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7 yrs ago
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@Double I think our techniques are just stronger, at this point. We couldn't risk ki training stuff that'd risk damaging the ship. At least, Niko couldn't.
Super Verbosity!!

He really hadn't expected it to be like this. Any of it.

As they left the ship and he locked up, Niko was still shocked by the attack that had just occurred mere minutes ago. Wu-Han was alot more chill, but Niko had been the one working at the controls, so all the other man could do anyway was ride it out. They were here now on Mars, and the actions taken against them already told Niko that this wasn't going to be as easy as he initially thought. He'd allowed himself to grow cocky, because he was one of the strongest people in the world, as of now, and that he'd just spent a good while covering his bets by training further. But then, he hadn't reckoned on missles. Had to be reminded here: Guns and artillery were still plenty powerful, and he didn't even have a pistol to his name.

Really oughta' rectify that, if I can.

In time, perhaps. Speaking of which, it was time they got out of here. The MMC may or may not have the ability to track them down. No more missles, for now, but if some patrols were sent out to find them, that wouldn't surprise him. Realizing that bringing out a Capsule bike or something right now would actually give their position away by prevaling dust cloud - Mars could still kick up dirt like going off-road on the deserts of Earth - it seemed wiser to take things by foot. It wasn't hot and it wasn't gonna BE hot. This was Mars, which meant that - even after all the progress in terraforming - it would still be kinda' cold. Can't beat Earth's proximity to the sun, sometimes. Anyway, they started moving and... Okay, so you know how you might be driving in Kansas and, despite the speed you're going, you feel like you aren't moving? Well, this was that in reverse!

"Holy- What the...?"

Imagine surging forwards, but you get where you're going quicker than you expected, and you're not even trying! Niko started moving, and then flinched while looking back, feeling that he was already exceeding his fastest movement on Earth. Was this just the weak gravity? No no no... This is what all that training gets you! Oh...he made the right decision. The MMC may've taken potshots at them, and they may have all the guns, but right now, Niko was pretty sure he could whip all of his peers from basic training. It put a smile on his face. He wasn't going to underestimate the fact that their enemy had a strong hold of this planet, but perhaps the odds were a bit more even? Speaking of which, their enemy had an actual stronghold on this planet, as in a monolith of heavy materials surrounded by an electric fence, a security wall, and likely numerous guards inside. They were quickly approaching this now - as they didn't apparently even NEED a car, right now, when it'd been in view soon after leaving their landing site - while having used all the cover to get here about as undetected as was conceivable. They hadn't sent a squad of James Bond villain henchmen after them, so the tactic seemed to work. Now, they had their first real obstacle, Han looking to him for suggestions. Niko had been thinking on the way here, looking at the structure and reasoning out the likely security procedures for this fortress city.

"Well, it's an octogonal perimeter wall and fence with eight entrances and probably a decent security check at the gates. The turret guns will fire at anything that moves within their general field of view, and while it doesn't look like they're too close to an entrance, naturally all the guards are armed so as not to generally matter. This would be difficult on a standard infiltration team, which I've been a part of, but right now I don't have any kit."

Apart from no guns on his person, he had no camouflage gear, no body armor, no sensor baffles, no hacking gear, no nothing. He was dressed in his civvies and had that kind of loadout: Wallet, keys, cellphone, and a few Capsules. With this in mind, however, Niko smirked.

"That said...we've worked up a physical advantage that gives us options. For instance, we could wait for a truck of some kind bound for the city, maybe get on its back without the driver noticing, and then get underneath it as it has to slow down for the gates. We remain out of anyone's field of view while on back and getting underneath, we're good at least until the guys with the mirror-sticks start checking the underside of the vehicle. From there, depending on how fast we are, we could bolt through the gate or fight long enough to put the guards on their asses and THEN book it. If I can get a handle on a gun, I could even disarm them with relative ease and we don't even have to dodge bullets, going in. At least, until someone else starts shooting."

He had always felt before that he didn't care too much what happened to MMC personnel throughout all this, that they deserved to be shot especially if he was being shot at FIRST, but ironically the assassin's judgement of his character - the very thing that stayed Han's hand in attempting to kill him - made Niko re-think this in the time they were traveling in space.

