Alrite, take two:
- Changed Stark relation to van Dyne. Unsure what you want to do with Cassie Lang, but I suppose they'd be very familiar with each other
- Noticed I used the same color as as April. Ups.
- Added the personality and history sections
Name: Victoria Åshild Elise van Dyne
Nickname: Tori (pet name), Viking Vicki (Tactical in a fight)
Superhero Name: Shieldmaiden
Age: 16
Birthday: 2.2.2022
Birth Place: Oslo, Norway
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Recommender: James Rhodes, Warmachine
Languages: English, Norwegian

Height: 176 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Build: Thin
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Blond
Skin Tone: Pale pink
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Earlobes pierced
Personal Style: Victoria sticks to her uniform most of the time on the school grounds, even in her free time. When going outside, she wears fancy jumpsuits, coupled with leather platform boots and a leather crop jacket if she feels the weather is going to turn bad. For exercise, she alao prefers a jumpsuit, albeit a sporty one. One would need to pester her at length not to dress up or to use a different color than a shade of black, and while she might sacrifice long sleeves, you'll never see her in shorts.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single, not actively looking but cautiously receptive to others' advances
Alignment: Neutral good
Victoria is a highly motivated hero in the making. She believes in doing the greater good, even if not by entirely lawful means. She joined the academy out of the desire to help people, and be the best at it as she can be. A purpose she will pursuit with unrelenting zeal, and she will think a little bit less of those around her that joined for any other purpose. If she determines you are a threat, she will not show mercy. To her, second chances are asking for trouble.
Her true nature allows her to be highly adaptable to any given situation in the pursuit of that purpose. She can run a thousand simulation of possible actions while a regular human will think of one, and optimize her approach to a task. And unlike many others, she will consider and where appropriate use underhanded tactics, lie, backstab and even kill, if it results in a better outcome for more people than acting honorable, morally and within the law. Letting the thousand die so that the million lives is the correct decision in her book - provided those are the only two options available.
Being a machine, even disguising herself as a human she is highly intelligent, however her interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence scrape the bottom of the barrel, making her sound blunt, oftentimes sarcastic or cold and on occasion downright cruel.

Construction and powers:
Officially, Victoria possesses none of these and is limited to human ability levels. There is a strict set of rules when she is allowed to break the Veil protocol:
ASTRA’s body is shaped around an endoskeleton fashioned out of secondary adamantium. Mobility is achieved through series of electric servos for precise motorics and hydraulic actuators for heavy lifting. Most of its core hardware is stored in the chest and abdomen, with only its sensor suite located in the head. The skin is made out of nanites.
Despite being a walking supercomputer and thus having a shorter learning curve, it still takes time for ASTRA to master certain things that require doing before understanding, such as martial arts. Furthermore Victoria doesn’t bother learning much of what she doesn’t need, as her long-term holographic memory may be impressive in size, but it is far from encompassing all of knowledge, and writing in it is very power consuming, and most of the time she can google things.
Minor shapeshifting - ASTRA’s nanoskin can change its shape, color and to some degree mechanical properties. The shape is limited by the endoskeleton, always restricting it to a humanoid build.
Energy absorption - ASTRA is powered through its shell, which can transfer various energy sources into its powerplant - the unit is mostly powered by solar energy. The capability is limited though - for example it can still be damaged by fire given enough exposure or high enough temperature.
Increased strength - Unarmored, ASTRA can lift up to 1 ton with each arm or 3 tons with both, providing it can distribute the weight properly. It can also move about 3 times faster than a human and has wider range of motion on its joints.
Supercomputer - The robot has large memory and the computational power of the best technology. It also possesses significantly shortened reaction time and is capable of affecting electronics through physical or wireless contact. ASTRA senses are greater than that of a human, but not as good but nowhere near supersenses.
Officially, this is the extent of Victoria's superhuman abilities.
As the base robot is made to be able to mimic a human, something more is needed for those tough fights when the nanite shell just wouldn’t last long enough. As such, as an 'I could do that' slight to Stark, a suit of powered armor was developed along with the ASTRA robot proper. Unlike the Ironman suit, it is not capable of functioning without being fully assembled or to be controlled remotely, lacking dedicated electronics and power source, relying on the ASTRA wearing it for those.
Composite armor - With bulkiness not being the issue for ASTRA's intended role as a frontline unit, the armor was made out of a composite material, making it more durable than a comparable tech level Ironman armor. It is worth noting that it was designed to take the brunt of damage from the front, and there the armor is heaviest, while from the rear it is no better than the Ironman armor. With the need to accept a pilot, the armor also has weak spots in the seams and actuation points.
Multi-field emitters - ASTRA armor is equipped with multi-
-field emitters, which can fire directed graviton and repulsor beams, as well as produce electric arcs and magnetic fields. The suit has a set of 5 - Two in the palms for fight or flight, two on the back as main flight engines, and a larger central piece on the chest for heavy hitting. This set is not enough units to produce controlled vectored fields, limiting them to deformed spherical shapes.
Increased strength - The armor has its own mobility suite, allowing an armored ASTRA to lift up to 10 tons. However, the armor’s mobility suite is far clunkier, and limits ASTRA to human speed and reaction time.
General World Skills:
Combat Skills:
Medical Issues/Injuries/Damage:

