Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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The moment Kay got to the attic hatch with Fia's unconscious body with Bane's help, he listened to Bane's request as he helped pull Fia down the ladder carefully. "Of course!" He replied to Bane as he made sure Fia was securely in his arms. He knew he had two choices in this moment, put her down in the hallway against a wall or take her to either Drake or John so they could watch over her. He chose John. As much as John couldn't move, he knew John could still protect her more with spells he knew than Drake could in his weakened state.

"Kay?" Chas called up, "yeah?" She called back down, "give it he'll" he told her with a small smirk, a smirk that Kay mirrored and nodded. "You can count on it" she replied and with that he was gone from sight taking Fia to John's room.

Kay turned back to the false sun orb, "what's the plan Bane? How we gonna make a force strong enough to get rid of this thing?" She asked him, cracking her neck from side to side as she prepared herself mentally for taking on such a for. She knew Fee would help if it came to it, she didn't know many beings much stronger than Fee and in this moment, she was thankful for that.

Back downstairs, Chas made it to John's room and brought Fia in, laying her beside her father. "She's alright, just fainted.. I think but Kay and Bane are on the roof where they found her, some false sun orb....thing is up there" Chas explained in as short amount of words as possible. "I gotta get to Serena, just make sure she wakes up and stays in here? Ya know...dad things" he commented to his best friend.

Before John could finish any kind of response, Chas was gone again and running to Serena's room.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane looked at the orb and said “it’s simple really. We are goin*to blow it up. I’m going to make a hole in the orb with the shaodws and you’re going to fill it with fees flames. Then Ill wrap the orb in shadows to keep the blast contained”

John pulled fia into his arms and nodded “I have her. Go for it”

Serena was pinned against the wall, the man talking nonsense as he pulled her wrists up into the air. She said weakly “you…can’t let them…control you…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Kay listened to Bane's explanation and how they were going to rid the roof of this orb. When he first said they were gonna blow it up, her initial internal reaction was 'are you mad?!' But before she reacted out loud, she listened to the rest of the plan and it suddenly made sense. "Got it, let's get this done. This place is the closest thing I've had to calling home for a long time, I'm not putting it at risk" she told him.

In John's arms, he'd feel she was very much okay and breathing steadily. She had a couple of little scrapes on her face and arms from when she got blasted back but they were already visibly healing up, thanks to her phoenix bloodline.

Chas found Serena and who was pinning her against the wall. "Get off of her!" He demanded, running up to the man and giving him his best right hook he could muster into the man's jaw. "You okay Serena?" He asked, not keeping his eyes off the man.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded and moved closer to the orb and held his hand up and started channeling the shaodws into a funnel “when you see it’s ready, tell free to hit it with her holy flame. The white one”

John sighed and moved up to hold her, not noticing his own wounds healing faster with her there.

The guy hit the wall then slammed to the floor hard, a small black thing falling out of his ear. Serena slid down the wall, breathing hard and shaking. “Chas…
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay watched as Bane started to do what was needed, still finding some of his fascinating and new. She nodded in understanding of what he was asking for her even though she didn't even know Fee had such a flame. "I don't know what that is but okay" she said, then almost in a blink of an eye Fee had taken over Kay's body, "it's okay Kay, I know what he's talking about" Fee replied. "Though I have to warn you Bane, it has been a millennia since I have tapped into the holy flame. I don't know how well this will go" she warned Bane as she watched on through her golden eyes waiting for the opening she needed.

With their wounds healing, and becoming healed in a short amount of time, shorter than even Kay could accomplish, Fia woke up with a gasp of air and panting. Her eyes darted all around her as she refocused her mind and sight before realising she was in her dad's arms. "Dad?" She sought for confirmation.

Chas instantly went over to Serena's side, barely noticing what came out of the man's ear. Placing his hands on her shoulders, looking at her in the eyes to check she was okay. "You okay??" He asked.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane smiled and said “I do. You just blast this thing and I’ll handle any backlash okay?”

John smiled and said “you okay kiddo?”

