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Alrite, take two:
- Changed Stark relation to van Dyne. Unsure what you want to do with Cassie Lang, but I suppose they'd be very familiar with each other
- Noticed I used the same color as as April. Ups.
- Added the personality and history sections

Fair point. I am not that familiar with the Pym family (mostly Henry as he is portrayed in the Avengers academy comic), but I know a bit about the comic Ultron, I think I can work with the comic lore well enough. The original iteration of this character was based on Ultron-15 aafter all :) (And Sentinels and looking at the mostly mutant lineup... Fun times ahead when that bubble bursts :D)

Anything in the expanded lore worth mentioning? Would she have any existing Pym sibs etc.?
WIP so far.
- I really don't like to use faceclaims. Too restrictive/impossible to find a fit for what you have in mind. Did the best I could with googling random images.
- Stark family. Let me know if it is a nogo.
- Had to kinda expand the power section of the sheet because robot.
- Used Abbr tags in some places to indicate the truth behind the coverup persona. They don't work for mobile but I don't have a better idea on how to do this without making the sheet cluttered.
- To be done: History -> Personality.

Hello there. This looks promising, but I've got a couple of questions:

- How much of the expanded lore would I need to catch up on? Or will the canon MCU stuff be enough to understand?
- Would you be open to 'Ultron done right better' kind of character, or should I write it more as just a regular armor person? (Have examples to show of how I done the former)
Nike was momentarily distracted from her observation as Finn passes by, waving him a brief "Yo!" As he flew past her on his way to the target of their momentarily shared interest. The feeling she had was persisting, and she was getting more and more certain it had to be coming from one of the two guys in the yard.

What should I do though? Do I just stroll in like: 'Hi! Would you happen to be a wizard, Harry?' I bet that would be an easy one way ticket to tartarus, or whatever. she wondered, her anxiety of the situation brewing the entire time.

Finally, the motorhead decided to sod off and was replaced by Finn instead. Aaaaw, you two are so cute I just might vomit. she thought briefly, returning to her previous topic. Closing her eyes - one would do that if they needed to focus her newfound magical sense, right? - she waited for anything to happen.

Only, the feeling didn't stop. The titan's power was still mingling about. And the only common denominator here was Sa'Cha, assuming a wizard was not resting against the wall of the campus, which she found unlikely.

Nike opened her eyes just as Sa'Cha was turning around to face Finn, briefly gazing her way. They didn't even lock eyes. In hindsight, Nike would doubt he even noticed her staring. Right now though, marinated in her uncertain feeling, the look made her straight up panic. HE KNOWS! she freaked out in her mind, doing her best to leave the sight as casually as she could manage. It was for naught. In the last minute, she failed to notice her hair was starting to stand up from the static that was building around her.

The moment she panicked, it left through the path of least resistance, which was a junction box on the wall. Two foot loghtning bolt briefly illuminated the hallway, and then the lights in the building went out and the fire alarm siren started blaring, causing an exodus of students out into the campus yard, robbing the lovebirds of their privacy.

As Nike filed out with the rest of them, she kept close but yet far enough, wondering if the titan's chosen noticed [b]that[/].
Nike Thunderbolt
“It is not the roaring thunder that smites, but the silent lightning.”
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Orientation: Wherever the chips land
Patron: Zeus
Magical affinity: Lightning
Voice: Anna Hutchison
Theme: Two steps from hell - Atlantis


Nike is a relatively average girl appearing a bit on the heavier side due to her hobbies, standing 168 cm tall and weighing just shy of 70 kilos. She however has a bit lower body fat percentage than is usual for her size and age, as she spends a lot of her time either training in martial arts or swimming. Her skin is on the darker side, and she has a bunch of smaller scars from falling a bit too often for her linking.

The girl's face is angular, with prominent cheekbones and pointy chin. Her eyes seem to always have a glitter of mischievousness in them, as if she intended to pull the rug from under you or put a whoopie cushion on your seat at any moment. She cuts her hair short and styles it into a wave, dying it blue.

Her wardrobe is a bit boyish, preferring garments with utility such as cargo pants, hiking boots and a vest full of pockets. There is always at least one swiss army knife on her, and usually a couple of snacks and a first aid kit. Despite being fit, she usually slouches in her seat or leans against the wall.


Extrovert - Cheeky - Mischievous - Playful - Energetic - Protective - Helpful - Stubborn - Stingy


Nike's mother is a first generation Greek immigrant. Her father was an unknown, who ditched her mother after a one night stand. She did not live in Angel Grove for most of her life, only relocating there for high school. This was caused by an unhappy situation in her family. Her mother took her situation hard, suffering another failed marriage after Nike’s father, albeit with a divorce that left them financially secure. Eventually, she succumbed to alcoholism, which led to Nike being neglected at first and abused later.

As such, Nike decided to spend as much time as she could away from the house. Her situation is better now that she makes a bit of her own money serving juice and cleaning at a juice bar by the school grounds, as well as being more than able to stand up to her eternally drunk mother, and on weekends she spends her time outdoors either practicing martial arts to ensure no one hurts her ever again, or just enjoying the outdoors, hinking, parkouring or swimming.

