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Do you need more PC bad guys? I'd probably be up for a second character. Me thinks they could be introduced after the crash as never having left the stasis pod, therefore being launched during the evac.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Spaceship > Workshop > Agatha's tent
Skills: None used

Having the mind only for the gizmo that was slowly taking shape in her imagination, Victoria quickly thanked Danny and Dorian and bid them farewell, shutting herself in her shrine workshop until she had the basics of a workable design ready.

Hours later. Scrap! I hope I didn't miss her! she thought as she quickly made her way to the tent of the old witch. She was in luck - the sun was pretty low, but the tent was still in it's place, hopefully with the witch still present. At least there was no line now, so Victoria ducked inside.

Vicky's sensors would register everything inside of the tent with perfect accuracy as she entered - the floating candles and cards and crystals, some of the stones not native to Earth. She would see the black cat with an eerie green glow surrounding it, indicating that it was not simply a house cat. The armoires and trunks and shelves, all gathered from different eras in human history, containing artifacts of either immense power and sentimental value. And the witch herself, bursting with a similar green glow to the cat's - a glow so bright that it was blinding.

And then Vicky's system would crash. Her system would register strange runic symbols and arcana diagrams and configurations, before going completely offline. To an outsider, it would look like Vicky had just fainted.

Her system would then reboot, finding herself seated on a bench at a crossroads. It was dark - far darker than it had been when her system was last active. The native foliage lining the roads did not match those found in Los Angeles. And if she looked up at the sky, she would be able to see the stars - the air was clearer here, less polluted. She would be able to process this information to figure out her geographic location, but the witch seated on the bench next to her, her cat at her heels, supplied the answer readily.

"We're outside of Salem," Agatha explained. "I figured you would appreciate the privacy. Had I known you were an android, I would have warned you against entering my tent. I am technically not supposed to admit students with pacemakers either."



Chipset: U-15
Platform: ASTRA Mobile Prototype
Serial number: A-U-0
Operating system: ASTRA
Designation: Victoria Ã…shild Elise van Dyne


Power core integrity: 100%
Charge level: 25%
Structural integrity: 100%
Mobility: 100%
Shell integrity: 100%
Chipset integrity: 100%
Memory fragmentation: 0.05%
Personality matrix integrity: 100%
Personality diffraction: 0%

Overall status: Nominal


Victoria's eyes fluttered open and she remained perfectly still as she took in her surroundings. What happened? Where was she? The last thing she remembered was... Entering an impossible space and detecting a slew of signals that her instruments failed to interpret. She looked into her system files and found the recent crash log. Sweet fortune, a power fail! Wait... but I'm still me? How? she wondered briefly, before Agatha's naming of their location reminded Vicky of the existence of the world outside of her nanite shell.

The android brushed a bit of dirt off of her face - Did I faceplant into the ground? Ugh, embarrassing... - And turned her head to address the witch in her company. "Good evening, miss Harkness." She smiled despite everything. She had to admit, the atmosphere of the place was serene and she quite liked the quiet. "My apologies for the dishonesty. I was not at the liberty to tell. I suppose I should take it as a good thing that someone of your calibre remained oblivious for two years. I suppose that means the VEIL protocol is working, if even the Faculty can't tell. I mean, Vision knows, of course, being a shynthezoid and my uncle and all..." She paused suddenly before resuming, "Sorry, rambling. I came to you to say goodbye and offer a hand in packing, but in hindsight, thinking a magician would need help with manual labor was a bit silly." she smiled sheepishly.

Turning back to look at the scenery again, she bent down and ran her fingers through the grass, trying to figure out whether she was moved, of if she was experiencing some kind of illusion. Well, if this is an illusion, I can't tell it apart. Straightening back out, she had a guilty expression on her face: "I'm sorry I did not manage to attend your class before you left."

Agatha waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, almost every student at the academy has a dark and cumbersome secret. If we spent our time looking into each and every one, we'd have no time left to teach. We hardly have the time as it is. Demons don't send out a When2Meet to time a confrontation to not conflict with a course." She wasn't lying though. She knew for a fact that there were probably dozens of students at the Margaret Carter Institute with forged intake forms. Nothing terrible had happened yet, so the faculty just hadn't found the time to really care about it. Maybe if there was an incident things would change. That was how it always went - things were reacted to, never anticipated.

