Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

This fireball was powerful enough to destroy a boulder of about 200 kilogram.

Not enough for Asmund I think, if the situation should escalate :O
I hope that I'll be able to post this evening, but I can't guarantee since I'm starting to feel a bit ill.
I have to admit that the creation of An-Hasst was an unusually high effort, but I once have GM'ed a fantasy game in a small german community and have invented an entire race named 'Hasst', so the idea was readily available.

My way of finding names can roughly be divded into two different approaches:
  • Usually I take the name of something ordinary, a person, a landmark, a chemical element, a unit name in an RTS, whatever, and manipulate single characters or syllables until I come out with something that sounds good.
  • Hidden innuendos as it is the case with An-Hasst. For this case I go into old myths, folklore etc. to find a name of some creature that is really not commonly known and that has some similarities with the character.

The step I always perform afterwards is to hack it into google and check if it does NOT appear on the first page or does appear only in some weird circumstances. The top rule is to find something that is not popular and frequently used.
Or maybe some sort of Qunari-man dude.

Or maybe the name of a character out of Conan the Vegetarian.

Or maybe just a top mossad agent.

Or maybe some kind of spicy soup dish.

It could be a brand of luxury cars.

Or a sci-fi space syndicate; "Pass me the hydrospanner, yeah the An-Haast one, not that crappy Kuat garbage."

Or it could be a fictional desert city

The list can go on (but has already gone on long enough methinks)

Perhaps it is time to explain how I actually came to this name ^^
In German, there is the verb 'hassen', which translates to 'to hate'. The third person singular in present tense of this word actually is 'hasst'. So An-Hasst could be translated to 'An-hates'. The 'An' prefix basically is there because it sounds a bit cooler, longer and, most importantly, allows to read the translation of his name really as the short sentence "An hates", interpreting his name to be just 'An'. Hatred quite often is a good approximation to his personality.
@Holy Soldier

I'm living in the European timezone and currently can enjoy vacation, but I still have to get some sleep at some point, and that was yesterday immediately after I posted the initial CS so that's the reason why there was no response so far. I just didn't have the opportunity not to only read what's happening, but to really rework the thing since I had to attend to some other duties today.

No ORs (Orignal, Made-up Races).
Holy Soldier

Yep. If this had been in there from the beginning it would have saved me from a lot of futile effort and you probably wouldn't still wait for an archer. The term 'alien' alone is extremely misleading and is prone to default to 'anything that is not a species originating from the same world' or the like as long as you don't define what actually is NOT alien. Sorry, but I just had to make this comment at this point :)

Anyway. Next try:

Character Name: Kerylun
Alias: Lucy - that's short for Lucifer, because of his appearance.
Age: 36
Race: Gargoyle
Height: 9'4 ( 2,84m )
Weight: 928 lbs ( 421kg )
Hair Color: Matt white. In contrast to humans, it is not a sign for old age, but a natural phenomenon. His hairstyle is a badly organized mess: As long as it stays out of his eyesight, everything's okay for him. Helping with this is the fact that his hairs are long, easily covering his shoulders, thick and sturdy. He also has a short goatee.
Eye Color: His eyes are amber with a white clarity around it that is very susceptible to reddish traces of blood vessels appearing inside of it.
Visual Description:

Written Description: The picture only represents how he would look if he would not wear anything. He usually does however. It is a simple pair of trousers and a shirt that almost doesn't cover anything of his back because of the wings. Both items are made out of thick linen and look quite cheap. No boots. He doesn't use any armor and would not be amused if someone tried to squeeze him into one, especially if its made out of inflexible metal. His skin is of a very dark grey color that competes with a slight touch of red in form of an irregular pattern across his entire body. Judging by the tightness his skin wraps around his muscle one could assume that he is seriously undernourished, but that's only mildly the case. His hands and feet are formed as an array of vicious natural weaponry. The wing surface consists of a highly flexible, surprisingly thin, leathery skin. Fully deployed they stretch out for several yards on each side to be able to actually support him. And he has a quite long and sturdy tail.
Level: 1
Class: Archer
  • Fly - These wings aren't for pure decoration. However deciding to engange a combat flying is an ambivalent decision: On one hand you obviously don't have to worry about melee attacks, on the other hand a significant bit of precision in own attacks is lost along all chances of staying hidden. The real benefit is terrain-independent relocation. As long as a person is physically fit and not too heavy (~1/3 of his own weight), he can carry someone on his back. That someone then won't be able to do anything but look around because he would have to hold on to Kerylun. Grabbing an enemy and dump him from a proper altitude would theoretically be possible, but he could as well get his arms cut off in that attempt.
  • Petrifying skin - Briefly grants Kerylun dramatically increased damage resistance, allowing him to engage in melee combat and make full use of his physical prowess.

