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And I would like to add that I think it's great we are moving this at a brisk pace!
Dont tell the players alrready enlisted, but we will soon have our first moment for entering the Roleplay as non-Swift Fortune-crew!

Let me know when interested and we'll pm about it!

New post is up, concerning the post. I am in favour of having the next post covering a bit more time. feel free to describe whatever you spot to scavenge. Now, I will be doing this on your own discretion:

Bast had kept hidden as the Balosar had spoken to him. The alien was nice to him, most of the time, and he didn’t trust him for it. Besides, the fact that this Roka fellow always knew where he was hiding didn’t sit well with Bast. Still his words made sense.

“Think about it”

That was exactly what Bast intended on doing. In the meanwhile let the creeper think he was talking to the smelly air of the Swift Fortune. Relief went through the kid as he heard the alien walk away. He waited out the other sets of footsteps going through the hallway before coming out of hiding and making his way for the hangar. He wanted to see them take-off at the least, even if he didn’t take up on the offer. Since his discovery Bast had wished he could go back in obscurity, hide again and be forgotten about. But people insisted in involving him. Like the alien had now…

He waited for people to enter their ships but the Besalisk kept checking the set off odd-looking satellites that were hoovering behind his small four-engined ship. Eventually curiosity drew him closer to the ship that he had heard being called the Steadfast as the Besalisk was busy on the other side of the row of satellites. He checked out the freighter that looked quite new and well-maintained as he made for the boarding ramp. Bast nearly jumped out of his skin as he suddenly heard a voice behind him.


Jax knew his place before the Captain even named it, still he liked the little speech Especially the chant at the end. He knew it was coming and thought it to be a good ritual, if only for the repetitive structure. He enthusiastically looked around after repeating ‘Swift Fortune’ every time only to see mellow stares of boredom or even disgust. Jax didn’t understand why.

There was some time to ponder on it though as he made his way to the hangar. He felt comforted running all the standard pre-launch procedures of the Quadjumper he was on. He counted buttons, positions and the ones he clicked, always trying to make it add up, divide, quadruple or subtract into three. For it was the number of today. He saw the other crewmembers make for their ships and waved at them as his other three hands flicked buttons and pulled levers to test the crane-arms and tractor array. After that he checked if the relay beacons were all linked up correctly and could be tugged out using the tractor array. As he did he saw the stowaway kid move towards Roka’s ship, of which the boarding ramp was still down. Jax called at the kid.

“Hey hey hey, Bast. Got assigned as well? Good for you!”

The kid looked sort of startled at Jax but quickly recovered and replied:

“You could say that Jax. Here to make myself useful you know. Avoid getting dropped off on some backwater moon.”

Jax nodded as one of his hands rubbed is chin.

“Reckon it does avoid that…”

There was no point in telling the kid about the risks involved, besides it was just as dangerous aboard the Fortune. Made him wish the boy made a better choice of ship to hide in. But there was nothing else to make of it.

“Good luck out there kid. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Jax always hated the advice, for he knew this wasn’t that one fringe case kid that would actually think twice due to the words. But again: what else was there to say. The kid affirmed as Jax turned his back and made checked the last of the relay beacons.
It wasn’t too bad a team he reckoned, they all seemed to know what they were doing, somewhat. The lack of enthusiasm at the chant was exemplary of Jax’s primary concern: They weren’t a team. It had all been so rushed to get to Alderaan- or it was ‘ The Graveyard’ now- that they hadn’t really bonded. It made Jax grin that his exact job would be to provide for communication between the entire team. Upon completion of all his tasks he re-installed himself in the cockpit and he started padding himself down to procure a cigar and a box of matches to light it with. Another ritual of his. Of course it took him three matches to finally light the thing.


The Swift Fortune rocked as they exited hyperspace exactly 10 minutes after the speech was given. It immediately made a sharp turn to the left to avoid a larger asteroid and the continuous sound of smaller things bumping into the ship could be heard. All kinds of things drifted by the soft blue hue of the magnetic shield. Rocks made up the primary component of their view, but the occasional starspeeder parts, half-spaceship, trees and parts of buildings drifted by. Occasionally a grotesquely deformed corpse floated past to add to the macabre parade. As it passed by the overall ship intercom sounded with Captain Vikargo’s voice:

“No patrols in scanning range. Everybody launch, let’s procure some scavenge. Launch!”

