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7 yrs ago
Current Oh, you know... Stuff.


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The battle had ended before it had begun. I know that that's sort of a cliche thing to say, but just look at it! Star had descended upon the leader of the group, never aware that it wasa KING she was assaulting, and a bodyguard of some kind had gotten in the way. The gargoyle would've been the last thing the captain saw, glaring vicious intent and effectively not even seeing her until she was already gone. In afterthought, Morningstar realized that someone had gottenn away, the reason why this man bearing the crown was on the ground below her, and not a splatter himself. He also seemed to be employing some sort of shield. Interesting...

Oh, and apparently six hundred armed soldiers had just exploded behind her, bathing her with intense firelight as any residual flames from Garlock's spell did absolutely no harm to her whatsoever. In fact, she turned to look the cat mage's way in confusion, surprised that he had even bothered to help her. Had he said something about facing his wrath? If he was attacking, though, why did he use a spell that could never hope to damage her? Unless...ohhh...he'd been fooling these people into believing he was on their side.

Oops. I think I spoiled something here. Oh well.

Garlock was looking over the scene, as of now. He probably shouldn't have used his greatest fire spell on this. He'd destroyed the army of soldiers, as intended, but with the second stage of the spell, he had utterly destroyed the area around them, leaving nothing but wasteland of broken everything, including that demon king that he'd been getting on with. Well, he'd been playing with the idea of stalking and killing him, anyway. Tasty birdy. The dark magus sighed as he approached the now-landed Morningstar. He knew that she was looking after what she considered the best interests of the Cathedral, but they would have gone away, none the wiser.

"A little overkill, don't you think?"

"You're one to talk. Look at this place!"

She gestured to the scorched landscape, looking a bit pissed off.

"You left me behind. I didn't know what was going on!"

"It was none of your business what I was doing. Now, you've gotten us both in the middle of this thing."

The demon scowled at him.

"There wasn't suppose to BE 'a thing'. You made it a thing, you stupid cat!"

The black magus growled at her.

"Everything. Was. Fine."

Aaand it's about this time that King Lucius regained his footing and addressed them. Really, Star was surprised that he could stand after that, let alone breathe and...you know...be in one piece. In fact, this intrigued her enough that she actually smiled at him.

"Well, hey! You're still alive! Of course, you can live! I need someone to bring back, or else this was a total waste! Ummm..."

Star seemed to falter for a second, then inclined her head more towards Garlock to ask just who this guy was, exactly. Garlock facepalmed.

"Oh, for the love of... Alright, fine. This is King Lucius of some country at war with a place called Amali. Look into that, would you? I'm going to be very busy, for a while."

"Why, what're you gonna be up to?"

Garlock vanished, and then Lucius would find his crown taken from him, and placed upon the head of...King Lucius?! There was another king in their midst! Garlock had cast an illusion to appear as the winged man himself, battle damage and all. He walked past Lucius with a grin on his face.

"I go where the muse takes me..."

Any attempts from Lucius to stop Garlock from his act of limping away now, like a wounded warrior making his way to some sort of refuge, would be met with Star's mace blocking him. She would look, rather calmly, into the man's eyes, and speak plainly now.

"You are my captive now, and must accompany me to the place of my lord, where you will be questioned."

And this would be something of an eye-opener for Lucius. Not only had he been assaulted by two powerful foes, but they had a leader above them?! And just wait 'till he meets Volaris! Star now attempted to grab Lucius so that she could fly him back to Dead Moon Cathedral, as Garlock fully intended to become The Cat Who Would Be King.
@Kazemitsu I'm aware and I'm rather pissed, myself. I PM'd Scorp last night.

Everyone start planning to move on.
I think we have openings still. This is, after all, a squad in the armed forces and all. Up to the GM, though.
@LetMeDoStuff Sure, man. No problem.

@LetMeDoStuff Good to know. I'll move it over now, then.
@LetMeDoStuff For the record, I'll transfer Isaac over once his final rank is confirmed, one way or the other.

Just pointing out here that I will be working on a gunner, as well.
I don't know how much our world diverges from theirs. It's why I asked.
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