  • Inhuman physique - While with his size he is certainly prone to suffer from accidents and embarrassing situations in unprepared households, it is obvious that there could be situations in which this is very advantageous - and be it just for a bar fight.
  • Night vision - Imagine a creature of the night that doesn't have this...

Weapon: A large longbow.
Personality: He's quite intelligent, often to the surprise of the people around him. He also has a rather smooth temper as long as you meet him with respect and not the usual bullshit. In the latter case the outcome depends on where he is: In a city with its many guards he'll probably bare his teeth, hiss and hit you with deliberate blasts of bad air. In the wilderness where noone's looking... it gets dangerous. Very dangerous. He's become adept in pretending obedience while internally ripping you into pieces and hatching plans to put such plans into actions. To sum things up: it's not far away from the truth to consider him a walking social catastrophy, but only partly for reasons he can be claimed responsible for.
Quirks: He needs to eat a huge lot and is purely carnivorous, ideal conditions for very low standards when it comes to quality - his body can take it. Slain enemies are not on his list however, except if the situation's really dire. It's needless to say that people can consider him quite intimidating, resulting in a social barrier he has to get over first.
Likes: Meat, wilderness, buildings of adequate ceiling height, a good fight (with him winning, of course), flying.
Dislikes: Humanity as a whole is his social problem. It gets better with other races, depending on what they think about him, but humans... someone hit Alt+F4 for them! Or wait, that's not possible. They already run on Windows 3.1 bluescreens in their heads. He can work with them if he must, but he hates them. The reason is that a hunting party once crossed his way and what the nobles did was to quarrel about who would be allowed to claim the prize and enslave him. The winner did so with success for several years until he managed to escape by force. This is not commonly known, but he still is pretty much a savage that plays and has to play the poor man's role in human cities.
Inventory: Empty.
Sooo... I've tried my best to get this application finished soon, but I had to attend to some other duties as well.

Character Name: Kerylun
Alias: Lucy - that's short for Lucifer, because of his appearance.
Age: 36

Height: 9'2 ( 2,79m )
Weight: 867 lbs ( 393kg )
Hair Color: Matt white. It is the natural hair color for his race and in contrast to humans, it is not a sign for old age. They are a badly organized mess: As long as it stays out of his eyesight, everything's okay for him. Helping with this is the fact that his hair is long, thick and sturdy. He also has a short goatee.
Eye Color: What color ? His eyes are a boring, weak blue with a white clarity around it that is very susceptible to reddish traces of blood vessels appearing inside of it.
Visual Description:

Written Description: The picture only represents how he would look if he would not wear anything. He usually does however. It is a simple pair of trousers and a shirt that almost doesn't cover anything of his back because of the wings. Both items are made out of thick linen and look quite cheap. No boots. He doesn't use any armor and would not be amused if someone tried to squeeze him into one, especially if its made out of inflexible metal. His skin is of a very dark grey color that competes with a slight touch of red in form of an irregular pattern across his entire body. Judging by the tightness his skin wraps around his muscle one could assume that he is seriously undernourished, but who knows his race also knows that it is not as bad as it looks. Overall, he appears very vicious - a circumstance that earned him the nickname 'the devil'.
Level: 1
Class: Archer
  • Fly - These wings aren't for pure decoration. However deciding to engange a combat flying is an ambivalent decision: On one hand you obviously don't have to worry about melee attacks, on the other hand a significant bit of precision in own attacks is lost along all chances of staying hidden. The real benefit is terrain-independent relocation that does not need to be restricted to himself: As long as a person is physically fit and not too heavy (~1/3 of his own weight), he can carry someone on his back. That someone then usually won't be able to do anything but look around because... No hands firmly holding to Kerylun... erm... well... It won't take long for learning that he isn't fast enough to intercept a free falling object. Grabbing an enemy and dump him from a proper altitude would theoretically be possible, but he could as well get his arms cut off in that attempt.
  • Poison - Haargat saliva contains an effective neurotoxin that is a good reason to lick your arrows before using them (or someone else's daggers). Dosis can be adjusted from minor illness to certain death with symptoms stacking on top of each other in quick succession.