During one of her runs across the rooftops, she misjudged a jump and plummeted down several stories. She realized this was where her life would end. As she rapidly approached the ground, she cursed the heavens that she would end broken in a side alley next to a dumpster, wowing she would do anything for a different fate, before her vision went completely white. An entity talked to her, telling her of a danger coming to Earth, and made a pact with her: Her life, for becoming a protector of Earth. After Nike accepted, the voice, her patron, revealed himself to be Zeus, the Olympian god of Thunder.

Returning her consciousness to her body and setting her safely on the ground, Zeus bestowed a portion of his power to Nike and tasked her to find other heros, as only together will they be able to repel the threat.

Likes and dislikes:

+ Fresh food - Something she greatly enjoys, as usually she gets her food in a nonperishable form bought in advance on discount.
+ Attention - She appreciates the company of her few friends greatly, as her parents never spared her much thought.
+ Swimming - Most fun you can have for just the price of a swimsuit, even better if you can get some snorkeling gear.

- Bullies - While Nike was never really bullied at school, she suffered enough at home, and as such tolerates none of it.
- Schadenfreude - Nike can't help but giggle when she sees a relatively harmful misfortune happen to someone, such as missing the elevator. She hates this about herself, but cannot help pulling pranks at times.
- Judging a book by the cover - Money has never been tight, and as such, people automatically assume Nike lived a perfect life.


Combat: Grappling, kickbox, short blades

Common: Survival, cooking, mending broken things



Magi of the Storm:

Battle theme: Beyblade OST - Rise above the storm

Color scheme: Blue and silver

Stormcall gauntlets: Zeus’ warlock's primary weapons are armored gauntlets. They are capable of manipulating lightning, from throwing thunderboltsto forming electrical arcs to use as melee weapons. The gauntlets serve as Nike’s magic focusing equipment, and they can transform into silver wristwatch and bracelet for concealment.

Thunder robes: The robes of Zeus’ Warlock are made with more direct combat in mind, incorporating just enough armor not to disturb the flow of magic through the wearer’s body, but still significantly improving the protection of the wearer’s vital areas. The armor plates are silver in color with blue outline, having the sheen of polished metal. The fabric of the robes is rather on the heavier side, with inverse colors - blue with silver trim.


Arc blades - Nike summons two electric blades with which she can engage in melee battle.

Lightning reflexes - With every attack, Nike attunes more with her target, having an easier time reacting to their actions.

Divine energy - Capable of controlling the electrical functions in ehr body, Nike has the ability to perform at peak shape. She can usually act twice as fast as the average human.

Arc shield - Nike can summon an electric shield to vaporize an attack.

Energize - The warlock can focus the power of her patron onto an allied target, giving them a temporary effect of her divine energy.

Warlock of the Thunder:

Battle theme: Two steps from hell - Stormwatch

Static aura: In this form, Nike has sparks of electricity popping around herself and her hair stands up a bit.

New spells:

Recharge - Nike can absorb electricity from her environment, depleting or disabling the sources, to replenish her own power.

Stunlock - The warlock hits a target with ball lighting. The target temporarily loses control of their limbs and their thoughts are scrambled. If she is attuned to the target, the attack can jump to any other target in five meter radius..

Deflect - Instead of vaporizing an attack with the shield, Nike can use electric fields to redirect a projectile, which consumes less of her power.

Static aura - An energizing field surrounds Nike that replenishes the energy of nearby allies, making them immune to electricity, waking them up from a daze and giving them clear focus.

Forked lightning - When Nike attacks with her Arc blades, stray lightning bolts shoot off in a 45° cone, hitting targets as far as ten meters in front of her.

Hero of Zeus:

Battle theme: Skillet - Hero

Divine aura: In this form, Nike emits a faint blue glow, and her eyes turn yellow.

New spells:

Reflect - Nike can now absorb an incoming ranged attack, convert it to lightning and send the energy back as an attack of her own.

Bioelectricity perception - The attunement to her enemy reaches new levels, allowing Nike to notice changes in the bioelectric field of her target and react to her opponent’s actions almost before they happen.

Reenergize - The warlock can summon a divine lightning bolt that re-energizes the target, healing a fatal wound and returning them to fighting order, sharing Nike’s remaining energy equally between the two..

Lightning storm - Calling upon the power of Zeus, Nike strikes all enemies in her vicinity with lightning.

Chain lignting - Nike strikes a target with a high power lightning bolt. If other targets are near, the lighting chains up to five times

Nike - School

A new day - a new life. The Blunette could still scarcely believe what happened to her yesterday. It happened, right? She slipped on a jump, fell down three or so storeys onto concrete, and was saved by a literal god and chosen to fight in an epic war of divine powers that was coming to Earth's doorstep.

Suuuuuuuuure, I'm totally right in the head!

Still, she could hardly deny that the world just felt different. She felt the healthiest in years, like she could take on a 10 kilometer jog and barely break a sweat. The most minute details she might normally never notice screamed for her attention. Was everyone always moving so slowly? she found herself asking, as she dodged and weaved out of the others' way as she made up her way to the classroom. Well, if she truly had divine powers of lightning now, she will not need to worry about charging her phone ever again at least.

