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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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The skies burned and exploded above as Shrike prowled about the downed Carrier. Every few steps brought the Susanoo rifle up, and after a moment of charged deliberance the catastrophic beam of energy would erupt and blaze through a Drone that entered his field of view. The chaos of the battlefield and the prowling nature of his Shell's movements, for a few precious moments, brought him relative peace as he prepared himself for his anticipated close quarters engageme-

Fire rained down as the remaining aerial support forces consolidated their formations. Fire surged along the treeline, his squad's movements became a chaos of telemetry data on the archaic readout interface of his neural-helm, and Shrike was forced to back against the framework of the Carrier and lower his rifle. The left arm rose, the shield blazed to life, and he calmly bided his time as the temperature within his Shell steadily climbed. Torrent after torren of cannon fire rained against the energy barrier as Shrike silently listened to the comms chatter and observed movements. Sweat began to form along his arms, his palms growing moist, his forehead beading with the rising temperatures within the machine. As their strafing runs meandered back into strike positions, eventually the squad managed to eke out enough skyward damage for Shrike to have breathing room again.

As he lowered the barrier and emerged from a Shell-shaped silhouette blasted into the side of the downed carrier, Ijsvogel's advanced recon data hit his sensory overlay and Shrike, as was typical, sent a singular ping of acknowledgement to the data received. It meant there were no other surprises than this group waiting for them. But, alas, Shrike being pinned in position was a fateful situation indeed. Before he could continue circling the Carrier, the Ushi-Oni emerged unassailed. Shrike witnessed the eruption of that colossal beam on the far side of the ship and began to trigger a boost as Ava's orders came in over the combat channel. In the blink of an eye Shrike's own vengeful wrath was redirected; Ava said to link up with Ijsvogel, and the chain of command is a chain that binds.

"Moving to acquire your weapon, Ijsvogel. Prepare for assault."

The Shrike rounded the carrier, made direct visual contact on the Ushi-Oni-- and activated his boosters to leap up and over the damn thing and disregard it. He had to trust the others to do what they felt was best; a disarmed Ijsvogel was his duty now. The Susanoo rifle was slung onto his back as both arms locked into their reinforced talons, and when Shrike landed upon the ground it was right as Hachidori, Gizzard, and...Barn Owl collapsed towards it.

He couldn't help but chuckle privately, bitterly, to himself at witnessing Barn Owl's own passions become public.

The rain fell heavy upon the thick smoke of the burning jungle, but Shrike was ever the observant and tactically apprised individual; Following Ijsvogel's tracking data the Shrike plunged across the earth in a frenzied blur of lashing arms, throwing burning trees and massive gouts of earth into the air as the ancient Shell blazed a trail through the hellfire of the jungle until its hand unfuzed and came down upon the mighty machine gun of Ijsvogel. The heat of the flames and the straining of his radiator made him wary about triggering his boosters so frequently, thus the Shrike emerged from the flaming forest with heavy footfalls like a smoke-streaked demon of metal with the lost weapon in its right hand. He began a sprint back towards the carrier, left arm still poised for its lethal and brutal close combat intentions, before throwing the rifle to Ijsvogel when they were close enough to link up.

If all went well, Shrike would open that carrier like a tin can and they would tear through it before the other Shells turned on.
The suit's words were of a familiar kinship to Sunrise, his lingo and dialect resonating with her own upbringing. He was still a suit, no doubt about that, but in the end his words reeked of his desperation and fear. She relaxed her posture, letting the duster coat fall back over the holster of her revolver as she crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her head to peer out from beneath the hat.

Six goons, armed for bear and kitted like tanks. She appraised them in a slow manner, sucking on the inside of her cheek and chewing on it lightly as she did so; if push came to shove, six on three weren't great odds but she'd dealt with worse and with lower quality companions. By her sussin' and their jabberin', Sunrise kenned that Flint and Steel could square dance with these goons if they had to and that bolstered her own rebellious embers...

But there was a job to do, and this man could be worked. Black Jack's tongue ran smooth and made Sunrise's stomach churn as he yarned at Richard; the lad was a fast talker for sure, she made mental note. In timely fashion, Sunrise leaned forward off her perch and made an easygoing, open handed, sweeping gesture of peaceful intentions that also seemed as if she were embracing the day as she stepped forward.

"Pal, you seem like a Dick to me rather than a Richard. Mind if I all ya Dick? We're appreciatin' such a warm welcome... By my reckonin' this ain't normal formals."

She fell into a slow, methodical, swaggering gait as she trailed behind a few paces.

"It's yer house so you set the tune. How's this gonna go?"
Julia Meyer. The girl's image filled Sunrise's eyes, which in turn meant it filled her mind. The wide brimmed gambler hat hid her eyes from most angles in the transport's rear seating, but the hologram glow filtered beneath her visual shield and imprinted the target's visage into Sunrise's memory.

