Name: Hirohiko Fujiyama (But everyone calls him Dread)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dread makes no attempt to hide who and what he is. He is, in reality, just a human being, but doesn't think in terms of that. We'll get to that later. What he defines himself as physically as someone who seems built enough to go from zero-to-kill-you in a second. He looks like someone who looks down on other people as garbage, and wishes nothing more than to toss them into a bonfire and light a match. He's strong, he's pale-looking, he has scars from basically the life he's led, and he doesn't seem to care. The only real important identifiers on his body that make him stand out are the tattoos he has on both of his arms, that of a black mamba's head on his shoulder spitting out a series of black vipers down his arms.
Personality: Ah, here we go, the million-dollar psychosis. Dread was just simply
wrong from the start. For some reason, he just started regarding those closest to him as slaves, all people around him as prey, and everyone as disposable as trash. In fact, he hates to even be around people, as they make him feel dirty. Not as in some prick who's arrogant as hell and calls people garbage all the time. No, he
hates you, and he wants nothing more than for you to die. If you're not giving him something he wants, you're being looked at like a body on a surgical table. You're an
animal, which is ironic because what HE a monster.
Dread believes that the word and the definition of 'human' was only put there to make such creatures feel smug about themselves, that they're not any better than any other being, except for him because he's putting you in his place. He believes that people should all be below him, and he enforces this in the oldest way, by fear or by force. Dread wants you in two places, in fear of him or preparing to die. It isn't some sort of plot to seize power. He has no ambition higher than everyone cowering in his presence as he walks by. It is highly-unlikely that he can get along with
anyone, which is why Red-Star decided to use him.
Backstory:He was born in Japan, and in one of the worst sectors that Red-Star owns in such, although the word he would use was...produced. He has no real ties to his parents, and he did not like the name they imposed upon him. It felt limp, weak, dirty... Of course, you don't think about that in your earliest years, but Dread developed
wrong as a child. He was a scavenger with an over-developed feel for violence. He bit people. His parents tried to get him out of that and he snarled at them. On some instinctual level, Dread felt this world was shit, and he was right about that much. However, alot of the things that he determined after that were horrible... When he decided on his own moniker, things got worse.
He developed in a survivalist mentality of kill-or-be-killed, except he did not think of himself as a human trying to survive. He thought of human beings as weak hanger-ons and that he should kill them for their stuff if they didn't immediately hand it over. Time passed like this, and you can imagine that his parents didn't last long. Nurturing behavior wasn't his thing. They were a resource, and when they ceased to be useful to him...snap. Naturally, you could expect that even in the worst sectors of the Red-Star, they would eventually become aware of a guy going around, methodically killing people who didn't just cringe at his presence. Dread wasn't like a ganger who surrounded himself in toadies who will follow him and he wasn't like someone trying to start an underground movement to take over. He was just
death and
terror. So, they picked him up and said "We want your kind of talent in Red-Star. We will give you things you want if you handle situations the way we want. You may find it most rewarding.".
The fact is that Red-Star is just as bad as him, but a little more controlled and alot more ambitious. They are a corporation that is taking the world and forcing every part of it into product, with no care for human concern or freedoms of any kind. You're there to feed the machine. Dread cared little for their plans, on the whole, but it seemed they wanted him to be better and more capable at what he does, and to extend such acts to more people. That was fine, but if they crossed him, it was going to be a bad day for all.
Tactical Preferences and Skills: He has two modes of combat, methodical and vicious, and he is very good at both. He really has no care for anything beyond asserting himself as a dominant creature, and therefore looks for the means to definitively put himself there. If you are dangerous in a complicated way, he wants to take apart everything that makes you strong until you have little to nothing left. If you are simply deadly in a straightforward way, he will overpower you with little care of what happens to his body, except for the most basic of self-preservation. Anything that isn't life-threatening makes no difference to him, so he'll power through.
Notes: Red-Star has Dread under constant surveilance in case he turns against them, but he
knows they're always watching him.
Code-name: Ursa Nova
Appearance: Ursa Nova is a melee assault machine with mid-range attack options. It is designed to close in on targets and never give them a moment to think as it viciously attacks with its built-in weaponry. It is essentially a hunter-killer of high caliber, both durable and surprisingly agile, for all its mass and destructive capability.
Body Type: Variable Bipedal/Quadroped.
Type of NC: Heavy Assault
Equipment & Armaments: Claws/Teeth/Grinders - All of the noted sharp points of Ursa are heated to the point of being able to more-easily tear into any target, like dumping lava onto a car, but with the force of a crusher. The clawed hands and feet CAN melt the ground around them upon contact with it, and it is possible for Ursa to scoop up bits of the landscape, mold it into a molten projectile, and throw it at an enemy. This is essentially a parlor trick, but it can be dangerous if caught unawares. The mouth of Ursa is designed to clamp down and maul its target until either torn off or forced away somehow. The grinders are essentially heated saws and drills in one, useful for backhanding opponents and tearing whatever's hit to bits. While it is technically possible for this machine to burrow because it's a
bear, it is not practical for it to do so.
Heat/Plasma Jet System - This is a fully-integrated system working with both jet engine technology and plasma-flame projectors. Ursa Nova is very often on fire, so much so that a rain storm or even a blizzard will not make it quit. It is a heavily-insulated machine with flame ports on the torso and in the palms of the machine, as well as in the mouth. These ports project high-heat plasma supplied by the heavy reaction units inside of the beast, any of which could be turned up to thrust-capable levels of force, though the actual jet engines for maneuvers are in the feet and in the lower back (retractible ports there). Heat-dispersion vents to remove internal heat are located in the back near the shoulder haunches, keeping the pilot at normal temperatures. They purge with force, so jamming them is unlikely. As a result, Ursa adds intense plasma flames or bursts to its attacks, at will.
Energy Shield - Because Ursa is a heavily-armored unit, it can come under attack from a distance while closing said distance, so it makes sense to apply the use of an energy shield to protect it. The envelope gives it the ability to tank even harder hits and dissipate excess internal heat in case attempts were made to prevent this from happening. Since this machine is designed to tank hits in the first place, there can be nothing more galling than watching it recover from attempts to disable it and being unable to reliably harm it.
Prototype Overcharger - Ursa Nova was given an Overclock Engine that was a prototype for the NC, Id, one that had failed to work to acceptable standards. Once the working model had been produced for Id, though, this model could be properly repaired and placed in another NC. It has all of the same uses as the one from Id, plus it has been meshed with Ursa's heat-dispersion system.