How did you discover your powers: "Heroes aren't born, they're made! I just took it more literally..."
Coverup: Genius runs in her family, and when Hope discovered Victoria's aptitude for anything mechanical and electrical, as well as her fangirling over a certain airforce colonel, Hope pulled some strings and let Victoria design and build her armor and work towards her dream, under the colonel's mentorship.
True story: As a robot, Antonia was always aware of her functions. Getting creative with them and translating those functions into new abilities is what is important to her development.
General History:
2022 - Born to the european branch of the van Dyne family, split from the american branch prior to their emigration.
2034, age 12: Parents and grandparents lost in a car accident, sole survivor. Contacted Hope van Dyne and taken in for shelter. Shown genius level aptitude for technical sciences.
2035, age 13: Meets colonel Rhodes in a PR event. After doing research on him, chooses him as her role model.
2036, age 14: Builds a suit of improvised armor out of parts salvaged from scrapyards and expresses the desire to be like the colonel. Hope contacts him and pulls strings to gather some resources to build a proper armor suit. Rhodes agrees to mentor Victoria and recommends her for the academy.
2037, age 17: Spent her tenure on the academy relatively lonely, catching up on skills she needed to operate her armor properly. At the end of the second year, Rhodes encouraged her to develop her social skills more.
2038, age 16: Present day.
2022 - The ASTRA units proposed by Hope van Dyne in an effort to create a better artificial protector for Earth than Ultron and Vision. The idea main design differences were:
- Inclusion of emotion processing, so the units can form a bond to humans.
- The system would consist of multiple, highly adaptable, individually intelligent units, each overall superior to a human, but not exceeding most of the superhumans in their specific abilities. This choice intended to make them effective by overwhelming a threat with numbers and broad portfolio of abilities, but to be easier to dispose of if some of the units went rogue.
2027: First intelligence that would become Victoria activated, being raised and taught by Hope as a human child would, albeit at vastly accelerated rate.
2030: Mobile hardware developed and Victoria takes her first steps. Colonel Rhodes recruited to help train her in her future role.
2035: Victoria makes connections with her 'family' and Warmachine and is generally functional as a member of society, marking the first sucessful milestone of the ASTRA program.
2036: Victoria is recommended to the academy, both to continue sharpening her abilities, and also to start gathering intelligence on potential future threats.
2037: Spent her tenure on the academy relatively lonely, catching up on skills she needed to operate her armor properly. At the end of the second year, Rhodes encouraged her to develop her social skills more.
2038: Present day.
Proposed Arcs:

Character Quotes:
Something to live by: "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?" - Steve Rogers
Something to say: "So he's an idiot." - James Rhodes
Favorite Song Band: Skillet
Mood music: Personal theme - Combat theme - Angry - Enraged - Sad - Happy - Excited - Afraid - In love - Victorious - Defeated
Anything Else:
Post link: Clickity split. Antman played by Sep.
Fav teen hero: Riri Williams, the comic one. I can't believe what I saw in the latest Black Panther T_T.
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.