"Mm..." She grunted as she leaned forward, lifting a hand to flick the hat upwards and reveal her face to the other members of the crew as she swept a slow gaze around them. "...Little lady'll stand out sore-like. Putting eyes on 'er will be easy 'nuff... Once we find out where she's holed up. If she's anything like me, she's gon' be in the desert with the guilders."

Sunrise leaned back, propping a boot up onto the side of the hologram projector and manually triggering the next slideshow image with her heel. The gambler hat settled back into a neutral position atop her head, a thick curl of crimson hair falling loose and framing her face in the process. She licked her teeth slow before continuing on.

"We'll see soon, by my reckonin'. She's a big item, but she cut and run on her pa; doubtin' we'll have luck asking by name."

She fell silent, giving the others ample opportunity to fill the silence as the Rockefeller made its final descent to Fiction. The thud of landing gear upon ground signaled Sunrise's rise to her feet. When Trey entered the passenger area, Sunrise swept a hand across her duster and let it billow to its full length. Trey's news about the deadline and the incoming peacekeeper forces warranted a silent nod- but his next piece of news brought her own attention to the horizon.

"...Don't like it, I'll let you folk to the talkin' on this one." She commented as she stepped from the shuttle, eyes studying the encroaching suit and his security. She leaned back against the landing leg of the Rockefeller shuttle, sweeping one arm low and brushing the duster back from her hip holster on her left side to grant ease of access and brazen display of her imposing revolver, the Gabriel. Her other hand rose and in silence made the sign of the cross, tapping at her forehead beneath the hat- then pulling it down over her eyes- before centering on her chest, then completing the motion in a left-to-right sweep.
Mentions: Yes
Location: The Beach, with added wrecked airship for taste

The ambush was set. Everyone, for better or for worse, was in their chosen positions. Shrike felt calm. The ancient machine that idled beneath his fingers was worn like a favorite glove, and all its silent tremors and vibrations were familiar to him. His fingers lightly danced over his controls as his heavy display helm cast predictive movements of the drone swarm and airship beyond his field of direct vision. His, in a relaxed manner, settled upon the movement controls and he let out a single breath.

”Got it.” The pilot interrupted, as if she’d read his mind.

She fired.

Within the breadth of that deafening bang, the Shrike's boosters triggered and it surged from the sands in an explosion of movement and insignificant chaff. The ambush was executed. The Shrike rose like a jagged metal behemoth, left arm locking magnetically into the horrendous spike of brutality as it outstretched and impaled onto a drone that had wandered too closely, a micro explosion rocking down Shrike's arm as smoke and oil washed over it. Cutting the limited boosters there, Shrike landed heavy upon the ground right as Crow's second shot connected with the crater of the first. Swiping the pistol-bearing right arm along the left to clear the debris of the drone off the spike-hand, Shrike spared a single glance upwards to affirm the visual feeds he was receiving.

Then he was a visage in efficiency as a drone's microcannon pinged a shot off his rear shoulder armor. The Shell whirled about, pistol upraised. His targeting data was struggling to compute the myriad drone positions as the team's data tether updated from everyone's positions, but his eyes didn't have such reservations; in a swift semicircle of movement the pistol rang out in a dizzying hail of fire for a sidearm, shots landing squarely against the vulnerable, exposed, flight apparati of several drones that were attempting to swarm around him. With breathing room briefly established, Shrike's radiators spiked as his boosters were punched into maximum thrust to maneuver from beneath the toppling airship. His eyes flickered over the display, and his hands twitched on the controls to adjust movements to complete the linkup with Barn Owl. His boosters cut the moment he was safely from beneath the airship, the Shrike's long steps now breaking into a physical sprint.

A swift tap of the comm panel pinged @AtomicEmperor Barn Owl directly; "Keep moving. Crow's alone. Move to support. Watch the skies."

And as if his words were predictive, and seeming to spite his fire control system's inadequecies, Shrike whirled and dropped to a knee, raising the left arm up even as his gatling cannon rotated into position on his shoulder. The blazing light of his energy shield manifested, a full length barrier cutting into the sand and extending upwards to the height of the Shell. Just in time, as a fighter jet's withering cannon fire exploded along the beach and into Shrike's shield. The energy barrier held as the strafing fire rained upon it, but Shrike could feel the heat creeping up into his cockpit from having deflected such a devastating and surgical strike.

The shield disappeared in an equally disorienting disappearance of color. Then, the gatling cannon unleashed its own retort into the skies; the first jet's wingman (Or, perhaps, Wing-AI, knowing Murakumo) was deterred off-course by the return torrent of fire, a few stray micro-missiles whizzing past Shrike and impacting into the sands on the beach. Everywhere this man went, things exploded around him it seemed. He made sure to specifically flag those jets as priority targets in the team's shared targeting system as his gatling cannon rotated out of its functional position, and his Shell rose back to its feet.

