Four months ago...
Alex refocused on the person approaching the desk, "Welcome to the Avengers mansion! Here is your badge. On the back is the reception's number, feel free to call with any inquiry!" she chirped happily, handing over the card.
The last couple of months have been... interesting. Alex found it extremely amusing to continue hiding her true identity from the other initiates and most of the Avengers themselves. During the day, she worked the reception desk and ran errands for the residents of the mansion - everything from fetching someone a hot towel to driving their sick grandma to the hospital so they wouldn't have to miss training - they knew that if they called the number at the back of their ID card, it would get done one way or the other. For her part, Alex enjoyed providing the services. A simple job that allowed her plenty of processing power for whatever she was currently thinking about. She finally managed to crack the problem of her dissertation on they drive back from one such errand.
As for being part of the team, she managed to do that covertly. All cameras in the Avenger's mansion and the training equipment were accessible to her, so she observed the training sessions to learn the team dynamics (what existed of them), and she caught up on her own training during the night when unlike everyone else, she didn't need to sleep. As for socialization, she joined the team after work when their training ended. All in all, she was successful save for that one time she had to change her skin color to blend with the wall when one of the initiates dropped in for an improptu training session. She set alarms and watched the hallway cameras since then.
She wondered how many suspected something was not genuine about her. Part of her training was to learn to fit in better with human society after all.
Right now though, her own card buzzed with summons. "Kate, can you mind the desk for a while?" she asked her co-worker.
"Another errand? They're making you their personal servant. I can't fathom why you put up with it. Well, off you go I guess."
Grinning, Alex picked up her handbag and left for the meeting room. Two others were already there. Garnet and Hyper. She went through all the data she gathered on them in a couple of seconds almost on instinct, refreshing herself on observed strengths and weaknesses. "Hello!" She greeted, "Only you here? I believed this was an all out call... Everything in order?" She asked, keeping up her lackey persona.
3:35:51 Me:
Uwaaaaaa! I'm in!!! The paperwork just came through!
3:36:01 Fe<3:
That's so cool! But how? I thought daddy said no?
3:36:42 Me:
Yeeeess... But it says nowhere on the form that it has to be your guardian to sign you up. All you need is AN avenger...
3:36:59 Fe<3:
3:37:25 Me:
So instead, I got unca James to sign it. It looks like there aren't that many people signing up, so I guess they didn't need to do the talks in person.
3:38:15 Fe<3:
Way to abuse the system sista'. Are you grounded?
3:40:01 Me:
Nah. If anything dad seemed a bit angry with himself that he didn't think about it. So I suppose you're no longer the only one with a team! although I suppose the Champions are what is eating into the NEO's candidate pool xD
3:50:24 Fe<3:
Well, It's fun running with them and all, but I still sorta miss the days of going at it alone out of my garage. There was a bit romantic feeling to it. I'm sticking with them for now, but I'm also thinking of starting up my own lair somewhere... We'll see.
3:51:45 Me:
Well, good luck. Holler if you need help lifting heavy things :D Who knows, maybe in a few years you'll have a warmachine of your own ;P TTYL, one of them just arrived, back to being a receptionist.
Alex refocused on the person approaching the desk, "Welcome to the Avengers mansion! Here is your badge. On the back is the reception's number, feel free to call with any inquiry!" she chirped happily, handing over the card.
The last couple of months have been... interesting. Alex found it extremely amusing to continue hiding her true identity from the other initiates and most of the Avengers themselves. During the day, she worked the reception desk and ran errands for the residents of the mansion - everything from fetching someone a hot towel to driving their sick grandma to the hospital so they wouldn't have to miss training - they knew that if they called the number at the back of their ID card, it would get done one way or the other. For her part, Alex enjoyed providing the services. A simple job that allowed her plenty of processing power for whatever she was currently thinking about. She finally managed to crack the problem of her dissertation on they drive back from one such errand.
As for being part of the team, she managed to do that covertly. All cameras in the Avenger's mansion and the training equipment were accessible to her, so she observed the training sessions to learn the team dynamics (what existed of them), and she caught up on her own training during the night when unlike everyone else, she didn't need to sleep. As for socialization, she joined the team after work when their training ended. All in all, she was successful save for that one time she had to change her skin color to blend with the wall when one of the initiates dropped in for an improptu training session. She set alarms and watched the hallway cameras since then.
She wondered how many suspected something was not genuine about her. Part of her training was to learn to fit in better with human society after all.
Right now though, her own card buzzed with summons. "Kate, can you mind the desk for a while?" she asked her co-worker.
"Another errand? They're making you their personal servant. I can't fathom why you put up with it. Well, off you go I guess."
Grinning, Alex picked up her handbag and left for the meeting room. Two others were already there. Garnet and Hyper. She went through all the data she gathered on them in a couple of seconds almost on instinct, refreshing herself on observed strengths and weaknesses. "Hello!" She greeted, "Only you here? I believed this was an all out call... Everything in order?" She asked, keeping up her lackey persona.