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<Snipped quote by FalloutJack>

A fully automated Enclave remnants faction, mayhaps with several backups of President Eden's code lurking within? And one set on trying to reform the Enclave? An interesting proposition, certainly...

No Eden, no clones of Dick Richardson, no Colonel Autumn. Number One's Enclave is deemed a fresh start. There ARE two super computers that I played around with in the old campaign. One was a large mobile weapon meant as a Metal Gear reference, while the other is the machine that runs the plant itself, which has no mouth and it must scream. Number One is a reference to the TV show, The Prisoner, but I can tell you - without revealing his identity - that he is a genuine Fallout character.
<Snipped quote by FalloutJack>

So the general idea is in the west we fucked up in the east we fucked up somewhat and now is time to fix our shit.

"This organization has failed in every one of its endeavours under all previous leadership. I will be the one who brings us and the wasteland back to proper order. There will be no room for past sentiments of a dead government. We will march towards the future, and not be shackled by the past. To build a brave new world, that is what shall be done."
<Snipped quote by FalloutJack>

Thanks, and yeah, Fort Knox doesn't seem like a bad idea, though I think i'd like a bit more to go off of than just Fort Knox itself. There's lots of speculation about what exactly is still in Fort Knox, and by the metric of Fallout's resource situation pre-War, I wouldn't bet that anyone's still sitting on a gold mine.

I'll bet there's speculation. What I did for The REALLY Wild Wasteland RP was have it that the Fort Knox area retained automated (possibly malfunctioning) defense units that would include robots and on-site military turrets similar to the ones found at the Sierra Army Depot. Also a minefield, but that's to be expected. Nobody ever returns from this location, however, if they wander too far to the main gold vault. Amidst the semi-broken buildings and potential blast sites in the area, nobody's ever hit this building, it seems, and nobody's ever scoped it out too close either that's come back. The reason? Well, you're right. It does seem like people would go after the gold, using it for official purposes or just wanting to steal it. So, anyone getting past the basic defenses would be within striking distance of finding...mainly painted bricks. Lots of them...followed by several secret passages opening and a platoon of black powersuits wielding plasma rifles.

Welcome to the Enclave's secret weapons development center, son.

This is a large secret Vault built on United States' money by the organization that would later become known as the Enclave, the folks who secretly owned Vault-Tec, Poseidon Oil, and more while being essentially the shaodwy side of the government, pre-war. Post-war, they are a military organization of scientific levels that the Brotherhood of Steel fought so hard to not be like, but then as of Fallout 4, the BoS started going full-zealot, which I felt was following the path of Father Elijah.

But getting back to the Enclave, the story is that those that were able to pull out of their outposts in various locations around the US would gather here, under the command of a new leader who declared that "The old Enclave is dead. Long live the new Enclave.", and proceeded to operate a new organization which was going to be far more tactically sound and using the old head-brain properly to handle matters. The new leader, a black-and-red powersuited figure known only as Number One, has had some years to expand his limited amount of troops and to outfit those under his command.

I can give you alot more details than that (Categories of troops, weapons, vehicles, etc.) upon the asking.
@Yam I Am Looks like I could still use Fort Knox if we consider it basically edge of map on the west side. (Fort Knox is mid-way through Kentucky, under Indiana, and you can see Indiana in that map, just about.) But hey, I have something for you, since you bring up maps. A friend of mine showed this to me, and it's awesome.

Fallout Google Map
Okay, so not THAT East. Gotcha.
@Auz I have kind of a dumb question: Didn't the Legion originally come from the East? Maybe more Central, but wasn't the point of Ulysses and the Courier that they were mailmen from the West and East? You could have it that the Legion went back East to reconnct/regroup with territories it was more familiar with.
@Yam I Am None.
I'm actually looking this over now, but you know I'm interested in an actual Fallout campaign.

EDIT: Chances are, I'd probably represent something weird or outlandish that totally fits in with Fallout. If I can't think of something suitable for the occasion, though, I would request to run my version of the Enclave (You know they're not dead.), the same verson that I used in a campaign that lasted a good three years on another board, which plays up the Wild Wasteland trait. (Original flavor of this stems from Fort Knox, but I can adapt.)

A Bar on Taris.

Things did not go well.

The plan was thorough enough, let's be clear here, but even the best-laid of operations can't account for everything. The fact is that it stopped before it even started, because unfortunately Moff Drak's paranoia spiked, and he thought he'd get attacked by - and we're not even kidding here - an overgrown Zabrak who badly-damaged an Imperial Star Destroyer...alone. Honestly, that sort of thing would've given Singe the willies, but for the fact that it was little more than a rumor. Maybe Drak knew something more, like maybe certain mutterings about the infamous Lord Vader, who was now dead. Nobody could tell, but the point was that he'd ordered his Star Destroyers on patrol, TIE Fighters all over the place. It was impossible to get into the Mandalore System without being stopped, checked, and possibly blasted out of the stars. A normal team couldn't do this, right now. Or rather, not just ONE team. Singe called in one of her contacts. She hadn't contacted 'im lately, so she figured he could use the money. Thing is, what she got...was not what she expected at all.