"Take that armor off and what are you?"
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ✨Roommate
⟢ 💘Crush⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Changed Stark relation to van Dyne. Unsure what you want to do with Cassie Lang, but I suppose they'd be very familiar with each other
- Noticed I used the same color as as April. Ups.
- Added the personality and history sections
Victoria van Dyne
Character Summary
Name: Victoria Åshild Elise van Dyne
Nickname: Tori (pet name), Viking Vicki (Tactical in a fight)
Superhero Name: Shieldmaiden
Age: 16
Birthday: 2.2.2022
Birth Place: Oslo, Norway
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Recommender: James Rhodes, Warmachine
Languages: English, Norwegian

Height: 176 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Build: Thin
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Blond
Skin Tone: Pale pink
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Earlobes pierced
Personal Style: Victoria sticks to her uniform most of the time on the school grounds, even in her free time. When going outside, she wears fancy jumpsuits, coupled with leather platform boots and a leather crop jacket if she feels the weather is going to turn bad. For exercise, she alao prefers a jumpsuit, albeit a sporty one. One would need to pester her at length not to dress up or to use a different color than a shade of black, and while she might sacrifice long sleeves, you'll never see her in shorts.

Adaptable * Sneaky * Unrelenting * Merciless * Intelligent * Blunt
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single, not actively looking but cautiously receptive to others' advances
Alignment: Neutral good
Victoria is a highly motivated hero in the making. She believes in doing the greater good, even if not by entirely lawful means. She joined the academy out of the desire to help people, and be the best at it as she can be. A purpose she will pursuit with unrelenting zeal, and she will think a little bit less of those around her that joined for any other purpose. If she determines you are a threat, she will not show mercy. To her, second chances are asking for trouble.
Her true nature allows her to be highly adaptable to any given situation in the pursuit of that purpose. She can run a thousand simulation of possible actions while a regular human will think of one, and optimize her approach to a task. And unlike many others, she will consider and where appropriate use underhanded tactics, lie, backstab and even kill, if it results in a better outcome for more people than acting honorable, morally and within the law. Letting the thousand die so that the million lives is the correct decision in her book - provided those are the only two options available.
Being a machine, even disguising herself as a human she is highly intelligent, however her interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence scrape the bottom of the barrel, making her sound blunt, oftentimes sarcastic or cold and on occasion downright cruel.
- Being unnaturally still and economic with movement
- Humming a song when she thinks noone can hear her
- Jaw tensing when someone is saying something profoundly stupid
- Tinkering with her armor
- Butlering for someone
- Sparring
- Kernel panic - being put in an impossible situation where there are only degrees of bad outcomes and no acceptable way out, having to rely on emotions and gut rather than logic to make a decision.
- Being inevitably revealed for what she is and the fallout.
- Losing the few friends she is able to make, one way or the other.
- Faceoff with Ultron, as he is by design a superior machine and intelligence.
- Company
- Coral reefs
- Space
- Business clothes
- Reading
- Sculptures
- Crowds
- Mountains
- Caves
- Revealing clothes
- Singing
- Paintings
Cards On The Table
Construction and powers:
Officially, Victoria possesses none of these and is limited to human ability levels. There is a strict set of rules when she is allowed to break the Veil protocol:
- 1 - The continued existence of the homo sapiens species is threatened by a non-human threat.
- 2 - The life of a member of the homo sapiens species is threatened by a non-human, unnatural threat, except where in conflict with 1.
- 3 - The Veil protocol is lifted by Hope van Dyne, James Rhodes or the Director of SHIELD, except where in conflict with 1 or 2. Further people may be added to the list only by majority of the current list. There must always be an odd number of persons on the list.
- 4 - The Veil protocol is lifted by an active Avenger, if all of the persons in 3 are dead, incapacitated or otherwise unavailable within time until decision is needed.
