Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Woul you be open to a young/midget dragon?

Location: Stark hall
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Vicky's phone pinged with a message from Scott. She read through it, frowning. They brought an Avenger team out for Ed? That doesn't track... We're not still in a simulation, are we? Damn it, why is there never a spinning top around when you need one. she thought before tapping out the response:

If you're here for Edward Arca, a) in the gym and pretty much handled, b) cops oughta be enough for THAT. Unless there's someone else here? And did you just really ask me to hide when there's a potential Supe to be handled? You do know why I was built, right?

A rather discomforing thought popped into her head. No, surely their luck can't be so rotten for Leah's dad to make an appearance now of all times.

Speaking of, she read Leah's message and a feeling of 'well... Fuck' took over her.

Nuts'N'Bolts changed her name to Nuts'n'Dolts

Eeh... That ship may have sailed, wrecked and sunk to the bottom of the ocean ;o.o I kinda already yelled at Dorian that I might have killed one of us in there and I think Andy will remember something like being obliterated so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I should probably go hide outside a technopatic sphere of influence of angry asgardian girlfriends. I'll be in a karaoke club figuring out a way for androids to get drunk and what to do with my life if I can't outhack a single egotistical nerd. If someone asks for me tell them to go f* themselves plox.

- Map coordinates attached -

Pocketing her phone, Vicky swung by the dorm to pick up a fresh set of clothes and the powerglove if the night town decided to fuck around and headed out. Maybe singing her mind out would help, and it could hardly make her feel any worse.

Location: Stark hall
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

In hindsight, Vicky should have thought of this. The school didn'T bother to check its staff for being psychotic robotic puppets of miscreant students, why would they leave a counsellor on site, let alone in the middle of the night on a holiday? She reached into her pocket, fished out her phone and shot them an e-mail, requesting a session at their earliest convenience.

There was a noise form the outside, and checking the window, she saw the quinjet descend. She spotted LEah below, thinking that might be jsut the person she could talk to, a gaggle of Adults spilled out form the plane, putting a hold on that. A bunch of Avengers was not something she wanted to deal with right now. And when they stopped coming out with nary a Chi Mai in sight, she deflated again.

She wanted to crawl into the darkest corner she could find and brood. Or perhaps be forgotten forever. Looking at the phone in her hand, she pulled up the chat and tapped Leah's avatar, starting to type and erase. What could she even say? What could anyone do for her here? She got played like a piano, and nearly gifted herself to Ed as a weapon, and fortune knows what else.

00:05:31 Nuts'n'Bolts unsent a message
00:06:45 Nuts'n'Bolts unsent a message
00:08:23 Nuts'n'Bolts unsent a message
00:08:31 Nuts'n'Bolts: ...Do you still remember what I told you? About how to put me down hard if it's necessary?
00:08:42 Nuts'n'Bolts: ...I killed Andy...

Location: Gym
Skills/Powers: U̴͉̻͐͌N̴͈̫̫̿͂Ỷ̶̗̺͖Ì̶̡̛E̶͖̪͐L̸̰͉̆D̶̘͖̄Ī̵̘̯̖̇Ṉ̴̯͈̀̓G̸͎̻̭̾͗ ̴̳͇̚R̸̘͔̲̀͌͛A̴̳͇̞̎Ğ̷͕̘́Ẻ̵̩̳͝

After a brief struggle with the Framework's firmware, the real world returned to view through the haze of the Framework tank gunk. Victoria didn't know how, the game just... ended. But she did not care. Swinging her legs and jumping out of the tank before it even drained, she landed in front of it with a squelching sound, as the deceleration caused the gunk to fly off of her. She was seeing red as she instructed her skin nanites to shake the rest of the garbage off. To hell with secrecy.

Others beaten her to the punch (literally in some cases), and Victoria was almost thinking she would not have to do anything when Dorian did Dorian things.

"He deserves WHAT?!"

Her teeth ground against each other. These people are insane. How can someone be so stupidly naive?! she thought bitterly, "He's bamboozled all of us for two plus years and you think cooling his heels for a while is going to make him rethink any of it? What's it going to take to open your bloody eyes? Him making me kill another one of you?" If Victoria had tear ducts, tears would be streaming down her face. It did however look like she may have to step over D&Ds corpses to get to the scumbag that was the true target of her rage. Drawing a breath to cool her spooled up power core, she relaxed her stance. Being stupid wasn't a crime. Besides, they can't be next to him forever. Ed will get what's coming to him, even if she has to wait.