Still, the powers she was supposedly bestowed eluded her, or at least eluded her command. Yesterday, after her accident, she tried to will them forth, only to find out she had no idea how. Instead, she got jump scared by a bunch of kids running right at her form behind a corner, and a transformer on the pole at the end of the street sparked and went up in flames, sinking an entire street into the dark. Whoops.

Afterwards, she decided to sleep on it, and that was how she woke up the most refreshed ever and able to perceive and move faster than anyone else she knew, which included the track team. On her way here, she trialled herself against the bus and was able to keep up with it until the stop two blocks over, when she gave up because she did not want to show up sweaty and stinky to school.

Maybe I should just wait? If this happened after one night, perhaps I should just sleep on it some more, she thought as she found the door to her class and took her seat. Still, Zeus... okay, still weird... HONEST TO THEMSELVES ZEUS asked me to find others like me. Which means... Nike spent a solid couple of minutes thinking about what she was told to do, coming out empty. Aaaaargh! Must deities be so damn cryptic all of the time? Do I find others near death? ?Others worthy of being protectors? Others who already are protectors? Guh! she hit her desk with a balled fist, frustrated.

Looking at the clock, she found out she still had some time, having gotten to school about twice as fast as she normally would. The sprint earlier left her a bit parched, so she got up and walked down the hallway to the vending machine, desiring a soda. She looked towards the entrance of the school and that'S when she felt it. A cold shiver running down her spine.

A titan's power. said a voice in her head. How did she know? What even did that mean? She needed to brush up on her ancient mythology if she was going to do this, history was never her strong suit. Weren't titans the bad gods? Though, maybe not all of them? Shaking a peak out of the window, she spotted Sa'Cha and Mark walking down the road. Perhaps she felt one of them? Or, you crazy grunt, you might have felt someone behind the wall walking down the street. How am I supposed to tell? I'm certainly not going to go out and make a fool of myself asking the two of them if they had a near-death encounter with an ancient god who bestowed magic onto them and asked them to protect the world. No sire. she perished the thought, walking back to get her soda and hauled her ass to class. If she was not mistaken, Sa'Cha had the same class, so maybe she could gleam something else by it's end.

The situation seemed to be moving out of the frying pan and into the fire. Helia barely had the time to notice someone had joined them from the world above, when some big, ugly... Bugs? Emerged from the ship.

"There's something in here, and it ain't us!" She warned as the strange creatures approached.

Both Sa'cha and Heath tried the reasonable first contact approach, and she saw both of those fail. It gave her precious little time to decide what to do before her assailant came for her.

That's right. They were attacked. Without warning, although after Sa'Cha's display, Helia could not claim it was absolutely without provocation. But the thing going after Sa'Cha took no timw going for the kill. Had he not moved, there went his neck. They were in danger.

So Helia did what Helia trained to do.

Her hand reached into her pocket to find her multitool and draw the knife, as she jumped in front of Bruce whom she knew for sure was not trained to fight. That left her to fend off two of those things. She angled her body to present a smaller target. Left hand high in fron to grapple. Right hand behind her, ready to stab. Her heart was beating like crazy. She could barely stop her lwgs from shaking. And the pit of fear in her chest almost made her turn tail and run.

But she held. As one of the creatures lunged for her, she swatted the offending appendage away. The body of the creature was now wide open for her to see. She was still reluctant to kill it, so instead her leg kicked forward to it's bony chest - it's build seemed easy to topple.

Indeed, the bugman stumbled back, winded. The other one ceased it's charge. Smart. They would have easier time if they both attacked her. She could not let them, or it was over.

But she could not attack either and leave Bruce to fend for himself. Thus she chose to do wat they did, safety in numbers. "Get together! Whoever can fight to front, others behind them!" She shouted, ponting towards the group of three nearby and backing away as fast as she dared to them.
As the half elf's spell went down, the dragoness in disguise was surrounded by an ominous black and red glow. As her shape expanded, her shadow loomed over the elves. "Enough!" her voice resonated through the air, the volume making her words being felt rather than heard. A slam of her tail into the ground caused it to shake beneath everyone's feet as well.

With a wave of her front paw, a wall of black flames surrounded the group, separating them from the elves and their arrows. The plants that were grasping at the group found themselves seared in half, now limply slacking off on their bodies. She walked out from behind the cart, towards the wall of flame and looked the elven leader in the eyes. "I am doing my very best not to resort to violence, child of the forest. We are merely travellers passing through these parts. Beforehand, I might have even purchased some of your wares on my way out. Now however, I am thoroughly nettled."

She blown some smoke out of her nostrils into the elf's face: "Now, we are going that way," she pointed, and the flames formed a corridor in the direction, "If you value your lives, be somewhere else. Oh, and if you find a pirate looking guy... For every drop of his blood, I will drop one of you. So run along little elf, and tell your king to behave." she threatened, before turning to the group, "We are leaving!"
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