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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rikka clearly wasn't expecting the bike to turn around and start talking.

"I-it wasn't meant like that..." she stammered, desperately trying to cover for the fact she'd apparently just insulted the machine. "It's just not that common to see a bike riding around by itself like this."

Raquel waddled over to the bike, and poked one of its wheels experimentally.

"Plus a Jikochuu wouldn't be talking rather than just fighting~quel."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nishimura Yuki

"Oh, is that true? That's awesome!" Ruru declared, seemingly in response to the little robot's beeping. Yuki stared blankly for a few moments. How could she get anything out of beeping? It wasn't as if the little floating robot wasn't expressive, but how did someone interpret differently-toned beeps? It was just another way her fairy was really weird, in retrospect. With a sigh, Yuki continued onward, in time to see Vivi trip up and Mei rush to his aid. He didn't seem hurt, but there was no harm in making sure, right? Yuki walked up behind them and peered at the both of them.

"If Vivi-kun is hurt, Ruru can help out," she added. She might as well make the fairy do something useful, if it came to it. Hopefully, however, it wouldn't come to it.

"... And Yuki used to be Yukihiro, but now she's a magical girl!" Speaking of which, Yuki glanced over her shoulder and frowned slightly as she overheard Ruru apparently explaining more to the robot. Well... that would be awkward to explain if anyone had picked up on it. It's not like she minded anymore, but explaining it was still an awkward experience no matter how much she no longer cared. Hopefully no-one noticed Yukihiro was a male name.

In fact, maybe she should do something to distract from that awkward talking point.

"Oiii, Celestial, er... so you fight monsters and stuff?" Yuki asked, waving her hand to the older, armored girl. It might seem like a jarring subject change, but she'd already offered Ruru's help if Vivi was hurt.

@RolePlayerRoxas @Rin @Tachi
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

The man in front of Reisen seemed to ooze ego as he spoke, which was not exactly a particularly joyful experience to deal with. Danmaku was meant to be a battle of visual beauty, not one of pure strength, so calling it 'picturesque but dismal' was half accurate--that much, she could admit. Granted, it was also only her first Spell Card, and there was something about 'escalating difficulty' that had been drilled into her head about the rules when she came here.

But the rest of his words left the rabbit with a great deal of mixed feelings about how everything played out. Danmaku rules were in play to make sure nobody got hurt and that everyone had a fighting chance, but tuning the damage of her bullets up to match the lack of rules...

That was the part that felt weird to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't used to having to fight for her life as of late, but at the very least she'd have to fight to disable and, quite possibly, kill. Not something to look forward to.

"From where I come from, danmaku is less about combat and more about visual beauty. Though I do admit my own are a bit static..." the Lunarian trailed off before shaking her head and staring straight back at the man. "In any case, they did what they needed to, and that's all that matters. What about you, then? Was there any merit in speaking to me to begin with, or were you just here to laugh over something that didn't concern you?"

The faint sounds of insane laughter caught Reisen's attention, if only momentarily, before she decided to ignore it for the time being. She wasn't in the mood to be dealing with another lunatic so soon after the last.

@Raineh Daze@TheFake

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

The student's eyes widened in realization as the woman turned, the somewhat-familiar glow of energy setting off alarms in his head as he looked at the line of fire that the beam was aimed at. It was one thing to fire it straight at him, but another to fire it at the buildings around him (and the people in that area by extension).

But then his enemy swung her head as she let the beam loose, which caused Gunha to pause for a moment as he attempted to figure out how to deal with it. It took a moment, but the answer was obvious in retrospect.

"So... Just gotta match guts with guts, huh? In a battle like that, I ain't gonna go down that easy, though! AMAZING PUNCH GUARD!"

As the laser beam began to move towards his head, Gunha let go of the monster's tail and cocked back for a punch. When it was a few millimeters away from his body, the young esper let loose an overhead swing, sending the laser careening straight into the ground in front of him. His knuckles seemed to be smoking slightly, granted, but guts would probably make them right as rain soon enough.

