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Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
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Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
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Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

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@Force and Fury

So commons outside of the castle pretty much means something rotten and crowded in Mudville?

Well, it means something very average. This school doesn't 'do' rotten. 'The Castle' is just student slang for a particular large dorm building within that red-roofed area marked 'commons dormitories' on the map.
Chapter Four: Teach a Man to Fish

Taldes, Vardes 28, Dami-Zept 54

The hours of Eshiran gave way to the hours of Dami and those, in turn, the hours of Ipte. Students slept - most of them, anyways. Zenos, Arch-Zenos, and world leaders slept, yet Ersand'Enise was alive at night, subtly alive in ways that its founders had never anticipated. Owls hunted in the trees of the arboretum, geese honked and flapped on Hedda's Lake, and the shingled spires of the city's great buildings played host to all manner of crows and ravens, who looked down upon the humans with the instinct and disinterest of animals.

For the second night in a row, the highest light in the Forked Tower blazed into the blackness and mist clung to the walls and houses. Sailors stumbled out of the taverns, up and down the gangplanks of ships. The great, groaning light pulsed across the sea, with its churning waves and jagged reefs and cold, dark waters. In the shadowed alleys and filthy hovels of Mudville, money changed hands, hooded figures met and conspired, and a bedraggled-looking ex-Zeno attempted to sell potions and sealed items of dubious quality to those who passed his humble shop. Eventually, however, even Mudville fell into an uneasy semi-silence. Flags hung limp on their posts. Rats scampered through the trash. Four moons shone like mismatched eyes in the gloom.

But then came the sun, and banished these visions of the night. It started as a shy glow and became inevitable. Sharp shadows yawned and stretched across the plazas and rooftops. People did the same, within their houses and bedrooms. Ersand'Enise awoke, though its sleep had always been light and fitful.

The fishermen were always first on the streets. There were servants, sweepers, and vendors. Today, however, they were joined by flocks of Zenos. The learned mages fluttered out from their homes, papers and scrolls in hand, on a yearly pilgrimage to Balthazar Hall to submit their students' course selections.

The students rose early as well. Some had slept better than the others, but it was natural for there to be a sort of anticipation in the air. They dressed, they ate, and some even bathed. They said their goodbyes, for some would likely not see each other again until their next weekend at the Zeno's.

Then, the young scholars headed off to Balthazar Hall, where all had been advised to pick up their schedules. So they gathered in those long lines, which - Thank Dami - at least moved fairy quickly. It was fertile soil for gossip, bravado, flirtation, and other, more innocent forms of conversation, but especially the first. It seemed as if at least some of their number had encountered something... interesting in the morning. However, when students finally received their schedules and the keys to their dormitory rooms, they were hustled off to class for all manner of orientations just the same. There, the youths found faces both new and familiar.

There, they found that they all shared a pair of classes and they either learned or did not learn. Zander Mozaru tested them immediately and confidentially. He wanted to see where they were at but had no patience for any trying to humiliate their peers. Alcaster Serra played a word game with the youths to put them at ease and asked them at the start of class to choose an adjective in their native tongues to describe themselves and in Avincian at the end of class. He also stroked his beard a great deal. He seemed greatly fond of that or else it was a nervous habit. In the afternoon, they met their magic specialty instructors. Sectoxomactex boasted of his many exploits and demonstrated a few high level spells before encouraging his students to show him what they could do. Randan Kedd explained how magic was a science and how any of them could master it so long as they could read and put in a solid effort. He dismissed them early since it was their first day. Luria Colloy gave them readings and lightning rods. Born-on-Solstice held her class outdoors, under the 'Mother Sun' and did wellness activities. Jurgen Mendenhoffer drilled them like they were soldiers but then let them go early, while Alois Lascand droned on about their solemn duty as Binders. Tannifer Marbrand had them draw nearly to capacity and blow things up on their first day, and there was a dark kind of glee in her eyes as they did so. Some students, however, were fortunate enough not to be taught by mere Zenos, but by one of the eight Arch-Zenos of the Academy. Ardredelle Latvar guided her students through rudimentary chemistry and, by the end of class, had each other able to induce a feeling of hunger within a preying mantis. Giacomo Giarrone had each of them share why they'd wanted to be binders, despite the school's sometimes unsavoury reputation. He gave them cookies and told them that there would be plenty of hard work ahead and that they should see to their sleep and health for the time being. So that was what they did. Once their orientations were over, the students ate, they chatted, they explored, skipped, and sauntered through the academy grounds and the city.

