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Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
1 yr ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
1 yr ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Harper let Arabella get into a position that was good for her whilst she finished sterilizing the needle and such. At the permission to use a pocket knife on the woman's jacket, she gave a nod and inspected what the size of the rip was as it stood now. She knew how annoying it was when you had tears in clothing, she still wasn't over the rip in her latest replacement jacket tonight herself. "I think I might have to, if I don't I can see this shard getting snagged and making it all the more painful." she honestly said to the other hunter. Grabbing for Arabella's pocket knife, she carefully and neatly made the rip just that little bit longer and wider so she could pull out the shard and use her other hand to hold the jacket away from the injury, then she put the knife down.

Putting the needle down in the first aid box so it stayed clean, she carefully placed one hand on the jacket and carefully placed the other on the shard. She made sure not to get splinters from the shard as she did so and took a deep breath. "Okay...I'm gonna pull the shard out now" she warned Arabella then before Arabella could put too much anxiousness on what was to come, she gently but swiftly pulled the shard out, finding it didn't snag once. She gave a quick inspection of the wound after chucking the shard down beside her on a piece of tissue, next to the glass shard that was moments ago in her own side, making sure no splinter was left which luckily there wasn't.

Grabbing for the needle and thread, she began to stitch Arabella's wound up after she gave it splash of alcohol to clean the wound itself. "I'm almost done..." she said after a couple of stitches, "just a few more......aaaand you're done" she spoke to Arabella throughout to try and distract her from it all. "You should heal up pretty well, considering it was a wooden shard in your side, it was a clean wound in regards to the entry point." she explained, grabbing some clean gauze and tape to place onto the wound so Arabella could keep it clean.

After she fully finished with the other hunter's injury, she grabbed the dirty and used equipment, getting up off the bed and walking to the bathroom trashcan so she could chuck it all away safely. "You know, I'm pretty thankful we both ended up on the same case. You're help proved really useful tonight. Believe it or not, it was much less chaotic tonight than when I've joined a couple of other male hunters." she said, thinking about the infamous Winchester Brothers. Those two made her roll her eyes far too many times in her hunting career and could always see why her adopted family at the late Roadhouse would try and insist she didn't spend much time with them.
Hey, i am SO sorry...I'm not done. Things have been CRAZY for me and I coulda sworn I replied, but clearly I didn't. I'm gonna be better from now on if you're still willing to go on? No worries if you're not though, I understand. I've done the one thing I request of others not to do and I feel horrible for it.

Sam was beyond glad to be finally moving onward and heading back to join the others once again. He didn't want to imagine what kind of chaos could have gone down with the group without him there to try and calm everyone down. Snapping those thoughts out of his head, he noticed it was a pretty good day weather wise which would mean in theory, their flight shouldn't be interrupted or delayed. He noticed the woman outside closing her room door but didn't see anything out of the ordinary, in fact nothing of their surrounding area of the motel parking lot was unusual. It all looked....normal.

It was all normal until he noticed Anna step closer to him and almost cower for some unknown reason. He couldn't understand why she suddenly gripped onto him and was holding her head. "Anna? Hey...hey, what's wrong? Talk to me" he quickly snapped into protective and worry mode, looking down at her and placing a hand on her arm gently, trying to get her to look at him but it was absolutely no use whatsoever.

He was aware of her whispering to herself but even he could barely make out what she was saying, only the 'no' that repeatedly escaped her lips could reach his ears. As she stepped away from him, he let go of her, figuring she needed room to breathe and he wasn't going to smother her, even though every part of her wanted to wrap her up in his arms and protect her from whatever it was affecting her. He even glanced around their surroundings to see if there was any threat he didn't initially spot but there was absolutely nothing.

It was only when she finally caught her breath and spoke up again did he feel like he could breathe again and be less worried. Then the words reached his ears...need to see Cason. Internally he groaned, it was seeming like Cason was going to be a thorn in both his and Dean's side for all of the girls in their growing group. "Okay, I'll send Dean a text telling them to wait until we get back to them." he replied to her, reaching his hand out for hers as he pulled out his cell phone with his other hand. With the one hand, he quickly typed out his message to Dean and Mika in a group text, just to make sure at least one of them got the message: 'Guys, Stay put where u are until we get bk. AB needs to speak to Cason.' then hit send.


Seeing Dean get angrier and angrier by the second made Mika quickly learn that if this doesn't stay somewhat civil Dean would explode and there would hell to pay. They'd lose Natalia instantly if Dean did anything and she hated that she was inadvertently protecting Cason by trying to be the middle woman in this whole debacle. "just once....I'd like to NOT be in the middle of their fights...just ONCE" she thought to herself.