With that problem dealt with, Gunha took another step back before launching himself at the woman, tossing a punch with all his might to see if he couldn't get a less instinctive reaction out of her. Punching someone back to their senses always worked out, right?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"And it's not common for a guy to turn into a bike. You know what I mean?" The bike wobbled a bit, especially after Raquel touched its wheel.

"Yeah, I'm not like those other doctors. Guess it's because I prioritize over people who are beyond saving. No worries, I think I'll only be talking in this form..." He said. He then struggled to figure out how to get out of the bike form.

@Lost Cause
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@VitaVitaAR @Masterkeun @Wraithblade6

Luigi- Sector 2

"You're...sorry..." Luigi says, blinking a few times. He then suddenly grew red in the face, as veins bulged in his face, his rage causing a physical change. "You're sorry?! Like hell you are, you disgusting warp spawn bastard! You know who you should be sorry to? The Emperor, because he's the only one who'd accept that bullshit at this point, and you, dragon man, you can't forgive him. Because of him, countless worlds have been destroyed! Countless human lives lost to daemons, their souls consumed! He is a monster, though and though. No forgiveness, no regret, only death will suffice!" Luigi screams out, marching forwards. Quickly stopping to pick up his chainblade, Luigi set his sights on the wounded primearch.
"You die here, Magnus. This world will be your grave. I, Luigi Vile, Acolyte of the Inquistion, will kill you here. It might now be now, but you can't run from me. Your sins, will be punished." Luigi growls, moving forwards. "Come you two, we must finish this. This monster has killed women, children, the elderly. Any that would satiate his sick and twisted hunger for suffering, and souls. Whatever remorse he displays, is simply a trick. Thousands of years of hate doesn't dry up like this...Die, you Tzeentchian bastard!" Luigi roars, charging, chainsword raised.
However, Luigi knew he'd do little. He waited, he knew that if Magnus attacked him here, now, after that, it'd drive the others to action. His sacrifice would fuel the death of Magnus, the daemon prince. This was worth infinitely more than his life, and he knew it. The blow to chaos would save so many lives! A martyr to the cause, his blood would be that which wrote Magnus's end. A fitting end, Luigi thought. So little did he know of what's truly going on, and how little this would mean.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Um... do you need a hand or something?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you don't mind... Look for a large bulky thing called a Gamer Driver. You'll know what it looks like just from seeing it. There'll be a yellow game cartridge looking object. Take that off and close the pink lever."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Set Harth, District 14 -

Interesting. What an interesting opportunity. What an interesting time. At first he had thought this to be a place to escape, but clearly he was missing out on a golden opportunity. Oh, what a stunningly interesting place this was turning out to be! Set couln't hide the grin from his lips as he looked over the feared Sith Lord. The dark lord Vader, second only to Darth Sidious within the Galactic Empire. A failed organisation attempting to live up to a legacy to great for them. This was not the Vader who had died aboard the Death Star, by his master's side. This was another Vader, an unknown, an impossible, moreso even than his supposed resurrection. If this world was drawing people here from across the universe, from all over the vast realm of space, then why not the realm of time? Once you've started, why stop? What laws of physics would this phenomena not ignore? It seemed he was now confronted by the living symbol of a bygone age, and being invited into an empire that had died a long time ago. It was surreal, it was beautiful.

Of course, the second surprise came not long after the others, as it was revealed that Reihnardt- no, both of his new companions, were aware of Vader's name, as well as being aware of the Force. Had he misjudged them? Was it perhaps he who had been played for the fool? No, that could not be - he would have sensed such deception. But what if they were not from some other world, from some strange place beyond the borders of the galaxy? What if they were from the future, a future even he had not yet seen? If Vader could appear from the past, then why not the future as well. With but a single sentence, Vader had made this situation far more complicated. How excellent. There was so much here, so much to see, so much to learn.

He would have to add them all to his... collection.

