Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I hadn’t been trying to ignore or blow Gabe off before, Zav just got exclamation-pointed by Bullywug Schemes and now her rigid brain is playing catch up.
Zavakri tittered, chittered, chirruped, and assaulted the nails upon her left hand in a thinly veiled visage of anxious deliberance as Aurora cut her political deal with the bullywugs. The woman had thrown her lot in with her companions’ direction on these matters, but it wasn’t until the final deal thoroughly struck and notarized* that she seeemd to finally relax. She made a stiff bow, twisted on a heel, and trodded after Aurora into the semblance of privacy offered in accordance with Hospitality by their hosts.

As soon as Zavakri took a knee and leant upon the window, she seemed as if about to speak- but was silenced by the uproar of the Bullywugs. Her gaze shifted as if drawn by the outburst to the outer world, where she witnessed the rising of the balloon. Her eyes narrowed, then began to glow from within in the now-familiar clockwork display of her magic. She lifted her now teeth-hewn left hand and framed the balloon with her index and thumb fingers, a spectral grid projecting from her eyes and framing within her hand’s parameters. She shifted her hand slightly, the gridwork aligning with the hot air balloon as glowing points began to appear along the path of the carriage.

“…Mm, sloppy flightwork, could be smoother. Shape of that balloon makes for some strange aerodynamics, good gust of wind would set it right into a spin. At least it’s got the lads spirits up. We may have our work cut out for us if they’re a minority, though.”

She lowers her hand, the magical mathematica evaporating from her gaze. Without even looking up to make sure her intended recipient had, in fact, followed them into this period of rest Zavakri continued. She remained gazing out of the window at the balloon, simple curiosity rather than analytical graphing.

“This is a plan straight out of Rirvudd’s stories, but there’s one thing I want to clear the air with to balance the scales. Er, so to speak. If it’s not my place to say anything then so be it, but I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that unless you’re a remarkably different character than I’ve got you pegged for, it wasn’t your fault Gabe. I certainly don’t trust you any less, I don’t fear for your magic gone awry, I don’t find myself second guessing your judgement, and I certainly don’t find myself disliking your company. Accidents happen. We can’t… we can’t know every variable, every formula, every function. In my eyes, you’re a brave man who tried to help a friend in a time of danger and that’s what matters.”

She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

“The only thing you’re guilty of is being a better person than me. I don’t like to admit it, but part of me is still afraid of Brut and I can’t help but wonder if the cosmos would be a more balanced place without him in it. But I have to acknowledge that part of me, about how he seems to live a life so antithetical to my own, and remind myself that doesn’t make him unworthy of his own life and quest. If any of us are guilty of anything, it’s me for having to even debate if his dying would have even been such a bad thing.”

She grew quieter as she spoke. She tapped at her temple with her fingers, eyes half closed as she admitted this to herself aloud as much as them.

“We’re all bound together. By this place, by our dreams, by our purpose, by this quest of ours. If we aren’t honest with ourselves and each other, we’ll fall prey to the foul chaos of this place and end up facing ourselves and our reflections moreso than our foes and their machinations. I’m sorry for rambling, I was trying to clear the air and I guess I had some more murky thoughts in my head than I realized…”

She lifted her head to finally look around the room sheepishly, blinking as if she had forgotten she was even trying to speak to people aloud.
Short rest, gotcha boss. Time to remember if that does anything for Zav. Been a minute. I can at least update my sheet while on a train. Upon reflecting, indeed, the only short rest ability on a clockwork soul sorcerer is at level 20. Zavakri is thusly refreshed.

Her Aid spell would stay in effect, it theoretically lasts until we typically would next long rest. I’d like to retroactively shift the extra HP onto Zav if you don’t mind since Tsak hasn’t been active for a bit.
Praise be the multi-planar shenanigans, I shall be lurking and observing.
I shall reread and sneak a post in sometime upon my return to the correct half of the planet, but it seems Zavakri shall now be an agent in the disruption of local government. How very Thay-ish.
Yes, but a promotion from pond scum to pond slime is still a promotion. Zavakri would never dare presume she wields enough PURE LAW to be a tridrone.
…A Duodrone?!?!
If Rory is an Archfey, then Zavakri is a Modron. Tis only fair.
Godspeed, Fellsing, you’ve attracted players
"Never been." CAPTCHA replied easily, her voice ringing aloud. "Been to Berlin, been to London, been to Hong Kong, but never been to Lisbon."

She rises out of her chair and stretches in a languid manner, yawning as her eyes flutter awake fully. CAPTCHA's next steps took her over to that trid screen before Bomoh and Tenno, which she rapped her knuckles upon lightly. Her Matrix Persona mimicked the action and danced to the 'front' of the screen to meet CAPTCHA's fist with the digital equivalent of a fist bump. CAPTCHA winked at herself on the screen, and the corpse-bride half of her brain blushed before racing off-screen.

"I'll see what I can dig up on the quick." CAPTCHA ran a hand through her hair in an almost lazy way as she leaned against the screen and shut her eyes. "We're closer now, noise isn't so bad..."

And before their eyes she digitally grasped the trid screen with her mind, claiming it for her matrix display. Within a few moments a map of the city projected from the trid screen, growing increasingly more detailed and complex as CAPTCHA rested against it. A strange limpness overcame her body and she seemed to sag against the device, her voice coming from the screen itself rather than her body as she next spoke;

"I hope you all like a rowdy place." her voice sounded playful and amused. "Corporate parliament, standard fare after the Eurowars, but there's a lot of SK bankrolling going on in the high level investments. Not gonna dig into that, just means there's eyes on the place. Wuxing is bound to be active in the port, I can't imagine them not having their golden fingers in the pie somehow. Conjecture, no time to verify, just spitballing how I see it. Lusiada is the ruling corp, and there's been a couple recent declarations about trying to combat the piracy and smuggling in the port. That tells me we'll have some shadows to work with, this sprawl isn't the shiniest. So long as we have good intel from Mr. Johnson over there, I think we'll be able to squeak through the cracks of this place."

The map focuses in on the port for a moment, detailing the unholy expanse of man-made islands and shipping lanes, and how the district appeared almost like an inflamed cancerous growth on the rest of the city that was bleeding into the ocean. The map shifted, momentary blips of traffic data flaring up as CAPTCHA raced her mind across the city-

But she hissed between her teeth, her eyes fluttering open. She wetted her lips and pulled away from the monitor, turning to back away from it as she studied her handiwork.

"And that's all GOD wants me to have today, I won't be able to jump onto a local grid until we land so unless we need more data in a pinch I'm taking it easy on the deck-work for now. I saw a few other headlines, but I don't think a mystery about a string of serial murders is going to be relevant to us. Once we're on the ground I'll get eyes in the air, but I'll be most comfortable if we can secure some wheels- particularly a van, otherwise I'll be trying to sneak Excalibur up alleyways."

By now she's backed to the rear of the cabin to flit her gaze down towards the ongoing series of poker games. She shifts her hips, sliding back easily onto the table to lean over the pot of 'gambled goods' and lean really really close to Wildfire and Frost. She raised an eyebrow as she studied them, then smirked for no discernible reason at all.

"Yep, I've got a good vibe about this crew. You all might be younglings, but that's no issue for me at all."
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