She even had to force herself to not react to Dean squeezing her hand tightly at Natalia's words and Cason's demeanor to the whole thing. Dean's next words made even Mika wince, just as Nat's words had moments before. She knew Dean's words would hurt and cut deep to Natalia, but she also knew they would only hurt because he was right. Nat HATED people being this close to her usually, Sam was the sole exception to her 'no touchy' rule as she put it. Even then, Nat had to give Sam permission to hold her, yet here was she was willingly and without any kind of hesitation, she was all clinging onto Cason and letting him be extremely close to her. "He has a point Nat, you won't even let Sam hug you unless you give permission" she spoke up, partially to show Dean that she wasn't taking any one side in this situation as she followed him into the room.

Natalia did find her brother's words extremely hurtful. Yet even she knew he was right. She didn't need Mika telling her that fact to know Dean was correct with his vicious tongue. "I don't need reminding of that..." she said, a bit quieter and less defiant than her previous words. She really didn't have the energy to fight with Dean anymore, and this morning was showing that after a while Dean always broke her down, no matter how much she fought back with him. She felt so little suddenly, her grip on Cason's arm loosening. She was thankful that Cason was trying to talk in this moment, but Dean seemed to only want to hear from her.

"Cason is right...it IS complicated" she began saying, perching on the edge of the bed, interlinking her fingers to clasp her hands together. She didn't want to feel this level of vulnerability again, but she knew she couldn't dodge it forever. She certainly didn't want to fist fight with him or just run away and separate from the group. Things were getting too important right now for them to split. So, she did the only thing she could do...begin to tell some honesty. "You already know Cason was at the asylum where I was held for years, we've gone through that story...but what I didn't go into detail about was his role there." she sighed, looking at her hands and not her brother, scared to see his face. Hells, she was scared to any of their faces.

"He literally went against his peers to keep me alive...more alive than the others were keeping me. He risked his own life to feed me proper food...not just water. He spent nights with me watching out for me and talking to me. He told me he'd find a way of getting me out alive, told me not to lose hope. I even remember one night he never came to my room...I wondered why. Turned out he got caught sneaking to see me. He got hurt to protect me Dean. To keep me alive long enough for Sam to find me that night. He was the one who lead Sam toward my room and tried leading you in that direction by even fighting other demons to help create a path for YOU." she explained, still too scared to look up at him.

Her hands starting to shake as they remained clutched tightly. A tear beginning to form in each eye, but she was done with wiping them away. "We had a bond that until he came back into my life I had forgotten because I repressed so much of that time. That's why I'm close to him brother and I hope Cason, you don't mind I've explained this." she continued. "I'm done fighting and you wanted some honesty, so I'm giving it to you. "And yeah...we did get close last night, he made me remember who I was last night. I'm not asking you to like it, I'm just hoping you can see my point of view and try to understand it. If he's helping and I mean truly helping bringing you the sister you deserve to know, not the one you have known, then isn't it worth trying to deal with Cason being around?"

Mika watched and listened to everyone the entire time, seeing the rawness in Nat gave Mika all the facts she needed to know. Nat was being truthful, and painfully so. It was difficult for her not to cry herself as she watched the youngest Winchester speak through her tears. Then her phone buzzed in her pocket, taking it out and seeing a text from Sam to both her and Dean. Flipping open her phone, she read the text and sighed.
(ooc: apologies for leaving this so long, I had to take a break from RP sites for mental health and just forgot to tell people individually)

Fia and Josh both sighed with relief when Drake woke up. "She's fine, the others are with her from what I can hear" Fia replied back to him. "Are your u okay?" She asked him. Josh also wanted to know the answer to that question as he was a bit concerned about how long Drake seemed to be unconscious for.

Chas walked over to the kid that John was talking about, kneeling down and checking his pockets. It took a few rummages before he found a wallet with some ID in it. "Here..." He said, pulling the ID out, standing up and walking over to the others.
Fia stayed beside him as she helped Josh sit Drake up a bit. She still felt bad for leaving him, even though in her heart she knew it was the right thing to do. "Come Drake...you gotta stop doing one worse than me" she joked, as she tended to do with him in moments like these. It helped to ease her heart and mind.

Kay looked up when she heard John's voice, looking over at him she couldn't help but look him up and down to check he was alright. Seeing him injury free and back to his normal self surprised her but also gave her much relief mentally. "yeah...he went for Serena apparently but Chas came to her rescue" she explained, making Chas fight holding the smile back that was creeping onto his lips.
Fia was so engrossed in trying to reassure Drake that she was okay that it wasn't until after she actually stopped talking that she realised Drake was out cold and Josh was beside him. "Drake!" She exclaimed in shock, running over and kneeling down on the ground. "Oh no...Drake I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you" she spoke as she checked if he was okay. "Come on bro, wake up!" She pleaded of him.

