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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"Hopefully we find it without having to be attacked though, I'd prefer if our ride back isn't ruined by this," Yumi commented with a slight smile, "And I won't drop you, don't be ridiculous. We don't know what's in the ocean here either, for all we know its filled to the brim with sharks. Or... Alien-shark... Things." What even lived on this planet anyways? Considering it seemed to be mostly water she could assume there were loads of big fish, and some of those fish were liable to eat them if given the chance. Yeah, swimming wasn't the safest idea then. It made more sense of them to land the ship and then fly towards the facility, provided they could even find it. In order to land though they needed an island for it, and after a brief search they spotted a dense island not far off, perfect for concealing their shuttle. "You want me to go clear some trees? Sure, easy enough," Yumi agreed as she undid her harness and slid out of her chair. Winking at Viral she stepped into the back of the ship, pulling the door wide open and giving the brothers a wave before jumping out to do her work.

It wasn't super easy convincing Shu that things were going to be alright, especially when there were little voices of doubt in his own mind. "Bad things happen to everyone buddy, and good things happen to everyone. I mean you gotta take the good with the bad, you know? That's life," Takeshi answered back, "And doing more fighting isn't always a good thing Shu. Just means I piss off more people than you do," the older boy added with a laugh, rubbing at his neck, "And what's it matter what dad thinks? He's a jerk, you shouldn't worry about what he thinks about you. Uh... And Krom said something about that before, why he kept you. He said it was because they were trying to get you to control your Oozaru. But know what? They did it in a really shitty way, there's other ways to help that other than doing what they did. We'll do it ourselves, right? And it won't be half as bad as what they did." They didn't need their father or any of those scientists, they had Vegeta and Aito, and Shu had him and all his friends. Speaking of why was Yumi coming back here? Glancing at her curiously he furrowed his brow as she threw the door open, raising them slightly then when she simply dropped out of the ship. "Uh... Okay then..."

So Viral just needed some trees cleared right? No problem, she could manage that much! Landing on the forest floor she was surprised by just how cool it was down here, expecting it to be a bit more like a jungle, hot and humid. The air was pleasantly crisp and untainted by smells that came with civilization though, it was shockingly refreshing. She wasn't here to sight see or appreciate the wilderness however and had to snap to the task at hand. Waving to Viral in the shuttle above she gave her knuckles a crack before sizing up the trees immediately around her. Most were fairly tall and thick, and it wasn't like knocking down saplings would do any good anyways. Taking stock of her first tree she cocked her arm back and threw a punch, splitting it on the point of impact and causing it to topple over with a resounding crash. Kicking the stump into bits she proceeded to do the same thing to another tree, and another, until there was a landing site large enough for the shuttle. With a triumphant smile she looked up again, waving to Viral to signal it was clear.
There had to be a way to improve Enki, it was just like any other skill a person could have. Granted not many people were making giant mechanical suits appear out of thing air but Yumi figured anyone could improve if they tried. Whether Viral could or couldn't anyways didn't matter much at the moment as now was not the time to be practicing techniques. Shame they hadn't the mind to think of it before though, could make this whole job of theirs much easier. What could also make this easier was knowing just where in the heck to go, seeing as they didn't even have a location for the facility yet. "But how are we going to know if we're close by? If it's underwater like you said then we're never going to spot it up here," Yumi commented, frowning as she peered down at the ocean below. Flushing slightly when Viral took a small jab at her she sighed and gave a nod, trying to find an island that was large enough for them to both land and hide the shuttle on. "Oh, right over there! That one looks good!" she declared, pointing to a well grown island just up ahead, probably one of the few natural ones. There was plenty of tree coverage to keep their ship concealed, and so long as they could find it again on their way back it shouldn't be a problem leaving it so hidden.

"Yeah you're just a little saint buddy, lucky you," Takeshi mumbled as his hand absentmindedly nursed his head, reminiscing about the constant smacks he was given. "Things will be just dandy when we start fighting, it's not like we're new to this stuff you know? And I have no clue, we probably gotta ask Aito what he's planning to do, I mean we could just leave those guys here after we're done." That might be a bad idea though, nothing would be keeping them from starting another project. Even he could figure unless they blew the whole place into pieces there was probably some way for them to restart, simply taking the Beastmen away wasn't going to cut it. There had to be some sort of risk with destroying the place too, he could definitely see it going badly if it came to that. "I mean really we're supposed to be having some kind of truce right now, not fighting each other and all. I bet our old man isn't going to be too happy when he hears about this," Takeshi said with a grin, "But screw him, I don't care if he likes it or not. I guess taking his men back to Uuonoe would just be the icing in the cake, you know? An extra kick in the pants after we ruin his project."
Well now that wasn't fair, Yumi knew it was going to be more complicated than just having one or two weapons to deal with. In a place where they were making Beastmen she knew the facility had to be filled to the brim with ways to handle them, otherwise keeping them in line wouldn't be easy. There were ways of doing it that didn't involve violence of course but then she doubted the Saiyans to use any of those methods. She wouldn't leave him to handle it all on his own regardless of what he said either, though she'd try to be as hands off as she could if only to not injure his pride. Frowning at the mention of ending one's own life Yumi fidgeted briefly in her seat, casting a sidelong glance out the window as she let out a sigh. "Not doing it and being here now shows you're strong Viral, I firmly believe that," she uttered after a moment, looking back and giving him a smile, "And yeah, Enki. If there's a way to do it I'm sure you can figure it out, and that would be amazing if you could. Nothing would be able to stop you then."