  • Beast strength - While with his size he is certainly prone to suffer from accidents and embarrassing situations in unprepared households, there could be situations where his physique comes in real handy. Outside of combat it luckily doesn't matter if you're unable to wear real armor.
  • Hunting - Not exactly the metier he was born for, but since the remainder of his group had been slain when he was caught and pressed into slavery for several years, he had ample time to learn what it means to have to sustain oneself without money. Hmmm... I'm more poisonous than this flea-infested sewer rat! I can eat that... and for the rest of the party... erm... I have a special recipe that can make things like this an unnoticeable ingredient in just about everyone's meal!

Weapon: A large longbow.
Personality: He's quite intelligent, often to the surprise of the people around him. He also has a rather smooth temper as long as you meet him with respect and not the usual bullshit. In the latter case the outcome depends on where he is: In a city with its many guards he'll probably bare his teeth, hiss and hit you with deliberate blasts of bad air. In the wilderness where noone's looking... it gets dangerous. Very dangerous. He's become adept in pretending obedience while internally ripping you into pieces and hatching plans to put such plans into actions. He had to do this for several years in his past.
Quirks: He smells. Not really bad with the exception of his throat, but he has the unique odour of his race in his immediate vicinity. Also many people could consider him quite intimidating or even have prejudices, both things that are not that good for social interaction. He needs to eat a lot and is purely carnivorous, ideal conditions for very low standards when it comes to quality - his body can take it. Slain enemies are not on his list however - it would just be too much of a boost all those prejudices about him and his kind.
Likes: Meat, wilderness, buildings of adequate ceiling height, a good fight (with him winning, of course).
Dislikes: Humanity as a whole is his social problem. It gets better with other races, depending on what they think about him, but humans... someone hit Alt+F4 for them! Or wait, that's not possible. They already run on Windows 3.1 bluescreens in their heads. He can work with them if he must, but he hates them.
Inventory: Empty.
I had my character concept halfway going, now I'm confused. Are other characters now effectively doubling as an archer already or not ?
No ? Well... a simple and short answer was an answer as well. It just wasn't necessarily a satisfying one. Yet Gregor was far away from considering the other man's behaviour as rude. Who knew what was going on inside of him ? Perhaps something bad had happened, or he was just dead tired, or maybe even depressed.

The 'Cheers' was silently answered with a little smile on Greg's face before he turned around. The large man tried to peek into the kitchen when there was the window of opportunity as the waitress passed through its doors. Partly it was because of interest, partly because he wanted to know if there was progress on his drink to discover...

'...because I'm a bad singer.' The really rather depressed sounding comment made Greg turn around again, this time a bit more slowly, but also considerably more decisively as he now actually moved his stool towards the black haired man until the desk he was sitting at was in range of his arms. A welcome rest for them. "Hey, perhaps I didn't pay that much attention to the band, but I would notice if someone intended to rip apart my ears. You didn't sing bad."

Gregor didn't really know what he had to expect now, but he wasn't the one to give up that easily if there was a lost soul that seemed to require a bit of a cheering up.
@FallenTrinity I didn't even notice the start post is up lol. I thought you were still busy writing it. Your double post in the OOC on the same day masked it on my subscription list and I didn't get mentioned anywhere. Editing mentions into posts doesn't trigger the alert anyway.
@Aspen Wren@KuramaaaZ Done, go ahead :D
I hope the assumption of the explosion happening next to a tree was a correct one. You've described Vlad as leaning against a tree I think.
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