Yo yo. CS's are ready.

The Red King, Your Grace, The Collector of Hearts.


29 years old

Rex has pale skin with auburn eyes - rumors has it they turn red when he is aggrivated. His jet black hair frames his handsomely sculptured face. He wears clothes in the finest of fabrics, mostly in varying shades of black. In battle he prides himself with an armor the color of the blood of his enemies.

Rex is obsessed with all the Alices, males or females, that enters Wonderland. He is trying to add them to his Collection of Hearts. He is notorious for his temper, violent outburts and slightly psychotic characteristics. However he is as charming as he is handsome, and he will do everything in his power to controll you.

Lonely steps echoing through the grand halls of Red Castle, running.
She’s back. Hide.
A shrill voice rung along the cold stone walls. “Rex, oh darling. Why are you hiding? It makes mommy so, so sad.”
She's not mom this time. She’s not. She’s not. I know what you did. What you did to father… And I know I’m next.
“You filthy, devil child - disobeying your mother like this. You know what happens next, darling. And it’s all your fault. It makes me so sad when I have to do this, but you leave me no other choice…” Pale, slender arms wrapped around the small boy's body. A careful embrace soon turning into a strangeling grip.
Chains around tiny wrists. Locked doors keeping the world away. Bolted windows ensuring no escape. The silver light from the moon creeping in through invisible cracks. A hushed whisper from the shadows.
“You and I will always be together. Don’t you worry. I love you. Mommy loves you. And you love mommy, don’t you. Don’t cry, sweet prince. Shh. Just like your father, you too will soon be part of my collection of hearts. Then you will always love me."
Years went by. A twisted game of hearts between a mother and her son. Both desperate to find someone to hold on to, seeking comfort in each other. One day a strange man was by his mother's side. His laugh was gentle and his eyes kind. The man had a daughter as beautiful as the day was bright who's presence made Rex's mother glow with pride. She was so fond of the little princess, who was kind to all she met.
Why… Why is mother… Smiling? Why does her laughter sound so real? I thought we would be together for ever. She told me- she- she lied? It’s all their fault. They want to steal her away. Steal her and leave me behind.
Rex got more jealous as the days went by, falling deeper and deeper into the darkness lurking in his heart. Under the cold eyes of his mother, Rex began plotting his own future. A future where nobody leaves him. Ever. He will make sure of that.

Rex is the red king, and is trying to gain control over Wonderland. He will use whatever means neccessary to obtain his goal - making sure nobody can ever leave Wonderland.

Every Alice that enters Wonderland.


Blake Bennet
The dormouse
His apperance would suggest he was in his early twenties. Real age is unknown, even to himself.
Small, both in height and weight.
- Mellow
- Tea abuser
- Suffers from narcolepsy, resulting in him falling asleep at the most unconventional moments
- Neutral allignment with the royals
- Just want some peace and quiet and for everybody to be happy
Blake is sort of the brown mouse of all the Wonderlanders. He is small and quiet, without a grand personality like so many other locals possess. He has been running the library for as long as anybody can remember, including himself. He thinks of both the hatter and the march hare as good friends, and is one of the regulars at the Mercury Café.
Blake is Wonderlands very own librarian. His sorting system is based on chategories such as the book's smell, feel and personality, all a subject of change depending on his mood. Ironically, he doesn't really know a lot, because he always falls asleep while doing research. He has a very fractured memory because of this, often misremembering events and mixing happenings together.
There are rumours of secret tunnels all over Wonderland and the heart of it all being the library. Blake, however, can never remember which books that are supposed to go where to activate the hidden switch. *Sigh. It sure would be nice with some help around here.*
Indigo Pelacour. He adores her cheery and friendly attitude. Also, he loves it when she plays the ukulele. Sadly, it often causes him to fall asleep…
Blake has a flock of pet pidgeons that sleeps in the attic of the library. He uses them to send messages around Wonderland, and this is a service he will offer to anybody who asks, though the cost may vary from day to day. Five buttons today, two ribbons tomorrow.
Played by:

The Red King, Your Grace, The Collector of Hearts.