The chaos of this first real day of academics was a longstanding tradition, and perhaps practice for the (in)famous Trials of Ersand'Enise, which would be kicking off in less than two weeks, on Verdimas, the Day of Skills. In this spirit, they endeavoured to read maps, ask questions and figure out where they would be staying and who they would be staying with. They retrieved their bags from their Master Zenos' homes, the basement storage rooms of Balthazar Hall, or the private arrangements that they had made. The dormitories were divided by class: noble, merchant, and everyone else. That this arrangement served to separate some friend groups spoke well of the world that these young people were building, at least from a certain perspective. Others, however, found themselves very near to their friends or even sharing rooms. It was an exciting time indeed and, were the elaborate preparations for the Conclave of the Five Thrones that they had passed in Arc-en-Ciel Hall any indication, tomorrow's events would only add to it.


Clearly a practitioner of Dark Magic. Hence, not real.
Junia Phillipa Maxima

Junia was lucky enough to hit one of the Mortui squarely in the head with a stone. It had been a patrician in life, but now it lay there and twitched: nothing more than a corpse twice over. She'd always had a good arm at least, but the momentary exultation faded as two more shambled in to take its place. There had been a handful in the countryside outside of Rome and a good many in the city itself, but there were throngs here: hordes!

What have you gotten yourself into, Juni!? she screamed inwardly, hefting another stone. She was not about to waste her spear though, truth be told, there had been a worrying excess of those of late. Good, in theory, but actually a sign that the number of able defenders was dwindling. One last push, she counseled herself. Once more to try to find them. Then, she would focus on herself. Then, she would... give up on my child? Not in his sixth year? The thought nearly crushed her. A howling barbarian of a mortui had climbed to the top of the barricade and bellowed in her face, swiping. Junia leapt back and thrust forward with her spear, taking him through the eye. He flailed and twitched and collapsed, but then there was another and it just didn't seem to end. "Die!" she howled back, her voice small despite its loudness, small compared to that of soldiers and men and un-dead monsters. Junia cast about, taking int he centurion with the bad hand, the red-haired house slave - at least she supposed that he was, for he had the look of one - and, somewhat further back, the dark man of Africa, who was presently going for his horse. Did he mean to fight or to run?

This was insanity. There had to be a better way! A fat man in a fine toga overbalanced himself swinging a gladius and knocked her sprawling. Junia scrambled to her feet, but the ranks in front had already closed - barely. They were getting thin. She cast about for her spear, but it had fallen - tip first, into the glowing embers of a cooking fire. She shook her head, jogged over, and plucked it free. Its tip glowed and... she got an idea. Wouldn't fire kill these things? Wouldn't it spread faster and be far more effective than this piecemeal hack and slash? In those next few seconds, an idea took root in her mind and blossomed into a full-blown scenario. They needed to make a break for it, barricade the city with the mortui inside, and then burn it to the ground! Rome had been rebuilt before and would be again! There were few enough in the countryside that the legions could yet hunt them down and dispose of them, but... if their final remaining living targets were gone, the un-dead would spread out in search of new food. They would spread across Italy, and into Helvetica, Gaul, and Illyria. They would... No point dwelling on such, she decided, halting her thought process. There had to be someone she could bring her idea to. Perhaps the African? More likely the centurion? The slave was a good cook, but she had no idea how clever he might be or how seriously his words would be taken. More than hers, certainly, for war was men's work and she was not a man. First, she had to put the idea to them, however.

Seeing a gap close to the latter two, Junia leapt up to fill it, driving her spear into the neck of an un-dead. The thrust was not clean, and its head lolled to the side for a moment, skin and blood hissing and steaming from the metal's heat. "Sirs," she addressed the two men, "should the gods smile upon us and we succeed in driving off this wave, I would speak to you of an idea I've had, if you'd hear it." She stabbed again, and put the dead man down for good.
Wine, Philosophy, and Shenanigans

A few hours before @SilverPaw's late night reflection.

Zeno Afraval could not contain her laughter at Onarr's 'enthusiastic' statement. Had she been presently drinking, she surely would've snorted wine from her nose. She wasn't alone in her mirth either. Anesin and Penny both wore sizable smirks. The latter lolled about on a sofa, clearly the lightweight of the group.