- 5 - If all persons within the operational area demonstrated knowledge of the unit's true nature.
- 6 - The Veil protocol is rendered unnecessary by the unit's true nature becoming common knowledge.
ASTRA’s body is shaped around an endoskeleton fashioned out of secondary adamantium. Mobility is achieved through series of electric servos for precise motorics and hydraulic actuators for heavy lifting. Most of its core hardware is stored in the chest and abdomen, with only its sensor suite located in the head. The skin is made out of nanites.
Despite being a walking supercomputer and thus having a shorter learning curve, it still takes time for ASTRA to master certain things that require doing before understanding, such as martial arts. Furthermore Victoria doesn’t bother learning much of what she doesn’t need, as her long-term holographic memory may be impressive in size, but it is far from encompassing all of knowledge, and writing in it is very power consuming, and most of the time she can google things.
Minor shapeshifting - ASTRA’s nanoskin can change its shape, color and to some degree mechanical properties. The shape is limited by the endoskeleton, always restricting it to a humanoid build.
Energy absorption - ASTRA is powered through its shell, which can transfer various energy sources into its powerplant - the unit is mostly powered by solar energy. The capability is limited though - for example it can still be damaged by fire given enough exposure or high enough temperature.
Increased strength - Unarmored, ASTRA can lift up to 1 ton with each arm or 3 tons with both, providing it can distribute the weight properly. It can also move about 3 times faster than a human and has wider range of motion on its joints.
Supercomputer - The robot has large memory and the computational power of the best technology. It also possesses significantly shortened reaction time and is capable of affecting electronics through physical or wireless contact. ASTRA senses are greater than that of a human, but not as good but nowhere near supersenses.
Officially, this is the extent of Victoria's superhuman abilities.
As the base robot is made to be able to mimic a human, something more is needed for those tough fights when the nanite shell just wouldn’t last long enough. As such, as an 'I could do that' slight to Stark, a suit of powered armor was developed along with the ASTRA robot proper. Unlike the Ironman suit, it is not capable of functioning without being fully assembled or to be controlled remotely, lacking dedicated electronics and power source, relying on the ASTRA wearing it for those.
Composite armor - With bulkiness not being the issue for ASTRA's intended role as a frontline unit, the armor was made out of a composite material, making it more durable than a comparable tech level Ironman armor. It is worth noting that it was designed to take the brunt of damage from the front, and there the armor is heaviest, while from the rear it is no better than the Ironman armor. With the need to accept a pilot, the armor also has weak spots in the seams and actuation points.
Multi-field emitters - ASTRA armor is equipped with multi-
-field emitters, which can fire directed graviton and repulsor beams, as well as produce electric arcs and magnetic fields. The suit has a set of 5 - Two in the palms for fight or flight, two on the back as main flight engines, and a larger central piece on the chest for heavy hitting. This set is not enough units to produce controlled vectored fields, limiting them to deformed spherical shapes.
Increased strength - The armor has its own mobility suite, allowing an armored ASTRA to lift up to 10 tons. However, the armor’s mobility suite is far clunkier, and limits ASTRA to human speed and reaction time.
General World Skills:
- Mechatronics design and manufacturing
- Physics
- Data gathering and analysis
- Organisational skills
Combat Skills:
- Armored aerial combat: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Expert
- Armored ground combat: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Expert
- Hacking: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Expert
- Unarmored hand to hand combat: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Expert
- Traditional
- 1 - Philosophy ?
- 2 - Psychology ?
- 3 - Sociology ?
- 4 - Economics ?
- Superheroics
- 1 - Search & rescue ?
- 3 - Infiltration & espionage ?
- 2 - Aerial combat ?
- 4 - Hand to hand combat ?
Medical Issues/Injuries/Damage:
- Insomnia - Faked to allow for productive time spending during the night
- Backpack - Wallet, ID, driver's license, lockpicks, smartphone, survival rations, first aid kit
- Armor*
- Personal workshop*

