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I'm thinking the Avenger from XCom 2 for now. Will work on it after work.

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat, Data gathering and analysis, Mechatronics
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

As her foot fell down, Victoria wondered what she was feeling. She expected some sort of vindictive satisfaction, but it did not arrive. The rage has left her too, and she eventually settled on disappointment. She picked up the bow and looked it over, the first thought on her mind being to break it. Eliminate the threat. But... Then she'd learn nothning. Besides, I gave Leah another go at me, hardly seems fair not to give Diana the same courtesy. No need to be a bitch about it though... But let's not give her a pat on the back either. she thought, setting her diagnostics suite to work on the problem with her chest piece as she walked over to Diana's spawn point.

Oh, Diana was not a happy customer by the look of things. Good. "Feeling angry? Humiliated? You do realize that were this a real fight, your family would soon be attending a closed casket funeral, all because you were vain and didn't have your head in the game, right? Here." she said, her tone level rather and devoid of emotions, supplying raw facts, as she handed Diana her bow back. "The next one is free, make it count. Also, drop by after classes, and collect Leah on your way. I'll show you a concept from armored vehicle fighting that might be useful to know." she offered and walked back to her earlier position at the edge of the line of pillars.

A moment later, her diagnostic suite dinged and spat out the report, indicating that the problem was indeed a severed power line. Blast! I can't fix that, that would need to be replaced. Her train of thought was interrupted by an arrow whistling past her and burying itself in the ground. Being distracted with the damage report, she first looked after the arrow rather than where it came from and shooting back, which meant that when she finally did, she only saw Diana getting into cover. Mentally giving herself a kick, Victoria at least approved of Diana's new tactics. Walking over to pick up the arrow, she inspected it. EMP. Clever girl. Suit has military level hardening of course, but then again, Hawkeye packs arrows that have annoyingly strong discharge for their size. Better safe than sorry. she thought and promptly crushed the arrow's shaft into splinters, tossing the arrowhead away to some shrubbery near the edge of the arena.

Victoria briefly deliberated what to do next. Diana was now focused on her, so she could continue that fight. Edward was nowhere to be seen, so trying to flush him out was a possibility. Then there was the technopath, which was the biggest threat and What in the Sam Hill is going on over there? her train of thought ran into a rock wall, she saw Leah's head poking over one of the pillars, looking all false super sayian and talking with Zari. Logic said she should hit Zari while she was distracted, but then again, she might just get beat upon by SuperLeah. Diana it was then.

Turning back to the pillar she was hiding behind, Victoria opted for the brute force approach. Reseting her defense per her notes, she dropped down to one knee and raised her hands in front of her, open palms facing away from each other. Heh. Makankosappo! she thought, launching an overcharged repulsor beam.

Well hello there! Is this intended to be just a SWxSG crossover or can we bring other IPs in?

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

The day was going well so far. Victoria was happy to see the pillars appear. Hard cover would be much better than for example a dust cloud, both in providing cover form her own attacks, and because her sensors did not rely on visual signals alone. If Leah tried to obscure her position, chances were she would still show up decently on thermal. Good, goooood! she thought with a small cackle. Then, someone who insisted on breaking reality jumped in and spoiled their bout.

Worse, Diana got a lucky shot as her arrow found a gap in her armor, disabling power to the M-F emitter that she allocated to defend exactly against this person. Her continued insistance on spoiling Victoria's efforts towards dealing a blow to her were starting to get on her nerves. It was all the more sweeter when the fool did not teleport out immediately, but instead started talking shit. And as the saying goes, talk shit, get hi- !!! Victoria paused her thought for a split second as a boulder smashed against her armor, the suit earning it's keep today. Both Leah's and Diana's attacks would have severely screwed up an unprotected person.

She expected Diana to have teleported away by now, but to her unyielding rage, she was still there and drawing breath to have another comment. Even as she said her sentence, Victoria's hand was already in motion, and she bitchslapped the blonde - right into the ground, wondering whether she knocked a few teeth or her entire jaw loose. She took a step closer, seething about the fact that the people she was worried about being good enough to best her on any day were being this incompetent. "Since I'm already advising Leah, I'll give you one for free too: Next time, get the fuck out of the range of the person you intend to trashtalk before you do." Then she lifted her foot and proceeded to try and stomp Diana's head into paste, interested in seeing whether the blonde still had enough wits about her to teleport away fast enough. Offhand, she started making a list of lessons learned form this fight.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

Well, that was anti-climactic. Victoria wasn't too sure how much pain the Framework simulated, and was happy enough that Leah wasn't left burning for too long before the repulsor ended whatever sufferring she might have been enduring. That should give the others some warning against treating her lightly. Okay, one down, three to go. Now, where's- Oh what the heck?! Victoria frowned as shitty heart sprites appeared over Leah's corpse as it vanished, only to reappear a second later.