Kay watched as Bane destroyed the gem and she couldn't help but nod in agreement that it was something they had to tell John about. "I agree, as much as John needs his rest, we can't exactly keep this from him" she replied, not realising that John was up and about and coming to find them.
Both Kay and Chas looked over when Bane appeared once more in the room with them all and showed them all the black onyx stone. Kay may not know fully what the cursed part was on it, but she knew what black onyx was and she could feel the dark aura radiating from it as well. Which for her, was something new to experience. The only time she felt something remotely similar to this was whenever she got close enough to iron or touched it and it burned her skin. "How should we get rid of it?" she asked.

"Okay, shout if you need us" Fia replied to John, knowing now that he was healed, he was capable of helping them with anything, but she still felt the need to be helpful and useful to her parents and family. She then ran off down to the study where Drake still was. Finding him there, right where she left him, she walked in. "Everyone is okay, sorry it took a while. We found some weird fake sun orb thing on the roof. Well, I say we, I mean me, but mum found me up there as it kinda knocked me out because me being me, I couldn't resist trying to touch it to inspect it." she said, making a sheepish chuckle at the end as even she knew it wasn't unusual for her to get into some sort of minor trouble because of her curiosity.

"But I'm fine now before you worry, somehow healed dad too in the process" she added.

In the shower, Natalia had absolutely no clue that Mika had indeed a few minutes later come across and knocked on the door, though like she suggested to Cason, she did expect it to happen at some point but she hoped she would be done in the bathroom before they both came over. Sadly, unbeknownst to her it was not to be. For now though she refused to let her mind wander and think about all the possibilities of how Cason and Dean would slaughter each other at the doorway either verbally or physically. Now was her time to just relax in the shower, get freshened up, ignore the aching throughout her body after sleeping with Cason and feel clean.

When Cason opened the door, Mika instantly noticed how he hadn't even bothered to be dignified in doing up his pants and the brash way he leaned on the door frame to greet her made her skin crawl in some discreet way. She wasn't going to let him know that though and she prayed his undone clothing wasn't down to him getting intimate with Natalia or Dean would absolutely lose his head in anger. She was ready to answer Cason by telling a lie that Dean wasn't beside her in hiding but it seemed Dean had other ideas which made her roll her eyes ever so slightly, but seeing Cason flinch at the sound of Dean's voice did make it difficult for her to hide the smirk threatening to creep onto her lips. She was trying to be devil's advocate and the defense barrier between the two men after all.

The moment the conversation began between the men, Mika knew it was very close to ending in another brawl and she was not in the mood for another fight to break out and them risking Natalia running off completely all over again. They needed to regroup, forgive each other and move on from this drama when there was much bigger fish to fry out in the world. They hadn't even met back up with Sam and Anna yet either. Not to mention there seemed to be some kind drama between Duke and Esme in the close distance which she really didn't want any part of, but she was ready to if it meant standing by Duke. He was like a brother to her and she'd protect him at all costs as well as willingly calling him out on any bullshit if needed.

"Boys calm down" she warned them both calmly. "The fighting needs to stop and that includes the sly digs at each other" she told them both, holding up one finger to Dean and one finger up to Cason. She really didn't want to play the mother role this early, but it seemed they were putting her into such role. "Cason that is downright out of order to say, BUT you also have a point in saying if you two kill each other it won't go down well with Nat." she said.

"Finally seeing it from my side huh?" Natalia's voice broke out as she eventually stepped out of the bathroom freshly washed and dressed, towel drying her hair. "But that's not the only point he's made that's valid. "Dean, I love you, I do, but let's face it...losing our own isn't exactly unusual for the Winchesters. Didn't see dad making an effort to find me all those years before dying, or telling you and Sam I even existed" she shrugged, walking up to the front door.

Mika couldn't help but be the next one to visibly flinch at the words that came out of Natalia's mouth because as painful as they were, she did have a point. John was a complete douchebag of a father to not only his boys but to his daughter as well. If he had just admitted he had a daughter out there to Dean and Sam, they could have protected her and saved her years before they did. Yet she also knew if she didn't do something, Dean would see red at said words, so she quickly grabbed a hand of his and squeezed it to soothe whatever would be inevitably brewing inside of him.