"Revered Lord Vader, I am humbled by so grand a gesture. Certainly it would be an honour to be at the side of two of the greatest Sith in history. But my answer is made moot by the fact that the Empire is fallen, and the Emperor dead. The Death Star destroyed by the Rebel Alliance, and the Galactic Empire overthrown by the New Republic." As Set spoke he removed from his belt his lightsaber, a long and elegant design, but alien to this Vader, who had only seen lightsabers designed by the Sith and Jedi of old. This was a standard Firebrand-style hilt of the New Jedi Order, taken from a Knight with the misfortune to investigate the wrong ancient legend. It was a jet-black design with a thick, stable grip. Holding it out, Firebrand stares down the Sith Lord, emboldened by this knowledge. "Dear Lord Vader, while I am certain this must be confusing for you, you are a relic of the past. And here you are outnumbered, outclassed, and outdated. An outmoded model, fit only for the shelves of a collector. So why not the greatest collector the galaxy has to offer?" Set glanced about at his two companions, confident that they would support him in this battle, even if they would question him afterwards. After all, if they knew even the slightest thing about Vader, they would know that he was both evil, and a dangerous opponent. There would be time for explanation if they survived this ordeal.

"With the pleasantries out of the way, let's get serious here. My answer, formally, is no. But more important is the retort." With a flashing smile Set dropped his guard completely, bright green eyes shining mischievously from between white locks of hair. "How about instead, you join my empire? Either as an ally... or as a limited-edition collectable."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mention: @thewizardguy, @Raineh Daze, @VitaVitaAR
District 22

"Vader! Your days of villainy are at an end! Reinhardt Wilhelm shall face you in glorious combat and bring you to your senses!"

"Hehehe, we're not going to be so insignificant compared to the power of the dark side! Do you find our lack of faith disturbing?!""

The Dark Lord of the Sith continues to look straight ahead, his mask showing no emotion, which underneath would be a disfigured face frowning in disappointment. It wasn't surprising for them to know of his existence, even if their armor is the most unique in the entire galaxy. He recalls no other armor that resemble's Reinhardt's, other then possible sith armor being forged thousands of years ago, and recalls no walker-type that matches Dva's. Vader was quite intrigued. Of course, they could simply be old relics being forged into these neo-machines. They didn't scare him. They do not wield the force. They are ultimately nothing compared to the power of the dark side. If only they knew Set Harth's origins and how even he is a sith of his own.

However, Set Harth would reply back, stating how the Empire has fallen, the Emperor having perished, the Death Star shattered, all being replaced by a new "Galactic Republic". Only one of which Set had said was true. The Imperial Superweapon was indeed destroyed, by a lucky shot from a rebel pilot. One couldn't have simply launched a proton torpedo into that exhaust port by chance. The pilot must have been force-sensitive and Vader knows this. During that fateful day, down in the trench run while flying in his own Tie Advanced Fighter, the very same one he crashed landed in, he would've been able to destroy him. He had him in his sights. Yet it was only due to the Millennium Falcon that distracted him sending him hurtling into deep space. But the rest of what the other sith said were false. Both his Master and his Empire are far from dead and the Rebellion was currently on the run from the Imperials, forced to retreat from their secret base on Yavin 4.

Yet it sounded far from being a simple bluff. Harth mentioned this as if he knows the future. Did he use the force to see the future? He couldn't have. Despite his expertise in sith sorcery, only the most powerful and wise of force sensitives can see into the future through meditation. Harth wasn't that powerful. But what if he practiced himself over the course of the thousand and so years to gain this ability? Then again, it also pushed Vader to think... that this Set Harth may not of this universe. He could be from an alternate Universe. It seemed almost certain. In fact, as he takes out his lightsaber, Vader can instantly notice that the hilt's design is rather alien in design. It was unlike any lightsaber he has ever seen. It was jet-black in design with a thick, stable grip. He must've created it himself, as he recalls no other such hilt design from any other jedi or sith prior to himself. The rival mocks him, saying that he's 'outnumbered, outclassed, and outdated. An outmoded model...' and that he should join his little Empire instead.