Spawncamping was a tactic that immediately came to mind (Vicky idly noted that she was going to miss game nights with Mai), but it would let her victims learn nothing. Instead, she checked if anyone was making a move on her and then waved at Leah to get her attention.

"This armor was made to deal with super powered people, that includes people like the Juggernaut. Unless you can teleport or move and think fast enough to dodge ranged attacks that move at sound or light speed or can bypass them somehow, you'll need to move cover to cover to protect yourself on approach, or somehow prevent me from targeting you." she dropped some advice, hopefully specific enough to be useful, but general enough to make Leah have to think about how to accomplish that.

Walking back to put some more distance between the two if them, she nodded at the brunette and issued a challenge: "Again!" as she reset the generators for a more defensive setup, keeping the others (notably the teleporter) in mind, banking on her armor being able to take a shot from a bow and arrow from any side.

GEnerally, think of the category postlength as a minimum requirement, rather than reccommended length. It's fine to write advanced level posts in casual, as long as you accept othersmay not match you.

Also, CaptainManbeard is a GM who also likes to use pictures and videos in posts, you may wanna check out some of his games, you may feel right at home there :)

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat, Hacking
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

As soon as the simulation loaded, Victoria took inventory of the area. The hunger games motivation was clear at the first look. Which could be expected for a battle royale. Still, the grassy plain offered little to use in the terms of terrain, pretty much only giving Leah things to work with. Victoria would have preferred something with a few more hazards to use, like Mustafar. As soon as she saw the clear sky above though, her plan kicked into motion and she launched up...

...only to flatten against an invisible barrier. "I will f****** stab you, rabbit cat lady, and make a hat out of your fur!" the girl growled out loud as she returned to the ground. With the limited space, there was no point in flying and wasting all that power, when it would only give her a second at most more to react to a rick pillar rising to meet her or similar attacks. Dropping back to the ground, Victoria took a look around to locate targets just as Usagi told them to start murdering.

Without flying, she had pretty much all of her generators available to defend or attack with. She toyed with the idea of fighting everybody all at once, but the wise words of one Londo Mollari echoed through her mind. It would be much more sound tactic to eliminate the biggest threat and mop up the rest later. The biggest threat would obviously be the technopath among their midst. A fine plan, however there appeared to be a volunteer for punishment.

Turning to face Leah, Vicky ran perpendicular to Leah's approach. Being a stationary target was a stupid idea. She fought the urge to cheer. Vicky had no idea how was it that in two years she has never faced this one in combat class, which was a damn shame as from her observations, Leah actually wouldn't break apart if she jokingly punched her while armored. Focus, stupid! she thought, raising her arms and firing off her attack, while keeping attention at her sensors to keep aware if someone fancied stabbing her in the back.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Framework lobby > Framework
Skills: None
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

Alas, the last of them arrived. Try as she might, Victoria could not figure out whether Zari was even in the room in the morning - maybe buried under her blanket? - with how busy she was admiring her new piece of kit. She mentally kicked herself, noting that she was not going to win any favors like that. Maybe she should make breakfast? Are you trying to poison her, dummy? Remember the last time you wandered into the kitchen? she berated herself. However, the roommate did not seem to give her any grief for it, and Vicky decided to roll with it.

The infernal spawn then talked again, only convincing Victoria further that the worst joke here was the teacher. The news that the game was rigged was not entirely news, what with the Young Avengers remaining a team across multiple years, but hearing the details, she had to admit, stung. Not because it was happening in the first place, but because she didn't hear it from Cas. Come to think of it, recently the two of them seemed to be growing a bit more distant, hardly ever seeing each other despite literally living under the same roof. Which sucked, and Vicky suspected a little bit that her handlers may have had a hand in that to force her to interact with other people some more. But in the superhero scope of things, it did not matter. Victoria could not care less about the Contest of Champions, rigged or not. She was here to learn how to be good at the job of protecting the people, not to with the contest or become an Avenger.

As soon as she heard the assignment, she was on her way to the dressing room. She picked up her size and was down to her bra before the door even closed behind her. Few seconds later she was back out, deciding she vastly preferred her actual armor even for the Framework linkup, but she was not about to waste quarter hour of everyone's time to go suit up. Stopping by Usagi's table, she wanted something clarified: "Do you want me to go with armor or without? Judging by what you said so far, I'd say you'd like to see if I can nuke a town, but just in case I'm wrong..."