Her rage finally somewhat abating, her eyes returned to their neutral green color. "FIne. Have it your way. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just don't expect me to come pull your hides out of the fire. Heroism is overrated." Turning on her heel, she stomped away, wondering if someone else would get to Edward before her in the end.

Enough. Enough of pretending to sleep, enough of this contest, enough of this 'Shieldmaiden' bullshit. I was made to keep these people in check and deal with them permanently if necessary. It's in my name! Time to start acting like it! she thought, heading straight for the workshop. She had modifications to do and magic to learn.

As she neared the dorms though, she slowed down and to her fright, caught her hands shaking and herself being unable to stop them. The memories of Andy taking her blast would not leave her alone. Pivoting before the staircase to the basement, she instead turned off and headed to find the school's counsellor instead.

Location: Framework simulation
Skills/Powers: Supercomputer
Equipment: N/A

As one of her company snipped a loaded line and was sent flying, Victoria's thought process abandoned all input from the other. Forcing their way out might be their only chance. She was ready to download April's mind into her own chassis if she could, just so it would have that one advantage of her knowing the system to improve the odds of success. She sunk into the depths of the Framework's code again, but her search was in vain. None of April's data was to be found anywhere she managed to look.

Terminating personnel file: FLYNN, April Cassandra...
File terminated.

And more would soon follow. No choice. Ed's malware was mysteriously absent, but she was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. While she was in the code, she retraced her previous steps and abandoning all caution to the wind, barraged her way through the blocks and towards the exit subroutine. But just as she was within reach, a different part of the Framework's code activated, and the instructions passed by in the data stream.

Victoria could only look on in growing horror as the code started obliterating everyone still connected to the framework, including draining the powerplant in her own chassis. Somewhere deep in her mind, Ultron was screaming at her:

Warning! Power at 4%. Estimated time until power depleted: 0.256 s
Warning! Power at 3%. Estimated time until power depleted: 0.192 s
Initiating emergency power-down.
Warning! Power at 2%. Estimated time until power depleted: 0.128 s
Failure: Subroutine terminated by Administrator level override.
Warning! Power at 1%. Estimated time until power depleted: 0.064 s
Warning! Power at

Location: Framework simulation
Skills/Powers: N/A
Equipment: N/A

She supposed she could have gone on a large 'told you so' rant, but given their situation, it hardly seemed appropriate. Victoria did not believe in any afterlife - Not for her, not for anyone - but on the off chance that there was some, there was no need for any of them to be sent there with a grievance.

The sisters have had their turn, as Victoria deliberately lazed behind to give them the better odds, for all of the 30 seconds it may extend their existence in total.

There was a sliver of opportunity that could be taken. "I suppose I could take another stab at hacking this blasted place, and though it will most likely result in me getting slaved again, maybe this game's mechanics will prevent me from attacking you. On the other hand, there is still the remote chance that someone on the outside will check what the fuss is about and help us out.

I'd rather go down fighting, but since that would almost certainly put your lives at risk, it's your call. Should I try?"
she asked, forced to snip a string as her timer was running out. Nothing happened and she stepped off, waiting to hear whether to go ahead.

Location: Framework simulation
Skills/Powers: Superhuman speed and reaction time, one ton lift strength, unarmored ground combat
Equipment: Link avatar

This was going poorly. Only Zelda seemed to have a modicum of success against the program, and as she noted previously, that seemed to be just delaying the inevitable. Victoria had no viable action that didn't simulate to unacceptable risk of merely hastening their demise.

So, in the absence of such action, the best was to delay for as long as possible, minimize the damage and hope that some staff would go check why the gym lights are on and why there is a framework level of power draw during night hours.

And as far as minimizing damage goes... My chassis might still be reactivated if they put another AI into it. Human body on the other hand... April was now on her last legs, so to speak. Victoria always knew this was how her last stand would play out, albeit she didn't expect to have to make it quite this early. True, her task was to fight for humans, but in the absence of those, it was her decision. And with the odds stacked against them, the decision was easy.

Turning her profile to hide almost all of her body behind the shield, sword at the ready to parry, she stood between Dark Link and April to defend, and take the hit if necessary.

Feeling better, had other issue in the family, but working 9n a post now.
@mattmanganonSorry, I don't think this is going to work for me. The whole character is based on being morally ambiguous, so if you're concerned about ethics, we'd only have problems down the line.

Removed all totem and spirit references while keeping the mechanics mostly the same.
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