Avatar of Furiosa
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 231 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Furiosa 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current How is it possible to me MORE hungry after eating than you were to begin with? Ugh


Last update: 26.01.18
A little bit about my preferences

Good morning, day or night to you – depending on where in the world you are. Probably USA. Everybody on this site seems to be from the USA.

Ground Rules:

I L O V E good grammar, well-built sentences and good coding. If you write with headlines, centred or subbed text, colour coded dialogue, a nice balance between speech, thoughts and description I will never let you go. Ok? You're mine now. Although nobody's perfect and we all make mistakes every once in a while. That's fine.

Writing style:
I try to write in a way that let's my partner know what my character is thinking (to a certain degree) and gives them something to play off. I can't stand replies that are just descriptive and gives me nothing to build on.

Don't overdo IRL hobbies:
Using your passions and hobbies from IRL is great, but please don't overdo it. Example: If you're super into cars – that's fine. You can use your interests in the RP or make your OC have the same interest. Just don't expect me to necessarily share the same enthusiasm about cars. It's cool to bring in stuff you know a lot about, if presented in such a way that even a person with no knowledge on the subject can understand. Don't write me five paragraphs about what car engine you have and how you plan on changing the gear pack or whatnot in full detail. Rather, you should come pick up my character in your car and then teach me how to change a tire – together.

Google is our friend:
If I write something you don't understand, try to google it first. I have no problem with explaining things, but in many cases, you could probably figure it out just as well with a quick google search. Don't make me do your work for you. Of course, I will try to write in a way that either explains or lets the context explain if I bring up something specific.

My schedule has become busier at the new year, so now I will only be able to answer once a week at most. Sorry.

Shared workload:
I want a PARTNER, not a leech. I expect us to share the work 50/50, and contribute to both the planning and the RP on equal ground. The same goes for me. If you feel like I'm not pulling my weight, tell me! Communication is key to everything good.

I'm most accustomed to the slice of life genre. Although I am very open to other genres such as fantasy, science fiction, a specific time era, etc. As long as we can discuss the world building together.

Congratulations on making it this far down in the post. *Applause* Now, if you're feeling it thus far, just ask yourself one more question: Am I mature enough to tell it to somebody straight that I'm not interested in this RP anymore, for whatever reason? If yes, continue reading on A. If no, continue reading on B.

Huzzah! I can't tell you how glad this made me. There are few things that's worse than getting properly invested in an RP, only to be left behind a few weeks later. No note, no nothing. It's a waste of both our times. But YOU'RE not like that! Pat yourself on the back. Good human. You've been raised well.







I'm up for either a long RP or several short ones. Let's figure out details together.
We RP over PM, with one IC chat and one OOC chat.
I really don't like are one-sided characters. Meaning: Super submissive, shy and embarrassed characters who only stutters, or super macho, dominating testosterone machines. I like the characters to be dynamic and have multiple layers and sides to their personality.


I am H O R R I B L E at coming up with plots. But I'm good at playing second fiddle and will try to contribute to a good story. Sorry, I'm just kind of lame like that.

Mad Max: Fury Road
I LOVE this movie. Seriously. It makes me so happy. I'd be interested in either doing a fandom inspired RP, or an OC RP just set in this world.
I mean, look at this dork. Too cute.

So yeah, that concludes the tour. I will update this if I think of anything more to add, obviously. If there's nothing to add there's nothing to update. Duh-doy.

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Still lurking about, yo


I thiiiiink they're more similar in size now. Hopefully.

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The burning wood crackling in the fireplace was the only audible sound in the throne room. The castle had fallen silent; servants had retreated to their quarters, horses had been brought back to the stable for the night - even the mice seemed to have calmed their squeaking as they scurried down the corridors. Golden candlesticks burned low and gave the room a warm, glow. Seated in a large throne in the middle of the room, the Red King was absentmindedly drawing circles in the air with his wineglass. The man's pale skin was quite the contrast to his dark, ebony hair hanging loosely around his face. His eyes were fixated on a spot on the floor, but his gaze was empty. The Red Guards, the king's personal guards, had been dismissed for the evening. The corners of the room seemed almost naked without their usual red placeholders standing by.

The creaking sound from rusty hinges broke the silence as a door from the servants corridor slowly opened. Emerging through the doorway was a small, well rounded man with a worried look on his face. He treaded carefully towards the king, craning his neck at the throne, which was facing the opposite direction, trying to catch a glimpse of the king. His mood was known to be unpredictable, and the man seemed aware of this.

