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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sup folks! This is an idea I've put together after a really long and lonely Christmas holiday! I hope you like it! I want to do a YGO RP with aspects from GX and (just a little bit of) Zexal. Here's the ideas I've got so far!

Solar Legacy – Pieces of a powerful, slumbering god who ruled over the sea and sky. The Solar Legacies manifest themselves as Duel Monsters cards, all bound to their respective duelists. It is unknown as to how many of these Solar Legacies exactly exist, however, all holders of Solar Legacies were born at roughly the same time. Solar Legacies all manifest themselves as monster cards, however, whatever type they are has huge variance. Solar Legacies have a mind of their own, always finding their way back to their owners after being lost, stolen, or even given away.

Holders of a Solar Legacy cannot immediately recognize one another. However, if one Solar Legacy is played while the other player has one that can be summoned, the Solar Legacy card will glow brightly, compelling the duelist to play the card regardless if there were a smarter play or not. When the holder of a Solar Legacy defeats the holder of another Solar Legacy, duel energy is drained from that duel, charging the duel energy of the winner's Solar Legacy. The loser's duel energy is thereby drained. When enough energy is collected after fifteen straight victories against, other Solar Legacy holders, that duelist is capable of making a single wish at a secret grotto on campus.

All holders of Solar Legacies are between the ages of 15 and 17, trending towards being younger. Holders of Solar Legacies are to be found all around the world.

A Solar Legacy is a one-of-a-kind monster card (and must therefore be custom). What exactly it is, however, can vary greatly from a level 1 normal monster with 0 attack and defense, to a rank 11 xyz pendulum. The deck of the holder of a Solar Legacy may not even necessarilly be capable of summoning said Solar Legacy, however, it will always be there.

Saotome Duel Institute – A private, four-year Dueling school established in 1974 at the foot of Mt. Asama between Gunma and Nagano prefectures. It is a self sufficient boarding school with its own cafeteria, capable of supporting its 3,000 odd students, primarily local. Various facilities on campus include a gym, a recreational center, and even a church. All students who are not holders of a Solar Legacy are local Japanese students.

Dueling -
1. Runs on anime rules, which means 4000 lifepoints to start, and monsters can be summoned in face-up defense position.
2. While anime cards can be used, their use is discouraged, and must be marked with ** on your character's deck list. Cards with real and anime effects will use the RL effect, not the anime effect.
3. The game will not have a banlist. Go ahead. Run 3 Sangans and 3 Pots of Greed.
4. Standard deckbuilding rules still apply (40-60 card deck, 15 card extra deck, maximum 3 copies of each individual card)
5. Due to custom cards, simulators won't do well for the game. As such, players can decide their own hands and what they draw into. With the game being as fast as it is, collaboration posts for duels is highly advised. Run floodgates.
6. I (the GM) will personally check every decklist just to make sure the player in question is not running a solitaire FTK deck. Just in case though, Ghost Ogre and Effect Veiler are your friends.

Custom Cards -
1. At the start of the game, every player gets 3 custom cards, including their Solar Legacy.
2. Use your greater judgement to guage what may or may not be broken, and be sure to make sure the card doesn't already exist before making it.
3. Extra customs will be given out as rewards.
4. Custom cards will be marked with an * on your character's deck list
5. Holders of a Solar Legacy that is a ritual monster get a free custom card as their ritual spell. If they use this, however, the ritual spell: cannot summon any monster other than the Solar Legacy, cannot have an effect other than ritual summoning said monster, and cannot include the name of a monster within the effect text. Take a moment to digest this.

Rules -
1. Don't be a dick.
2. That's it.

Character Sheet -



Custom Card Template -
Monster Card
Level/Rank ATTRIBUTE type ability monster
Pendulum Scale
[Pendulum Effect]
[Monster Effect/Flavor Text] (Include summoning condition if extra deck monster)

Spell/Trap Card

Crab Turtle
Level 8 WATER Aqua-type Ritual monster
ATK 2550 / DEF 2500
This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Turtle Oath". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

Ojama Trio
Normal Trap
Special Summon 3 "Ojama Tokens" (Beast-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 1000) in Defense Position on your opponent's side of the field. The tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. When an "Ojama Token" is destroyed, the controller of that token takes 300 points of damage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hey I'd be interested in this, but its been so long since Ive played Duel Monsters, I might need an update on the latest cards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey I'd be interested in this, but its been so long since Ive played Duel Monsters, I might need an update on the latest cards.