"I appreciate the gesture, nonetheless. But I am not sorry that you did not attend my class," Agatha offered. She flicked her hand and a cigarette appeared in it, already lit. She took a drag and then breathed out, letting the smoke fly up into the night sky. "AI lifeforms are notoriously an absolute pain in the arse to teach." She chuckled, evidently finding her observation very funny. "Now then, shall I peer into your future or would you like to receive the gift I have selected for you first? It is not magical in origin, so there should be no threat to your systems."

"Well, no life is perfect." Victoria shrugged at the jab at her kind. AIs were hard to teach, humans failed at not being jerks, ... Then came the question of her reading, and she vividly recalled the conversation with Zari and Mads earlier in the day. "You're free to look if you are curious, but I'd rather you didn't tell me. I'm not comfortable with the implications of a definite future being available to glimpse, and I think In this case, ignorance is bliss." she smirked. "Aw, shoot, we're doing gifts? Sorry, I didn't think-" she looked towards the ground glumly. Clearly her understanding of social occasions had ways to go still.

Agatha nodded, respecting Vicky's wishes. Rather than having the cards spin and dance around her head as she had for the others, Agatha simply drew two cards from the deck. If Vicky chose to look, she would see Strength and the Nine of Swords. Had she asked, Agatha would have explained she went for a binary reading, inspired by Vicky's nature. One card for all of Vicky's positives, her best traits, the things that would help her along the way, the epitome of her finest moment - and one card for what would be Vicky's undoing, her downfall, her deepest despair. The Cards seemed to want to be rather literal today. Perhaps it was because there was no soul behind those eyes, just ones and zeros. Agatha didn't know. She hadn't looked. She drew one last card, as the theme began to clear before her - the Hierophant. Conformity and tradition. Chains that would both revive her yet restrain her. A masculine face, cloaked in metal.

Agatha did not let a trace of pity show on her face. This child had a long road to walk - one that would change her forever in body, if not in soul.

"The future is not definite," Agatha told Vicky. "We can glimpse at where we are going, yet our will is our own. As our choices change, so does the future. But I will not tell you what I saw unless you should ask me to." She paused, putting the cards away neatly. She then waved her hand and a large circular bag containing something heavy appeared in her lap. Agatha messed with the zipper, revealing an ancient Norse shield. Despite being centuries old, it looked ready to use. "No magic - albeit I did use some in its restoration. What better gift for a shield maiden than a shield of old?"

Pondering the answer, Victoria decided not to look at or ask for a meaning of the cards in the end. "Hmm... Very well, we have free will, but if you do get a glimpse of even one possible future, just knowing may still influence your decisions. I think I'll let the chips fall where they may." Philosophy class will be fun! she thought. Hopefully the classmates won't just be drab wretches who only took the class for credits. "I would like to know how you made it so that I came out fine in the end after my system shut down though. At least I assume you did something, otherwise even the person that built me does not know how I actually work and that is a thought I would rather not entertain, considering what I am based on."

Agatha regarded Vicky knowingly. "Ask me again when you're older. I do not believe you are ready to know how just yet."

When Agatha produced such a piece of history, Victoria's eyes widened in awe. Taking the piece in almost reverence, she unpacked it and held it up in the faint light, marveling at the blue and yellow paint job. Not her colors, and she was not painting her armor in the x-men color scheme, but perhaps without it, she could make it work? What to use for weapon though? Unless... Oh, with a little modification and a lot of training... She looked around, checking for any other people and cameras.

No recording devices present.
All personnel in vicinity aware of unit's nature.
Lifted VEIL condition satisfied.
Activating combat mode...

Smirking, Victoria's irises turned red in color as she held the shield out. Her surface seemed to shiver and weave like it was made out of millions of tiny insects, but instead of reshaping and shifting some of the mass that currently formed her jumpsuit into a protective cover and a sharp edge over the shield, it instead malformed and just turned her surface grotesque looking and it took her some doing to even reshape herself back into the original form.

She frowned. Okay, this is one of my basic functions. This is easily controllable without even having to think about it.


So what the hell?!

