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Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke nodded in silent agreement with Atalanta's suggestion, regardless of whether or not he was well-equipped to handle the conditions there. Granted, a suit was never anything particularly good to wear for any non-formal occasion, but he was a professional. It might be a bit more annoying for him to deal with the heat of the Middle East, but if the alternative was freezing half to death in the north, he'd happily take this option instead.

"Then Babylonia it is. Let us be off," he said, making his way off to the side as everyone else left their seats in turn.

With all of those matters handled, Zelretch turned to Kirei and gave the priest a quick nod before placing his hand on the device in the center of the room, causing it to flare to life. The massive array of magic circled soon expanded above the heads of everyone present before a single large glowing ball of light emerged from the center of it. That one ball soon turned into two, and each landed in front of the Masters and Servants who were standing by. The spheres soon grew larger and turned oblong as they expanded into portals to the past, their respective locations able to be seen faintly past the boundary.

"Best of luck to you," Zelretch said, handing a small emblem to both Keisuke and Seyrun. "This item will allow us to communicate with you and listen in on the situation and interpret any languages that you might not speak into something you can. Do not lose it, under any circumstances."

"Rejoice, all of you, for you shall be the heralds of our future. I await your safe return." Kirei followed, smiling as he extended his arms outward.

Babylonia, 1531 B.C.E.- Collapse

As the Masters entered the area, they would be met with the sight of a city preparing for war. Soldiers were milling about to and fro, and the general populace seemed to be on edge. Behind the Masters, there stool a large ziggurat in all of its glory, making it fully known that they had left their prior location and that the portals had worked. The many soldiers on standby outside of the ziggurat seemed dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of so many anachronistic people appearing out of thin air, and a few even raised their spears in caution as they glared at the newcomers. A few of the people around stood by and stared in a mix of shock an awe as the group finished exiting, which was not necessarily a good sign.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" one of the soldiers finally asked, his eyes glaring at the group with suspicion. "If you do not answer, we will--"

Before the soldier could continue, though, the sound of a large explosion resonated from within the ziggurat, followed by an abnormally large beam of light that seemed to extend into the sky. Everyone immediately turned their attention there, and a few of the soldiers began to debate on whether or not to handle the people here or to check out what happened inside.

Keisuke sighed and massaged his forehead as the entire incident unfolded in front of him. The spontaneity of it all felt absurd, but if there was anything to be done, it was to check out the place.

"With no other leads to go on, whatever happened inside may well be our best bet," he said to the others, slowly walking forward to the steps leading to the entrance. "The soldiers might stand in our way, but I don't believe they should be much of an issue if they do."

Scandinavia, 800 C.E.- A Labor Lost

Contrary to the well-lit city that the other group had found themselves walking into, this set of Masters ended up moving straight into the middle of the area in the dead of night. The world around them may as well have been pitch-black, in fact, if not for the absurd quantity of blue flames that seemed to pervade the entire area. The bodies of men, dying or dead, lay all around them, but in the distance the sole sound of metal meeting metal was resonating past the flames.

Upon moving closer, those present would soon find the sounds to be originating from a pair of people--one wielding a heart-shaped lance, and the other with a glowing mark on his chest. The latter seemed to be getting pushed back with each blow, being forced completely on the defensive, while the former stood out if only because it seemed as if the armor on her right arm and leg had been painted as black as the night--a strange contrast to the light blue that was the rest of the set.

The man's glance moved towards the group for a fleeting moment before refocusing on the fight, a hint of worry on his face as a few of the corpses around them began to twitch. With a shout, he temporarily forced the woman back through sheer strength before shouting.

"Travelers or whatever you are, be careful! Those corpses have been tainted by--!"

Before he could complete his sentence, the woman continued her assault once more, her vigor seemingly renewed as the man continued to defend.

@KoL@Lonewolf685@Beloss@Flamelord@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle
Okay, one moment.

