and I’ll see what muse strikes me when I hit pen to page.
Giving a couple days to let any final votes or posts come in, then I’ll get to the next scene.

I hope you people like Olde Englishe.
It do be easter my compatriots of creativity. Yee haw, easter. Happy holiday to the folks it pertains to.
I did the thing.

If everyone is ready to move on, just let me know.
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