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    1. FyreFenix 10 yrs ago


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After, to my surprise a dreamless night I awoke quickly and flew towards a wall. After encountering a swift pain on my head I get up and blink. 'First one up I assume.' I think to myself as I look out the window. Seeing the light pouring in I look around the room to find Ratnika still sleeping lying against the wall. I pull out a piece of paper and begin to scribble on it. "Going outside for some fresh air." after I am done writing down the note I place it close to Ratnika and walk outside the room. After walking down the hallway and seeing multiple drowsy pokemon, I make my way to the front door of the guild and head outside.

Walking forward and thinking to myself I begin to wonder what sort of things will happen today. Looking at the ground I don't realize that there was a pokemon right in front of me. Bumping into it I look up and begin to apologize. Before me I see an Absol with a white orb imbedded in its head. "Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going." I tell the Absol. Bowing my head again I say sorry once more and take a step to the side. "I'm Ven by the way." I tell the Absol politely and I bow my head in greeting. "Whats your name?" I ask the Absol.
Team Blue Steel is resting at Arnold's guild waiting on the time skip.
You know... Tomorrow I will write up a learnable movelist for Ven so he doesn't have any deus ex machina cheats.
Walking into the room I see Ratnika leaning against the wall sleeping. I decide not to bother him as I lay down in my bed, resting my head against the cold bedding. I begin to close my eyes hoping desperately for no dreams. To my despair I begin dreaming of the day my parents were killed. Everything played out the same way it had that day until I was engulfed in the shadows. A sharp light pierced through the darkness and I hear a voice calling to me. All that I could make out was my name, "Ven". The voice eventually faded away and I was left to rest in piece unsure of what had just occurred.
"Yeah, I think there are two boards. An outlaw board and a mission board" I tell Ratnika as we walk down the hallway. "The outlaw board contains jobs that have to do with apprehending criminals, while the mission board mostly involves helping other pokemon in some way." I say as I glance out the window. Seeing the darkened sky I realize how late it is. "You know, maybe we should wait until morning? it is kind of late. Plus it would give us time to rest and be ready to take on a missions in the morning." I say while looking at Ratnika. "So what do you want to do? Do you want to go now or wait until morning? I am fine either way." I say to Ratnika.
"Alright guild master." I say while looking at Arnold. "I would like the register as a guild member." I say happily. "Do you have a team member?" asks Arnold. "Of course!" I say while motioning towards Ratnika. "Perfect!" yells Arnold and he places a pack of supplies on the ground. Opening the pack I discover two bags, two team badges and two oran berries and two pecha berries. "Oh yes! I almost forgot! What is your team name?" Arnold asks me happily. "That would be Blue Steel." I say proudly. "Alright! Your room is down the hall and first door to the right!" Arnold then pushes me and the supplies out the door. I sling one of the bags over my soldier placing one oran berry, one pecha berry and one of the team badges in the bag. I then stand outside waiting for Ratnika.
"I think we have to notify the guild master that we are creating a team." I say to Ratnika. "I mean I'm not even a member of the guild yet." I say. "Well anyways, let's go tell the guild master." I add and I walk to the entrance to the guild masters chamber. The small bird pokemon is sitting in front of the door. "You're back..." the bird pokemon says unhappily. "Yes I am. Now I am afraid I didn't catch your name." I tell the small bird. "Likewise." the small bird tells me disappointingly. "My name is Archie." the bird informs me. "I am Ven and this is my partner Ratnika" I say as I motion in the direction of Ratnika. Archie sighs and leads me through the door and I wait for Ratnika to enter the room.
'Team Grey' I think to myself. "Sounds a little bit cliche." I tell Ratnika. I begin to think to myself and decide what our team name should be, I open the doors in my mind when a name hits me. "Blue Steel." I say aloud. "Because you are made of steel... I think, and my blue eyes." I mention to Ratnika. I start to think after looking at Ratnika a little bit closer 'How peculiar, his tapestry is yellow.' I wonder why I didn't notice this before. 'Well I am a little strange myself, so I guess its the same for others' I declare to myself. "So what do you think, Ratnika?" I question.
I thought about this for a moment. This Ratnika, just met me and already wants to be on a team. 'Can I trust him? Will he be a good teammate?' after some time of thought I decided to speak "Why not? I don't see any reason not to!" I answer. "Of course we would need to think up a team name." I add. "Any ideas?" I inquire. While waiting for a response I begin to think to myself 'Hopefully I will be able to find out what happened to me when the temple was overtaken. This mysterious energy, 'void' what is it capable of and why did it let me live?' I ask myself.
While walking around the guild looking for a team member I hear a voice calling to me. "Hmm?" I look over to where the voice was coming from. Debating whether to tell the Honedge or not I open my mouth to speak "Well, I am looking for someone to be on a team with, but i'm having a little bit of trouble with it." "I'm Ven by the way." I say as I look at the floating sword. "Personally I am surprised you are even talking to me. Every Pokemon I have talked to so far has been afraid of me because of my appearance and my typing, but that's besides the point." I tell the Honedge. "So what are you doing?" I ask him kindly.
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