Edit: And done.
With the rest of the ride ending without incident, Ayami left the bus and made a beeline straight for her dorm room. Luckily, she hadn't brought much with her, so the rest of the day was really just unpacking everything she had in her backs into their respective drawers. By the time she had finished, though, she was just a bit too tired to go about searching for cards at the store. The thought of having to weave through the other arriving students flashed by momentarily in her head, at which point her decision to not go was reaffirmed.

There was always tomorrow.

Ayami found the early alarm a tad annoying, but not wholly unexpected. She had to admit, though, that a more lax schedule in terms of rise and rest would have been better, but given how today was the opening ceremony, it wasn't as if she had any room to complain. After splashing a bit of water on her face and brushing her teeth, the young woman swiftly changed into something more fitting to wear outside and left for the entrance of the dorm building.

The teacher there to greet them was one she had mixed feelings about, which caused Ayami to silently keep her hands folded in front of him. She would much rather a lax teacher than a stricter one, so there was no reason to complain about him. Noting that he was an English teacher was probably in her best interests, though; there were a lot of things to read that weren't translated into Japanese, and rudimentary classes in high school only did so much. A native speaker of the language as a teacher, regardless of personality, could only be beneficial.

Rather than entertain the thought of asking any questions at the moment, though, Ayami left as soon as she was able to in order to grab a meal before the ceremony. Rice, soup, and fish--a classic meal, and definitely not something to take for granted. With a cup of water to go alongside it, Ayami sat and ate in silence, paying no heed to all the chattering students around her... Or, well, ignoring them as best she could. Time was not to be wasted, after all.

The dean's announcements were fairly run-of-the-mill as far as opening ceremonies went--nothing too standoffish, but not too boring, either. But what caught Ayami's attention, though, was his mention of what was essentially a battle royale. At this, Ayami bit her bottom lip in slight irritation.

"Another factor of randomness added into the mix, then? I can't say I saw this coming..." she complained internally as the old man continued to speak. 8000 Life Points, but the points were retained from Duel to Duel? In that case, it was probably more useful to try and wait until the crowd thinned, right? Hopefully there wasn't any way of picking her out of the crowd in the heat of the moment.

Instead of actively jumping into a Duel, though, Ayami simply stood on the sidelines watching Aya's own instead. The loss seemed painful, to say the least, and so Ayami seemed grateful that she hadn't been on the receiving end of that fight. After it had concluded, the young woman began to walk away, trying to work out which way it was to the card stores. If there was any time to find the place, now would be it.

Best case scenario? Nobody would try to pick her out for a Duel, and she could start picking up cards for her Side Deck in relative peace compared to the multitude of Duels outside. Worst case?
Well, too many of those scenarios existed for her to even want to contemplate which of them would be the worst...
@KOgaming: Is it okay if I have Ayami battle and beat a mob character before moving on with stuff, or should I be actively seeking a fight with another player?
Okay, I think it's time to calm the hell down, everyone. Deep breaths. Deeeeeeeeep breaths.

Now, I'm not gonna lie--I think two months is absurd too, and I really apologize for taking this long before getting things going. So this time, I'm definitely not going to beat around the bush any more.

Will get a post out this week to keep things going, or you guys can have my head. Dead serious, by the way. Come hell or high water, this will be staying alive, and I'm not going to be waiting any more.
Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

Reisen stared blankly at the newcomer in confusion, looking between them and the blonde man for a few moments in utter confusion. She was clueless as to what sort of wordless agreement had been reached here, and was almost at the point of simply walking away and leaving. A familiar voice, however, stopped her from doing just that. The Lunarian took a moment to turn and face the source, and the sight of the green-clothed samurai girl with that all-too-familiar ghost bobbing beside her told Reisen all she needed to know.

"...The half-ghost gardener? Thank the moon, I'm not the only sane one here!" she said, a far cry from her otherwise stoic front as she walked over to Youmu's side. "Do you have any clue what happened to bring us here? The barrier didn't slip up again or anything, right?"