"Your voice fairly radiates enthusiasm, Onarr." She let her mischeivous smirk go after a moment, however, and schooled her features. "Tell me, what is it that I can help you with? Sadly, you are bound to two standard magics and four electives." She shrugged. "If I were making the rules around here, I'd change things but, sadly, that isn't the case." She crossed her legs. "You guys are my first cohort and all of the old greyhairs see me as little more than an upjumped tan-zeno, I'm afraid." She stifled a hiccup and focused for a moment, seizing upon a certain familiar set of chemical reactions taking place within her body and stifling them. "Apologies. I'm rather a bit chatty at the moment. Regardless, if you'd like some help choosing, then that's what I'm here for." She blinked and regarded the others. "The same offer applies to you ladies as well."

“I’m just rather…” Onarr struggled to get the words out. “…overwhelmed by my choices. I feel like I know what the most obvious paths for me to choose are but I can’t help but feel as though I’m trapped by this freedom. Back in the Joru Stresian Guild I used to focus singlehandedly on the sciences and the five magics.”

“I came to Ersand’Enise to know more than what I’ve learnt in the guild, but am I limiting my own choices by deliberately choosing subjects that I am most comfortable with or should I expand my horizons?,” Onarr paused before looking at Sienna directly. “What would you do if you were trying to be the best magician you could be?”

The Joruban’s voice had turned slightly sombre and the cone on his helmet tipped forward loosely. His hand wandered over to tighten the strap. Five years spent learning Stresian academics hadn’t helped his brother, no matter how many manuscripts and papers that he crawled through. Conjecture and meaningless theories hadn’t got him anywhere. Perhaps, looking in another avenue of direction would help.

Sienna nodded along as Onarr spoke, pausing pensively before replying. "More than anything else," she began, "I would choose subjects that interest me: whether they're new to me or familiar." Her brow furrowed for a moment and a tumbler and wineglass floated her way. "We don't learn out of obligation, Onarr. We don't learn out of duty." Her eyes took in all four of her apprentices for a moment. "Certainly, we can falsify it, I think. We can spit answers back onto a page to be graded or we can redirect some force into a stone to push it along, but you won't remember a word of what you 'learned' in a year, and you'll have plenty of opportunity to live for obligation and duty when you're older." She paused for a moment, and the shadow of something may have flickered across her features. "Don't choose the path that you feel you should walk; choose the one that excites you to walk." She had been swirling her wine around in the glass idly and now she took a rather extended drink of it. "If you don't wake up each morning with at least one thing that you look forward to ahead of you, then why are you waking up at all?" She shrugged and downed the rest, wiping her mouth with the back of her wrist in a most unladylike way. "Now, if there are any specific questions you have about courses, this is the time to ask."

Onarr considered the Zeno's words for a moment. She spoke true. Well, perhaps, the wine was addling her mind but at least, he knew that the Zeno wasn't lying. Duty and obligation. Were those his excuses right now? His worries sated for the moment, Onarr wordlessly took out a roll of parchment that contained his course selections and pushed it over towards her.

"I have no further enquiries, maám," Onarr's tone then became curious as he pointed towards the Zeno. "Might I enquire what was your favourite first-year course?"

Sienna threw her head back and let out a bark of laughter. It was loud enough that Penny jumped a bit. "Mine? Oh, that was a course they no longer offer." She turned pensive for a moment, and her eyes flicked over her three female students. The Zeno raised her wineglass almost to her lips and then scowled when she realized that it was empty. "Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." She winked mischievously.

"Oh come on!" Penny blurted. "You're seriously just going to dangle it out there like that?"

"With the utmost seriousness," Sienna chirped. She went for another glass.

"Oh non non non!" Penny reprimanded. "Tu es ivre, grande soeur. Pose le verre à vin." She pursed her lips sternly. "Maintenant."

"Pssshhh," Sienna snorted. "Estoy más sobria que tú, flamenco."

Penny gasped. "Vous vous moquez de mon handicap?"

"Si," Sienna answered, positively malicious.

Penny was crestfallen. She turned to Linah. "Ella me está intimidando," she wailed. "¡Sálvame!" Then Anesin: "Hon mobbar mig. Rädda mig!" Finally, a bit less surely, to Onarr. "Ìkà ni obìnrin náà! Ikà pupọ!" Perhaps he may have noticed that she more or less butchered the pronunciation, but context was everything. "Qui pouvait être si cruel envers une pauvre fille unijambiste?" She fairly draped herself over the arm of her sofa: the very picture of melodramatic despair.

Sienna raised an eyebrow. "¿Es esto lo que estamos haciendo ahora: hablar nuestras lenguas maternas?"