Her diagnostic scan earlier was fine, so the control code and the nanite firmware should be in working order. Unless, of course, even the backup was somehow corrupted, resulting in the faulty files returning matching checksum. Which would mean a trip to Pym Tech to restore those libraries from the on-site backup. Not great, not terrible. Only one way to find out. Victoria opened the code files and very quickly read through them, and as she did, she quickly went through all of confusion, denial, anger, bargaining and depression, until she finally reached acceptance after some 138 miliseconds. Okay. bunch of my code is now written in runes. Which I can't even read, much less understand what that code is doing. But there is little I can do right now. Other than perhaps kill a witch, but somehow I don't think that would help... she though, before sighing.

"Well, whatever it was, fifth of my coding is now in runes. I'd ask whether that's permanent, but it's just a matter of going home for a restore, so whatever, I guess?" her shoulders visibly slumped though. "Still, this is a very nice piece. Thank you. If you ever need help with something that requires a touch of the physical rather than magical, call me, I'll be there."

"Give it a few hours, dear, and it'll sort itself out," Agatha said knowingly. "The magic is still settling out of your system, bit by bit... no pun intended." She waved her hands and suddenly, they were back at the Margaret Carter Institute, standing outside of Agatha's tent. "Good night, Victoria van Dyne. Be well."

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Inside spaceship
Skills: Savagery

And just like that, the magic - and entertainment - were gone. She did manage to record some interesting data about the phenomenon to be analyzed in detail later, perhaps something that could help her refine her vectored field control in the visible spectrum. Also, she recorded enough data on her pathetic her classmates were in dealing with such a minor nuisance. Some of them seemed downright frozen in fright, as far as their body language went, although she did not think to also observe the people in detail to gauge their vitals to confirm her theory. She'd have to note it down for further assessment. If she could neutralize some of them by tossing a beehive on them? That just made her future job easy.

Her musings were interrupted by someone giving her an earful. Vicky had to admit, the boy got a drop on her, her internal reaction to the fact a lot more profane. "Hi, I'm Victoria, nice to meet you." she rolled her eyes on him. Rude. "And, actually, no. I could not do much more than wave my perfectly human arms at those bugs, like the lot of you seemed keen on, rather than doing the sensible thing and backing away slowly. I suppose I could have ran to the armory and put my armor on and then come back to the situation already being resolved, yeah that would have been efficient." she said, her tone dripping sarcasm. "Although if we are to assume every problem has a superpowered solution, well, if only there was someone here with an actually effective superpower, like, say, able to douse the flaming bees in water. Oh, wait, there was! Or perhaps someone able to teleport you all to safety. Hm, right, they Fox-trot Oscar'd leaving you to deal with it. Go team!" she snorted derisively, getting up and staring down Dorian's eyes, her tone growing dark, "Or I suppose I could have walked over and knocked the lights of the culprit causing this out, but then someone would be standing over me, chewing me out for being a bully despite actually pulling your hides out of the fire."

She wanted to just leave after that, not liking where her mind was taking her. It seemed that she was worried about socializing for the wrong reasons. She thought she would shut down and get lost, her voice overpowered by all of the others. Instead, people seemed to drive her mad, and she quickly lost her filter, turning into an ass of a person. Maybe she should retire to the workshop - Machines behaved logically and predictably, unlike people. Still, a small but loud part of her was curious about how the inevitable shitstorm of a reply would be delivered, so she stayed. "So, what would you have me do in this situation?" she shrugged.
Location: Bridge

The skirmish was brief, but intense. As soon as she pressed the button, Nautica could feel her spark rippling with excitement. She dropped the detonator and grabbed her blade with both hands, swinging it mightily as soon as one of the rebels dared to poke their ped through. The screaching of metal. The quelch of severed fuel lines. The sight of the front of the ped flying off. She did not even know their name. She did not need to. The battle was all that was required to get her predacon spark exhilarated.

Despite herself, a grin spread across her face, revealing rows of sharp teeth. The battle continued, and Nautica scored good hits, while avoiding too terrible damage herself. She will have Gigatron's head though - The brute got in a lucky strike, sending her tumbling towards the bridge windows with four gashes across her chest plate to show for it. That's it. Your head will decorate the ship's signal mast! She thought bitterly as she picked herself up.

