Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

"Heh. Either that, or the qualifier results are posted in there, and they didn't get in." Victoria chuckled as Diana pointed out the people in tears, before reviewing the data she got from her sister's phone.

Hm. Vicky's calls went through, Cas' just never called back. In fact other than a few messages here and there to a few group chats, there was nothing much. Nothing much at all. And the playlist... Girl, you're not angry with me, are you? You're just sad. she thought, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Well, that, and if Uncle is dragging you through the mud, you might just be sleeping it off any time you can. How did flesh and bone people have empathy without surveillance? Vicky could not tell anything was wrong from the way Cassandra was acting, to the point where her thought process made a complete loop and she started wondering whether Cassandra was actually feeling down or just took a liking to those particular songs this month.

"I guess it is your last year in that particular team composition. Maybe Vis wants you to go out on a high note. And pocket another win for himself. Usagi has been giving us grief too. You think they have a bet going?" Victoria proposed. "Anyway, if you need me to hack into the Framework and have Vision load into an Ultron infested nightmare scenario next time you plug in so you can get a breather, yell. I have another teammate who can help with that now, and apparently, I am now a delinquent worthy of detention - I don't even really know what for - So I might as well play the role." she scoffed. Actually, maybe I should step up my effort. I'm just going to go and kick in Cas' door next time and drag her out. Yeah!

Then she remembered something. "Actually, Cas. I got a letter from Mum a while ago and she said to come visit. How about Saturday? I think we could both use a little time away form this place, if even for a day."

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: Hacking
Equipment: Frank costume

Well. Miss Flynn agreed to head inside, although Victoria was promptly left behind. Half success, she guessed? Anyhows, that left her in the awkward position in making eye contact with Cassie, and pretty much falling right next to her when they filed through the door. While she originally wanted to let her marinate, being in such a close proximity and ignoring her sister was way too rude for Victoria to stomach. She was raised better than that.

"Hey," So you ARE alive? she thought bitterly. "Long time no talk." NOT from the lack of trying! Seriously, what has been going on? "Been busy?" Go on, justify not returning any of my calls. How did they and up like this in the span of just a few weeks? The more Victoria thought about it, the more it smelled of a setup. She briefly closed her eyes as they went red, pinging the area in an attempt to check Cassie for the presence of her phone and trying to access it to see what the problem might have been, before she made a scene. Eyes opening again, she raised an eyebrow and gave Cassandra a quizzical stare: "Bubbles? So I guess that make me Bunny?" she said in a joking tone.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

Aaaand cue the cricket sound. For having several orders of magnitude more brain capacity than a human, Victoria could never come up with small talk topics if her life depended on it. Her brain already wanted to rationalize why Zelda's costume looked like the real thing despite her seemingly not putting all that much effort into it, ranging from her own physical similarity to the target to 'You got talent, I guess'. None of them seemed like thoughts that should be said out loud in this case.

Maybe a change of scenery then? Vicky was wondering what would have been done to decorate the place. It probably wouldn't beat the main hall in Hogwarts, but hopefully this wouldn't be a total bust. "So... shall we go in? Before all the good snacks are gone." she asked the company. If nothing else, she intended to sample the food today. Out of everything though, the results of the qualifiers interested her the least. Well, no. that space was firmly reserved for any dancing. Hopefully the costume would deter anyone who might think to ask her for one.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

The area was relatively empty, although Vicky figured that was about to change quickly. Looking around she spotted the self appointed queens of the school dressed up as powerpuff girls. Wow. Dressing up as sisters with someone else after ghosting me? That one... Actually hurts. What the hell did I do to you, Cas?! she thought bitterly.

The reasonable, adult thing to do would be to use this time to talk to her about it. The unreasonable thing to do would be to confront her about it. But the side that won at the moment was the petulent child, who screamed from inside of Vicky's mind to ignore Cassandra in return. Leave those hens to their blather. You'll lose less synapses this way! If she suddenly wants to talk, she can start by explaining herself.

Instead she put her attention to the rest of the room. "Diana, miss Flynn, good evening. I like the costume Diana, but that blows us both out of the water. The resemblence is uncanny." she credited Zelda's effort.