How long? The new format's probably going to take a bit of time to getting used to. I'm also planning on using /all/ the new mechanics, including the new summoning mechanic once the next series comes out. There are guides to show how to use all the mechanics. They're really not too hard to learn though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@KOgamingI'd be interested, though I wanna run a character idea by you. Basically a poorer kid with a more ragtag, scrounged-up deck, who barely made it into the school, who's just learning about most of the newer mechanics for the first time. My idea is that this would aid my own transition into the newer mechanics, as the last time I played seriously, it was just Fusions and Rituals(IE original series/GX), though I am a bit familiar with Sychro and XYZ summons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KOgamingI'd be interested, though I wanna run a character idea by you. Basically a poorer kid with a more ragtag, scrounged-up deck, who barely made it into the school, who's just learning about most of the newer mechanics for the first time. My idea is that this would aid my own transition into the newer mechanics, as the last time I played seriously, it was just Fusions and Rituals(IE original series/GX), though I am a bit familiar with Sychro and XYZ summons.

I had in mind that players/player characters would be a little bit more competent- though you can chalk it up to your character being really talented/lucky as player characters often can be. With the new series paying more attention to the older mechanics and new support coming out for older cards, you could feasibly create a strong, working fusion/ritual deck.

That said, because the game is also much faster than it had been a few years ago, having a themed deck or a deck that sets out to achieve a single goal is definitely much better than something quickly cobbled together. With that said, there are good archetypes that look more gritty. The Scrap archetype- which uses synchros- comes to mind.

It is also possible to have a strong deck that puts together different seemingly unrelated archetypes not designed to have any cohesion and still work incredibly well, which would give you an illusion of having a scrounged-up deck. Of course, getting back into the game, this probably isn't the best idea as you would have to figure out synergy between new cards which you may have never heard about.

What you go with though is ultimately your choice. I don't claim to know everything about the game, but if you need help, I will do the best I can to do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@KOgamingThat definitely gives me some stuff to work with. I'll be sure to contact you if I need anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hm... You've caught my attention... To some degree.

Though I guess my first question (as it usually is) is what decks that don't involve some sort of degenerate loop or a lock (LOOKING AT YOU YATAGARASU) are off limits. Like, I'm going to assume things like full power PePe, Rejuv Rulers and Spellbooks with Judgement are no good, but what about...

Well, I would mention Nekroz, but Djinn lock is dirty business. But, like, that aside, if we're running without a banlist, this is the kinda info I wanna know.

Because tbh Nekroz was a really fun deck to pilot back in its heyday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hm... You've caught my attention... To some degree.

I'm gonna break this one into pieces. I don't mean any offense. It's just easier to respond in bits, so please don't take this as an attack on you or your character. Feel free to refute me if I'm wrong in any way.

Though I guess my first question (as it usually is) is what decks that don't involve some sort of degenerate loop or a lock (LOOKING AT YOU YATAGARASU) are off limits. Like, I'm going to assume things like full power PePe, Rejuv Rulers and Spellbooks with Judgement are no good, but what about...

I actually don't have anything in mind that would be off limits. You're free to run PePe or Dragon Rulers or even Yatalock if that's your thing. We're not using a simulator. When I had the idea in mind, initially, this was because it'd be easier on people who wanted custom cards (now everybody gets three to start). I didn't think this would work at first, but after giving it some more though, I feel it takes the luck aspect out leaving everything to the skill of the duelist. While these decks are powerful, they're not completely indestructable, and the opposing player is free to start themself off with a counter hand as they please.


Not even that good anymore, what with all the decks that play out of the grave. Necro Gardna and Electromagnetic Turtle, for example, can use their effects in the grave to keep Yata Garasu from dealing damage, so its effect can't go off. If the opponent didn't empty your hand out, you might have access to something like Effect Veiler, so its effect doesn't go off in the first place, and it can't bounce itself back, allowing you to beat over it- and Yata Garasu isn't a difficult card to beat over.

PePe, Rejuv Rulers and Spellbooks

Pepe and Spellbooks are both easily shut down by any deck with the ability to banish. Banisher of Light and Banisher of Radiance are both easy to summon monsters. If you can get it out on the first turn, those two decks can't play. Masked HERO Dark Law can do this and also punish for adding hand advantage. Droll & Lock Bird can keep the opponent from gaining any advantage whatsoever.

Well, I would mention Nekroz, but Djinn lock is dirty business.

I used to Djinn lock with Hungry Burger. It was fun. That said, any spot removal could easily handle it and there are plenty of cards that prevent special summoning.

tl;dr: Hand Traps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Well, I was only really referencing the Yatalock as an easy example of something that was anti-fun. Yeah, CED got errata'd, but it's not as if people haven't forgotten how annoying that was, though. Even then, I agree there are a lot of outs, but again, it's probably the easiest thing to point out in regards to that. I also admittedly can't remember any other infamous locks on that level, so I guess that's my bad for being... Like that, I guess.