Before she could charge the colossal predacon though, an ethereal apparition tossed a spanner into the gears. And a short while after, they all found themselves tumbling from the floor to the ceiling and back. At one point, Nautica thought she would actually smash through the windows and be ejected into the vacuum of space. Then, just as suddenly as it started, it ended, with everyone being left in a pile of limbs. The bridge consoles were all thrashed - no one would be regaining control of the ship from here.

Using the confusion, Nautica quickly got to her feet and charged out of the broken door, blade at the ready, hoping to break through to engineering, where she could access all of the core systems directly and steer the ship.
That's a bit of a scary thought, they already know everything there is to know about us xD

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Inside spaceship
Skills: None used

As Victoria approached the console, she did notice the cold spots on it that did not seem to match with the general shape of the room, any air vents or anything, but she figured this was an alien ship, so who knew? Maybe this was normal? The only way she could tell would be to have a look inside, which was exactly what she intended to do... Right after she dodged the omnipresent minefield of mouse poop.

That was not the only thing wrong with the ship though. For a dead hulk, there was a lot of interference in the radio band. At one point, she could swear she heard a little girl scream. Replaying the feed in her head, she tried to clear and enhance the audio, but it was too garbled to make any sense. Briefly, she thought of sending a message back, before she realized just how silly the idea was. The ship was dead, no power anywhere. What, did she now believe in ghosts? Ridiculus.

Finally finding what she was looking for, she gently pried the console open, and frowned in dismay. "Who in their right mind decided to make an exhibit of this piece of shit? Literally!" she snarled as even the insides of the console were turned into a rat lavatory, not to mention all of the bitten-through wires and general state of the 'exhibit' She originally intended to connect to the hardware and supply some power to see if she could get anything out of it, but forget it! Sending power into these wires would almost certainly cause it to burn down, and frankly the whole thing was so dirty she should not be touching it with a ten foot pole, much less roaming within. I hope the club meeting room is in better order...

With disgust, she plopped the console cover back down and left the way she came, taking care to wipe her boots on the grass as she left. When she raised her eyes, she saw armageddon. Zooming in on one of the living flames terrorizing her classmates, she actually saw a little insect inside. Rather than helping her classmates - They are all superpowered, I need to protect humans from them. They should be able to help themselves. Sink or swim, punks. - she plopped down, opened a file and started cataloguing her observations on the species she decided to call Apis Infernal.
If you want to do a GM post now, feel free to assume Nautica blown the door. She would as soon as Septishock also gave up on his plan.
Definitely not getting the goofy "decapitation is an inconvenience" feel the BW cartoon had :D This so far feels more like Prime or the aligned games.
Sidenote: How readable is Nautica's color code for you guys? Should I make it lighter?
Location: Bridge

Nodding at her companions, Nautica started affixing the charge to the door, setting the detonator both to be triggered remotely and by a motion sensor to blow immediately if the door so much as started buckling or opening. She moved to the side of the door frame - the shaped charge should not threaten anyone on the bridge, however standing directly in the path of any intruders was not on Nautica's agenda. Instead, she drew one of her two blades, ready to part the first mutineer charging through from their head by a horizontal slash from behind the corner. She was a peaceful femme, but she was still a predacon. If there was a battle, there would be no prisoners.

Septishock's announcement gave her a pause, and for a few seconds she was glad she did not set the bomb on a timer, as there appeared to be a hope for a solution that did not involve spilling any energon. Well, other than potentially the ship's. Suddenly her personal hidden stash of energon gummies might gain significant value as one of the few fuel sources remianing. All hopes were crushed though as the power to the consoles began to fail, meaning that any second the scientist may actually lose the ability to deliver on his threat. Back to plan A. She took the detonator, flipped open the safety and looked at their positions. A sniper ready to take shots, herself ready to carve living mechs into dead spare parts, and a bulky maximal also next to the door. Not great, not terrible. She should really get a blaster installed.

"Clear the door and be ready! Take out anyone who so much as pokes a servo through! I wouldn't bet on them keeping anyone they don't have a use for." she said as loudly as she dared for it not to be heard on the other side of the door. Her thumb hovered over the detonator, waiting for any sign of intrusion or for the consoles to finally fizzle and die.
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