- Hope van Dyne - Aunt several generations removed 💕
- James Rhodes - Avenger role model and mentor 🎆
- Ultron - Evil uncle 👿
- Vision - Creepy uncle 💀
- Scott Lang - Family idiot with a kind heart 💕
- Henry Pym - Family genius with a twisted mind ♨️
- Cassie Lang - Self-proclaimed sister 💕
How did you discover your powers: "Heroes aren't born, they're made! I just took it more literally..."
Coverup: Genius runs in her family, and when Hope discovered Victoria's aptitude for anything mechanical and electrical, as well as her fangirling over a certain airforce colonel, Hope pulled some strings and let Victoria design and build her armor and work towards her dream, under the colonel's mentorship.
True story: As a robot, Antonia was always aware of her functions. Getting creative with them and translating those functions into new abilities is what is important to her development.
General History:
2022 - Born to the european branch of the van Dyne family, split from the american branch prior to their emigration.
2034, age 12: Parents and grandparents lost in a car accident, sole survivor. Contacted Hope van Dyne and taken in for shelter. Shown genius level aptitude for technical sciences.
2035, age 13: Meets colonel Rhodes in a PR event. After doing research on him, chooses him as her role model.
2036, age 14: Builds a suit of improvised armor out of parts salvaged from scrapyards and expresses the desire to be like the colonel. Hope contacts him and pulls strings to gather some resources to build a proper armor suit. Rhodes agrees to mentor Victoria and recommends her for the academy.
2037, age 17: Spent her tenure on the academy relatively lonely, catching up on skills she needed to operate her armor properly. At the end of the second year, Rhodes encouraged her to develop her social skills more.
2038, age 16: Present day.
2022 - The ASTRA units proposed by Hope van Dyne in an effort to create a better artificial protector for Earth than Ultron and Vision. The idea main design differences were:
- Inclusion of emotion processing, so the units can form a bond to humans.
- The system would consist of multiple, highly adaptable, individually intelligent units, each overall superior to a human, but not exceeding most of the superhumans in their specific abilities. This choice intended to make them effective by overwhelming a threat with numbers and broad portfolio of abilities, but to be easier to dispose of if some of the units went rogue.
2027: First intelligence that would become Victoria activated, being raised and taught by Hope as a human child would, albeit at vastly accelerated rate.
2030: Mobile hardware developed and Victoria takes her first steps. Colonel Rhodes recruited to help train her in her future role.
2035: Victoria makes connections with her 'family' and Warmachine and is generally functional as a member of society, marking the first sucessful milestone of the ASTRA program.
2036: Victoria is recommended to the academy, both to continue sharpening her abilities, and also to start gathering intelligence on potential future threats.
2037: Spent her tenure on the academy relatively lonely, catching up on skills she needed to operate her armor properly. At the end of the second year, Rhodes encouraged her to develop her social skills more.
2038: Present day.
Proposed Arcs:
- Broken veil 1 - Using fear 2. The secret of Antonia's nature is revealed, and much like with the mutants, powers want to be rid of her or get her under shackles. There is also the issue of the reaction of her immediate surroundings.
- Broken veil 2 - Would have to happen organically in the game. A single or limited number of people discover the truth (Potentially a love interest?) Emotional rollercoaster, potential growth as a person or the start of a villain arc.
- Between a rock and a hard place - An important person is put in peril, potentially leading to fear 1 where it is a choice between the important person or the 'greater good'. May result in a broken veil scenario.
- Psycho in my head - Significantly superior hacker attempts to plant a virus/take over the ASTRA. Conflict between the malicious code and the unaffected personality matrix. Potential growth as a person or the start of a villain arc.
- Knockoff - Somebody is stealing Pym tech with the intention of making a Shieldmaiden or ASTRA copy. Implies Broken Veil. May result in an upgrade using recovered tech.
- Infinite: General infinity stones arc, with ASTRA being able to integrate the stones into its system. Potentially ending in an upgrade (power, actual soul, ...) Or self sacrifice.
- Divine: General asgard related arc. Potentially ending with ASTRA being upgraded with asgardian armor, which would imprison her if she became unworthy of wearing it.

Character Quotes:
Something to live by: "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?" - Steve Rogers
Something to say: "So he's an idiot." - James Rhodes
Favorite Song Band: Skillet
Mood music: Personal theme - Combat theme - Angry - Enraged - Sad - Happy - Excited - Afraid - In love - Victorious - Defeated
Anything Else:
Post link: Clickity split. Antman played by Sep.
Fav teen hero: Riri Williams, the comic one. I can't believe what I saw in the latest Black Panther T_T.
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
Victoria Åshild Elise van Dyne

"Take that armor off and what are you?"
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ✨Roommate
⟢ 💘Crush⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Just write notes here
- You can even include links to posts that you think are milestones in their relationship
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!
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"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Just write notes here
- You can even include links to posts that you think are milestones in their relationship
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!
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"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Just write notes here
- You can even include links to posts that you think are milestones in their relationship
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Just write notes here
- You can even include links to posts that you think are milestones in their relationship
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!
Symbol [color=???]Name[/color] Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
- Just write notes here
- You can even include links to posts that you think are milestones in their relationship
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!