This was mostly a bluff on Harth's part, or so Vader thinks, yet he can feel the anger rising rapidly throughout his body. To be mocked by an inferior sith, one said to have died thousands of years ago, was rather insulting. Yet at the same time, Vader realizes that Harth is completely off guard. He will not go off without punishment... or rather THEY.

Then, without any notice, the three would sense something clinging to their throats. It would at first feel rather minor, as if the air around them got thinner... and thinner... and thinner... They will soon realize that they are choking, as if someone was clinging to their throats, only that no one was physically choking them. They also begin to feel themselves be lifted from the ground and into the air. Vader remains silent, his breathing being the only audible sound within the vicinity once again. The three were grasped in the Sith Lord's infamous force ability, one he has been using even during the Clone Wars.

The Force Choke.

And he's been getting a little too good at it.

"Your arrogance blinds you, boy." Vader responds menacingly as he still keeps in place, "The Empire is far from disbanded. And you... you own nothing. Just two insignificant units you found at the bottom of the barrel, along with a small plethora of useless sith artifacts. You rely almost solely on these trinkets and nothing else. Maybe if you relied on less of them and more with the raw force like I have, perhaps you would have the satisfaction in beating your old master... Darth Zannah."


Section 10

Gojira-San's atomic breath was strong, but her opponent was able to deflect it by simply punching it. It was a rather impressive feat for someone like Gunha. The gijinka looks at him in slight surprise, only to make her even more pissed off at her current position. Despite the hallucinations finally ceasing, her animalistic wrath was already at almost max level. She growls menacingly at the challenger as she suddenly issues a roar of challenge. As her opponent leaps at her to issue a punch of his own, Gojira-Sama would throw in a swipe of her own, connecting with her opponent's fist as well, causing a wrath impressive shockwave to endure. Having blunted his attack, the gijinka suddenly uses her free hand to try and issue a swipe of her own towards Gunha's face, which would have him flying back a good meter if it is to hit him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Reinhardt Wilhelm

There were lots of things that you could say about the German: that he seemed to have his head in the clouds, that his interest in honour and glory was centuries out of date, that he was more than a bit overconfident. Yet he wasn't just a veteran of the Omnic Crisis: he had been part of the strike group to bring it to an end, one that then spent years on the lines of battle until being made to retire and, despite his age, he was in phenomenal shape. Unlike many might have when realising they were being lifted and choked, he responded in the only way that made sense. Those old movies were really coming in handy.

Hands tightened around his hammer's grip and brought the rocket-propelled above his head. A foolish move, one might think, for a hammer but this was no ordinary weapon: on the rapid downstroke, fire surged forth, a burning arc rushing for the Sith Lord. Even if that didn't get Vader to break his grip, let him hold this.

The jet on the Crusader armour's back burst into life, surging with enough force to send a wall of metal skimming across the ground as if it was covered in ice.



The reason for the ineffective patterns was visual appeal? Though many things were at their most beautiful in dire circumstances or pushed to the edge, a deliberately poor assault merely to look good from an angle the combatants could never hope to see struck the King as worthless. Perhaps if one could find a judge then it would have some meaning. It was unfortunate that this girl was the only one from her world, else he could take that role.

"I was not the first to speak, rabbit. My presence here was to find if others had been summoned like I, as this is not the summoning ritual I am used to," the Servant pointed out, face twisting into a frown, "Which seems to have broken the rules of such things and summoned from unrelated worlds."

The frown only got more pronounced with the encroaching mad laughter, which got a glare and a very unsubtle threat, "If you do not cease that at once, then I will put you down like a mad beast."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Of course, the excitement of seeing Darth Vader was soon tempered by the fact that Darth Vader is a villain, and that a long mocking tirade from someone who was, judging by what she was hearing, probably a villain as well was bound to lead to a serious fight. For a moment, D.Va was surprised when she felt a sudden pressure on her throat, the air no longer entering her lungs... but, of course, she'd seen the movies. Darth Vader's force choke was really pretty difficult to forget about. And unlike the victims in the movies(and the numerous games where you got force powers), D.Va had more then enough ways to immediately fight back. Even as she was beginning to choke, she knew that just struggling helplessly wouldn't help now!