Regardless of the state of affairs, Youmu was certainly a reliable ally... And a formidable foe, as her past experiences could definitely attribute to. One less unknown in this entire ordeal meant that she could at least feel a bit safer.

...Or, well, she would, if it wasn't for the demonic creature that seemed to be following behind Youmu. That didn't bode well, and the blonde man's lofty provocations didn't feel very useful in turn.

"...New friend of yours?" Reisen asked Youmu half-sarcastically, drawing her pistol and keeping it at the ready in case a fight broke out. "Well, in any case, this does seem like an incident, and I don't see the witch or the shrine maiden here. You think it might be time for us to find out the cause ourselves?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@TheFake@Wraithblade6

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

"Wh-whoa! Careful with that sorta thing!" Gunha shouted as the subsequent blast threw him back into the air, causing him to flip around a few times before he ungraciously landed on the ground a good distance away. There were a few minor bruises present on his body, yes, but nothing that was ultimately dangerous to his life in any regard. That certainly hurt, though; that was something he couldn't really deny. Well, compared to those thugs, at least.

Before the esper could get ready for another round, though, his opponent seemed to break out of whatever insanity-induced trance they were in when the fight first started. Letting his body relax for a moment, Gunha shook his hands out and walked back over to the crater. Given the fact that cohesive sentences were coming out of the woman's mouth, it seemed as if problems weren't going to continue.

"Yo!" he called out, acting as if the fight before had never happened. "You were freaking out a bit there just now, but it seems like you've gotten a little less crazy. Guts in order and all that. As for where we are... Well, I dunno, either."

Shrugging his shoulders, Gunha stood at the edge of the crater, his jacket once again billowing in the non-existent wind.

"Name's Gunha. Sogiita Gunha. You've certainly got guts, I'll give you that!"

I'm just waiting around for those who need to move first.

Babylon's basically ready at this point, but having trouble figuring out more detailed stuff for Scandinavia. General plan is already laid out, though.

So yeah, the first thing's the only one that's really stopping me right now. ;w;
"Wouldn't it be better to let you find out what variant I'm using instead? Knowing what I'm using is half the fun gone, but guessing what my win condition is... That's a question all it's own," Ayami said, quietly shuffling her deck as Matt asked if knowing archetypes mattered. The answer, of course, was obvious to her.

"To know a person's deck is to know their weapons--what they can do, how they can do it, and what you can do to stop it. All decks have some core weaknesses, and if you know what deck they run, those weaknesses can be exploited. For example, against Artifacts, you would do well to not hit their backrow, lest you trigger something like a Moralltach or a Sanctum. By that same logic, though, you also become able to play around what the opponent might do. In the Kaiju matchup, as you asked--" she began to ramble before being cut off by the one actually using the Kaiju deck.

Well, fair was fair; let the pilot do the talking and all that. Side decking was also something to note, but it felt kind of hypocritical saying as much without having gathered one herself.

The arrival of an egomaniac on the scene put a dampener on her mood, though. While not nearly as aggravated as Aya seemed to be at the moment, Ayami certainly found it rather crude to just insult someone so offhandedly. Blue-Eyes were also a stronger archetype, though most of the duels involving them came from simulations or replays in her experience, and so the aggravator's jeering fell flat on her.

"If you're going to insult someone, at least do it correctly. With that level of cockiness, I can guarantee you'll have a rude awakening in your future," she said, staring at Aya to try to get her to stand down. "The best Duelists have a sound mind and a reliable Deck; you are lacking at least one of those, if not both. I suggest you remain quiet, unless you want everyone else here to become your enemy."

She, of course, would not fight if he began to call for one. Giving in to goading was not on her agenda for the day.
Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

"...Point taken. Well, to answer your indirect question, then I can confirm that some form of teleportation magic is the bare minimum of what dragged me here. Be it a summons or otherwise, though... I don't have enough experience with that form of magic to be able to tell anything at all," the Lunarian said before the laughter that she had been attempting to ignore earlier grew ever closer.