Usagi smirked looking at Vicky. ā€œIā€™d like to see you try to actually go without one of these days, blondie! But inside the Framework, sure, put on the tin can.ā€

"That can be arranged." Vicky gave Usagi a predatory grin. She would have preferred to have some training time with her new toy, although for now she set her tank into the 'suited' preset. Thinking on it a little more, maybe it would be best to train a bit before ahving four others descend on her in a fight. "Any briefing on what's the sim, or do we get a surprise?"

"It will be a surprise!"

Naturally. Nodding, Victoria walked over to the tanks, plugged in the links and engaged the sim. As it loaded, she wondered whether there would be any countdown before start, or if they were to start slaughtering each other as soon as the simulation loaded. Something she could also have asked while she was at it, but in the end, it did not matter too much to her. If she found herself in the open area, she would fly up immediately to get a lay of the land, and if there was a roof in the way, she would look for cover to get behind, just in case. And maybe get ready to put an outward repulsor field around me, just in case someone thought I'd make an easy target.

She quickly reviewed her files on everyone again, as her previous deliberations about team synergies weren't exactly useful right now. Arcade was an unknown, but unless he started hacking the Framework, he looked like a bit of a pushover for now. Leah could control potentially affect cover and the very ground under their feet, so hovering might be a better tactic than walking, even if it would waste power. Diana could zoom around the field, the worst thing was going to be landing hits on her. She would have to catch her unawares, probably from long range. Zari... would depend on the terrain. She had a feeling there would only be one winner though, and not any of them. "Usagi will have blood. Mine or theirs." she grumbled as the world finally loaded around her.
TBH this has been feeling like it is on life support for a while xD
Katrina Blut
Location: Briefing room > 'Mech bay

As the jump signal chimed in, Katrina remained seated. She has been through more than enough jumps to know her stomach could take it, or to get used to it long before now. The other issue, well... If the hsip could only do a 1G burn in the direction it was intended to transfer loads through, she figured it would either be a smooth jump, or explosive decompression. Once the jump passed, she observed the wounds on the planet and the location of the enemy base. "Underground, you say? Would be a real shame if someone closed all but one entrance and pointed a flamer into the last one." she snorted. The RoEs seemed straightforward enough to her: Kill anything trying to kill you, ask questions... maybe.

Finally it was time to rip off the Band-Aid and go visit the 'Mech bay. The fact that, even as they approached, the chief technician could be heard loudly announcing some for the mechs were for all intents and purposes nonfunctional, was not very encouraging. One quick glance over the contents of the bay made the corrners of her mouth droop. The only thing equipped with her beloved LRMs was the Draconian heavy, which she would not fucking get near if she could help it. While it could get to a decent speed, she would vastly preffer something heavier on missiles and with no AC. Of course, it was too much to hope for a Catapult. The regulars probably snapped those up quickly, if the republic had any at all.

At least the chief seemed to insist on some competence among the crew. It wouldn't help them much in the present mission, but perhaps she could strike a deal and pass on some of her wisdom and experience from her own days in such a position. My knowledge is a bit dated, but then again, so are these 'Mechs. I might even be able to teach her a thing or two about these things. she nodded to herself with a smile. Smile which quickly faded as the more able-bodied of the crew at times sprinted towards some of the 'mechs to claim them. She shot a nervous glance towards the trash can as she walked along the bays to make her pick, made at ease with the fact that there seemed to be more 'Mechs then pilots available, so that it was certain there would be an alternative left. She briefly thought of challenging the Draconis girl to rock, paper, scissors for the Dragon only for the heck of it, but the thought vanished as she walked past the Wasp.

It was the 'Mech that the Valkyrie she used to drive replaced. Far be it from being similar, having a machine gun instead of an LRM. She would rather carry a few RPGs in the cockpit and fire those hanging upside down from the hatch, go all the good an MG would do against anything that was not infantry or light vehicles. Still, could be worse. It could have been the stock variant with the pathetic SRM-2. The medium laser she was plenty familiar with. It was not a bad choice, but she did have a look up and down the line to see what remained available. The javelin was a no-go, unless she could trade Nakano for the LRM launcher. Something to talk about later. The Panther had a loadout she was wholly unfamiliar with, having last fired a PPC in basic training. Her eye fell on the FedSun refit of the Raven. The large laser was very tempting, however the absence of jump jets made Kat question if she was good enough of a pilot to get it in place where she could put it to use. A well-times pang of stabbing pain in her calf made her decide on a resounding 'No', and she climbed up into the Wasp.

Settling into the seat and blowing dust from the controls, she gave the cockpit a look over, a frown settling on her face. "Hey! I have a wad of duct tape holding my control panel together. Anyone landed on a museum artefact that is somehow worse off that is not an Urbanmech?" she called out. It was good thing that she had great many hours to get the machine as ready as she could with some time to spare to rest beforehand. Getting back out, she walked back over to Elena. "Chief, mind if I grab some tools and give the Wasp a look?"
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