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Yeah, as I said, Saber Alter was really disappointing to watch. Wickerman was kinda weird to see animated because CG, but I guess there's only so far you can go without ufotable-levels of budget.

And... Yeah, Olga-Marie gets the short end of the stick.

Also, to be fair, I'm not particularly looking forward to France or Rome unless they rewrite the stories there. Okeanos on, though... If we can get past the hump that is those two, I'm looking forward to the future.


Aside: I now have NP5 Carmilla, NP4 Herc, and NP2 Atalanta.
And a Mordred.
brb grinding.
Yep, definitely the year of Fate. HF, Extra: Last Encore, Extella, Apocrypha, GO part 1.5...

So who's still unaccounted for in terms of group division as of now? Granted, New year's Eve isn't the best time to be asking, but hey, I should still ask.
Yeah, watched the OVA a while ago. Saber Alter was disappointing to watch. Cu v EMIYA and Cu v Medusa was cool tho.

Aside: Apocrypha anime confirmed this year tho. owo;;
Here's number two!

Name: Reisen Udongein Inaba

Title: Lunatic Red Eyes

Gender: Female

Appearance: "I'll show you the power of the moon's insanity!"

Personality: Reisen is a slightly aloof character at first glance, which stems from her own history on the moon. This only really applies to strangers, though, as this moon rabbit has a tendency of slowly warming up to people as time goes by. She is not necessarily bound by anything like 'duty' and 'honor', but will always repay a debt and respect those who need to be respected. In terms of conflict, she'd prefer to talk things out, but do not mistake that hesitance to fight for weakness; if necessary, she'll hold her ground in a fight until the very end. Reisen does have regrets about abandoning her comrades on the moon, though, which causes her to be a bit bitter when mentioned.
She's relatively normal in terms of patience, but Reisen doesn't really get angry. Just... Frustrated or exasperated.

Ideals: Reisen puts the needs of her masters Eirin and Kaguya first and foremost, but disregarding them, she's fine with living a life away from fighting and war. Nothing else is really of note otherwise.

Biography: Reisen is a (former) moon rabbit, but having fled the Lunar Capital during the Apollo 11 landing (the higher-ups assumed it to be a declaration of war), she made her way into Gensokyo to seek asylum. There, she found Eirin Yagokoro and Kaguya Houraisan, two other fugitives from the moon who had long since moved in, and became their underling ever since. Eientei was, for the most part, ignored; situated in the middle of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, humans rarely wandered in, and so the three (along with who-knows-how-many Earth rabbits, including one Tewi Inaba) lived in relative peace. It was only during the Imperishable Night incident, though, that these three wiling broke that peace to guarantee their protection. Fearing that Lunar emissaries would come to Gensokyo to force Eirin and Kaguya to return to the Moon, the former sealed the Earth away and created a fake moon to divert attention away from the fact. While this would ultimately be broken by the efforts of Gensokyo's residents, Reisen found herself making new acquaintances instead of hiding away within Eientei.
While mostly a bystander in events thereafter, Reisen was sent out to deal with the Lunar invasion when the residents thereof came to storm Gensokyo. Finding the true culprit after returning to the moon, Reisen returned to Earth, fully accepting and embracing the fact that she could no longer truly become a 'moon rabbit' again.

Powers: Reisen's primarily ability is 'manipulation of insanity', which is mainly done by altering wavelengths through eye contact. By doing so, Reisen is able to either agitate or tranquilize then by altering their brainwaves. Of course, this is only truly feasible on weaker opponents; against stronger enemies, it tends to do little more than disorient them. However, Reisen is not only able to manipulate the mind; through that same vector, Reisen is also able to change the perception of light and sound to create illusions or afterimages, furthering her ability to mess with her opponents. Worst comes to worst, she can also fire a red laser blast from her eyes to damage opponents.

As with every notable resident of Gensokyo, Reisen is able to fly, utilize spellcards, and fire danmaku in absurdly large numbers. When not using a spellcard or her "pistol", Reisen can fire bullet-shaped shots at her opponent by forming her hand into the shape of a gun and mimicking it firing off. In terms of endurance, though, she's relatively fragile (albeit annoying to catch in the first place) and can't really take many hits.

Having been trained in the Lunarian military, though, Reisen's also able to use most actual firearms comfortably, should the need arise (it usually doesn't).

Weapons: Reisen carries a sort of pistol around (see here) that works in a manner similar to her usual method of shooting bullets. Of course, flicking your wrist repeatedly to shoot gets tiring after a while, so using this is a less taxing way of shooting someone.

Equipment: Healing salves and medicines of varying types. They're meant for general use and handle a variety of injuries, wounds, and illnesses.

Universe of Origin: Touhou Project
@KOgaming: I'm aware, but since the fate of what I have is tied to what other forms come up and are accepted, I'm holding off for the moment.
The time skip also assumes that anyone who lost their other half has been re-paired, so it's all based on who doesn't have a Master any more and stuff and vice versa.
And timeskip done.

Sinfjotli (and whoever his Master is assuming King is super MIA and needs to be replaced) are locked into Scandinavia. Split as you please otherwise, but be mindful and try to balance both teams... One way or the other.
As soon as Pavel entered the room, he was greeted by a rather worn older man wearing a labcoat, a clipboard and pen in hand as he began to mark things down.