Onarr was unsure of the languages being spoken. He could only make out bits and pieces of each language that was being spoken, and Penny's Joruban was akin to a cat being skinned alive.

"Ṣe eyi jẹ idanwo kan?" Onarr then paused, switching curiously to regard Sienna in Belzagg. "Dit is jammer dat hulle nie vir Joruban in Ersand'Enise aanbied nie. Ek sal aanbeveel dat Penny remediërende kursusse neem."

Penny blushed fiercely. "Traitre! Tu étais censé être de mon côté!" She swatted once, ineffectually, in Onarr's direction before giving up the struggle and flopping back down, deflated.

Sienna let out a full-throated laugh. "Or maybe he just knows who has the power here," she replied, before turning Onarr's way. "As to your question: most certainly not. I fear our melodramatic friend is right: I've simply had too much to drink." She paused for a moment, however. "That said, I suppose that it is a test, in a way. We shall spend two days of each week together for the next year: living, learning, and sleeping under the same roof. I imagine I wanted to gauge my Biros' comfort level and them see mine. Needless to say, you lot have passed."

True to Penny's advice, she laid off of the wine after that. A few more questions were asked and Penny, despite her... inebriated state, almost seemed to get the sense that the Zeno was politely probing. She barely made it up the stairs, fairly tore off her clothes, stuffed herself into her nightgown, and flopped into bed. "G'night, sisters," she mumbled, snuggling under her blankets. Tomorrow, classes. Tomorrow, father. Sleep claimed her within moments.

Not quite able to post yet, but how do you guys feel about having an OOC discord server.

I'm all for it.
<Snipped quote by Force and Fury>

I would make a much better assassin than a teenager I think. hah. But that's probably me thinking too highly of myself.

TBH, most of us only have experience with being one of those things... I think :P
Not familiar with the game, but this lore sounds cool!

Shune Wanted to Say Something... Sorry
A.K.A. The Fourth Wall: Broken!

Hello, friends, it is I: Shune-Zept, along with my partner, Ahn-Shune… Ahem… well, maybe not. Her nose is buried in another book, because learning is important, (and she’s very antisocial) so I guess it’s just me today. Now, my grouchy friend, Dami, who you guys have honestly done an amazing job praying to - he’s super flattered and not a little full of himself these days - would probably disagree with me here. He’d probably say something about the ‘need to make informed decisions, yada yada yada’.

I think that’s pretty important too, buuuuut, well… you can’t learn very well if you’re bored to death, now can you? Yup, that was a rhetorical question. Don’t answer it. You agree with me or um… I’m a God. Do you really wanna disagree with a God? Anyhow, the point I’ve been working my way towards is that I’m going to hit life’s fast forward button for you guys. Uh… right, you don’t know what a fast forward button is, do you? We’re still in the early modern period. Darn it…

Such an exciting time, though: The first real scientific understandings, all the exploration, and the run-up to that big ol’ industrial revolution! Oh, right, yes. That’s if you guys manage to save the timestream and we uh… don’t have to hit the reset button again. Please just come through?

Anyhow, I digress. You guys are headed for hours of boring speeches and a mass in a cathedral that you’ll all just spend gossiping in the back pews, complaining about religion, and getting up to shenanigans. The ingratitude! Anyways, yeah. I’ve already seen it and I’m going to skip all of that for you. See? Religion is cool… Yeah, and I’m obviously your favourite deity, right? (Again, rhetorical. Don’t answer… unless you’re agreeing with me). Honestly, if you’re looking to uh… ‘worship’ me, then the best thing that you can do is go out there and learn: become better people. Improve yourselves, have new encounters and experiences, seek out new places and methods, experiment! Don’t sit there in some stuffy old lecture hall or cathedral, even if it is really pretty. Maybe just listen to the pipe organ. It’s a pretty awesome instrument. Whew! The power!

I could go on all day about the science behind it, but anyways, I’m hitting that button now. It’s evening. You’re sitting down for dinner with your Zenos and your fellow apprentices. Some of you have made your minds up about courses, others are still looking to make a decision. You might wanna ask your Zenos in that case and, if you’re really stuck, I guess you could send a little prayer - you could almost call it a ‘direct message’ - to me and old grumpypants Dami. He’s good with advice and Ahn and I here know all of the things. Once you’ve gotten through that, feel free to conk out for the night. You’ll wake up bright and early in the morning for your first day of classes at Ersand’Enise!

Chapter 3B: Decisions, Decisions (Part Two)

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