"The other idea I have in mind is immediately risky, but we don't have to fight any people unless they're right on the other side of the wall. Turrets will open fire on us as soon as we're in some unspecified range, most likely if we try jumping the fence or even a little before. This company can afford to repair a fence. So, they open fire, but maybe we're a bit quicker, and we get to the base of the wall and jump UP, tackling one of these turrets in the process. It can't fire because it's no longer able to hit us, the other nearest turrets likely won't fire because of their programming. They can afford to replace 'em too, but would you want your turrets destroying each other by accident? In any case, the second plan is simply believing that we can out-think a predictable killing machine, and ultimately at the end of this, we get into the city and they raise some kind of alarm on us."

He gave the assassin a serious look now.

"There's no way into that place that doesn't make security aware of us somehow, not unless we actually sneak out from under a truck too quickly for people to notice and slip away, which isn't likely. We have to think that they're going to discover us, and only be surprised at our luck if we are that lucky. Well...that is, unless you have another idea that could."

After all, an assassin like him could easily be a part of an infiltration team, as well. He might have a brilliant idea that Niko hadn't even thought of. Though...the way he'd been clenching his fists kind of indicated that he wanted to punch something really hard.
@Double Either could work because he's a top man and either is possible for top men.
@Double Sounds like a 'power isn't everything' kind of deal where his skill and experience wins out, but we're not dead because he exhausts himself doing it and the circumstances don't allow him to pull together enough to finish anyone.

All good things must come to an end.

Things were doing alright. They had the game, they had a healthy bit of conversation, and they even had another taker in the form of a new Private. They hadn't been formally introduced, but one look said it all: She was a Darcsen who had the look of someone who didn't have time for your crap about why you hate Darcsens...or women, judging by the her question by way of introduction when she wanted to be dealt in. The thing is, yes, she had been there for a while, but it was in fact her quiet up until now that had let her be overlooked. Isaac looked over the offered matches and nodded at her.

"Fine by me. Anyone that smokes needs matches, so yeah, no problem."

...but it turns out he spoke too soon, because a Sergeant Talas soon came to their position and asked for Private Mehetabel and Sergeant Schafer, as per orders from Captain Middleton, that they had a mission to perform, so they had to prepare. This, in turn, had Isaac gathering up the cards as those two started off back into the trenches proper. Naturally, there were some protests, but the Lance-Corporal held up his hands to silence their woes for a second.

"Yes, I know, but if that was Middleton, then I know what comes next."

"Lance-Corporal Black?"

"And there it is. Present and accounted for."

In short order, another man had indeed appeared in the wake of the Sergeant to deliver him the message from Middleton to prepare for a misison. Curiously, it was different from what Talas had just told the other two. He also didn't like the fact that he was pretty sure he understood what it was the Grumpus wanted, even without additional explanation.

"Well, there you have it. We'll pick up another time."

Britta Hagen

She had only just put away Private Blanc's extremely valuable and highly-sentimental weapon away in the footlocker when someone came for him. A sergeant had come in and asked for him by name, looking somewhat irritated by the fact that the man had been hard to find. Of course, Marius had been sort of lost and without orders or direction, at this time, so one could hardly blame him. Smiling slightly, Britta nodded at the man and said "Well, I guess now you have your orders. I'm sure they'll be able to straighten out everything. Just the same, you take care of yourself, Private Blanc." before he left. Britta then turned to tidy up the Isaac Store locker for a moment, so everything was in order and the gun was on the bottom, when...

"Private Hagen?"

"Right here. How can I help you?"

"Orders from Captain Middleton, ma'am. You're to meet him and others at the Supply Trench for laying duty. More instructions to follow there."

She looked up after locking the container up. Laying duty? There was something familiar about that, but she couldn't place it at the moment.

"Is this in any relation to the Sergeant who just asked another man in my midst to head for the Assault Trenches for a mission?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Alright, thank you. I'll be on my way."


The two Gunners arrived at the Supply area not too long after Diana had arrived. Isaac nodded at her greeting.

"Doing alright. Five minutes ago, I was better, though."

"Winning hand?"

"Not-Losing hand. The take is so-so. I deposited it in the box and headed over here. You?"

"I was there when I got the order, but I had to get the rest of my gear ready, since I wasn't on patrol, like you."

Diana had mentioned she was distracted by her own thoughts, so she hadn't been paying attention.

"No problem. This, though...is as feared."

He gestured to the wound wire mesh that was sitting nearby.

"Oh, you know what we're doing?"

"I have a strong impression. You see, you set up things among your crops to deter birds and animals from eating them, you do the same for livestock, but a bit differently. You gotta keep chickens safe from foxes, and you...gotta keep the wolves we got away from them too, just in case they keep any ideas. Barbed wire helps, makes for decent fences, so I know a thing or two about setting it up."