"You are late, good sir. I think all of us here would appreciate a bit more punctuality in your timing," he said, jotting down a few things on his clipboard before motioning over to the side. "While the summoning rituals have been completed already, one of our prospective Masters tired themselves out too quickly; Zelretch has thus decided to send her to rest instead of proceeding. We have prepared the ritual to transfer the contract over to you, so once that is completed, drop off any non-essential equipment at your designated room and head down to the seventh floor to meet with Mr. Schweinorg."

The way the man addressed the Wizard Marshal was indicative of his role as a scientist rather than a magus, but his cold demeanor likely meant he had no time for fooling around. Granted, at this point wasting time was a mistake in and of itself, but even so...

After everyone had finished eating (and doing whatever rlse they had been doing to cause such a ruckus in the dining hall), they had gathered on the seventh floor just as Zelretch had requested. Behind the doors that Kirei had been blocking, there now existed an line of chairs for the Masters to sit down in; for the sake of time, there were only just enough chairs to seat every one of them; no more, no less. In front of the glowing device, though, Zelretch and Kirei stood by, waiting for the group to settle. Once they did, the former began to speak.

"Before I explain anything else, let me first introduce the Church's Overseer for this mission. Kotomine Kirei was one of the survivors of the Fourth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City and Master of Assassin, the Hundred-Faced Hassan. He will not join you on your mission, but will instead remain here with the staff to oversee your progress," the Wizard Marshal stated, gesturing to the priest in a simple motion. "With that introduction resolved, let me give you an overview of your time ahead."

"There are two singularities that we have found thus far: one exists in Babylonia circa 1500 BC, and the other in Scandinavia circa 900 AD. Though we do not know the exact causes of each singularity outside of the presence of a Grail in each, there are traces of Servants being summoned, so please prepare yourselves for a fight."

"As there are two singularities, you must split into two teams to deal with them; I shall monitor the Babylonia team, while the Wizard Marshal will aid the Scandinavia team. Once you are ready, please make your groups known to us so that we may send you off. That is all for now." Kirei added before the two moved to the side to wait for the Masters to decide.
Name: Sogiita Gunha

Title: Academy City's No. 7 Level 5; Number Seven

Gender: Male

Appearance: A man's guts are what determines his worth!

Personality: Gunha has what is essentially the classic mindset for a tokusatsu hero: he is hot-blooded, thick-headed, and always fights for what he believes to be 'right'. This does have a tendency of getting him into trouble, though, as often times he will rush into a battle knowing nothing about the situation for the sole purpose of stopping whoever he opposes. This rashness does not imply idiocy, though; Gunha can be reasonable if the situation calls for it, but it's the need to 'trust your guts and act first' in his mind that stops it from being fully realized most of the time. Also loves quoting 'guts' as the reason behind his actions, in some way, shape, or form.

Well, guts and justice, but mainly guts.

Biography: Gunha is the 7th-highest ranked Esper in Academy City and was trained at the Kihara Research Institute to develop his abilities. For the most part, his life was that of a normal student within Academy City, save for the fact that he is one of the most well-known figures within. His desire to intervene for the sake of others, though, is a good reason as to why he's become wrapped up in some of the city's larger incidents and has been part of the reason as to why a few of them have been resolved as a result.

Powers: As a Gemstone and one of the top espers in Academy City, Gunha's potential arsenal is... Rather large. The most relevant of this set is listed below.
  • Super Strength: Gunha can throw things a fair distance; for example, he launched a certain spiky-haired misfortunate high school student down a long path towards their target. Reasonably, this can be extended to punching and/or kicking things. Repeatedly.
  • Pain Resistance and Increased Healing Factor: Gunha doesn't really FEEL much pain from most normal attacks and can shrug off things like, say, gunshots. Having resisted one of Misaka's larger lightning strikes and having caught one of her famous Railguns with his teeth, Gunha doesn't really care about that. He can also forcefully reconnect broken bones and staunch bleeding with, as he puts it, 'guts'. He can still feel pain, though; it's just the smaller stuff that really doesn't faze him.
  • Explosion Creation: In classic tokusatsu hero fashion, Gunha can create explosions of various types for different circumstances. These can be used to make a dramatic entrance or for more practical, combat-oriented purposes. Usually the former, though.
  • Attack Crash: Gunha takes a deep breath, assumes a karate stance, dramatically opens his eyes and yells out the name of his signature move before launching a punch at his intended target. With enough force to damage a target over ten meters away, this attack is able to break through large chunks rubble (and possibly more). Gunha claims it to be psychokineis, but the truth is that even the scientists within the city don't understand how it works.
  • Aurora Guard: In a similar fashion to his 'Attack Crash', Gunha shouts the words 'AMAZING PUNCH GUARD' and... Well, punches projectiles to the ground. Though it's not a perfect defense, it can also deflect projectiles that have no real tangible form, such as electricity or lasers.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Aside from his super strength, Gunha can also move at superhuman speeds, jump absurdly high, and... Can shout loud enough to create a shockwave that can break a fall.
    No, that's not a joke.

...So, really, just his fists.

Equipment: He has a bandanna and a jacket. Also the clothes on his back. That count?

Universe of Origin: Raildex (A Certain Magical Index/ A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Okay, if Lone's moving tomorrow, I'll probably push the timeskip post after they handle the Casters.

We're finally getting to the interesting stuff! :D
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