Time: After qualifiers
Location: Training room B > Locker room
Skills: N/A
Trick or treat: Detention for all of November

Finally, this thing was over. Now, she could get to what needed to be done. First things first, she flew up to the hostage cage, grabbed the first aid kit and administered what she could to the other team, leaving some prescription-free pain relievers with Rada once she was dug out. Then, she gathered her own flock: "Locker room. Now."

Once she shut the door behind them, all floodgates came open. Vicky turned on her heel, her gaze snapping to Zari "What the hell was that?! If you have a problem with me or how I conduct myself in this role, you can tell me when we're here or almost any time else. But not in the middle of the bloody fight! If you do that again, I'll take you down myself! I'd rather be a pair of hands down than to have an undisciplined maverick like you running amok! I wouldn't trust you to pick up my groceries, let alone to have my back! It'd a coinflip whether you would show up with what I needed, or two days later having bought something completely different!

I support proper initiative, when I tell you what needs doing, I won't micromanage you about how to get it done. Or like Ed and Leah have done, when I didn't actually have anything for them to do, they found how to use their skillset to help us achieve the objective. But so long as I am at the helm, this was the last time you told me me 'no' when I asked something of you, and then fucked off to do gods know what else!"

Her head snapped around, addressing the rest of them: "So let's hear it! Now, when it's actually supposed to happen and won't screw us over! All of you! Because I am done trying if you don't even want it, you can find someone else among you whom you'd feel more comfortable with." She lifted a bench and slammed it to the middle of the room, dividing it to two sides. "Statement: Victoria is a leader I care to follow. Aye's to my left, Nay's to my right!"

In the end, Diana and Leah stood in her corner, while Ed seemed to straddle the bench. Not enough of a unity to just tell Zari to fall in line or show herself out the door, but hopefully enough to make her at least think about whether she herself wanted to stay with the group. It wouldn't be the only change on a team this year after all.

It wasn't all victories though. Afterwards, both Diana and Leah dropped by to tell her they did not appreciate how she handled the situation. Victoria understood, and apologized for it. She did let her emotions slip, although she would be lying if she said she did not feel a bit relieved afterwards. She also appreciated that they actually voiced their concerns immediately rather than letting them ferment.

There was one other party though. Usagi did not exactly appreciate Vicky's efforts to make any changes to the team - composition or leadership wise - without her input, and gave Victoria a month of detention for her efforts. Victoria almost dug herself a deeper grave by asking what was the point of even appointing her as the head when she could make almost no decision, but caught herself at the last moment. Reasoning with the fuzzball was fighting windmills, and Victoria did not like expending any effort if it would only result in more detention. She would have to figure out how to approach this from another angle.

Time: Day of the Dance
Location: Workshop > Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frankenstein's monster costume

This event caused Vicky to have mixed feelings. One one hand, she could not care less about dancing. To her, not being asked to the dance by anyone was a sign that she made friends that knew her well. Dancing was an utter waste of motion, and it did not even look pretty! Once so many pairs were on the floor, one could barely see anything at all. And all of them sweated bullets after a while, stinking up the place.

The aspect she loved? The cosplay. There were some talented artists in this school, and Victoria set to out to join the ranks of those. She needed an idea though. She faffed with the idea of going as a vampire, but after a bit of introspection, she finally nailed the perfect costume for herself: Frankenstein's monster. She picked the one form the movie Van Helsing as a starting point, and crafted her own variant, calling the project 'Frankenstein's daughter'. The hidden design element were the iron braces around the ankles, which gave her a convenient out form any requests to dance. And those in the know oughta get a laugh out of this! she thought, putting in the final touches before heading out to the cafeteria.

While she did not intend to dance, she did intend to get any gossip she could, and perhaps update her intel board.

Location: Training room B
Skills: Armored ground and aerial combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

F******* piece of s**** paranormal a*******! Victoria managed to think as she was tossed at Zari. With a massive clang she bounced right off, bewildered at how the hell did she get completely rerouted by a sword. I know it can transform into a flashlight pretty much ignoring the conservation of mass, but this is ridiculous! What is that thing made of, solidified defiance and hate? She did not have too much time to think aobut it any more as she smacked right into the muddy ground.