She nodded slowly and said weakly “he attacked me…his the guy we rescued in Seattle…but he wasn’t right…it’s like his body was being used by another…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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"I'll follow your lead Bane, just give me the opening and I'll put an end to this anarchy." Fee replied, waiting for the opening to rid the rooftop of the false sun orb. As far as she was concerned, if Kay trusted this group, and this group trusted Kay, then they all would be under her protection as well as Kay. Hurting Fia was her extra incentive to go on the attack also.

FIA clenched one hand and rubbed her eyes as she let her mind and sight refocus on what was happening and where she was. Looking up at John, it all fell into place. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine. H---how did I get here?" She replied to him and asked.

Chas listened to Serena, feeling relieved that she was okay. Glancing over at the man he just knocked out, it suddenly clicked into place. He may not have been in Seattle himself, but he remembered the stories they all told him. It was then he saw the creature that came out of the man's ear. "Help me find a jar or something to capture that thing" he asked of Serena.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded and the funnel was made and ready to go as Bane made the barrier around the orb and said “your up my lady”

John said softly “bane saved you on the roof and Chas brought you here to recover. Can you move?”

Serena waved her hand and a weak shadow shot out and grabbed the thing and slammed it into the wall then into a bottle by the door. Serena was still shaking, now a line of blood on her neck. “Chas…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fee waited for the opportune moment to strike and when she was given the go ahead, she out-stretched her arms and hands in front of her, aiming for the funnel created by Bane. "Ancestors, aid me in my attack today" she muttered as she channelled the strongest of her flames and attacked the orb. A blinding white and gold flame surrounded herself then travelled down her arms and viciously flew at the orb and I to the funnel. As it grew, it swelled into the orb and soon enough it exploded the orb.

Fia listened to her dad's explanation of how she made it to his room from the roof. "Yeah..yeah I can move." She confirmed as she sat up beside him. "There was this...orb or something up on the roof. Super bright. I went to inspect it and I guess it threw me back, or at least, the energy coming off of it did. Guess it knocked me out" she summarised not just for herself, but also for John.

Chas was prepared to capture whatever creature it was on the floor, but it seemed Serena beat him to it. When she called his name, he looked over at her and saw the line of blood. "Shit" he cursed under his breath, going over to her. "What the hell?" He gasped as he inspected her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The shadows wrapped around the blast and kept it contained and soon just smoke came out. Bane was frowning and said “we need to find Serena. I have a feeling I know who was behind this…”

John nodded and said “makes sense…we should check on the others…”

It was a deep cut but small, from the mans blade. She didn’t know he had cut her. “It’s just a cut…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Fee watched on as the shadows finished the job. Satisfied that the false sun was dealt with, she gave back control to Kay once more. "Okay, hopefully they're all okay inside" she eventually replied after giving herself a few seconds to readjust once more to her surroundings and in her own body.

Fia sat up carefully so not to risk going lightheaded again. "Yeah...how you feeling? Shouldn't you be on bed rest?" She asked him, not realising initially that in her passed out state, she had somehow managed to heal not only herself, but also John.

Chas checked her neck and saw the state of it, gritting his teeth as he lightly hissed in response to what he saw. "Serena that could have been so much worse. Just put pressure on it okay?" He replied to her. "We'll get it dealt with asap" he added.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane lowered the shadows and nodded then he froze and turned his head “Serena is hurt. I feel it now. She’s weak as well”

John moved to get back to laying down but stopped. Then he moved the wrappings and saw his wounds healed. “By the heavens and hell…”

Serena nodded weakly and said “my legs are numb…I think he did something to me…where is Drake and Josh?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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"Okay, I'll go find her" Kay replied to Bane as he relayed concerns about Serena being injured. She couldn't fully understand even now how this attack happened without any of John's wards going off. It had to be utterly impossible, especially as he strengthened them not that long ago. Shaking her concerns off, she headed to the hatch and entered the mill house once more, heading down the corridor and finding Chas with Serena.