People heard a rhythmic sort of pounding from far off, coming closer. What took a little too long to register soon became clear that these were footsteps, and the figure was through the door as the realization dawned. Many eyes stared at what came through the door, there. It was tall, heavyset, and armored. Black-and-orange from head to toe, with a large pack on its back, as well as a big gun. The figure was armed to the teeth, which at least that much wasn't a surprise to Singe, but she was expecting a big ole' shaggy Ranth, not a heavy Mandalorian! She sat there at her table alone, with Morgas and Goggles essentially watching from other parts of the room, and not one of them knew what the hell was going on! At least...not until the figure spoke.

"Meeting in person? That's new."

"So's the armor...Devero?"

The armored figure sat across from her. The build seemed right for a Ranth, but last she checked...he didn't have anything like this. It was only after someone came to ask if he had a drink to order - "Something hard. If it's got blood in it, make it a double." - that Singe actually calmed down. That was Devero Ruffalough, alright. Violent pyromaniac with ordinance for days...and apparently now a new set of armor? The Sephi took a swig of her own drink, processing this. She sent silent messages for the others to stand down. They didn't have anything that could penetrate that armor, anyway...

"It's been a while. Apparently, long enough for this to occur. How did you get that way, anyway? It's clearly built for you, so I doubt it's stolen."

"That's kind of a long story, aaand I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it. Short version: The Mandos saw some promise. I made the cut. They didn't think I would, but my natural affinity for all things violence and destruction kinda' helped."

"Alright...this actually helps me alot. I'm putting together a pair of teams to assassinate the dictator of Mandalore, which I was originally hired to do with a much more subtle plan that involved infiltration, trickery, brainwashed droids, explosives, and a swift exit."

"What went wrong?"

"A bigger, badder blockade."

Devero just went "Heh." as he got his drink, then activated the drinking tube in his helmet for it. There was a pause here...as Singe was still taking this all in. A Mando! Him, of all people! Yeah, his skill at blowing things up WAS impressive, and the Mandalorians appeared to favor something a bit more low-key than him, so what did he DO to make them recognize him?

"I take it there's a new plan that involves something a bit more direct?"

"A bit more. I was going to have you show up as new hired muscle, maybe even fool Drak into believing there was a section of your kind still loyal enough to the Empire to serve. I don't think that part's gonna work right now. Don't you...never take that off again?"

"That you or anyone else is aware of. Is this going to be a problem? Because I'd think this would make the troopers evacuate their polycarbide armor."

"I agree, which is why I'll make sure the people I assign to you are all well-armed, while the distraction team is mainly meant to get the blockade's attention enough for you to slip through."

"A good plan, but don't worry about the team. I've got one."

He hit the side of his helmet and said "Come on in. Job's waiting for us.". A few seconds later, the bar received a second heart attack...as three more Mandos walked in, took chairs, and sat at the table. One of them was part green, made to accommodate a Rodian, with some impressive dual blaster pistols and a couple weapons on his ba- Was that a Disruptor? Oh geez... Another was skinnier and wore a light armor that had blue on it. Seemed mesh under metal plate. He had only a sidearm. The last one was a definitey black and gray that... For some reason, she was getting an Imperial vibe from him, especially with that convertible rifle on his back. That looked Imperial issue, which bothered Singe alot. Shit and sons of bitches... She was staring down four goddamn Mandos, all of them with some sort of serpent marking on their armor.

"This isn't what I expected."

"We know! Isn't it great?"

"You four want to be the assault team, to push through Mandalore, no subtlety at all."

"There might be some subtlety. Maybe."

"With those suits?! I mean, I guess the parts that are Beskar helps, but if it were that easy to take down the government, someone would've done it, by now. It takes more than a four-man team."

"There will be a plan, once we touch down, don't worry. We've attacked Imperial-controlled areas before, and done alot worse, even before we joined."

"What's the big deal? I once killed an invincible man."

"No one is invulnerable."

"We know. He's dead. But he was covered head-to-toe in Beskar skin, and he was one of the Empire's Inquisitors, so imagine how tough that was. Trust me, we know our stuff."

Given the artillery that she'd seen on their person here, Singe decided to just let that go. Maybe they had a point. Maybe it was just about fucking time for the Mandos to take back Mandalore. She could make a bigger distraction team, send these guys in. If they were that confident, and the others let them be in a clan, then...what the hell, right?

"Okay, so here is the revised plan... And don't worry. If you guys pull this off, you'll be sitting pretty on credits for a good while."


He was just getting the Cleaving Tusk refitted with a new droid brain - just a simple one to make life easier - when he received the call. It was from Diabolus. He must've had new orders. Looking around and silencing the nearest person, he opened up communications.

-Ah, Mr. Tarak... You are on...Corellia, yes?-

"Yes. I was taking the time to secure the suppliers and lean on some of the manufacturers, so they send that which we need to the locations we desire. The Dread Adversary will be busy for quite some time..."

-Good, good... But now, I would like you to take your attention away from there...and head towards Kuat. It should take you no time at all. The Imperials are trying to take it, and since they would not embrace your presence, they can burn, and we will make sure the frail Republic keeps their foothold. But as you do, REMIND the denizens of that world that they are to be open to ALL business, to continue to supply us, no matter what.-

"Very well. I'll leave immediately."

-Do that, and...do keep your senses about you. I feel the Force on the move. There may be a Jedi...-

"Not...for long."

Not if he tries to interfere... Tarak snarled as he jumped into his Sith Fighter, and launched! To Kuat, he woud go, and arrive very soon. After all, it was only a stone's throw away, as far as hyperspace was concerned...

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