Alright. She has had enough. Kiddie gloves were coming off. Hit me with telekinesis? Fine, let's see how you like your own medi-

VEIL warning: Impact force exceeded human safety parameters. Idle period of 5.34 seconds is recommended to maintain cover.

I am soooo over this stuff! Vicky groaned internally, but followed the recommendation. To her own detriment, as she felt herself being yanked again. This time Rada missed and Vicky zoomed across the room before imprinting a Vicky-shaped dent into the wall behind the judges. She freed herself from the broken masonry and brushed some of the red brick dust off. ♫ I came in like a wrecking ball! ♫ Oof. This will take some repairing. she thought as she skirted around the judges.

Then that dreaded blare filled her audio receptors, as her diagnostics registered her power dropping. Her gaze snapped towards Abby, who was still severely beaten from Leah walloping her earlier. "You just can't leave well enough alone? You have to make me do it!" she projected her voice out loud, raising her arms up and slashing repulsor beams over her assailant. One missed, but the other finally succeeded in knocking the power leech out. As she watched Abby's lights go out, a good portion of her self respect died an agonizing death. Being such a failure over the last few weeks hurt. But this, this really took the cake. She asn't even learning what not to do from this.

This fucking contest. And everyone who had something to do with it! A bunch of Usagis, every single one of them! Abby would be just about bedridden for a week before her bruised chest and pounding head stop hurting. Victoria understood that hero work was tough. But how would a beating like this motivate anyone to actually do it? She has had enough. Snarling in anger, she powered up her chest projector and slashed another shot over Jyoti while she was struggling with Diana's bind, knocking her out cold as well.

Looking over the field, she did a quick count. Jyoti, Abby, Momchil and Sveva were out cold, and Leah managed to entrap Rada in another cage. Even if the Colosette managed to break out, she would be piled on by everyone else. She turned to the judges, anger not leaving her her voice: "Call the match already!" Or you're fucking next! "Don't you have any better hobbies than watching kids get beaten?!"

Location: Training room B
Skills: Armored ground and aerial combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

The pace of the fight was starting to pick up as the hero team seemed to start to find the cracks in their defense - literally, in the case of Leah's wall. At least her own side was finding purchase in slowing them down. With all of the lumens impacting her eyes, Sveva must have been half blind by now. However, speaking of the wall, Victoria really did not like what came through. She did not need to be able to read lips to know exactly what Abby was saying. If by any chance the local technopath was listening to what was going on in her head, she would be hearing a thunderous 'I told you so!'

Before she could so much as think of how to take care of the issue though, Jyoti managed to summon a pocket hurricane after crashing down, and caused said power sucker to bowl into Ed, than herself, and finally Leah. Leah, who finally registered why she told them to frag Abby early on, and, praise her, beat the snot out of her before she decided Victoria made for a happy meal. Vicky has had one near death experience too many recently and was not keen on the idea of adding another one.

She hoped Abby would heed Leah's ultimatum, because she didn't know whether Leah would not cross a boundry. "I'm fine, monitoring power level. If she tries anything, my suit will wail like a siren." she called out, setting up the alarm function and hoping it was enough to put the earthbender's mind at ease. The others of the hero team were starting to make their move now, and Diana promptly disoriented them both and ensnared one. That didn't work too well last time though, so Vicky added on her own blasts to make sure, and managed to knock Sveva out cold. Both of her other shots missed though, but Vicky was getting numb to being a colossal disappointment.

I'll just have to roll with the punches. Maybe literally though? If long range isn't working, maybe it's time to let the hammer fall. she decided, and put Rada in her sights.

Location: Training room B
Skills: Armored ground combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

She growled quietly as Zari attacked a different target. There she goes again, doing her own thing. If Victoria was sad and discombobulated before, Zari was managing to cause those feelings to burn to cinders in righteous anger. She was partly trained by a military man, and had certain expectations on how people behaved on a battlefield, and this attitude has been suffered for far too long. Yelling at her now would only demoralize the rest of them, but if they didn't flunk out in this round, Victoria was shutting them all in the locker room and having a few select words with the lot of them, and maybe the coach too. She was okay with getting feedback when it could be easily acted on, but this was the last time she was getting questioned in the middle of the stars damned fight. Whether they fall in line or decide to give someone else this thankless fucking job. One way or another. No. More.