"Great. Another lunatic. Why me?!" she complained internally before taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"Honestly, is there something in the air that drives people to madness here? I've had to deal with one already, and I'm not particularly in th emood for dealing with another..."

@Raineh Daze@TheFake

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

The resulting shockwave from the two fists connecting barely caused Gunha to waver as a smile was painted over his face. This was always the best way to settle problems--let fists do the talking, all else be damned! It always got the message through, no matter how long it took, and it usually helped people get all their anger out, so he was definitely willing to oblige. The roar he got in return certainly seemed to confirm his beliefs, and the esper smirked before noticing that the person's other hand was free.


Gritting his teeth as he braced for impact with his spare arm, Gunha flew backwards, tumbling a good distance away and throwing up a giant gust cloud as he rolled along, finally coming to a stop after a few more seconds. Punching his right fist into the ground as he pushed himself up, Gunha spit out a bit of blood before climbing to his feet, cracking his knuckles on his right hand with a smile on his face before taking a deep breath. It took him a moment to realize, though, that his left arm had been popped out of place.

"...Again? Well, guts solves all problems," he sighed to himself, casually forcing the arm back in place (with a bit of pain in the process) before carefully testing it, rolling his arm around and gripping and ungripping his hand.

"Seems fine to me. Alright, let's try this again!" he shouted, full of renewed vigor as he rushed forward, explosions popping up left and right as he ran forward (though none of them really obstructed his path) before he began to throw a series of punches at the woman.

It'd have to work eventually, right?

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

The man in front of Reisen seemed to ooze ego as he spoke, which was not exactly a particularly joyful experience to deal with. Danmaku was meant to be a battle of visual beauty, not one of pure strength, so calling it 'picturesque but dismal' was half accurate--that much, she could admit. Granted, it was also only her first Spell Card, and there was something about 'escalating difficulty' that had been drilled into her head about the rules when she came here.

But the rest of his words left the rabbit with a great deal of mixed feelings about how everything played out. Danmaku rules were in play to make sure nobody got hurt and that everyone had a fighting chance, but tuning the damage of her bullets up to match the lack of rules...

That was the part that felt weird to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't used to having to fight for her life as of late, but at the very least she'd have to fight to disable and, quite possibly, kill. Not something to look forward to.

"From where I come from, danmaku is less about combat and more about visual beauty. Though I do admit my own are a bit static..." the Lunarian trailed off before shaking her head and staring straight back at the man. "In any case, they did what they needed to, and that's all that matters. What about you, then? Was there any merit in speaking to me to begin with, or were you just here to laugh over something that didn't concern you?"

The faint sounds of insane laughter caught Reisen's attention, if only momentarily, before she decided to ignore it for the time being. She wasn't in the mood to be dealing with another lunatic so soon after the last.

@Raineh Daze@TheFake

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

The student's eyes widened in realization as the woman turned, the somewhat-familiar glow of energy setting off alarms in his head as he looked at the line of fire that the beam was aimed at. It was one thing to fire it straight at him, but another to fire it at the buildings around him (and the people in that area by extension).

But then his enemy swung her head as she let the beam loose, which caused Gunha to pause for a moment as he attempted to figure out how to deal with it. It took a moment, but the answer was obvious in retrospect.

"So... Just gotta match guts with guts, huh? In a battle like that, I ain't gonna go down that easy, though! AMAZING PUNCH GUARD!"

As the laser beam began to move towards his head, Gunha let go of the monster's tail and cocked back for a punch. When it was a few millimeters away from his body, the young esper let loose an overhead swing, sending the laser careening straight into the ground in front of him. His knuckles seemed to be smoking slightly, granted, but guts would probably make them right as rain soon enough.

With that problem dealt with, Gunha took another step back before launching himself at the woman, tossing a punch with all his might to see if he couldn't get a less instinctive reaction out of her. Punching someone back to their senses always worked out, right?

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