As for the next point on anti-PePe and anti-Spellbooks, well... Again, you'd have to tech those respective cards in, because maindecking them in a lot of decks these days hurts. You know, because Graveyard control and all that. I think things like Macro Monarchs and Yosenju really could care less about their stuff being banished, but in the end it depends on how hard it hurts any given deck in respect to your own. Also, starting blue boy plus Judgement in Spellbooks is like... Insane plus, and then you add the lock in and it's like... Ew.

Dark Law also requires teching in Mask Change II and a slot in your Extra Deck (and a Dark monster as fodder) if you're not running HEROes to begin with, and not every deck has those resources readily available. While it is certainly an option, you're also fishing
for the cards, and unless you can pull the Change out, it's not as reliable. If you can SS Shadow Mist or something, yeah, I guess that works, but the only deck I can think of that runs II that isn't HEROs is... Shaddolls, I think? Maybe BA variants or stuff using Phantom Knights? Lswarms? 's all I can think of in terms of more recent decks.

Droll and Lock is always a good tech choice, though, so you got me there.

But nothing about Rejuv eDrags? =w=;;

As for that last point, I would say that's easier said than done, if only because Trish and Gungnir shenanigans weren't a thing.

But yeah, no harm, no foul. Discussion is the best way to come to an understanding, after all.
(Also because I don't want to impose by bringing in something too antifun. I play too much stun and control.)

Edit: I didn't notice the 'no simulator' thing until now, but that brings ups and downs of its own. If someone goes second with the perfect counter-hand and is running the right deck, then you can wipe board and OTK on turn 2, especially with 4000 LP rules.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Edit: I didn't notice the 'no simulator' thing until now, but that brings ups and downs of its own. If someone goes second with the perfect counter-hand and is running the right deck, then you can wipe board and OTK on turn 2, especially with 4000 LP rules.

Yep. I was gonna bring that up.

I don't want to fall back on it, but Rule 1 is definitely a thing. That being: Don't be a dick. By which I mean, I expect people to treat each other nicely and show each other good duels. That said, the turn 1 player has still set up first and the player going second still needs to burn resources to get through it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hm... Fair's fair, then, but I still think some degree of randomness would be a bit fun in the grander scheme of things. I mean, you gotta be able to brick just as well as you can set up a godly board, imo.

Next question: Character limit?

Followup question from prior statement, since I'm thinking about prepping a Nekroz deck after all's been said and done: if I make the Solar a Nekroz Ritual, how does that fit into the grander scheme of things? Because, well... Nekroz in the name and with the way the Ritual Spells function... Just curious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I don't see the need for anyone to have more than one character. At the same time, I wouldn't mind anyone having more than one. It's not like your character is going to die though.

Solar Legacies, in my head, don't actually share a series like the Numbers do. You can make it whatever sort of monster you like and from whatever archetype.

I might have a big arc relating to Duel Terminal though
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

But, I mean... I'd like to pilot more than one deck, too lol. Even if the character won't die, it's not as if there's any harm in having more than one, right?

And... Well, while that does answer my question, the problem is more in regards to how you said that if it was a Ritual, we need a corresponding Spell to summon it. But y'know, Kaleidoscope, Mirror, and Cycle can pull out all the Nekroz, so I was wondering how that works in the end and in regards to the rules you've set forth thus far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I didn't say you needed a corresponding spell to summon it. What I set for Rituals was that the player had a choice to give their Solar Legacy a ritual spell given it had the set conditions for a free spell. They don't have to take the extra spell, especially if it could already be summoned with something else. Or they could use a custom slot and make a better ritual spell with a graveyard effect. Or something weird, like the Amorphage field spell that's also a ritual spell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Aaah, okay, my bad for misreading then. Thanks for the clarifications. Time to get to work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm not seeing much interest, though I'm not sure how fast interest checks should go.

In either case, I'll probably have an actual formatted OOC on Sunday. Which means it'll probably be up next Tuesday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I guess that's all the interest I'm getting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 5 days ago

Huh. I'm gonna bump this for visibility.

If I weren't busy with my own YGO RP (i swear i'm working on the next post in case my players read this) and a few others, I would've joined in a heartbeat.

Just... be careful on how you handle the duels, aight? I've seen my fair share of these die. And like, I know a guy who's seen even more die. These RPs are not easy.

EDIT: Linked this Int. Check in my thread to see if any of my players want to join in this. Good luck, man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks yo.
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