Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Interested. Outta curiosity, how many character slots are available per person?
That is very true, yes. I mean, I wouldn't mind.

Timeskipping would also save me trouble of having to write characters in or out of the context of the story, so I'll go along with that.

Should figure out who is and is not still here, though, just in order to make sure everyone that's remaining has at least one char to play.
@Beloss: Currently thinking about how to handle that. Gimme a bit to figure out what's the best way to do this, aight?
Aaah, okay, my bad for misreading then. Thanks for the clarifications. Time to get to work.
But, I mean... I'd like to pilot more than one deck, too lol. Even if the character won't die, it's not as if there's any harm in having more than one, right?

And... Well, while that does answer my question, the problem is more in regards to how you said that if it was a Ritual, we need a corresponding Spell to summon it. But y'know, Kaleidoscope, Mirror, and Cycle can pull out all the Nekroz, so I was wondering how that works in the end and in regards to the rules you've set forth thus far.
Hm... Fair's fair, then, but I still think some degree of randomness would be a bit fun in the grander scheme of things. I mean, you gotta be able to brick just as well as you can set up a godly board, imo.

Next question: Character limit?

Followup question from prior statement, since I'm thinking about prepping a Nekroz deck after all's been said and done: if I make the Solar a Nekroz Ritual, how does that fit into the grander scheme of things? Because, well... Nekroz in the name and with the way the Ritual Spells function... Just curious.
Tiral let his arm rest as he brought the paper down, letting the rest of the Knights debate among themselves as to what it could be referring to. The mercenary's reaction was telling to some extent; whatever had been here was also one of their goals, and if it was something worth enough trouble to bring down an entire fort and the group that had the item in the first place, then it probably wasn't worth the headache letting it slip by.

Sult's suggestion to start scrying was itself not a bad idea, but it wasn't as if he was in any position to try anything like that. What he was studying at the moment (after the mistake that was learning that Marianne could only really fire large lightning bolts and nothing less) was more in the realm of 'aerial clairvoyance', if anything, and even then...
"Scrying... I don't think I'd be of much use, honestly," he responded, shaking his head in apology as Gillian and Tyaethe began to exposit about the Shards of Angoron. Though the name felt somewhat familiar, Tiral himself couldn't remember from where he had heard the term before. But if it was important enough to be expounded upon like it was, then it was probably important enough to worry about. Maybe spending too much time in the realm of the practical had left him without memory of the past. That... Wasn't the best of things to think, though.

"Well... The story was a pleasant reminder... If pleasant could even describe the situation if your guess is correct," Tiral said somewhat ironically as he glanced towards the fort, then back at the other knights. "Assuming it is one of these shards, though, and I'm not saying it is, then I'd rather us not become a band of murderers enslaved by evil. Is there any way that we can deal with this sort of all-encompassing force of evil without being influenced by it, or are we possibly biting off more than we can chew?"

It may have been a tad demeaning of the order, but the mage felt as if he had the right to voice his concerns. Their image in regards to the public was important as well, and if someone important was to fall victim to such a thing...

Well, it wasn't as if they could cover something like that up easily, if at all. If the Roses fell from grace, then... Well, there were some things better left unsaid.
Well, I was only really referencing the Yatalock as an easy example of something that was anti-fun. Yeah, CED got errata'd, but it's not as if people haven't forgotten how annoying that was, though. Even then, I agree there are a lot of outs, but again, it's probably the easiest thing to point out in regards to that. I also admittedly can't remember any other infamous locks on that level, so I guess that's my bad for being... Like that, I guess.

As for the next point on anti-PePe and anti-Spellbooks, well... Again, you'd have to tech those respective cards in, because maindecking them in a lot of decks these days hurts. You know, because Graveyard control and all that. I think things like Macro Monarchs and Yosenju really could care less about their stuff being banished, but in the end it depends on how hard it hurts any given deck in respect to your own. Also, starting blue boy plus Judgement in Spellbooks is like... Insane plus, and then you add the lock in and it's like... Ew.

Dark Law also requires teching in Mask Change II and a slot in your Extra Deck (and a Dark monster as fodder) if you're not running HEROes to begin with, and not every deck has those resources readily available. While it is certainly an option, you're also fishing
for the cards, and unless you can pull the Change out, it's not as reliable. If you can SS Shadow Mist or something, yeah, I guess that works, but the only deck I can think of that runs II that isn't HEROs is... Shaddolls, I think? Maybe BA variants or stuff using Phantom Knights? Lswarms? 's all I can think of in terms of more recent decks.

Droll and Lock is always a good tech choice, though, so you got me there.

But nothing about Rejuv eDrags? =w=;;

As for that last point, I would say that's easier said than done, if only because Trish and Gungnir shenanigans weren't a thing.

But yeah, no harm, no foul. Discussion is the best way to come to an understanding, after all.
(Also because I don't want to impose by bringing in something too antifun. I play too much stun and control.)

Edit: I didn't notice the 'no simulator' thing until now, but that brings ups and downs of its own. If someone goes second with the perfect counter-hand and is running the right deck, then you can wipe board and OTK on turn 2, especially with 4000 LP rules.
Hm... You've caught my attention... To some degree.

Though I guess my first question (as it usually is) is what decks that don't involve some sort of degenerate loop or a lock (LOOKING AT YOU YATAGARASU) are off limits. Like, I'm going to assume things like full power PePe, Rejuv Rulers and Spellbooks with Judgement are no good, but what about...

Well, I would mention Nekroz, but Djinn lock is dirty business. But, like, that aside, if we're running without a banlist, this is the kinda info I wanna know.

Because tbh Nekroz was a really fun deck to pilot back in its heyday.
@KoL: To be fair, Extra Kirei's shirt looks less like something a priest would wear. His CCC garb, on the other hand, does.

But yeah, I'm working on updating the rosters now.
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