As Reinhardt began to charge, D.Va slammed her thumbs down and opened fire, the characteristic sound of her guns echoing loudly through the streets as the clusters of teal bullets tore towards the Sith Lord. She tried to keep her aim out of Reinhardt's path, but it was admittedly difficult when she was being choked. Still, something was bound to make Vader stop choking, be it a forced dodge, Reinhardt's impact, or her guns firing! Something, before it got too hard to breath!

@Raineh Daze @Lmpkio @thewizardguy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


- Daemon Magnus -

Lord of Change

- Area 2 -

The dragon-man's understanding and forgiveness was unusual. If Magnus had been planning on tricking him, he would have immediately spied this act as an obvious counter-trick, played by the dragon to get Magnus to lower his guard. However, since it was so obviously a counter-trick, it was probably actually a counter-counter-trick, which would mean that Magnus would have to pretend that he didn't already know in order for it not to work on him. Ah, but how many layers of trickery were there in the Great Game? Only the sharpest could tell...

But, Magnus wasn't in the warp or playing any Great Game right now. He was stuck in static space where time was straight and change was permanent, and things were different here. The blue-haired boy was just simply, purely forgiving. Magnus could read his intentions; it was almost dull. Still, given the way that holy fire had hurt him, he wasn't keen on provoking him. There was no point in it anyway.

The girl with the unique sword that could cut through daemonflesh, as well as his supremely magically reinforced armor, was still holding it toward him, but it was her other, smaller sword that was the one that had done something significant. It had reminded him of things and cleared the storm of emotion and raw chaos that had blinded him up until now. He saw clearly his past, his present, and even his future up to the point that it remained in flux. Chaos itself had been controlling him for a very long time, and now he had back some measure of sanity. He knew now what he wanted.

Luigi, the human, charged forward, lashing Magnus with denigrations. He picked up his chainsword, and as he raised it heroically, a glowing eye turned to him. Without warning, his foot suddenly slipped. That is, his foot met no ground underneath it as he ran and kicked backward like a dog swimming. Yet Luigi did not fall. His other foot likewise slipped out, and he quickly realized that he was being levitated, his charge reduced to a featherlike float. The vile daemon traitor primarch stood by idelly, unimpressed.

Magnus's blade had inexplicably returned to the form of a staff, and any who were watching him with care would have noticed he heaved a deep breath as he levitated Luigi. Ignoring the ravings of his flailing assailant, Magnus leaned slightly on his staff and reached his severed limb toward its counterpart below. The rivulets of blood that ran from his wound suddenly took on a life of their own, taking the form of red tentacles which awoke and writhed, reaching out for the arm and reconnecting with it, drawing it back into place.

Change... Anything he did served change, even if it was to change himself, and change was life. Wasn't it? The sorcerer king mused.

"I will tell you this, once." Magnus began. "The Architect of Fate and I did battle. He manipulated me using my greatest weakness, which was my love for my family, and I fell. His victory was fair, and when my own brother came to strike me down and destroy my sons and all we had worked for, I simply refused to die. We did not deserve it. We did not deserve to be killed by those who misjudged us and distrusted us from the very beginning." Magnus glowered. "I am no longer a creature of your world. Your Emperor is dead, and his Imperium is fading into nothing. The truth is that the material realm hardly concerns me any longer. The flames of my wrath have died out. Only the warp matters now, for only there can there be true immortality and meaning."

Magnus looked up to the sky. "And yet, I find myself here, completely removed. I didn't believe I could ever truly be free."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

"...Point taken. Well, to answer your indirect question, then I can confirm that some form of teleportation magic is the bare minimum of what dragged me here. Be it a summons or otherwise, though... I don't have enough experience with that form of magic to be able to tell anything at all," the Lunarian said before the laughter that she had been attempting to ignore earlier grew ever closer.