"So....you two coming in or not? I'm willing to forgive you Dean if you are. I'm sick of fighting" Natalia told him, looking at him in the eyes to show him she did actually mean her words, even if it also meant she wasn't leaving Cason's side either, especially after everything the night before. She made that clear by sliding her arm through Cason's after chucking the wet towel on the table to his left, even though she knew Dean would absolutely hate witnessing it.

Mika watched on as the affection was displayed in such a way that told her Nat really did mean every single word she spoke and there was no tearing those two a part now. It made her partially squint her eyes at the two of them and wonder what exactly those two did last night. "Don't voice your suspicions near Dean... he really will lose his head otherwise" she thought to herself before looking at Dean to see what he wanted to do, go back to their room away from the thorn in his side, or step into his sister's room and be watchdog. Either way, she knew he had to put all this drama with her to a stop, once and for all.


Sam knew he had to tell her more often how much he truly loved her, especially when things were so highly strung and the tension in the air of what's coming for them all could be cut with a knife. So when she acknowledged his proclamation of love with her own proclamation back, he couldn't help but smile just that bit more. He had a feeling that she would have questions about something or other at some point, but he was glad she took what he said as final and didn't press him on anything else or try and debunk anything that he spoke.

The idea of just meeting the others wherever they were heading next did seem like a good plan to him, it would certainly mean they wouldn't have to hang back at that motel until the two of them got back to them and everything wouldn't remain on hold whilst all this personal drama was being aired out between each member of their family like dirty laundry. "I think that might be the best plan, I can call Dean and find out where the next location will be" he replied back to her.

As she moved from being so close to him, he let out a sigh of disappointment but knew she was right to move first or he'd never actually let her leave the bed whatsoever. Witnessing her grab his flannel that she had before and putting it back on, flattening it and pairing it with her boots and a messy bun for a hairstyle made him smile softly and fondly at her. He personally wouldn't have used the word of 'hobo' to describe how she looked, but it was certainly a look. One he felt only she could pull off the way she does.

"I wouldn't say you look like a hobo, but I guess just tell them the truth? We're both coming back to meet up at the next location and despite everything that lead to this trip, we're good." he suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. "What else is there to say at this point? I feel like their own drama is probably worse than what ours was" he smirked then chuckled, running his hands through his hair to try and make it more presentable. He then stood up off the bed and grabbed his jeans that were on the floor beside the bed and yanked them on haphazardly before pulling his boots back on and his other flannel shirt and jacket.

Feeling Cason stroking her hair as she stirred awake and realised he didn't leave her in the he night made her feel yet again safe. She just wished that her brothers and the others could understand what she felt around him. She couldn't help but chuckle lightly when he hinted at their night time activities the night before. Her chuckle got cut off when he lightly kissed her lips once more, reaffirming that none of what happened last night was a dream. It was reality, he brought her back to her usual self, her true self that wasn't plagued with PTSD and broken in so many ways and places inside.

"I guess I did" she smiled once their lips parted. "But I'm glad you stayed. I know how easy it is to sneak out at night and you can sneak out easier than any of us mortals" she chuckled very lightly. A slight improvement on her 'no demon talk' stance the night before. "But to answer your other question, I think I slept alright. I had one nightmare but it wasn't as bad as it normally was" she told him honestly, seeing Jo reason to lie to him.

She knew she had to get up and freshen up but she was comfortable laying beside him, she found comfort in being this close to him, just as he found comfort having her in his grip. If she had her own way, she'd gladly have stayed where she was all day long but she knew they had to move on from this location eventually and deal with the bigger looming doom that was etching ever closer to them all. Which also made her realise she had to stop being so angry at Dean and actually make amends if he could just do the same thing.

Sighing, she snapped out of her thoughts and slowly sat up a bit. "Guess I should go freshen up. The parents could pop across any time this morning and I'd rather not give them more reasons to moan at me" she smirked. It was times like this she missed Sam greatly, as he was always the barrier between herself and Dean. Sam never made her feel like she was fighting a parent, unlike Dean, but she also knew that's just how Dean was. He was used to practically raising Sam when John wasn't around for them as kids, so it wasn't entirely a surprise that's how he thought he should protect her, but she wasn't Sam.

Reluctantly she scooted across the bed and out of Cason's arms, dragging a sheet with her to wrap around herself. "Think last night is catching up to me... I ache all over thanks to you" she told him as she forced herself to stand up off the bed and not crawl back to him. "If 'mom' or 'dad' come knocking, be nice whilst I'm in the shower, please?" She requested of him. With that, she walked uncomfortably to the bathroom, opening the door and stepping inside as she closed the door behind her.

