Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Whew~" Klaus sheathed her sword at her captain's order. She was tempted to grab another portion of her food, but the current situation was too tense for her to do so.

"So they're already dead for ages, is that messenger a ghost or something? Just what is going on here...?" Klaus asked, following her captain into the fort. A mass execution... but just who did that? She pondered.
"Oh a stingray, sounds delicious~" Despite saying that, the sight of those corpses had suppressed her monstrous appetite. The scene is more complicated than she had originally thought. Just how did this happen?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"Umbra, she cut your arrow out of the air and hit the captain without you or your juniors intervening," the paladin said, endeavouring to deflate the elf's ego before it started another fight over wounded pride of all things, "If you cause a duel from insulting that shares a common cause, we won't be stepping in to help you." We aren't going to endanger everyone else for mouthing off. If you're that confident, then you should enjoy proving your skill against her.

I would.

Regardless of her thoughts on Umbra's attitude, it was the paladin's duty to explain--now that the fighting had come to a halt--exactly why they didn't need to fight any more. She straightened, then hooked her sword over the catch once added to the back of her armour.

"The bodies inside the fort have been there for several days, enough that the current clear weather has already caused noticeable decay. There are a lot of bodies. If this man or the messenger," here she indicated Alette's latest victim, "were part of the original garrison, I would expect them to be already dead. Not escaping so close to being killed off by a hired band.

"Though this only marks a cessation of hostilities until we complete our investigation," she finished, looking down at the Shark.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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— Fort Daelantine —

He found his arms restrained as he attempted to threaten and possibly beat another pair of combatants(although not neccessatrilly in that order). Indrau looked to be preparing to fight free for a moment before reconsidering and grumbling to himself.

"The idiots would deserve it."

The knight squared his shoulders and leaned upon his cane. As the twins began to channel their magic the one on his left, where his sword was sheathed would find it much more difficult than usual to do so.

It was a moment later that the calls to stand down began to sound out. He took a brief glance around and began to walk towards the fort.

"Be wary. If they were this thorough I doubt that this situation is as plain as it seems."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

With Tyaethe's confirmation reaffirming Tiral's earlier wariness, the ice mage slowly lowered his dagger as the rest of the knights kept from trying to stab or slash at anyone else.
Well, save for maybe one or two, but the higher-ups could deal with them later if necessary. With the problem resolved (for the most part), Tiral sheathed his dagger and walked out of his circle, glaring daggers at the elf who was clearly speaking as if she wasn't the cause of all of their problems.

That, of course, was about as blatant as a lie as they got. Though he hadn't been close enough to the vanguard to see the man who was killed first, he had been able to get a view of a few arrows being shot; that, coupled with the earlier arrogant dialogue, spoke much more than any simple words needed to.


Why did the Roses let someone like her in again?

With a sigh, the mage patted his mount on the head and motioned for it to remain in place as he walked over to the fort, the stench of decaying corpses and days-old blood assaulting his nostrils. The smell of death was never pleasant, after all, but it was bearable if he could get a better view on the situation. Ignoring the one attempting to speak with the rat, Tiral stepped through the doorway, instinctively cringing as the smell got worse. The sight of the dead made him give momentary pause, and with a solitary wish for their souls to find solace and a rhetorical apology for his investigation, he moved to work.

Granted, there wasn't much to investigate in the first place; with a scenario like this, the fact that the ordeal was premeditated was as obvious as the sky was blue. Eve so, it didn't stop him from trying to find any trace at all of the plan in the first place. The culprits could just as easily have memorized the plan, to be fair, but it never hurt to check.

After a few minutes of looking around, Tiral sighed and shook his head in defeat. Nothing of note after all, then. But something like this... It felt too strange for a simple group of enemies to execute without good reason. There was definitely something else afoot, even if the enemies at hand were dealt with.

Sighing, the mage turned to leave the fort when a small slip of paper caught his eye. It was only visible to him now because his eyes had become somewhat accustomed to the relative darkness for the short while he had spent there, but the outline thereof was faintly visible against the bloodstained ground upon which it laid. Carefully picking it up, Tiral grimaced when he noticed a rather large bloodstain on the paper; it was fresh, too, which meant... Well, nothing good, obviously, but given that it was probably from one of the recently dispatched enemies he couldn't help but check it out, at the very least.