The Lance was pretty sure about this. 'Laying Duty' - with setup and cover - implied that the stuff they used to foil people sneaking through No Man's Land needed to be deployed out there. In the time of their being at this trench, this very job had probably been undertaken several times, because of course what both they and the enemy did was crawl through No Man's Land, looking for a point of infiltration, cutting through those sharp wires in order to reach the other side. Thus, they would have to be replaced, and that meant going out there to work on the stuff, with someone making sure that all their asses didn't get shot. It was dangerous, it was tedious, and it was kind of necessary...which made it a definite Middleton kind of assignment.

That's assuming, of course, that Isaac was in the right. Part of him actually hoped that he was, because if it wasn't...it could be worse!

Things were going well, so far. Nero had gone all chaotic with the controls for reasons of never having flown before and wanting very much to have the attention of air security here at the Galactic Bazaar. That much had worked, and he felt that he was sort of getting the hang of how to steer this puppy. Even better! The Bazaar authorities had shouted over the gunship's comm system at him, at first trying to ascertain what was wrong because they had no idea that the thing had suddenly been hijacked, followed by shouts of threats when they realized that the thing might've been hijacked. Of course, there was always the possibility that the men who were out-cold in here beside him were just disloyal, but who was going to believe that when there was a dark shadow in the pilot's seat? Nero hadn't actually switched on the guns - although he was sorely tempted to - because...well...everyone else would complain about it. They weren't Ascendancy, the local authorities, so why do it, right? Besides the fact, Tarak actually contacted him, telling 'im not to do anything terrible to security.

"Relax, I've just been keeping them occupied so they can't bear down on you guys. Take care of things and I'll be back on the ship soon enough after you're done."

He was really starting to think that what he should do with some of his money was to get something kickass like this to fool around with. Aaand he would've continued like this if someone hadn't decided to ummm...interfere. See, there'd been this noise, and it made him tense because he thought that maybe the gunship had a third guy tucked back behind the pilot section, but when he turned-


It was a good thing that he'd been leaning forward while wrangling the controls, because otherwise his back would've been directly against it as it emerged from his shadow. The light from outside had cast it thus, and when this apparition suddenly appeared and called him by name, Nero's actions were swift and direct, even while panicked. He jumped away from the seat - as in towards the cockpit window after pulling one of the security guards' sidearms. Immediately, the shadowy creature's form would take a full clip of coilgun shots. Nero didn't use guns famously, but he knew HOW to use 'em, and even an unskilled nobody can expect to hit a target that's point-blank. He probably destroyed the back of that pilot's chair, as well. However, Nero would have no time to appreciate the damage done to Maybe-Ophelia-We're-Not-Sure, because what he'd done was back himself into the controls of the craft, as in he pushed the stick sharply forwards.

"Oh shit!"

Imagine for a moment that you are on the ground. After the pillar of flame was over and some special ground manipulation 'escorted' security from the premises, someone declared it to be 'Goblin-Thirty', and now a bunch of Underdark denizens were capering about the place with bone axes. And then, a gunship suddenly takes a nosedive onto the scene! Well, to be fair, Nero DID pull back at like the last second, so instead of outright crashing the thing, it became an effective 'ditch'. As in, that thing you do when you can't land properly, so you get down on the ground safely by ANY means necessary, sacrificing the vehicle. It's also a point that the gunship would likely cleave a ditch into the place, anyway. So, Nero struggled with the controls last-minute, the gunship slid across the ground, and he saw several...forms. What the hell? Goblins?! Who ordered these assholes? And how many did he just plow through? A few of 'em went flying, at least.

Anyway, the impact had hit him, though not as badly as it would likely injure the two guys to his right - They'd live. - and not as badly as it could've been. He'd been battered without armor, which was mostly just painful. Stepping out of the gunship now, Nero saw that he was actually in sight of a definite Finn portal. Great! Time to get the fuck out before another shadow-thing attacked and...wait. That's not how Ophelia's powers work, right? She was a Netherworld deterrant. Granted, he'd never really figured out how her powers DID work, exactly, but like everyone else, he'd met Squad 0 at one point, so he was of course familiar with her work. Mostly the chains.

Was there another shadow user out there?