"Great. Another lunatic. Why me?!" she complained internally before taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"Honestly, is there something in the air that drives people to madness here? I've had to deal with one already, and I'm not particularly in th emood for dealing with another..."

@Raineh Daze@TheFake

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

The resulting shockwave from the two fists connecting barely caused Gunha to waver as a smile was painted over his face. This was always the best way to settle problems--let fists do the talking, all else be damned! It always got the message through, no matter how long it took, and it usually helped people get all their anger out, so he was definitely willing to oblige. The roar he got in return certainly seemed to confirm his beliefs, and the esper smirked before noticing that the person's other hand was free.


Gritting his teeth as he braced for impact with his spare arm, Gunha flew backwards, tumbling a good distance away and throwing up a giant gust cloud as he rolled along, finally coming to a stop after a few more seconds. Punching his right fist into the ground as he pushed himself up, Gunha spit out a bit of blood before climbing to his feet, cracking his knuckles on his right hand with a smile on his face before taking a deep breath. It took him a moment to realize, though, that his left arm had been popped out of place.

"...Again? Well, guts solves all problems," he sighed to himself, casually forcing the arm back in place (with a bit of pain in the process) before carefully testing it, rolling his arm around and gripping and ungripping his hand.

"Seems fine to me. Alright, let's try this again!" he shouted, full of renewed vigor as he rushed forward, explosions popping up left and right as he ran forward (though none of them really obstructed his path) before he began to throw a series of punches at the woman.

It'd have to work eventually, right?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

To be perfectly honest, Youmu was finding her patience wearing thin. The demon man had said he was leaving. And so, she didn't have to keep trying to kill him. But the man she had intervened in order to protect had charged at him once again, now leaving himself caught in some sort of psychic field once more. Youmu's patience had really very nearly snapped. If she had to kill him, she would. But if he would simply leave that would allow them to escape any further bloodshed. And yet... it seemed things were continually causing him to stick around. The small half-phantom held her katana at the ready, both blades gleaming as she somewhat irritably watched him reattach his arm. It wasn't as if she was unused to people who could heal, however.

"Unless I'm mistaken, you were leaving," she commented, narrowing her blue eyes to reflect her feelings, "Could you perhaps continue, after putting him down? Unless you want to resume fighting."

A member of the Konpaku family would not flee from battle. However, she'd rather this battle was finished already.

@Wraithblade6 @Masterkeun @supertinyking
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Intersection of 5,6, & 12 —

She smiled behind her mask, turning her head slightly to face the threat. This one reminded her of her sisters husband. Not that infuriating one but the other one. The Dominator. All ego, ambition and malice. Catcher could see it in the way that held held himself. That the world was his and always had been. It just didn't know it yet.

This was a man that would be king, a useful, if shallow kind of person. She reached up and pulled the helmet from her head as she bent at the knee. She spoke in a confident voice. The voice that commanded armies and almost brought the Black Company to destruction.

"My king. I bow to your will."

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

District 1 and District 4

The story the demon told was so similar to his own Ryu nearly gaped. The surprise on his face faded as a look of sympathy was replace by annoyance at Youmu's words. Ryu sighed gently making his way over to where Magnus stood with his captive. It was a rare case for Ryu to feel so close to an enemy, but the creature was undoubtedly evil. Ryu simply kept walking as he passed the demon. It wasn't his fight anymore. It was honorable to step in to protect a wounded man. It wasn't Ryu's place though to help the man claim revenge against a victim of an unjust god or "emperor" as the creature said. Magnus had done nothing, but try to do the right thing for his people. Ryu respected that it was a the story close to his own.