Chas kept checking her over for any other injuries, but didn't like that she stated her legs were numb. Not a good discovery. "They're safe." he simply said as Kay found them both. "You two okay? Bane said you were injured Serena" she greeted them, "She is. Cut throat but not life threatening, legs numb as well" he explained. With a simple nod, Kay entered the room and helped Chas get Serena to a bed to lay down.

Fia watched her dad just unwrap his bandages and saw for herself that she had somehow managed to heal not just herself, but also him. "Huh....seems I'm stronger than I thought" she mused out loud. She had to say, she was rather impressed with herself, but still surprised. Seems being both mage and phoenix has it uses after all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane looked around then found the cause. He knelt down and picked up a black shard and muttered “this must have broke his warding…dark magic indeed…”

Serena said as they helped her up “I think it’s just the shock…that guy had me…I haven’t been over powered like that in years…not a fine to be honest…”

John nodded and got up and said “let’s go check on the others. Figure out what the hell is going on”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Kay was glad that Serena was mostly okay, despite what Chas said. She couldn't help but glance over at the unconscious man on the floor and she couldn't help but feel like she recognized his face. She then looked back at Chas and Serena, "I'm glad you're both alright. Myself and Bane have dealt with the problem on the roof so with any luck we shouldn't be under any more threats for a little while at least" she replied to them both.

"Okay" Fia simply replied, scrambling off of his bed and standing up once more. Unlike a few times in her time, she didn't find herself get slightly light headed moving after passing out and she figured it was probably because her power got used whilst she was out cold and not when she was awake. Walking out his room with John, she headed to find Drake first, "I gotta check on Drake, he'll be worried about me no doubt" she told him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena nodded and out of her shadow appeared Bane holding the shard. “This is the cause of the wards failing. Black onyx. Cursed black onyx” he looked at Serena and asked “my lady?” She nodded and said “I’m okay…”

John nodded and said “go find him, I’ll find Kay and Chas”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Both Kay and Chas looked over when Bane appeared once more in the room with them all and showed them all the black onyx stone. Kay may not know fully what the cursed part was on it, but she knew what black onyx was and she could feel the dark aura radiating from it as well. Which for her, was something new to experience. The only time she felt something remotely similar to this was whenever she got close enough to iron or touched it and it burned her skin. "How should we get rid of it?" she asked.

"Okay, shout if you need us" Fia replied to John, knowing now that he was healed, he was capable of helping them with anything, but she still felt the need to be helpful and useful to her parents and family. She then ran off down to the study where Drake still was. Finding him there, right where she left him, she walked in. "Everyone is okay, sorry it took a while. We found some weird fake sun orb thing on the roof. Well, I say we, I mean me, but mum found me up there as it kinda knocked me out because me being me, I couldn't resist trying to touch it to inspect it." she said, making a sheepish chuckle at the end as even she knew it wasn't unusual for her to get into some sort of minor trouble because of her curiosity.

"But I'm fine now before you worry, somehow healed dad too in the process" she added.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane smirked and said “allow me” he held it in his fist and the gem shattered and then shadows reached around and absorbed the small pieces and then the gem was gone into nothing. Bane said “we need to tell master John of this. It seems someone is after us again…”

Drake was unconscious on the floor where Josh had found him before, blood dripping from his nose.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia was so engrossed in trying to reassure Drake that she was okay that it wasn't until after she actually stopped talking that she realised Drake was out cold and Josh was beside him. "Drake!" She exclaimed in shock, running over and kneeling down on the ground. "Oh no...Drake I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you" she spoke as she checked if he was okay. "Come on bro, wake up!" She pleaded of him.

Kay watched as Bane destroyed the gem and she couldn't help but nod in agreement that it was something they had to tell John about. "I agree, as much as John needs his rest, we can't exactly keep this from him" she replied, not realising that John was up and about and coming to find them.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake stirred a little, fighting to open his eyes as the pair helped him sit up slowly.

There was the sound of steps and John was at the doorway looking in and blinked a few times. “Hey…isn’t that the kid from Seattle? The Apollo blessed?” Serena nodded softly as she got up, shaking a little still.
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