A set of co-ordinates marking an area to survey got send to every ship about to launch.


Post is up!

Anyone still going into discussion with the cap, PM me and we will do a collab ^^.
Areem had been thinking on the approach for a while now, a last rundown of it kept him busy as the crew entered the common area. Nigh everyone was there as the doctor raised his voice to Areem:

“I am busy Vikargo. As you know. What is the meaning of this?”

The way the doctor said it made Areem frown as he looked at him from behind his boots on the table. He knew he was an absent captain. But a captain nonetheless, and this was no way of speaking to the captain. On the other hand he was the man that would patch him up should things go wrong…

The annoyed frown would have to suffice as Areem slowly started speaking.

“Good afternoon to you too. Doctor.”

Only now did Areem notice he had his hand placed on the pommel of his vibrosword and he took it off. Making it look more of a threat than he had intended.

“I called all of you here because or pleasant stay in the warm and comforting bosom of hyperspace is over in roughly fifteen minutes. After that lies ‘The Graveyard’ as some call the remains of Alderaan. We will call it an asset retrieval and relocation opportunity.”

Areem looked from crew member to crew member as he spoke, a devious grin forming for the last bit that stayed on his lips.

“High risk, high reward. And therefore I will need all hands to stations upon arrival. That means you go into that silly headhunter of yours,”

Areem rested his eyes on Caster Wren

“You aboard that Holo-cinema of yours,”

A glance at Roka Zal’Ebos followed

“I even want you aboard your fighter, cook.”

Areem pointed at Valana and raised his eyebrows to indicate he was serious about this.

“I want the three of you to scout out the absolute asteroid mess we are getting into, spot anything of value and mark the location. If you run into anything alive out there, shoot it the kark down, or be sure they haven’t seen you. Comms will be scrambled by the asteroids so the Imps will have patrols out there, hopefully they will try to stay out of the asteroid field though. Rocks will interfere with our communications as well, so I want a relay network up. That will be your job in the Quadjumper Jax. Tug ‘m out there and place those things to relay messages to the Fortune. After we got a decent grid you start hauling in what they mark."

Areem watched the doctor for a moment as he paused, hoping to taunt a ‘and why am I here’ from him but continuing either way.

“As for you Doctor. I want you on Roka’s ship. He can use a spotter hauling that freighter trough the field, besides, it crews the ship out better should anything happen. I need all hands out there for this and we are understaffed as it is. After Jax has put up the network I want you back here Valana, I want another pilot for a Quadjumper to tug salvage in.”

Areem looked at them all one by one:

“That clear for everyone?”

He didn’t wait for a response and tried to enforce the ‘no discussion’ sentiment with a harsh look.

“Now, for the newcomers; just reply with ‘Swift Fortune’ it’s a silly custom the previous captain had.”

Areem sighed.

“Let’s get this over with;

What do scav’s seek, from the core to the unknown reaches?

-A Swift Fortune-

Who do scav’s fear all the while?

-The Swift Fortune-

For who claims the highest rewards from the highest risks?

-The Swift Fortune-

And what do we ear when we complete our task?

-A Swift Fortune-

To your stations than!”

Areem never liked the small chant, but it brought some comradery to the ragtag band. That was the hope at least. He had stood up halfway through the questions and made for the hallway leading back to his quarters. That way any protesters had to scurry after him. From experience he knew that after the last sentence the door would hiss shut behind him. That way if anyone gave chase to object he would know by the door staying open.

Let them come.

Not long after they would exit hyperspace.
@Basarin@Zetsuko and others that might stroll by^^

A last bump in case anyone still wants to join. The OOC is up and we are in the first round of posting. If you still want in as a part of the crew let me know before thursday!

With everybody responding so far I give it one more shoutout for any others to join, if they step forward between today and tomorrow evening I'll hold till friday, otherwise ill post sooner!
Jax was lying on his back underneath a panel of the engine room. Adjusting this or that was how he got by, but at the moment he was contemplating their newest destination; Alderaan. The bolt needed three turns from his wrench before it could go no more.