Ryu made his way through the crowd that had gathered heading south. A few guards tried to stop him as they surrounded the group. Ryu moved through the crowd eventually becoming lost in it. Ryu could see contingents of soldiers and mercenaries training as he walked south, but the majority heading north towards the fighting. Ryu stopped by the sparring field accepting a training sword. Ryu had never received formal sword fighting training. It was a mistake he could fix here through training and time. The city coated in conflict left this area clear of all but trainers waiting for the recruits to return. Ryu bowed asking one to train him completing the drills asked of him. Ryu was willing to train all afternoon if he could. The morning had been to confusing and he needed to clear his head.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Set Harth, District 14 -

Why it seemed that Vader had done his homework. Even among those few who had studied his existence, few could find the scarce records that even indicated his apprenticeship under Darth Zannah. But merely possessing that knowledge meant nothing. Vader had already proven to know of Set, something that indicated an interest in the ancient Sith. And with an interest, someone in a position as high as Vader's could quite easily gather information from across the galaxy. No, what was interesting was the seeming attempt at a call-out, to belittle Set with the claim that he could not best his former master. This showed what his face could not, anger. It appeared the Sith Lord was angry. A dangerous state to encounter in a Sith, but it was a great weakness, as well as a strength. For in anger, they failed to realize the obvious, and they made small mistakes that lead inevitably to failure. This was one of the reasons why Set himself had never forgotten his Jedi training, and well knew to keep his own emotions in check. For a weapon wielded is useful only if you are able to point it as you wish, and not dragged along behind it. Besides, he had surpassed Zannah centuries ago, if not in power, then in wit. Only a fool relid solely on the Force, as opposed to their mind.

Smiling, Set reached out, and ripped the force closing around his neck to shreds. Had he been in single combat with Vader, there was no doubt he would have been crushed. But forced to divide his focus and power over three opponents, and then further distracted by two unexpected assaults? Vader would be forced to divert even more of his power to defensive measures if he hoped to avoid being crushed by the sudden assault. At the very least he would be distracted, his focus broken, as he was foced to move aside from the assault. Thus was the illusion of power shattered. For while Vader was easily the most powerful individual present he had failed to realise who he faced, in truth. Set was not a master of lightsaber combat, nor of the Force, despite his considerable skill in both fields. Had he relied solely on either skill he would have been shredded. Rather he was a master of preparation and planning. The terrain, the environment, the surrounding factors and elements. Believing solely in his own power Vader had arrogantly marched into a trap.

With a thought Set activated the runes he had previously made, catalysing a series of stones and concepts he had imbued with the Force to achieve a goal he could never have achieved through power applied directly. It reached into the earth and sky and drew forth water, an act of telekinesis performed at such a grand scale and yet with so little required force, a delicate process that had been perfected over the course of centuries and stored in holocrons, only to be learned by Set. A wall of white fog rose up and consumed the battlefield, making it impossible to see more than a meter or so in any direction. Trees, bystanders and buildings, all were replaced by this world of white darkness, a realm in which Set made himself unbeatable. Using his considerable experience he cloaked himself from the Force, made himself one with his environment through focus and discipline. First hidden from simple sight, and now hidden from the true sight granted to those who wielded the Force. Even had Vader had the discipline and skill necessary to hide himself, he lacked the skill to best Set on this field, who had spent a dozen lifetimes honing his talents.

"Te rely solely on the Force is to blind yourself to reality, Lord Vader. Your Force will not save you from me." As he spoke it was as if the fog had gained a voice. An echoing sound that emanated from all directions, betraying nothing of the hunter's location. His feet tread silently as he spun and leapt through the battlefield, any sound he made hidden by the hail of gunfire. His blade was kept sheathed so that the light not betray him, and his rapid movement meant that even had Vader somehow located him, it would be imposible to keep track of him long enough to try anything. "Perhaps if you had not been fool enough to attack me and my companions you would not have been made to face such humiliation, as to be defeated by an inferior opponent."