Refocusing on the battlefield, Victoria quickly analyzed the situation at hand. If Zari could be trusted to at least do what she said to be the best thing to do, she should be attacking the fliers and that meant Jyoti next. She heard Diana call out that she was okay and saw her lob the arrows overhead, meaning she probably was indeed good to go at least for a while, hopefully not being only sustained by adrenalin. Ed did Ed things - Vicky didn't know what he planted on the cage, but she imagined it had to be something along the lines of scorched earth tactics - fine by her, commendable even.

That left the ground targets. Swinging her arm from upwards to the hole in the wall with two targets, she watched in satisfaction as they were dazzled and protected their eyes. Raising her other arm, the MFG on it and her chest fired off concussive shots, but to her bewilderment, the two managed to dodge her attacks somehow. What has happened to my accuracy as of late?! Ugh! I REALLY need to hit the range after this one! Needing to act before they got the dazzled duo regained their wits, she retasked the others on it: "Diana, can you hit that lit up chokepoint? Leah, follow up and either take care of the other or plug those holes! Then everyone to the ground!"

Hopefully that would be enough to halt their progress, preferably the three would end up out cold. She added the last command as she watched the gathering storm clouds. Not willing to hedge her bets on the Asgardian's ability to remember what she said she'd do a minute ago, she raised one arm as a lightning rod and engaged her remaining MFGs in an attempt to attract the lightning. From what she quickly googled in her head, 95% of the natural lightning strikes were negative. Those odds would have to do. Charging the MFGs on her back with a positive charge, she engaged her skin's absorbtion function. In theory, such method was designed into her as an emergency recharge. Victoria hoped the theory was built on good grounds. Most of natural lightning should be directed to her, and on the 5% chance of it having a matching positive charge, hopefully it would be forced to hit outside of her 'sphere of influence' due to matching charges repelling each other. She was certain with their positioning Ed and Diana were covered, although Leah might be pushing it. Zari wasn't grounded in the air, so she should be fine as long as she did not fly into the clouds, although Victoria's vicious side wasn't exactly bothered.

Location: Workshop > Training room B
Skills: Armored ground combat, Armored aerial combat, Unarmored hand to hand combat, Data gathering and analysis, Hacking, Mechatronics
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

The last few days have not been kind to Victoria. First, Dunk & Donuts came up with a great plan to get ahead in the contest, and were kind enough to involve her in it. And what did she do? She cheapened out on them and rather than making the bugs herself, or at least properly checking the Alchemex stuff she bought was going to work, she wasted everybody's time, blaming her already large build list for it.

And to what end? The headsets she designed turned out to be abysmal. The only saving grace was that she only made one first and then went to do her 'factory acceptance testing'. IT was a nightmare. Functionality wise it was okay, but the usability was through the floor. Even in her own human limited conditions, the headset kept flying off of her head if she did any acrobatics. When she bent it a bit to increase the friction, it pushed against her head so much that anyone organic would have a massive headache after an hour of wearing it. And the less said about the extendable eyepiece the better - the boom tended to snap under a punch and cause puncture hazards to the eye.

Speaking of training, she has tried, really tried to sway Usagi from her insane regimen. But it was to no avail. She tried reasoning with arguments. She even tried to offer herself as TA instead of Teddy, feeling like a hoe for selling herself out for favors. No joy. The Mad Cat was unmovable. And what limited efforts she could make during the regular training sessions did not seem to awaken any semblance of team spirit in the five of them.

One by one, she considered the problems snags as they came, a setback to be fixed the next time. But yesterday, as she was preparing for the qualifiers and doing a review, it hit her all at once - So many days have gone by, and she achieved absolutely nothing of what she set out to do.

She was a steaming pile of failure.