29 years old

Rex has pale skin with auburn eyes - rumors has it they turn red when he is aggrivated. His jet black hair frames his handsomely sculptured face. He wears clothes in the finest of fabrics, mostly in varying shades of black. In battle he prides himself with an armor the color of the blood of his enemies.

Rex is obsessed with all the Alices, males or females, that enters Wonderland. He is trying to add them to his Collection of Hearts. He is notorious for his temper, violent outburts and slightly psychotic characteristics. However he is as charming as he is handsome, and he will do everything in his power to controll you.

Lonely steps echoing through the grand halls of Red Castle, running.
She’s back. Hide.
A shrill voice rung along the cold stone walls. “Rex, oh darling. Why are you hiding? It makes mommy so, so sad.”
She's not mom this time. She’s not. She’s not. I know what you did. What you did to father… And I know I’m next.
“You filthy, devil child - disobeying your mother like this. You know what happens next, darling. And it’s all your fault. It makes me so sad when I have to do this, but you leave me no other choice…” Pale, slender arms wrapped around the small boy's body. A careful embrace soon turning into a strangeling grip.
Chains around tiny wrists. Locked doors keeping the world away. Bolted windows ensuring no escape. The silver light from the moon creeping in through invisible cracks. A hushed whisper from the shadows.
“You and I will always be together. Don’t you worry. I love you. Mommy loves you. And you love mommy, don’t you. Don’t cry, sweet prince. Shh. Just like your father, you too will soon be part of my collection of hearts. Then you will always love me."
Years went by. A twisted game of hearts between a mother and her son. Both desperate to find someone to hold on to, seeking comfort in each other. One day a strange man was by his mother's side. His laugh was gentle and his eyes kind. The man had a daughter as beautiful as the day was bright who's presence made Rex's mother glow with pride. She was so fond of the little princess, who was kind to all she met.
Why… Why is mother… Smiling? Why does her laughter sound so real? I thought we would be together for ever. She told me- she- she lied? It’s all their fault. They want to steal her away. Steal her and leave me behind.
Rex got more jealous as the days went by, falling deeper and deeper into the darkness lurking in his heart. Under the cold eyes of his mother, Rex began plotting his own future. A future where nobody leaves him. Ever. He will make sure of that.

Rex is the red king, and is trying to gain control over Wonderland. He will use whatever means neccessary to obtain his goal - making sure nobody can ever leave Wonderland.

Every Alice that enters Wonderland.


Blake Bennet
The dormouse
His apperance would suggest he was in his early twenties. Real age is unknown, even to himself.
Small, both in height and weight.
- Mellow
- Tea abuser
- Suffers from narcolepsy, resulting in him falling asleep at the most unconventional moments
- Neutral allignment with the royals
- Just want some peace and quiet and for everybody to be happy
Blake is sort of the brown mouse of all the Wonderlanders. He is small and quiet, without a grand personality like so many other locals possess. He has been running the library for as long as anybody can remember, including himself. He thinks of both the hatter and the march hare as good friends, and is one of the regulars at the Mercury Café.
Blake is Wonderlands very own librarian. His sorting system is based on chategories such as the book's smell, feel and personality, all a subject of change depending on his mood. Ironically, he doesn't really know a lot, because he always falls asleep while doing research. He has a very fractured memory because of this, often misremembering events and mixing happenings together.
There are rumours of secret tunnels all over Wonderland and the heart of it all being the library. Blake, however, can never remember which books that are supposed to go where to activate the hidden switch. *Sigh. It sure would be nice with some help around here.*
Indigo Pelacour. He adores her cheery and friendly attitude. Also, he loves it when she plays the ukulele. Sadly, it often causes him to fall asleep…
Blake has a flock of pet pidgeons that sleeps in the attic of the library. He uses them to send messages around Wonderland, and this is a service he will offer to anybody who asks, though the cost may vary from day to day. Five buttons today, two ribbons tomorrow.
Played by: