Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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I think the character works well enough given what has been discussed in PMs, so accepted.

*waves arms to attract more people*

I half expected more interest =3=;;

People claim that a god's home is something grand--temples at the top of mountains, a home above the skies, a kingdom deep within the earth, and all sorts of other things...

So why did this one feel like something straight out of a law office?!

Actually, before that question was answered, wouldn't it be better to ask why you were here in the first place?! Regardless of if whether or not you were alive and kicking or on your deathbed, you're here now... With a few other confused people, it seems.


The sound of a young woman clearing her throat soon echoes through the room where everyone, yourself included, was. She doesn't seem godly by any means, but there is that sense of her being otherworldly, if not a human to begin with.

"My name is Wyn, and I am the herald to the god Ferim... Who, coincidentally enough, does not exist in your world. I guess it would also be apt to call me a secretary rather than a herald at this point; I much prefer the title. In any case, you have all been selected by the gods of your world to be temporarily lent to Ferim in order to fix a few problems in the world that he controls. I believe the humans of your world have become accustomed to this sort of thing by now, given all of the media you seem to produce, so I shall make this brief," she says, slowly writing a few things down on a clipboard as she eyes every soul in the room in turn, flipping through the pages as she did so.

"Foren cannot intervene directly in the affairs of his world, so he needs someone else to do that instead--that, of course, will be you. If you have died on Earth, you will be given a new body to fit your soul; if you have not, you'll likely retain the same one, barring any unforeseen circumstances. We cannot, however, give you any 'cheats' that you praise so highly, because Foren himself does not have the authority over those dominions. What we can do, however, is give you some proficiency with weapons or magic and a higher-than-average learning capacity relative to what you currently have, as well as language comprehension and some funding. Gods of this realm aren't as omnipotent as those in yours, so that is about our limit in that regard," she continued, handing a piece of paper and a writing utensil to each soul sitting (or standing) around. "Upon successful completion of your job here, you may either opt to continue living in this realm or return to Earth, though the latter option is only for those still alive. In that case, you may bring back one other native being or object with you, though stripped of any magical powers either of you may have. If your body dies in this world, though, it cannot be recreated, so treat it as you would an actual death and not as you would a game. You may choose to decline this job, of course, and if you are still alive, will return to your body as if you just had a strange dream. Otherwise, fill out the questionnaire and slip it through the slot on the door over there for processing, in which case I wish you the best of luck."

Wyn, looking once more at the few gathered here, nodded and left through a separate door.

The only question now: to accept or to not.

So yes, this is a 'transported into another world' RP, played straight as an arrow. I even have the silly long title that Japanese
Kinda. I even have the silly long title that Japanese LNs seem to love. In any case, a few things to note here:

First: No cheats for these characters. You get knowledge carried over and everything that Wyn listed up there in her exposition dump in the prologue, but no uber-swords or OP abilities.
Next: As has been stated, gods can't directly interfere with the world. They can interfere with those that already exist in different ways, but they can't actually do much themselves. They did enough making the place.
Finally: The group will start outside the town of Lopel, with the equipment as defined in the character form. No signups after this thing has gotten too far underway, just as a warning.

Oh, right, before I forget: abilities to start are the equivalent of things as such:
Magic: One medium sized spell and two basic ones. Scale for the former is like a fireball, and for the latter it would be something like embers.
Weapon: Weapon proficiency to a degree of a conscript, at minimum; prior experience takes priority otherwise. Also includes two magically-enhanced attacks (of a reasonable level).
And so on and so forth for other abilities.

Since the 'soul' is what is being moved here, the container for it can vary. In most cases, the body will remain similar to how it was on Earth, but I will allow a few characters to be otherwise. Things like elves, dwarves, and stuff are fine, but I'm also talking things like beastfolk and such. Nothing too far down the inhuman or dead spectrum, though, so if you're in doubt, ASK FIRST.

And so on and so forth. Please keep this in mind as you draft up your characters. When in doubt, I'm always free to answer questions.

So... Forms!
@Blight Bug: If you've got anywhere to interject in the middle of that mess, let me know and I'll edit accordingly. I'm pretty much RNGing all my hands and draws, so yeah. =3=;;
"...So you were done..."

Ayami was a tad disappointed as her opponent ended their turn, but she shook off the premonition of something bad happening in the near future and instead simply drew a card. It wasn't exactly what she had been expecting, but upon thinking for a small while longer, she realized that it could work to her advantage well enough. She'd be lacking a bit of protection, but compared to the alternatives she couldn't really complain.

"I activate the Spell Card Twin Twisters," Ayami said, sending a copy of Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit to the Graveyard in order to activate it. "The targets are Zombie World and Temple of the Sun."

In an instant, a pair of whirling tornadoes flew out of her Duel Disk, one slamming into the temple behind her opponent's Monster and one into the ground itself. The two were destroyed in the chaos, to which Ayami breathed a light sigh of relief. Two less problems to deal with now.

"Now, I activate another copy of Preparation of Rites, this time adding Nekroz of Brionac to my hand. By the second effect of the card, I also add Nekroz Kaleidoscope from my Graveyard to my hand. Then, I activate Nekroz of Brionac's effect; by discarding this card, I can add one Nekroz monster to my hand--that will be Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz."

Everything seemed to be going along well enough, so Ayami continued the rest of the plan she had in mind.

"Next, I shall activate Nekroz Cycle and tribute Shurit for the summon of Nekroz of Trishula. Because of Shurit's effect, I only need him to summon this swordsman."

From a shining blue beam of light, the warrior clad in draconic armor stepped forward, his eyes steely and full of resolve as he pointed his blade at Ayami's opponent.

"By Trishula's effect, I can banish one card from your hand, field, and Graveyard on summon. Targets are Zombie World, Il Blud, and... That card of yours there," she said, pointing to a random one in the rider's hand. "Then, by Shurit's effect, I shall add a second Nekroz of Brionac to my hand."

"Yes, this is about right. Time to push an offensive."

"Battle Phase. Trishula, attack directly."

Assuming nothing else occurred, her turn would end there. All that was left now was to see if a turnabout would occur...
@Blight Bug: Il Blud actually can't SS Unicore because Unicore can only be SSed by using a Ritual Spell or an equivalent.

From the card text: Must be Ritual Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways.

So rip that effect.
Ayami winced as the attack went through, her Life Points going down by 100 as the Unicore was destroyed by the unsightly creature. Rather than overreact to the situation, though, Ayami began to think of how to handle the situation in front of her. It was within expectations, though; by this point, she had already begun to formulate plans to deal with the situation at hand. Of course, what she drew next turn would affect that, but until then...

"...Continue. I have no response for the moment," she responded curtly, shaking her head. "You're not done yet, are you?"

Ayami's comment was one part needless provocation and one part half-hearted curiosity; if this was all that occurred this turn, things would be kind of... Lackluster.
I think I'll wait as well. =3=;;
Ayami glanced over as Matt seemed to walk over and gave a slight nod of acknowledgment towards his presence as she drew her cards. If his comment of 'brickdude' was any indication, then the person in front of her was, in fact, the culprit behind yesterday's incident.

All the more reason to handle this quickly, then. Buying cards could come afterwards.

"I wouldn't think that someone who was dense enough to attempt injury and vandalism would be a fan of theatrics, but I guess you need some outlet for your desire for attention," she said, drawing her cards and staring at them for a moment before acting. Her words were vitriolic today--understandably so, given the information she had just learned--but

"My turn. I activate the effect of Nekroz of Clausolas from my hand to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope in it's stead," she said, sending the Monster to the Graveyard and adding the respective card to her hand. "Next, I shall activate Preparation of Rites to add Nekroz of Unicore to my hand."

After a few moments of silence, Ayami followed the move by quietly activating Kaleidoscope from her hand.

"I tribute Herald of the Arc Light from my Extra Deck to summon Nekroz of Unicore from my hand. By Arc Light's effect, I can add one Ritual Spell or Monster to my hand; I'll retrieve Nekroz of Trishula," she continued, watching as the spellcaster materialized in front of her. "Battle Phase. Unicore, attack Mezuki."

Assuming the attack went through, Ayami would end her turn there. Now, it was a matter of seeing if Matt would jump in or not...
Ayami stopped abruptly as some strange person--another student, in all likelihood--blocked her path ahead. Something like this was to be expected, given the current event, but that didn't make her any more pleased to have to Duel this person.

"...I understand the sentiment, but could you at least be less cryptic?" she asked, an annoyed expression on her face as she activated her Duel Disk. There was a moment of pause as the Solid Vision flashed out, the snowflake-esque design shining in the light as she slipped her Deck into place.

"In any case," she continued, taking a few steps back to make room for the monsters to materialize. "Since you made the challenge, I'll decide to go... Second. Is that fine with you?"

@Blight Bug
As I said, this week or bust. No more messing around. >:I
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