Thoughts of the evening before locking herself inside came flashing into her mind, but she forced those thoughts out of her head. "no, I'm not thinking about that today. I'm gonna remain positive" she thought to herself, as she dropped the sheet, turned the shower on and stepped inside.


It wasn't the least bit of surprising that Dean was yet again worrying about Natalia. Mika knew he wouldn't stop worrying about her, even if she got out of the life and lived a cosy stepford life, he'd still worry. It's just who Dean was and one of the many reasons she loved him so dearly. She let him study her face to get some kind of answers he was obviously trying to find, something she was used to and never once judged him for.

"Don't be mad at yourself for not thinking about checking. I barely would have noticed last night, but I just caught the sight out the corner of my eye." She tried reassuring him as she saw the usual frustrated hand down the face movement of his. She too was concerned that Nat was with Cason and she was incredibly concerned about the possibility of him using her when she was at her weakest point but if the fights and arguments had showed her anything, it was that they had to ride it all out and nothing they said would pull their girl away from him.

She gave a nod in understanding why Dean wanted her to go check on Natalia and not himself. The smile he was giving her wasn't convincing her in the slightest, she knew as well as he did that he'd go after Cason at the smallest reason to. But she knew as well as he did, that if they wanted Natalia to stay with the group and not go her own way, he had to try his hardest not to harm Cason and start another argument. "I'll get up, freshen up and head over." She told him, pecking his lips and stroking his cheek. "It'll be okay" she said once more, trying to convince herself as well as him.

Pulling herself off the bed, she went into the bathroom, had a quick shower and walked back out, towel wrapped her body as she walked to the bed to dry off and get dressed. Pulling out some clean clothes, she got dressed and stood up after pulling on her boots. "I'll be right back" she told him, even though she had a feeling he wouldn't be able to help himself and would follow suit at some point.

Opening the room door, she walked across the parking lot that was between all their rooms and stepped up onto the sidewalk to Natalia's room. Taking a deep breath and exhaling to calm herself mentally, she knocked on the door. "Nat? You awake sweetheart?" She called through the door, barely noticing that Esme and Duke were having some kind of conversation by his truck.

"Nat Dean isn't here, it's just me. I just wanna check in on you that's all" she called through once more, unsure if Nat was awake and ignoring her or if she was actually asleep. Little did she know, Nat was in the bathroom and Cason was still around in the main room.


As Annabeth woke up and complained about it being morning, Sam couldn't stop the light amused smirk creep into his face briefly. Feeling her grip onto him tighter in protest was something he knew he'd never tire of experiencing and would have missed greatly if she continued to run away from him. The thought of another man experiencing that was something he didn't want to imagine as it was just too emotionally painful to think about. Anna to him, was what Mika was to Dean and he never wanted to let her go.

His amusement left his lips just as quickly as it appeared when she felt something was off about him. The fact she could even tell by his heartbeat told him he couldn't keep much from her and whatever he next said to her had to be partially the truth to make it remotely believable. "Just my mind not letting me forget about Lilith and everything we still have to do to stop her and the apocalypse. Then on top of that I can't help but wonder how Dean is doing with Natalia. Guess my brain just can't shut off, but I did sleep, on and off" he explained to her.

It wasn't entirely a lie after all, he WAS concerned about all those points he mentioned, he just so happened to leave out the whole 'a demon named Ruby visited me last night and gave me more vials of her blood to drink to send other demons to Hell to get stronger to kill Lilith'. He knew he had to tell Anna sometime, but right now wasn't the time. He was terrified that if he told her now she wouldn't want to continue going back with him and he couldn't take her leaving him again.

"But I'll be alright, I promise. Especially when we get back to the others" he added, giving her a small but genuine smile, placing his hand on top of hers on his jawline and kissing her forehead. "I love you" he felt the need to tell her. "So...you ready to head back to the chaos that is this crazy family?" He asked her.
Kay was glad that Serena was mostly okay, despite what Chas said. She couldn't help but glance over at the unconscious man on the floor and she couldn't help but feel like she recognized his face. She then looked back at Chas and Serena, "I'm glad you're both alright. Myself and Bane have dealt with the problem on the roof so with any luck we shouldn't be under any more threats for a little while at least" she replied to them both.

"Okay" Fia simply replied, scrambling off of his bed and standing up once more. Unlike a few times in her time, she didn't find herself get slightly light headed moving after passing out and she figured it was probably because her power got used whilst she was out cold and not when she was awake. Walking out his room with John, she headed to find Drake first, "I gotta check on Drake, he'll be worried about me no doubt" she told him.
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