He'd deal with that later as he started introducing plasma blade to goblin flesh as he headed for the portal out of here.
She gave the cat-form a nod, saying "Everything about the Metaverse itself. I had to learn the ins and outs of Morpheus on my own.", knowing that Morgana would be pleased to know how much of a help he'd been. They all were, of course, but to explain the details of that world first was Morgana, and she was a quick enough study due to her background. It started getting complicated when Futaba mentioned the power of Cognative Psience, which Ryoko hadn't heard of 'till then, but immediately got the feeling that she herself was immersed in without realizing it. The Metaverse probably ran on it, or it was the science OF the Metaverse explained for everyday human understanding. Hard to say. Still, it WAS a problem, the two of them not knowing the details of everything. Honestly, she hated it too, but time was running out, and Ren wasn't coming around on his own. She had to do this, or things might get ugly soon.

The suggestion of Morgana going with her was to engage a measure of trust, in that he would go along with things more readily if a friend were accompanying her, making sure that everything was on the level. Besides the fact, she would welcome his company on what was probably going to be a harsh sort of journey through whatever was bothering him, and be invaluable because of their living together over the course of seven years. Now, the question of how they enter the Dreamscape was brought up, and before Ryoko could even explain, they came upon the answer, already. In fact, the words that Ren volunteered were hitting upon the right sort of area. Ren knew his own head, after all. Any man who could wield like a dozen Personas at once had to have some idea of what goes on inside of him.

"You're very close. Like the fissures left by the Dreamer as it forced its way into minds, the passage to the subconscious lies in the parts that have caused emotional unrest. Anything close will pull at the veil, cause it to part and open up to you, like prodding a patient to speak their mind. It just needs a few more, including the subject's name..."

She held the phone close to her own mouth and said "Ren Amamiya, Joker of the Phantom Thieves, and hmmm...coffee shop?", knowing that these words would certainly provoke the right feelings and mindset. The image of a brain on the phone had been unfocused, but then - like The Outer Limits - it shifted into crystal clarity, and she nodded with a "Got it.". From here, she now stepped back and gestured for Morgana to join her across the room. Had to make sure Ren was out of this thing's range, after all. Once Morgana was nearby, Ryoko pressed the button, looking toward Ren with just a hint of sadness. She didn't know what had happened between him and Ann, but as Panther had been one of his closest friends - like all the Phantom Thieves - it bothered her to know that something had gone wrong with not only the Thieves themselves and their mission, but also their normal lives. As the area began to come into focus on a scene central to all the most pertenent words spoken, she and Morgana would naturally change. Ryoko was now in a black-and-orange racing jumpsuit with a backlit helmet of similar color that had kind of a dragon motif to it.

"Morgana, you and I should both be able to sense the source of the disturbance if it's anything serious, and we both know him very well. Let's do this, no mistakes."
It was always going to be difficult, trying to convince a man who doesn't remember what he did that he did it. Imagine a victim of abuse, traumatized to the core, who has committed murder in self-defense. Even if they were acquitted of the offense, who wants to admit that that ever happened? Who wants to expose themselves to the pain? Admittedly, the hunt for the Dreamer was definitely no vacation, but as much as it was a danger...there was also a joy, not to mention a certain satisfaction in having defeated the thing. Right now, though, it was more than just personal letdowns. Something was wrong. Both her and Morgana must've seen it. He knew Ren better than she did, and she...well...she knew him well enough. The pains were getting worse. Something was legit throttling his concentration. It looked like a concerted effort to agree to at least let her help him. They couldn't do it here, like he said, though.

"Your choice, then. Lead the way."

That was when Morgana shouted the idea of taking this to their place. Ryoko smiled slightly at his input, quietly thanking him for his help. They would leave without drinking their coffee. It just wasn't up to their standard. Now, whatever means of transport Ren had, Ryoko's definitely stood out more. Outside the cafe was a car that definitely stood out in Japan. It was a black-and-red Ford Mustang resemblant somewhat of the one used in Starman. Japanese license plate in back, vanity plate up front: 'HAMRHED'. Even approaching it, both Ren and Morgana would've felt some kind of connection to the Metaverse, like the calling card or...something else. It was no matter. They would head off and soon reach their destination: Ren's apartment.