Taking the piece of paper carefully in hand, Tiral walked out of the fort and took a deep breath of the air outside. Even if there were also dead bodies and blood here, at least it wasn't stale and musty like it was there. With that in mind, Tiral slowly opened up the folded piece of paper and made out as much as he could. The bloodstain made most of the words indecipherable, but what remained was probably notable enough to report.

"Captain!" he called out, lifting his eyes off the paper to turn to his superior as he walked over. "You may wish to take a look at this. You and everyone else, actually."

Displaying the paper as one would a public declaration, Tiral stood by as whoever wanted to read the paper did so.

"Move the 'blank' ahead of schedule. Time is of the essence," he said out loud, closing his eyes to trying and figure out what that meant. "...Were there any major items passing through here recently, or was this just an incident to cover up something more malicious...?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago


"... A... a stingray? A poisonous fish~ A blade tucked against its tail~ It looks rather harmless, but is in fact deadly, I believe I have the title because of my apparent charm masking my lethality, but... haaah~ My charm is nothing compared to Alette's, is it?"
Abigail the Stingray

With only those words for description, Jarde imagined a normal fish having a really sharp and poisonous tail or maybe a poisonous... something hidden in its tail. He didn't know such a creature existed but he supposed there was more to the world than meets the eye. "Well, good luck with that, I guess." He remarked with Abigail's obvious... admiration for her leader.

"So if these guys killed the garrison, what are you guys doing here?" Jarde asked the next question. "I doubt you were just passing by and just took a look at the commotion."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago

After a few moments of silence, Fanilly took a deep breath, eyes downcast.

"We... we must ensure they have a proper burial," she began raising her gaze and turning towards her knights. "Or... at least have the appropriate words said over them, if nothing else. We can't leave them all like this, we..."

She trailed off. She had seen men die. She had killed men. But this mass execution of Thaln's soldiers was... different. It had shaken what composure she had. All she could think of was the hopelessness that they must have felt here, bound and watching their comrades die one by one by the brutality of a slashed throat. This was not a battle where the dead at least died fighting. This was a slaughter, the only definition it could fall under was that of murder.

"Oiiii, don't fall apart," commented Alette, making to step forward, "I know it's pretty horrible, but you're supposed to be the captain here, aren't you, cute stuff? Find out what happened, and kill the shitbags who orchestrated it. Unless I beat you to it."

Alette grinned, somewhat viciously, as she rested her spear across her shoulders. "There's only one thing I hate more then the kind of fuckers who'd order people to do this sort of shit."

Fanilly shook her head, and took a deep breath. As unpleasant as the Shark had put it, she had a point. She had to keep her composure.

It was around then that Tiral approached her with a note.

"Some kind of item?" she trailed off for a few moments. Something had been taken here? Was that the reason that all of this had happened? But what could it have been? What sort of item would have instigated all this? "But why would so many people have died for this... what could it be?"

"Wait, what? It's moved on already?" Alette asked, "Aaah, damn it all!"

She sighed heavily.

"Reon damn stupid scumbag bastard fuckers..." she practically growled.

Fanilly immediately looked up at that note. "... Do you know what was here?"

For a few moments, Alette was silent. "... Ah... well... er..."

Borifos simply sighed.

"As if I had said numbers were the only factor in this situation," he commented, "Such arrogant blather is hardly the way to treat a fighting force she had unjustly attacked and had been convinced to step down. Frankly, if I were a more temperamental individual, I would describe her behavior in less polite terms."

"Hmph," huffed Alrial. "Forget that idiot, Borifos. A stupid uptight moron like her isn't worth your breath. Now put me up!"

She raised her arms. With a sigh, Borifos leaned down, and then picked her up, before resting her carefully on his shoulder.

The rat was unfortunately not a font of wisdom. The most it could provide was that, a few days ago, there had been some kind of scuffle, and that it had hid. Humans who were different from the first humans had come, something had happened, and then there were a lot of dead humans. That was about all that it knew. It had been hiding for the most part out of fear for its own life.

"Ah? There was supposed to be something here," Abigail commented, eyes still lingering on Alette, "But it seems like it must be gone... oh, dear... My dear Alette will be in a poor mood, she wants to be paid... I shall have to cheer her up as soon as possible~"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 40 min ago

Huh? This is weird. Sult frowned, upon realizing that her accumulation of mana was much more irregular than usual. Puffing exasperatedly, it took a few moments to find out the cause, instead blaming it on the way Nero seemed to drag her along for her magical training. You're rather interesting, sir Indrau. She smirked inwardly, but was cut short when the grisly panorama was displayed before her eyes.

"It is like an slaughterhouse." She said, forgetting momentarily for a second any kind of demure and tact. "So awful." She said, as she felt two eyes staring into her. She didn't even need to turn to know who was the offender. She knew. Nero, her elder twin sister was scowling and frowning at her comment, but she was even more bothered by the massacre. Although she wisely chose to steel herself and not say anything.

Indrau's comment, however, prompted her to stop trying to gather mana, instead focusing on her surroundings and preserving energy. The fight had already stopped, and there she was, Fanilly amidst the whole chaos, lamenting the poor souls that had been victims. That was a kind thought, although Nero rolled her eyes. Kindness was a good trait, but you could do nothing else for the fallen than brace yourself and do the job.

Nero eyed Sult. Sult eyed Nero. Both exchanged a nod as they entered, their walk in measured steps, as they reached Fanilly quickly, incidentally gathering because of Tiral's beckoning.

Well, wasn't this an awful mess. Nero bit her lip as she eyed the elf, who was supposed to be on their side, interrogating a filthy rodent, out of all things. She made no effort to acknowledge Tyaethe's words, or the other's words, but by the way she actually gripped her waist with her free hand, she was visiblely annoyed.

"The witness confirms it, there were two groups and a scuffle." She droned, as she gave a gently pat to the rat, allowing her to skulk back in the darkness. Nero shook her head. Well, she had seen stranger stuff. She eyed Sult. She didn't need to ask, only let her gaze wander to her waist. Sult produced her waterskin, which she handed to her elder sister, as Nero nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well, this is a fine mess, already." The elder of the Sunfields knelt before Fanilly, offering the waterskin to the captain, her words a whisper. "First time seeing something like this, eh? Drink a bit and settle, captain. We need you whole if we want to honor these victims and do justice. We'll cover for you now, but you should watch and learn for next time." Nero said, as she stood on her feet, juggling her other waterskin in her hands. "Sult, please be a dear, and see to the corpses. Untie them." And see what you can find whilst doing so. I don't need to tell you to check the on the newest corpses for clues such as tattoos,scars and state of their teeth. A healer like you might be able to see something other knights can't.

Sult reeled slightly, before pondering on something, and without a word, she proceed to do the gruesome job. She had understood.

Which then she offered to the leader of the mercenaries. "The job looked easier when you agreed to do it, no, Alette the Shark?" Nero said, offering her best polite smile. "After all, you didn't want to be here to meet the Iron Roses, because it's potential trouble to whoever hired you." The elder of the Sunfield went with her friendly tirade, but she didn't stopped looking at Alette's facial expression and hands. Sometimes words weren't even needed to talk. "Which is why your lips are sealed about what or who are you supposed to find. Frankly speaking, I'd not want to be in your hide now."

"I'm Nero Sunfield, by the way. Pleased to meet you." She finally added, as she did a small curtsy. "Even if lady Gwathnetgh thinks otherwise."

That seemed to struck a nerve. "It's Gwathneth!" The elf hollered back.

"Sorry, my ability to pronounce elven names is crude..." Nero added. Now comes the tricky part... "Speaking of which, I'm sorry...but I must ask for your help, as I'm just a new knight."

"Hmph." Umbra snorted, as she eyed the human in contempt. "Well then, speak. What needs to be done?" She added, her glare piercing daggers at Nero.

"I was wonder if you could do that with birds, and send a message. To Candaeln." Nero Sunfield added, awkwardly scratching her head. "Also staying vigilant."

"..." The veteran elf knight did not say anything, but she incorporated herself as she, once again walked herself towards the exit. "You humans are hopeless." She said, and proceed to do as requested. Nero smiled inwardly. Looks like appealing to her ego would work. Her sight once again rested on her sister, who was now looking at Tiral's note.

"I was wondering sir Tiral..." Sult added, examining the two sets of fresh and older corpses. "If such an important object was in the middle of such a place... maybe we could attempt some scrying and see what it tells about it." She chirped, unfazed by the gruesome task.

Nero herself kept looking at Alette. "I suppose that if you were to tell us, it could mean some serious complications." The eldest of the twins said. "Like your employer's faction deeds being exposed to the light. Politics are such a hassle, aren't they." Nero sighed, as she slumped her shoulders.

Now let's see if she takes the bait. A political powerplay in the shadows is the best hypothesis we have at the moment. Trying to pry out answers with so little will be difficult. Nero added mentally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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"I don't want to talk about what we're looking for because who knows what you'll do if you find it. I didn't go through all this effort to leave my band or myself unpaid," Alette replied rather quickly, narrowing her crimson eyes. It appeared she didn't like something about what Nero had said, at the very least. "And don't go claiming I wasn't prepared for anything. Just because you showed up doesn't mean anything."

Her spear was once again rested across her shoulders.

"And I don't give a damn about politics, if that even mattered to this job," she continued, "I'll give you this: The job we're doing doesn't have a fucking thing to do with politics. You're following the wrong trail, and it's kind of hilarious. At least, if you think it's political. Anyway, these bastards-"

Alette used her spear to point towards the fresh dead both inside and outside the fort. "Came here to receive something. I'm not telling you anything else."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

In a normal situation, Tyaethe would have been busy organising burials and pulling the bodies down. Normal circumstances meant that you only got around to burying the dead once the fighting was over, however, and they hadn't even gotten a good idea of what was going on. Normal circumstances would afford time to help the newcomers--captain or knight--cope with how wrong the world could be. But someone had gone and attacked their kingdom's forces to move some item or other and mercenaries had been dispatched to stop them... there was too much at play to walk off right now. All she could do was keep being a pillar.

"You just killed the last witness that could tell us where your goal went," the paladin said, sword levelling itself at the cooling corpse, "Whatever they were smuggling was important enough to justify assaulting the King's men and impersonating the garrison of this fortress. Unless you have decided to lower yourself to treason, we are the Iron Roses and able to negotiate it as a completed mission even if the item is confiscated. I, personally, should have the ability to pay any lost cost, as a duchess." And I need to find someone who could accept the title, soon.

The red eyes looked into Alette's again, growling "Now, unless you still claim the item is harmless despite the three forces involved in this, could you please tell us what it is?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Wait, what moved on?" Klaus found that statement very vague, but now to mention it, an invasion by another country is still within the realm of possibilities. So those guys have invaded this place and ran off, perhaps they will invade another fort maybe?... Damnnit I hate playing detective here! She pondered, frustrated.

"Doesn't matter if we're heading in the wrong direction, as long as we don't stop. At least tell us the name of the item, and who is the bastard who 'moved on'? Hundreds of life fell here, and its not as simple as calling off a late night's dinner or anything ~" Klaus' eyes narrowed at the spear girl, now being a bit more serious in her job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago


Alette sighed again.

"You really want me to screw my employer over, don't you?" she complained, folding her arms. After a few moments, where she looked more annoyed then anything as far as Fanilly could tell, she let out a sigh. "It's dangerous. I'm not going to pretend to know what it is, but it's dangerous. My employer said so."

She twirled her spear and planted the tip in the ground.

"Black, some kind of metal shard," she continued, "We were told to avoid touching it directly if we could, but that it probably wouldn't do much but burn a little if we had to grab it. But we were also told to try and avoid holding onto it if we could."

She folded her arms, narrowing her eyes in annoyance.

"There, you fucking happy?"

After a few moments, Fanilly took a deep breath.

"What did your employer want this shard for?" she asked. That description... she swore that she'd heard about something like it at one point. But what? Right now, in the midst of all this, it was hard to recall.

"Fufufu, cute," Alette commented, her grin returning, "My employer hasn't betrayed me, I won't betray them. But I won't blame you, cute stuff. I don't think you think of it as asking me to betray my employer. Even if I knew exactly why, I wouldn't say."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

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Gillian and Nori

Gillian approached the dubious merc, hesitantly putting his sword away. He still didn’t buy the story, but...the stench emanating from the now open mass grave at least lent some credibility. Where the mercs trustworthy? Probably not. But at least they didn't seem too included to lie about who they killed.
Nori was having remarkably more trouble adapting to the sudden offending odor the former sons of Thaln were now providing for the world to smell. It...reminded her of home, in all the worst ways she could imagine. She leans on the now adjacent Gillian for some support standing, visibly gagging once or twice as she attempted to suppress her memories (and rising urge to vomit) and listen to the spearman's alibi all at once.
“How remarkably helpful.” He huffs as Alette finishes her explanation. “You’re at once both immediately dismissing all my apprehensions about your presence here and filling us in as much as possible. The bards will sing of thy brevity and wit.” The sarcasm, hostile as it was, was a little hard to take seriously from the man with an ill rabbit woman hanging off his arm.
“The object you’re describing could be any number of magical or mundane objects. Few of them good. In the best case scenario it's some alchemists pet metallurgy project. Worst case it's another Angroron shard.” He grumbles, crossing his arm.
Nori looks up at him, deep confusion flashing across her face for a moment before being followed by another gag. “...Right. Guess we’ve got foreigners here, I’ll explain.” He says, handing the rabbit a waterskin as he does so. She greedily drinks, happy for something other than the taste of death in her mouth. “Long ago there was a dark lord named Orodrunn. Being a dark lord, he did dark lordly things, like slaughter the innocent, seek world conquest, pay his taxes a week late.” He starts, abridging the history a bit, so as to not bore the rest of the group, who were likely more familiar with the tale. “So good was he at being a dark lord that the various races banded together to off the bastard, with the help of saint Lillianna. Long story short, dark lord is killed, and his sword Angroron shattered. Supposedly the shards have powers beyond mortal comprehension. Occasionally they surface and cause trouble. Again though, worst case scenario. And part of me severely doubts someone would entrust its recovery to mercs like this.” A few unnamed knights give him a sideways glance, but remain silent. While his reputation in the knights was at least semi-mercenary, he was still of the order, so they left pointing out his hypocrisy to the senior officer's discretion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Sir Tyaethe Radistirin

Tyaethe stilled when the description of the stolen item was given. It was familiar, far too familiar: an item from her favourite childhood tale. It was a story to aspire to and a drive to pledge herself to the Church later on, to one day do even a fragment of the story's heroine. It seemed that Gillian had the same idea and had delivered the tale in much abbreviated form... sufficient, perhaps, if not for lacking the extra details that might explain the mercenaries' selection, not that those were part of the common story. In the version she used to tell when asked, back when anyone knew that she liked it...

The paladin looked thoughtful for a second, then removed the helmet. Her secret was already out and telling a story whilst wearing that thing would just make it harder to hear what she was saying and what story went well being told without clear emphasis? Though it might look a little strange, a child's head on such massive armour...

"As Sir Gillian suggests, it could be a Shard of Angroron. What his rendition of the tale lacks is a reminder of what this means," Tyaethe stated, red eyes fixing on him for a second. A reminder, of course: aside from the rabbit, everyone from these countries should know the story, "Which means that a reminder is in order. To me, it seems unlikely that any other 'shard' would have such a violent outcome.

"Orodrunn's story begins as a divine spirit in service to the first Dark Lord, he that turned upon the other gods and first brought evil to the world," not that she would speak his name. Such things had to be left forgotten, not called upon, lest some fragment bring more pain to the world, "Yet even in his defeat, many of his servants remained to gather strength and plot. Chief amongst them was his general, already a leader to the defeated remnants and more than willing to bring his divine strength to bear against the mortal races.

"Against a force that once sought to fight the Gods' themselves, mortal and immortal alike, and now sought nought less than the total subjugation of the world, what could one realm do?" Tyaethe questioned, arms spreading wide--her sword and shield were already on the ground for getting in the way. "No kingdom would ever be able to win alone. Pride would let each fall and be twisted in turn, a breeding ground for evil untold.

"But the world refused to submit. The world had not become his and it would not become Orodrunn's. A grand coalition was assembled and marshalled to face against an enemy with more power than they could ever hope to match save for the Witch Queen breaking her neutrality in their favour. Yet with all the world to lose, who dare not stand and fight?

"In such a vast battle, a single life is but a footnote. Only the Dark Lord's presence over the battlefield would be remembered: vast and unstoppable; to see Orodrunn in the flesh before dying was simply to move fast enough to see your oncoming demise. One of Reon's knights was unfortunate enough to see the Dark Lord silhouetted against the sun and his blade raised and her comrades fallen. A valiant effort against an impossible foe held him off for longer than any now would find reasonable but against the divine and with nothing but her death to come the knight clasped her hands around the blade and raised her hands in prayer.

"The Goddesses wished no more than any other warrior on the battle to let Orodrunn triumph but it was Lilliana's faithful prayer that gave them a vessel. The battlefield blackened, the Sun and Moon aligned, and the knight rose to challenge the divine spirit. Orodrunn was an undefeated giant that nobody might harm and, in the high noon night, a single head of golden hair stood in opposition.

"Angroron, the army-slaying blade, shattered under the first blow," the paladin proclaimed, palm catching fist as she began to leave the children's tale, "But its evil was palpable, even unbroken. The dark shards would have broken most that dared step across them, killing those that it could not corrupt. Lilliana bore both the Sun and Moon within her and the evil could find no purchase, the sword's destruction bringing a small measure of equality to a battle that entire hosts could not win.

"Under an Eclipse, the Goddesses' chosen warrior could not lose. The golden flames that had lined her sword as it shattered Angroron blazed as the sun itself and moonlight fashioned into another layer of mail. Punches that would crush a man blunted against her body and armour immune to any magic was cut through with ease. The Goddesses' champion stood greater than even a spark of the divine, cleaving him in two, and won against a force the whole world could not defeat."

Tyaethe straightened, picking her helmet off the ground and beginning to clip it in place once again.

"If we follow a shard of black metal and its thieves have brutally killed an entire fort, yet a band that would merely be corrupted by one of Angroron's pieces is sent out, then the stolen object appears far too obvious. The pieces were stolen and lost in the past, yet their evil is enough to kill or break any that dare carry them for long. No doubt, this would explain how drawn out the fort's slaughter became."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tiral let his arm rest as he brought the paper down, letting the rest of the Knights debate among themselves as to what it could be referring to. The mercenary's reaction was telling to some extent; whatever had been here was also one of their goals, and if it was something worth enough trouble to bring down an entire fort and the group that had the item in the first place, then it probably wasn't worth the headache letting it slip by.

Sult's suggestion to start scrying was itself not a bad idea, but it wasn't as if he was in any position to try anything like that. What he was studying at the moment (after the mistake that was learning that Marianne could only really fire large lightning bolts and nothing less) was more in the realm of 'aerial clairvoyance', if anything, and even then...
"Scrying... I don't think I'd be of much use, honestly," he responded, shaking his head in apology as Gillian and Tyaethe began to exposit about the Shards of Angoron. Though the name felt somewhat familiar, Tiral himself couldn't remember from where he had heard the term before. But if it was important enough to be expounded upon like it was, then it was probably important enough to worry about. Maybe spending too much time in the realm of the practical had left him without memory of the past. That... Wasn't the best of things to think, though.

"Well... The story was a pleasant reminder... If pleasant could even describe the situation if your guess is correct," Tiral said somewhat ironically as he glanced towards the fort, then back at the other knights. "Assuming it is one of these shards, though, and I'm not saying it is, then I'd rather us not become a band of murderers enslaved by evil. Is there any way that we can deal with this sort of all-encompassing force of evil without being influenced by it, or are we possibly biting off more than we can chew?"

It may have been a tad demeaning of the order, but the mage felt as if he had the right to voice his concerns. Their image in regards to the public was important as well, and if someone important was to fall victim to such a thing...

Well, it wasn't as if they could cover something like that up easily, if at all. If the Roses fell from grace, then... Well, there were some things better left unsaid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Metal shard? That doesn't sound so bad...? Klaus was rather surprised with this underwhelming response from the mercenaries. So this whole fort had died just for a mere piece of shard...? That's until she had heard what Gillian and that paladin said.

"But I thought that's just a legend...?" Klaus gasped nervously after hearing the stories by the two Knights. The thing she finds disturbing is on how much this story fits into this current situation. If just a mere shard could destroy an entire fort, what can the entire sword do...? For something so dangerous to still exist in this world is hard for her to comprehend, even when she had heard from the Paladin about the gods war & stuffs. And the number of those shards that exists in this world, definitely dozens, or even hundreds. She now had hundreds of more questions resurfacing in her head, but considering the attitude of the spear girl, she doubt she would have the patience to hear them all.

"So, just one last question Miss,"
Klaus approached Alette, putting on her brave front as she asked, "Just how many of that shards is your employer trying to get? If my hunch is right, perhaps all of them?"

Two reasons why she made such a conclusion, first why would the Employer go all the trouble to collect just a single shard if he's rich enough to hire mercenaries like Alette. I mean, if he wants to gain military power, he could simply hire more mercenaries instead of relying on a less convenient metal shard. And second, she often assumes with the worst case scenario, but she's pretty sure that reforging that sword is within the realm of possibilities, no matter how unlikely are the odds of this happening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago

For a few moments, Fanilly was silent. That, of course, was where she had recalled the tale of a black shard of metal that was dangeorus to touch. The story of Lilianna striking down the Dark Lord Orodrunn was not exactly unknown to any with a Reonite or Mayonite upbringing, and those with any awareness of the history of the world were quite likely to know some details of the story as well. Lilianna was an important saint in either side of the religion. The slaying of Orodrunn was only the beginning of her sainthood, and from there she had become both a philanthropist and a warrior, a slaughterer of evil and a champion of the downtrodden. But if this truly was a shard of the black blade Angroron, that meant that they had to work as quickly as possible.

"Then... if this is something of that caliber of evil..." Fanilly began, taking a deep breath, "We can't delay any longer. With have to find it and retrieve it as quickly as possible."

Alette sighed rather heavily.

"Of course our employer wants a piece of an evil relic of some jackass fallen divine spirit," she complained, "How the fuck do you object to someone wanting to keep that out of the wrong hands?"

She glanced back at her mercenaries, as if trying to see if one of them could offer any grounds to protest. Aside from Abigail giving her a smile and licking her lips, there was not really anything offered. She sighed heavily.

"We didn't speak with our employer directly. Which... hey, mercenaries and all," she shrugged, "Not everyone wants to show their fucking face to a bunch of people who kill for a living, right? They sent a knight in their service to fill us in. Shady, yeah, but they were promising a whole lot of gold. The knight had a huge fucking sword, and was wearing all black. Never spoke, though. Must've been at least two meters tall, maybe more. They just used some scrolls to present us with the information and they gave us half just for showing up."

So their lead was a tall black knight with a huge sword.... Aside from the obvious conclusion that it wasn't Tyaethe, that didn't necessarily give them a strong push towards any culprit in particular. However, at least it was something easy to pick out. Still... where had the shard itself gone? The mercenaries hadn't taken it, and it didn't appear to be here. The murderous force that had taken over the fort had likely already moved it along...

"... Since I'm doing all this shit that I wouldn't normally," Alette continued, "Anyone wanna tell me why the paladin has the head of a fucking adorable little girl?"

Fanilly stepped forward, swiftly ignoring that last note.

"We must give these bodies as proper a burial as we can. Then we have to move out and see if we can find this shard, before anything else happens."

"... No-one's gonna tell me? Really?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Fort Daelantine —

Indrau turned one of the bodies over with his cane and grunted while listening to the conversation between his captain and the presumed leader of the mercenaries. At the conclusion of Lady Tyeathes explanation he instinctively bared several inches of his blade with his free hand, putting enough of a whisper of willpower into the steel that the exposed runes flashed blue for the briefest moment.

"Something I think we should discuss first would be where this relic came from before causing this slaughter that we see here. We should take a look for any journals or records kept by whoever was in command. If it was being held in the fort then it might have been the objective of whoever these bandits were."

He stepped over the body and faced Alette.

"Unless, of course, these fake soldiers aren't bandits at all and are your own allies that fell under the compulsion of the shard. Maybe your own mission has gone somewhat badly and you feel the need to distract us from looking closer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gillian sighed, ignoring Tyaethe's jab as she began to weave her tale of the heroic deeds of the long dead saint. While he seemed utterly bored by the display, Nori was somewhat enraptured by the tale, nausea momentarily forgotten.
“Our undead friend just happens to be a little girl in a suit of armor. Don't worry about it too much. We've yet to figure out how she moves her bulk....and the armor as well.” He says, answering the shark while Indrau made his suggestion.

“I agree with the Lion. Though with that said I think it would also be prudent to find any maps of the area on hand at the fort.” He bites a thumb, thinking about the events that could have taken place in the fort prior to their (or the mercenaries) arrival. “We shouldn't yet assume that we are chasing an Angroron. Like I said before, there are any number of items which could fit the vague description given. However, given the note Tiral found, we might be able to assume moving this object isn't a simple matter. If it were just a shard of metal, that could be easily moved by one man on horse back. If thats the case, we're not likely to find him. Too many options for him to escape and reconvene with his allies” He says, ruminating over the facts.

“However, given the note Tiral found we can assume there is some chain of command behind this, one that thinks prep time for moving our target is necessary. Weather that means needing an hour to prepare a cart for transport or two days to prepare some form of magical containment I cant say. Either way, they're more likely to be limited to the mainroads if thats the case. I also suggest we have any priestess' we've got on hand to prepare a divine vessel for containment if it truely is a shard. Though hopefully that wont be the case.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Klaus, just like most of the Knights, pretty much ignored Alette's question regarding the paladin. It would be a good question for another day, but in a place full of corpses she can't find herself easing her guard. But now to mention it, that fat young girl looks a bit out of place?

"Understood, Captain ~" Klaus began carrying a corpse, ready for the immediate start of the cleanup.

"Still, Spear Girl, after this is over, we shall clarify with your employer face-to-face on regards to that Oro... Oroduck shard, in one way or another. Whether it is to Destroy or to Reforge the remains of Oroduck, we will get to the bottom of this. No matter how I see it, gathering those shards are still a threat to our Kingdom. And I wouldn't want to risk the fate of the entire Kingdom just for a 'might' ."

Klaus grabbed a shovel and started digging the ground, she was getting tired of waiting for the others. And yes, she had forgotten the exact name of that dark lord, but that wasn't important, to her at least. Rather, she couldn't understand some of her superiors in a way, rather than to settle and consider what to do later, maybe they should consider what they should do right now. That's just what she thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago


Jarde listened as to what the stolen object could be. One of the knights theorized that it might be a shard of a dark weapon wielded by a great evil in the distant past but it was not certain.

He was certain of one thing however. "Captain's right though that we should find it. Whatever this black shard is, I don't think we want it in the hands of someone who can do this." He motioned to the bodies with one hand on his nose in an attempt to keep out the smell.

Staring at the orderly slaughter, Jarde sighed. He wondered if there was a way to have prevented such a massacre. He thought that there might have been but the opportunity was clearly lost, never to show again. "Come on, let's not leave these poor souls in such undignified positions any further."
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