His voice rang across the combat frequency;

"Need support with those jets."

He was wary of this downed carrier. The Shrike ambulated around the downed vessel like a jagged metal predator as Gizzard ripped into its surface from above. The pistol slotted into its internal compartment; the mighty Susanoo laser rifle slung into the arms. One doesn't usually send a carrier without cargo and soldiers, and he was going to be the first thing anything that emerged from its wreckage had to deal with.
Been big on sci fi lately, gonna stick my nose in for now :)
Mentions: N/A
Location: The Beach

The Shrike stood, ancient in its form and terrible in its visage. Long, claw-like, fingers bulked with immense armor plating into the horrible Shrike's Talons of repute. Heavy arms loaded with the impossible density of myomer-muscle-like-chords that gave the S-86 its unparalleled strength. Broad shouldered, small of head, barrel-like in its chest... Its bulky silhouette was a far cry from the sleek outlines of many of its nest mates. It was one of the heaviest Shells in Vulture Squad and the prodigious layers of heavy armor upon its archaic form made its role and function abundantly clear. As its pilot, Shrike the Man, nestled into the cramped cockpit a woman's voice chirped onto the combat frequency in a short burst of direct, ice-laden, messages;

"Clockwork on Comms; will monitor squad Shell status from the Nest. Touchdown with the crew post op. Ossifrage is running repairs solo on this one. Shrike status all-clear. Going Silent."

The Shrike, as opposed to more modern machines, required bulkier means of control. The already small cockpit seemed more claustrophobic than ordinary as the mass of its pilot filled the space. The heavy helmet came down upon his head, feeding sensory data into his eyes and ears. His hands fell onto the controls, the years of operating this one machine sending the ghostly sensation of phantom presses along his fingertips and arms. As he caressed over the worn buttons, battlefields of years past played across his vision.

Clockwork's voice chirped into his communicator band privately, bringing him back from reverie as the Vulture Squad began to dismount the Nest. He didn't have to strain to hear, but her voice was quiet in the privacy of their private radio band. There was no less ice in her words, however.

"The rain never stops. Don't scratch the paint on this easy shit, Shrike. If I have to redo the scheme before the job has even started I'll kick your ass."

He chuckled to himself, hearing his own voice muffled by the bulky neuro-helmet he wore. A swift ping of the radio band signaled his acknowledgement of her message, before he focused onto the combat frequency. When the Shrike stepped out of the hangar it was contradiction to the targeted dismounts of the rest of the squad. The Shell plummeted, as if wings pinioned, straight out of its hangar bay towards the beach below. The squad's movements filled his HUD, delegated into a burst of tactical data that took up minimal clutter in his displays. The comms chatter washed over him as he fell like a stone towards the sea.

A violent burst of the boosters signaled his landing. The mass of the Shell landing upon the surf, and the blast of superheated thrusters, caused the churning sea waters to hiss and explode into a cloud of water and steam around the Shell as its imposing visage touched down.

"Shrike Online."

At last, his own voice cut into the comms chatter with an accent matching Owl's; but beyond that, Shrike spoke with a distinct authority and presence of self. His words were brief and carried the efficiency that decades of combat communications brings. The Shell began to move, powerful legs carrying it across the sands of the beach in a swift gait as its fingers snapped magnetically into place and fused into the immense driving spikes of the Shell's namesake. He was taking a central position amongst the scattered blips of the Vulture Squad, noting Gizzard and Ossifrage's intentions as well as the scattered Fire Support element of the squad.

"Anchor on me. Hammer to Anvil."

His swift words were accompanied by the Shell's sudden blitz of movement, powerful arms striking into the sands. In a scarce few moments the Shrike was, by all visibility, just another partially buried old Shell near to Hachidori's ambush position. A swiftly executed ping to acknowledge Hachidori deliberately was all the further communications offered by Shrike as they awaited their ambush targets. The constant drum of the rain was almost soothing in a moment like this. Beneath the sands one hand unfused its fingers and gripped its pistol in concealment, the shield-bearing left arm above the sands and ready to produce its protective barrier should the ruse fail-- or should his allies own shots fly danger close in the moment of ambush. Such was the way of war.
I’m always lingering around for if folks catch the vibe again :)
Temptations. I like the aesthetic and vibe here. I've been on a sci-fi kick and have a soft spot for -Punk. I'm not experienced or knowledgeable in Armored Core, do I need to do any homework on that setting/property to catch the vibe you're going for, or do you think I'll be able to pick up on it from the chatter?
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