Avatar of Fairy Overlord


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6 yrs ago
Hi guys! On 10-hour days for at least the rest of the week so if I don't get back to you in a timely manner, that's why. Sorry!


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It has recently come to my attention... that the catgirl image for the pair I was looking for was BROKEN and none of you told me. Please subtract 5 brownie points from your total!

Also, that picture is fixed now so take a look and lemme know if you're up for playing the pair of 'em~<3 Rest assured the picture is not sexual in any way. It's two very much fully clothed catgirls standing side by side.
Also added a new thing to the main RP list! The mute leading the blind -- an RP centering around two girls with often conflicting disabilities overcoming those limitations and falling for each other.
Gonna bump this, but after today I'm gonna close myself to any new RPs! Got a lot going on and can only realistically handle maybe a couple more. Then I'll have to wait until some of the current ones end.
Most of this stuff has been transferred to the 1x1 thread, plus a few extras! Meet me over there if you're interested!
Welcome! If you're ever looking for RP, feel free to message me~ I'm almost constantly looking to set things up!
Aaaand a bump! Added a specific thing that I'm looking for to the 'Darker Stuff' section, beneath all the potential pairings. Take a look if you're interested!

Might add more specific desires if things go well with this one, dunno. We'll see!
Gonna bump this -- currently looking for more 18+ oriented scenes, many of which revolve around incest and slavery. Lemme know if you'd be interested in something like that. I'm generally good with F X F pairings or M X F pairings, where I'm playing the male. I'm also willing to play some nonbinary characters with elements of both if that's more your speed!
In Hello 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome! Don't be a stranger now~ :D
Welcome fellow newbie! :D
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