Having utilised the speed and mobility granted by Ataru, his favoured style of combat, Set had already dashed past the combatants. He had no interest in a frontal assault, where he would be expected. Instead he launched himself forward, even as he used the Force to cast a similar and fare noisier piece of rubble from another direction. Should Vader anticipate this rubble-based attack he would be forced to move either forward, into Reinhardt's assault, or backwards, into Set's assault. Or, of course, the option remained for him to intercept the rubble with the Force, but this would occupy one hand. As he would require his lightsaber to block the hail of bullets being fired at him, any of his choices would leave him vulnerable. A step sent him dashing formard like lightning, a bright blue saber popping into existence even as he swung, the blue arc aimed to slice off his opponent's arm. He would end this with a single blow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mizn Tan-Erbo
districts 2

The Automaton ran through the streets weaving though the locals as it rushed to the source of the energy reading. Whatever it was creating the reading it was fluctuating heavily. Mizn keep checking the probe's feed to make sure that it was going in the right direction. But the automaton was alerted to the sound of gunfire shelving the mysterious reading for now. Swiftly heading towards the sounds it soon found itself starting at a large fog bank that appeared in front of the Automaton. Mizn could still hear the sounds of combat inside the fog decided to enter the fog to investigate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Masterkeun @Wraithblade6 @VitaVitaAR
Luigi-Sector 2

Luigi grew angry, his face glowing red from his rage. However, given a few moments to think, Luigi's complexion returned to his pasty pale normal state. He looked over the daemon, and he felt a familiar sting. Magnus's story held some truth, according to what little Luigi knew of the Primarch. However, what it also held some semblance to a situation Luigi to had faced, the loss of a loved one, and how he scrambled to stop it. How he resorted to alien tech to find a cure, and how to scorned him. However, unlike Magnus, his actions did not lead to so much suffering, and in his exile, his defeat, he choose to serve, to redeem himself, and to help others. But maybe despite his power, despite his almost god like state, maybe Magnus was not as strong of heart as Luigi was. Pondering this made Luigi chuckle a bit.
"....Get out of here, Traitor. I never wish to see you again. If I do, I will destroy you, or I will be killed by you. What you did, is unforgivable. You choose your sons, over so many more. Sided with the ultimate evil. However, I know the pain of loosing people you love. I lost my Janessa thanks to the fools of the Adeptus Mechanicus...so, against my better judgement, I'll let you go for now." Luigi tells the Daemon. Anyone there, however, could easily tell Luigi was helpless against the Daemon, and his words were empty, hot air, and little more.
Luigi noted the Dragon Human was leaving, and this was annoying, to say the least. He knew of some space marines which held draconic features, and he was curious to see if this many maybe was the spawn of an rouge marine, one who had though some miracle managed to retain the ability to have children. Heretical indeed, but a chance to learn much, as they had almost destroyed the daemon Magnus. He had much to learn...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Daemon Magnus -

The New God (open to join!)

- Near zone 3, 10, 11 -

The dragon man had walked off, looking mildly depressed. Having been mortal originally, Magnus could still understand basic mortal emotion and reasoning far better than a neverborn. He let him go.

Luigi didn't have a full grasp of the ex-primarch's historical choices, yet how could he? There was little point in explaining further, and so Magnus said nothing. He set Luigi down gently, regardless of the white-haired girl's demands. "Summon your Imperium if you will, human. It matters not to me. They are no more my enemy than any other dying race in this cold and boring realm."

Magnus beheld the girl last. "Whoever you are, you've done me a service, and I will remember it. I have no wish to destroy you, but if you raise your swords to me again, it will be for the last time." Magnus was wary of a weapon that could damage him. However he had entered realspace and separated from the gods of chaos, he didn't know, but he wanted to take full advantage of the situation. Getting killed would either banish him back into Tzeentch's claws or possibly fully destroy him. "I'm going to find others on this planet of like-mind. Together, we will learn and build."

And so the Red King moved on, heading further into the city near where Ryu had gone, moving into distict 3. It was daylight, and the human denizens were all out and agape at the sight of a giant "monster" in their midsts. Yet Magnus was patient, causing none any harm and simply immune to any of their midevil armaments. Curiously, people began to approach and ask him questions. Afraid though they were, there were the brave among them, curious about his feathery wings and horns and strange, shining armor. "Magnus, The Red King" he was to them, which inevitably became shortened to "Red."
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