The number three set him to think. It had been three days since the news was made official. Jax had heard stories of the place, a beautiful and lush place that fit the requirements of a retirement planet in Jax’s mind. He had designated twelve planets for that purpose, only eleven left now, three years less than the number of years he still intended to work. three was a good number. Or was it bad? Jax wasn’t sure. Maybe neutral, that’s three options. He smirked as his hands were busy with the repairs.

Stories were circulating for a few days about Alderaan being the site of a mayor battle. The official story was that the Rebel Alliance had revealed a superweapon that destroyed Alderaan and that the Empire had destroyed promptly upon the terrible reveal. Jax didn’t buy that. A day ago footage had been released of the wasteland that has been Alderaan and a Rebel broadcast had went up speaking of a ‘Death Star’. It all seemed more plausible and terrifying at the same time…

Jax inhaled with the bud of the cigar still on his lips, letting the sweet aroma fill his mouth. During his time on the Swift Fortune the Captain had never cared about the real story, as long as there was a profit to be made. A destroyed planet meant a profit alright. The Swift fortune had always specialized in the big-risk/big-reward jobs but this one defied all that. The place was sure to be patrolled by Imperial vessels, checkpoints had been instated so that ships couldn’t make a hyperspace jump from the conventional jump points. Though partly to keep ships from smashing into the Debris of Alderaan mid-jump, something that had caused at least another 260 deaths since the news had spread, the main reason was keeping journalists out. And scavengers of course.

Jax grinned to himself as welded a wire back in place. For here he was in a ship with a very real chance of exiting the hyperspace journey into an asteroid, debris field, or force forbid an Imperial Star Destroyer. But this was the life of a scavenger. Wasn’t it.
Jax pondered about it but before he formed a thought he heard the heavy clang of boots hitting the deck. Only then he became aware that he was scratching in an unseemly place. Stopping to wipe his hand on his trousers, up, down and up again. As he heard the Captains voice the urge to get up and offer an apology made Jax forgo prudence and he smacked his head into the panel he had been fixing. Over the thump he still heard: ‘Valana’s Diner’

The embarrassment made Jax crave for another drag from his cigar when he noticed the bump must’ve extinguished the thing.

“That includes you Jax, finish that up.”

The captain said as Jax used the welding torch to relight his cigar and made a few hairs of his moustache singe. Only to get berated by the Captain:

“And don’t do that, it’ll cost you an eye one day.”

Jax held his hand, including the torch in a mock salute, this time almost burning an eye out while saying:

“Aye Aye, capt’n.”

But the Devaronian had already moved into the corridor, Jax’s words muted by the blast doors opening and closing. He had counted the steps the captain had taken and guess what: three.
The panel was as good as finished, he had only redone some of the work he had let Bast, the stowaway kid, do. Jax finished up in a few moments, bolting the panel back into place and sliding out from under it. After a quick adjustment of his greasy, once-white wifebeater shirt he tucked his tools away and made for his quarters, the fifth door on the left, when counting both sides of course, that took him two steps to get to and five minus two is three. It made jax ponder if not counting the door opposite to his room was valid as he punched in his code to reveal a cluttered mess of stuff all around the large bed in the center of the room. Just to be sure Jax holstered his scattergun in the small of his back, the set of stun batons he slid in the leather straps above it. His blaster pistols were still on his hip and so he took his beloved trenchcoat from the hook next to his door and put it on. Jax only slid his upper two arms trough the sleeves, using the lower two to close the coat instinctively over his blasters and hiding his lower arms.

Jax sighed and ran his upper hands over the many pockets of the coat, feeling the bolts, gears, packets of matches, power packs the assortment of other stuff. Everything was in its place and Jax smiled in relief.

“Time to go.”

Jax hooked the thumbs of his lower hands into his belt and strode out of the room and towards the lounge. He made an effort to make it three steps, but he was still short to open. He gave a snort as the last half-step made the door open and let him continue his way to the lounge.

He missed the first part of the sentence due to the hissing of the door, but it was unmistakingly the doctor’s voice posing the question:

-know. What is the meaning of this?"

And that was something Jax was keen on knowing himself. So he took a seat at the table making sure there were seats to the right of him.

Yes yes and thrice yes! ofcourse we have a dejarik table! Thanks for adding this obvious oversight of mine ^^.

Cool posts, always nice these 'first round character introduction' rounds.
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