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Character a-moved-moved!

Name: Jade Chance
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jade stands at a height of five feet and six inches tall. She has a chubby build, though she has strong arms and legs thanks to the hard work that goes on in a kitchen. Her dark black hair is kept in a short, slightly messy, pixie cut and her eyes are green. She has a pale, peachy skin tone. She wears simple clothing, jeans and t-shirts and the like, and is fond of hoodies in colder weather.

Personality: Jade could be best summed up as someone who is happy making other people happy. A caretaker at heart, she enjoys being around other people enjoying themselves. She is a fairly empathetic person, easily stressed out by other people being upset or angry, and so she does her best to keep everyone happy and relaxed. She has her own buttons however, mainly in the form of some odd pet-peeves, but she is generally an easy enough person to get along with. She has a passion for cooking, and enjoys hearing what people have to say about the food she prepares. This is also relevant to one of her pet-peeves, as she is easily annoyed by those who dance around criticisms and being overly afraid of offending her – Most primarily regarding the intricacies of cooking, but she also prefers people to speak plainly and honestly in general. Otherwise, she tends to prefer to simply be in the presence of others but not particularly "in the spotlight" herself.

History: Jade is a college student, pursuing degrees in Culinary Arts and intending to become a chef or baker – something she has yet to make her mind up on. This was an easy choice for her, as she grew up in a sort of secondary caretaker role. Daughter of a single father who worked long hours and most of the week, it often fell to her as the oldest to take care of herself and the rest of the family. Said family consisted of her younger brother and cousin, the latter having come to more or less be like a little sister due to how often she stayed over with them. This caretaker activity primarily came in the form of cooking meals, and she quickly became rather skilled at it – Much to her father's surprise and enjoyment, as there hadn't been anyone to really teach her how it was done. Growing up was otherwise relatively normal for her, if occasionally rocky due to money concerns now and then. When she was old enough she took a part time job at a deli in a supermarket, and continues to work there when not busy with classes or taking care of her family at home.

Powers: Bit of an odd request but whatever you think is the LEAST “fitting” to the character, for thematic reasons or whatever else strikes you.
It's hardly long at all when they told you ahead of time that there'd be delays - It's still friday after all, and if you look up a smidge you'll see they mentioned trying to get a post up by today. It might not happen because of busy busy, but you can hardly act like the thread went dead silent suddenly. So be productive and try to RP, or distract yourself with some other shenanigans until they get the chance to move the plot along. :p
Or the dude is just busy, like they said they were. They also said to just keep going if you like until they get the chance to move things forward. Have some patience, or at the very least try RPing a conversation with someone or something. :p
Narwga said
I'm going to cry. I typed up a huge CS on my iPod, the worst device ever, and just as I hit submit, it blank screened. I might have to stay out of this, unless my laptop gets back in time.

Oh wow that suuuuucks! I hate whenever anything like that happens, it's the worst. ;.;
Character a-post-post!

Name: Jade Chance
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jade stands at a height of five feet and six inches tall. She has a chubby build, though she has strong arms and legs thanks to the hard work that goes on in a kitchen. Her dark black hair is kept in a short, slightly messy, pixie cut and her eyes are green. She has a pale, peachy skin tone. She wears simple clothing, jeans and t-shirts and the like, and is fond of hoodies in colder weather.

Personality: Jade could be best summed up as someone who is happy making other people happy. A caretaker at heart, she enjoys being around other people enjoying themselves. She is a fairly empathetic person, easily stressed out by other people being upset or angry, and so she does her best to keep everyone happy and relaxed. She has her own buttons however, mainly in the form of some odd pet-peeves, but she is generally an easy enough person to get along with. She has a passion for cooking, and enjoys hearing what people have to say about the food she prepares. This is also relevant to one of her pet-peeves, as she is easily annoyed by those who dance around criticisms and being overly afraid of offending her – Most primarily regarding the intricacies of cooking, but she also prefers people to speak plainly and honestly in general. Otherwise, she tends to prefer to simply be in the presence of others but not particularly "in the spotlight" herself.

History: Jade is a college student, pursuing degrees in Culinary Arts and intending to become a chef or baker – something she has yet to make her mind up on. This was an easy choice for her, as she grew up in a sort of secondary caretaker role. Daughter of a single father who worked long hours and most of the week, it often fell to her as the oldest to take care of herself and the rest of the family. Said family consisted of her younger brother and cousin, the latter having come to more or less be like a little sister due to how often she stayed over with them. This caretaker activity primarily came in the form of cooking meals, and she quickly became rather skilled at it – Much to her father's surprise and enjoyment, as there hadn't been anyone to really teach her how it was done. Growing up was otherwise relatively normal for her, if occasionally rocky due to money concerns now and then. When she was old enough she took a part time job at a deli in a supermarket, and continues to work there when not busy with classes or taking care of her family at home.

Powers: Bit of an odd request but whatever you think is the LEAST “fitting” to the character, for thematic reasons or whatever else strikes you.
Super interested in this! Thanks for the character sheet too. ^.^
Abigail jolted in surprise as the alarm went off. This was unfortunate timing, seeing as she was currently on the roof. Perched on a ledge, enjoying the fresh air and sunlight as she nibbled on a piece of toast. The toast slipped from her grip, and in her flailing panic to reclaim it, she tumbled over the side as well. Plummeting along the side of the tower, she gave a brief wave as she passed the window in the living room/command center, recognizing the former titans all gathered inside. Seeing the ground fast approaching, she hurriedly shoved the rest of the toast in her mouth and swallowed. She wouldn't want it to get all covered in dirt and grass, after all. Smacking into the ground face-first with a loud thud, she waved her arms and legs as she fell over, landing on her back. Taking a moment to wipe the dirt and grass off her face and mask, she was at least glad she hadn't fallen in the water. She hopped up to her feet and eyed the dent in the ground, giving a small whistle of appreciation. She'd managed to make a pretty accurate impression of her face in the dirt. Maybe she could do a full-body one like in cartoons if she tried?

Suddenly remembering the reason she'd fallen in the first place, the alarm and the assembled former titans, she shook the silly thoughts out of her head. Quickly running around to the tower's entrance, she made her way to the living room/command center - she supposed right now it was the command center? She huffed slightly as she stepped into the room, having sprinted there as quickly as she could incase it was something important.

"So what's up?" She asked curiously, as if she hadn't just moments ago gone hurtling face-first off the top of the tower.
Alrighty, looking forward to it! ^.^
On a related note, how long has the team been assembled? Mostly because it effects how much we know about each other and interact and stuff. It might be neat if we're freshly-formed and haven't done much of anything as a team yet when the game starts up.
Looks like a nice and varied cast so far! Looking forward to RPing with you all. ^.^
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