"E-excuse me, Your Grace..." He stuttered, stopping a good distance from the throne. He took a deep bow, before resuming with a shaky voice. "P-pardon the intrusion, My King. To disturb you at this hour, oh sire, I am t-truly sorry. So very sorry." A brief pause occured once again as the man fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "It's h-happening again. All over Wonderland - there's b-been spotted several of them! The e-exact number is yet to be obtained, b-but there's more of them than ever before. You t-told us to come straight to you if this should happen, day or night, so... Again, g-great apologies, sire."

"Is that so." Slamming the glass down, the Red King stood up, a wicked smile tainting his lips. With determined steps he closed the distance between him and the servant swiftly. He grabbed his hands in his own gloved ones, bending down level with the man. "Well, what are you waiting for? Wake the others at once! This is what you've been preparing for ever since the last of them disappeared, right? Get to it!" The servant let out a small yelp, quickly covering his mouth at the release of his hands, before he disappeared back through the door he came from.

Ah, so we shall meet again, dear Alice.

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<Snipped quote by Furiosa>

Lol.. Thr story of Kylo Ren. His father Han may not like him dropping out his Jedi training though and using thr spoon instead of thr fork Luke.

It's trueeeeee. Daddy Han can't direct Ren's attention from sempai Vader's cool charm and alluring life style. The temptation of the dark side is too stronk
@Pilatus I was thinking an off-duty soldier, paramedic, or police officer. Seems like we already have two police force players and a soldier and at least one doctor in training, so I'm not sure where to go. Which is why I'd like to know if there are any roles that you or someone else would like to see that don't exist yet.

Don't worry about the doctor in training if you wanna go down the health care road- it is very possible that he will drop out of his studies eventually But the whole coast guard thing looks really cool too!
Ren White

City Hall

Siobhan @Almalthia started singing a duet, and Ren couldn't help himself but to comply. Their voices sounded good together, and even though he wasn't a big fan of the song it was nice to share the music with somebody else. Sometimes as a child, Ren would sneak out from his parents parties and find a quiet corner to play the piano by himself. Now that he thought about it, a little girl used to join him from time to time, also seeking refuge from the adults scrutinizing stares and questions about their future. A young man @The1Rolling1Boy appeared from the crowd, joining in on the singing. A friend of Siobhan's, maybe? He didn't have time to guess any further, before a young woman @Poi rushed past them, asking for a doctor. Ren felt his chest tighten. He wasn't a doctor by far. He was an unmotivated first year student who didn't even want to be there to begin with. Luckily, the girl kept running without bothering them any further. If it's that serious, somebody has to have called 911 already. Ren assured himself.

Ashton @Silver Fox went after the girl with a distressed look on her face. A woman of few words it seemed. Is she mute, or just… Reserved? Feeling a bit uneasy now, Ren stood up. "I'm heading after Ashton to see what's going on… Not that I'll be of much help, but I feel like it's the least I can do." With that, Ren chased after the tall blonde. It wasn't hard to see where to go. There was a circle of people with worried expressions and quiet whispers between them. Wasn't that the girl @Poi from the Coffee Pot? Sure enough, Joseph @Rabidporcupine was kneeling next to her looking very out of his element. There was a scruffy looking fellow @Reusablesword beside her as well. Ashton had already jumped in, using her necklace as a white board to write standard emergency questions on it. So she really can't talk, Ren mentally noted. "I assume you've already called 911, so all we can do now is wait." He looked between Joseph and the other man, standing there rather awkwardly. This was beginning to feel more like a freak show than it was an emergency and now he felt bad for joining the crowd, unable do do anything else himself.
I have a post planned but wanted Ren's reaction before I posted. I don't want to back seat drive him so I'll wait.

Thanks, I will try to get a post up soon. Uni started this week, and it's been pretty crazy

Oh yeah, that's kinda my fault! i guess i just assumed that you would have understood what i meant... I honestly figured that this would have happened but i shrugged it off. yeah, i wondering is Sebi could Soibhan's prince since her parents were social elites so it would have made sense if they had her go to a school like mine did, "The talented elite." It's okay if you already have plans. I was just throwing it there since i was bored and reading posts

Almalthia and I were planning something for Siobhan and Ren, I’m afraid. But hey! Sebi’s mother worked for a big pharmaceutical company, right? Ren’s dad owns a big pharmaceutical company! Located in California however, but they probably have branches in Texas as well. Maybe our characters could know each other from before because if that? Or went to the same private school or something? If it’s a boarding school the distance and location wouldn’t matter either.
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