Failure of a crafter, failure of a leader. Her nerves were already wound up with multiple uncertainties about the VEIL protocol possibly failing, which was forcing her more back into the isolation that she has grown to hate. But this realization was the straw that broke her back. She leaned against the wall of her workshop and slid down, curling up against the vault. As her anxiety spiraled out of control, she broke into dry sobs, heaving air her ventilators did not need, which served to only curse her lot in life further. Couldn't her mimicry routine let her cry, at least this once?

She just wanted to do good in the world. Any amount, whatever was needed at the moment. Put out a fire. Help the granny over the streets. Lower the kitten from the tree. But was she cut out for this? Guiding others to do the same? It seemed like she wasn't. Or maybe that part of her was just a giant lie? Her personality, her wants, her dreams, how could she even know if those were real, or just an extension of the VEIL? All of it was probably fake! Maybe she should stick to what ASTRAs were made to do. Maybe that all she was good for. Fight. Kill. And when told to, die.

She tried to rationalize some way out of those feelings. Did she not make friends? Did she at least not improve the survivability of her teammates? But no matter the logic or evidence to the contrary, she could not get out of the dark pit her mind sunk into. So she sat there gathering dust all night, like the broken machine she knew she was, until her phone buzzed with Leah's text.

She looked at it and nearly threw the phone against the opposing wall. But that would not help her any. So she gathered what remained of her marbles and opened the vault. The suit’s lens glaring back at her were as empty as she felt. At least she managed to do some of the modifications to this thing. Rerouting the powerline for the chest projector was a bust - Her internal skeleton had a solid layer of adamantium in the front, with overlapping plates to allow for mobility, but no holes to route lines through as that would be a weak point. At least she managed to run redundant power lines into all of the generators, so they should not be disabled with a single hit like last time.

Putting the armor on, she bent down and picked up the box of spare parts, the design making for a faraday cage to protect the insides from EMP. She set it on the table and opened it, shoving in the first aid kit from her backpack and also the Powerglove, just in case. Working the gear reminded her that she also went out of her way to try and explain the capabilities of her armor, so that the team would stop treating her like an Iron Man. She laughed out loud when Diana described that in the first session, she tried to stab her thrusters. There were none, ASTRAs flew by creating a repulsor field around them. Hopefully this knowledge at last might be handy to them today, and they would not ask of her something she just could not do.

She closed the box, picked it up under her arm and off she went.

Training room B…

When she arrived, she spotted that at least some of the team were wearing some more padding than usual. Good. This would be pretty much the first time they would be in a real fight, and injuries were bound to happen. Hopefully not too bad, none if she had a say about it. She set the box of her stuff at the edge of the room behind the hostage and nodded towards the judges, signalling she was ready.

Almost immediately, the opposing team beelined for the objective. Victoria positioned herself between the hostage and them. One of the OpFor seemed to also drain power from around her, which immediately put Victoria on alert. That was a problem for her, but fortunately she spent her time fighting a technopath who was even worse. The tactic was clear: Remove them from the game, ASAP. Alright. You want a villain, I’ll give you a villain. Come here little golem, let me just put you immediately into a headlock with a MFG to your head, see what the heroes d- she thought, but was interrupted when Ed and Diana took a hit. She watched in horror as a nasty burn stretched over Diana’s front side. Soon after, Leah went with her own idea, and Vicky could immediately see it was better than hers. Maybe she should just give Earthbender the reins?

Shaking the surprise off, she focused. Time to get a game face on. Leah managed to separate the enemy team, turning this into a 2v5. Two of them were already hit though. They could use the advantage to restore their capability somewhat, 2v3 was still an advantage. “Ed! Help Diana, take cover behind the hostage! First aid kit in the box behind it, there’s hydrogel spray and painkillers! Zari, Leah, that glowing one will turn me into a degustation menu, waste her!” she called out, uncaring if the enemy heard. It would do them no good if they could not do anything about it, and if this team was good at one thing by now, it should be taking people down. If not, they were all a cavalcade of fuck ups.

The birdbrain was hers. She turned herself into an anti-air artillery: All of her sensors scanned for the threat, with the addition of her left hand MFG shining a searchlight into the area, while she set her rear MFGs to her usual redundant electric field defense. She locked on easily, but both of her shots missed, one went wide as hell, and the other at least made him change course away from the hostage. Vicky cursed herself and shuffled back a little, making sure that any of the enemy team would get zapped if they approached the cage. She would have to trust the rest of her team to take care of the two fliers or wait until her weapons cycled.


17:00 - Fri. Oct. 1st, 2038

Diana decided to hit the school's gym she wanted to do a little bit of a workout they usually spent a lot of their training time in the Framework. She was finishing out her workout for the day as Diana pulled out her phone there wasn't any rule for the teams to have some social interactions really. Diana hit send as she grabbed her water bottle and started to head back over towards her dorm.

"Hey, what are you all doing tonight want to hangout or go to the beach or mall?"

Ed was in one of the computer labs on campus, frantically coding away. He had a huge project that he needed to accomplish soon, and it was taking all of his energy to push it to completion. Anything less than perfection was unacceptable. His code wasn't compiling the way that it needed to, and he was going on his fourteenth hour staring away at the screen. His phone buzzed, alerting him to a notification. His team had made a group chat. He mostly lurked in it, not replying very much. He didn't dislike his teammates or anything, he didn't have an issue with them, he just wasn't... well, he wasn't the most social of people.

Ed left the chat on read, and returned to his work. He was so close, he was certain of it...

Vicky almost jumped out of her skin when the phone buzzed, messing up the soldering she was tunnelvisioning on. Setting the tools down, she had a look and nodded to herself.

Sounds good, didn't leave the campus in a while. I don't fancy taking a dip, but this mall has a decent movie theater and a great karaoke bar.
GPS coordinates atached.

Leah, always the machine she was, had been beating the everloving Christ out of a steel fiber punching bag at the moment. There were already tears in the outer sleeve. Her phone buzzed and she demonstrated her eloquent grasp of the English language.


Zari didn't answer she was probably spending some time with her girlfriend or something, and Ed was doing who knows what he rarely ever did reply to their team's group chat. She didn't mind maybe the three of them could have some kind of fun together as she went to leave the gym and pulled out her phone. Diana hit send and started to make her way back towards her dorm and get herself changed into some normal clothes.

Seems like Ed doesn't want to answer and Zari is most likely with her girlfriend so it's the three of us, meet outside of Stark Hall and we can figure out what we want to do then?

En route.

Vicky shot back, packing her work, pocketing the Powerglove and heading to the meeting place with a quick pitstop at the dorm. Once she arrived, she waved the other two over, a little blue that more of them didn't show up. "Hi there. So, what do you feel like doing? I could do with something to make my head stop thinking, I don't care if it's a chill movie or admiring some outdoors."

Diana waited outside of the building when her attention turned towards Vicky and waved at her as she leaned up against the wall slightly as she put her phone away. "Well was thinking either dinner, or maybe hit up an arcade, or go to the beach whichever works for you all i'm open for whatever I can teleport us wherever we need to go to or just take the bus." Diana offered, she was slightly dissapointed that neither Ed or Zari didn't want to go but she didn't say anything about it.

Realistically, Leah didn’t actually care that much about doing anything fancy with the rest of her team. She couldn’t really resonate with most of them, even the maniac supposed to train them was, well, a fucking maniac. But Vicky was also on this team, and she’s be disappointed if Leah didn’t at least try to get along with them. So, she came anyway. Dressed up in her usual Carhart jacket and oversized sweatpants, Leah wasn’t exactly beach-ready. ”Doesn’t really matter to me all that much. As long as it’s not here, and we don’t get split in half if we’re teleported over to it.”

"Well, If you're volunteering yourself for rockmobile duty, I'm not going to complain." Vicky grinned at Leah, "And I don't think beating up Ed any more is in our best inter-oh that's not the arcade hitting you meant. Ugh... this training is frying my brain!" Victoria rubbed her eyes. Was anyone to look closer, they would see bags starting to form under them. She had to both praise and curse her mimicry software. "If it's all the same to you two then, let's not do anything remotely like training. If I go to a VR arcade I might kill someone on accident. I need to vent, not pour more fuel on my funeral pyre. Grabbing some drinks and chatting sounds great. Do... do you guys sing?" she asked, a finger tugging on her collar nervously.

Diana thought for a moment seeing that the two of them weren't really ready for beachwear for the beach she quickly started to think of something else. "We could go out for dinner or something if you two wanted to instead and just hangout. Or we could see a movie to if you want." Diana offered a video arcade then was off the table since Vicky didn't want to do that. "And no I don't do any kind of singing I completely suck at it." Diana said with a slight laugh.

”Food or a movie sound find to me… I don’t really sing. I mean- I could. Probably, anyway. Never really thought of that, though. Why, is that something you do?” If this was a karaoke thing, then maybe Leah wasn’t the right person for it. She didn’t know any kinds of music that weren’t fit for listening to whole slaying gods or going to war. Then again… Maybe that was perfectly fine. Badass Karaoke sounded interesting.

"I do. I like mostly rock or symphonic metal, but if the song is right for the occasion, I'll do any piece. I don't think I'm a particularly praiseworthy artist or anything, but sometimes the lyrics just fit a situation, person or mood so well..." Victoria explained, "Nevermind though. Looks like movies and food it is. What's playing? As long as it is not vintage sci-fi, I'm good. Seen a bit too much of that recently."

"I do like a lot of rock music and metal myself actually." Diana said giving Victoria a slight smile as she thought about what to do and a movie seemed to be good to her. "I think a movie would be pretty good. I'm not sure whats actually playing right now though but i'm sure we can pick something out that we all like when we get there." Diana offered.

"There's always something playing somewhere, won't be hard to find something. So, who's driving? I don't have a car, but I have rocks," Leah offered. The pioneers used to ride those babies for miles.

"I'm with Diana, let's get to a place and pick out what to see there. And no offense to rocks, but I'd rather teleport or fork over a wad of cash for a limo. We're doing this to unwind, not to get sore behinds, am I right?" she said, looking at the teleporter in question, "I trust you if you say you're up for it."

"I don't mind teleporting us on over there it's not that far of a jump, i've done a lot further." Diana said as she gently rested a hand on both Vicky and Leah's shoulders and closed her eyes, using her power to teleport in a bright flash of blue light they were gone. And a second later they were standing on the sidewalk right in front of the movie theater. "Alrighty we are here thank you for using the Novikova's teleporting service. Any and all nausea, dizziness and or lost limbs i'm not responsible for." Diana said jokingly.

When they teleported, Leah was expecting it to be like falling, or to be like they just took a step forward. Instead, it felt more like skydiving; Falling and being inverted through the air suddenly. Leah almost tripped and fell when they arrived. ”Fucking- Holy shit. That’s disorienting. Damn. Okay, are we here, or are we in space or something?” She snarked, looking around.

"Oi! This went rather well, I say." She countered the unpolished gemstone among them, stepping further away from the road she was almost standing in, before looking up at the programme displays. "Okay let's see what's on display. Bunch of haloween themed stuff... romcom... Mission Impossible 7... Oooh, Fast and Furious XX! And... Barbenheimer II?" She named the last one with an air of confusion. What even...? It sounds like a Sucker Punch sequel...

"You'll get used to it after awhile trust me it was disorienting for me to when my power first manifested." Diana said towards Leah giving her a smile, her brother could do the same thing as well to however his teleportation was way different than her's was. "I'll go and buy us the food i'm fine with whatever movie you two decide to pick." Diana said as she grabbed her purse and pulled out her wallet as she headed for the concession stand to buy them all popcorn and drinks.

”Yeah. Cool.” When she walked off, Leah turned around and looked up at the listings. ”I’ve not seen… Any of these. The hell is Barbenheimer? Fuck it. Let’s pick that. It sounds dumb as hell.”

Vicky was already consulting her phone. "Looks to me like pretty chicks lobbing nukes. Gunporn on steroids. This should be fun." She grinned, going for the ticket booth.

Few hours later...

"That... was... Awesome! Dont get me wrong, the story is stupid, but the VFX? And the music? Chef's. Kiss." Victoria was beaming, feeling more energetic now than any time before this week. "This was a great idea, D. Thanks... same time next week?"
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