The inside was not entirely unexpected. As Ryoko entered, she found herself nodding to herself about how it all seemed familiar to her. She knew about the room above LeBlanc, how it was about as sparse in decor, except for what could be added in the year of his parole. Like all the real Phantom Thieves - Yup, there they are. Futaba making a goofy face, Ryuji cheesy grin, Yusuke doing that portrait thing he does with his fingers... - Ryoko had heard about the man who tried to destroy his life with false witness testamony. The last time they'd spoken, it was almost a month from when they'd destroyed the Dreamer. Haru's Psychokinesis had been like a resounding cannon to the thing. Everything after that time...was a reminder of why it was good to be alive. But around the time they were investigating a Shadow to clear their name of the Okumura incident, Ren told her that he needed to focus on this, because he was exposing the traitor in their midst, and he told her never to invade his subconscious, because he would try to kill her, or worse. She agreed, and left him...

Without her presence, the effect of the Dreamer's last strike took hold...and Ren forgot...

Back here, in the present, the nostalgia was starting to get to her emotionally, and she stifled it, for now. Just because he might remember didn't mean he... Well, anyway, she had walked in with them, Morgana now able to walk freely. He had changed too. Regardless of his status as a being, he still had the body of a cat. The body was aging... That was a sad thing in of itself. Morgana deserved better. No time for that now, though. They wanted to know how she planned to handle this. Very well.

"I've been through countless minds via their subconscious. The medium has always been the Metaverse, because that place was always a subconscious landscape formed of human thought."

She regarded the blue-eyed animal that denied being a cat with some respect.

"Morgana, you taught me all the things I couldn't learn in a psychology book, but there were some things where that knowledge applied. You accessed the Palace of Shadows, I stepped into a mental landscape, the mind of a human being, through the back door which connects to every mind."

Pulling out her phone, a symbol not unlike the Metaverse Navigator was present. It was blue, though...

"I can access the normal aspects of the Metaverse via the Nav, but the Dreamscape function is almost akin to your Palace searches. If you know enough about a guy or if there's been some sort of damage, access granted. It was originally one of the powers I gained from Morpheus, but I made it a little more user-friendly after I met Futaba."

She gave Ren a more serious look, now.

"The point is that I can enter anyone's mind, even forcefully if I was of a mind to do so. I won't do that to you, or anybody else. The only thing I ever wanted to do with my studies and my talents was help people. If I enter your mind, I don't know what I'm gonna find this time around, but I'll never do anything like him. I can take Morgana with me, if you're not sure, but for obvious reasons, I'd prefer it if you didn't try coming in yourself. Your power has always been incredible, but I don't know what state your mind is in to handle a Futaba Paradox. Let your subconscious be our guide, like the first time we met. We'll seek out the source of the pain and see if it's something I can clear up."
Gotham, One Mile Up

Take this from the Timekiller's perspective: You're working hard to try and do a good thing, and this guy shows up with eyes glowing read, immediately accusing you of being somehow involved in the device under your feet, just because you're standing there. Now, Raimi didn't personally know Jon specifically, but again...avid Batman fan. She knew the Supes when she saw 'im, and the S don't lie. She didn't know as much about Kryptos as much the extended Batman family, but this had to be one of 'em, which said one thing very clearly: Red eyes mean sailors take warning. He had the heat beams primed faster than Cyclops during an eye exam. It was fortunate that her antics and her sudden shift of the time field to include him in it delayed his action long enough for the guy to reconsider. That being said, it was irritating that the walking WMD assumed there'd just be a random villain walking around here.

When he'd put away the potential for searing beams of death, the S-Man agreed to work together. Raimi was making sure to regulate the field they were in carefully. The way this place rotated to spread its weather disaster, having some of the strut they were on in too much of said time field would cause its physics to swing out of control from the rest of it. She was already starting to hear a slight creak under her feet, hence why she was focusing a little on it. The Supes' intentions were fairly straightforward, destroy or get rid of the device quickly, hopefully minimizing the damage caused by either action. Raimi, who'd seen a few nasty devices like this (and a TV shows to boot), had a feeling it wasn't as easy as that. Honestly, she was surprised this Weather Wizard hadn't installed some kind of security system on his machines. Then again, it was pumping out frozen hell at a rate most humans would find unapproachable. Still...

"The way I see it, this thing's manipulating all weather and air currents in the area to design. I don't know how it works, but I'll bet moving it without disabling the thing or trying to blow it up causes everything to go berserk. I was going to find and short-circuit the power supply, then slow it down when it falls out of the sky so wherever it lands, it's as harmless as a leaf."

She raised a taloned finger, then, with a smile.

"If we do it like that, the computer will still work and we can take it to someone to track down your Weather Wizard. The rest, you can compact to the size of a pea, for all I care."
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