The ride down was proving to be a little jolting, but it did steady out some once they punched through the atmosphere. Shouldn't be long now until they were on land, and from there it was just minutes to the facility probably. There was a little nervousness on Takeshi's part, thre always was going into a battle, but really he was more excited than anything. Excited for his brother and his first two friends to be at it again, excited to be doing something actually good, something they wanted to do instead of being someone else's errand boys. Even still he was excited to see Viral back in action, knowing the guy had been out of it for quite a long time. "We have food, everyone likes food right buddy?" Takeshi asked, grinning as he patted his own stomach, "And I mean we have Yumi and Viral to help too, don't forget. Yumi's a people person, when she's not hitting you anyways, she'll figure it out. And Viral's one of them, if we can't do it then I'm sure he can." They had a way to win this fight even if they didn't know what that was yet, he was positive of it. Giving his brother a gentle punch in the shoulder he smirked, giving a slight gasp then when the ship shook briefly before glaring towards the cockpit. "Hey, watch it up there will ya?!"

Yumi immediately undid her mistake and placed her hands firmly in her lap, smiling apologetically as Takeshi shouted and Viral made a comment about her goof. "Heh... Sorry, just trying to help out." She hadn't a clue how the shuttle worked though, probably best to just remain completely hands off for the time being. Besides it looked like they were heading down now, landing was only minutes out if she had to guess. Looking out the window at the landscape she began to notice what Viral was pointing out, how some of the islands looked just strangely out of place or too perfectly shaped to be natural. So if they were looking for an island in a sea of fake ones, or as Viral said even underwater, how were they ever going to track it down? "And we have nothing to go off of, nowhere to begin looking other than a guess it's on an island," Yumi remarked with a sigh, her ears folding as she looked back at the radar, "Can we... I don't know, find a signal or something? Does the shuttle have anything like that, we can track something with?"
"Oh relax, it's not intrusive. I'm just curious that's all," Ulyssa shushed, tossing aside another shirt and peering at another. It was pink and yet bore skulls all over it, and the wrists had frills that resembled some kind of spikes. Raising an eyebrow she picked up the shirt and examined it, showing it to Lyra before setting it down. Seems like they had a very interesting roommate to wear that sort of clothing. She was about to go and look at another before hearing the door open behind them, hastily dropping off the ladder and folding her hands behind her back. Oops, probably not the best first impression.

Rayne grinned toothily as Lyra gushed over her and Noriko's appearance, giving a playful bow as their display was praised. "The one and only, the pleasure is all yours I'm sure," she said, laughing as she placed both hands on her hips, "And the championship fight was pretty boring honestly, they were total pushovers. I don't even know how that team got to the end, we beat two of them in under a minute, it was kind of pathetic really. Team uh..." Furrowing her brow as she wracked her brain for the information the eccentric girl groaned, stomping her foot on the carpeted floor before looking at Noriko. "Hey Nori, what was their team name again?"

"Uh... DUSK... I t-think..."

"Oh yeah, DUSK! Some edgy crap, I expected them to all be wearing black," Rayne continued, smirking as she then pointed to herself with her thumb, "There's only one person here who can pull that look off and not look like a complete idiot, and that's me. After we kicked their butts and won the whole thing we took a bit of a parade around town, it was a blast. You should have seen the stuff we got into!" Well the stuff she got into, the rest of her team had respectfully stood off to the side as she raised hell. But hey, she had been celebrating a big victory and it was deserved, who could blame her for that?

"Faunus? Girl I don't give a fuck if you're a human or a Faunus or a yellow and purple polka-dot monster, if you're cool then we're cool," Rayne replied dismissively, moving over to her bed and clambering up the ladder to her bunk. "In our line of work you don't have time for being one of those prejudiced assholes, I'll take anyone who's willing to watch my back in a fight," she continued as she began throwing clothes around, trying to dig up her guitar from the mountain of mess. Finally finding it she beamed and hopped back down, brandishing her instrument as she strummed the strings idly, "You aren't the only Faunus in Beacon either girly, there's a lot more, even if they try hiding it. Way I see it is anyone who treats you like crap for who you are isn't worth your time," Rayne said with a wink, strumming the strings again before setting her instrument at her feet, "And they're losing out on a fine young girl by being jerks."

Well this was... Intriguing. Rayne certainly had a personality and loved to talk, not to mention her unusual outfits. So much for some semblance of normalcy while they were roommates. Clearing her throat Ulyssa smiled awkwardly and folded her hands behind her back, hoping Rayne was through with her sermon. "Yes, well... I'm glad to see you're so open minded. We won't be a nuisance while we're here I assure you, and we certainly will take your advice. Personally I don't see the reason for the bigotry, Faunus haven't done any wrong by me and I have no reason to dislike them," she explained, casting a smile towards Lyra.


Their time spent in Emerald Forest was taxing to be sure, but did they really have to turn in so soon? Soren would be fine for a while yet and would prefer getting a decent meal now as to laying down. Glancing over his shoulder and watching his teammate climb into his bunk he sighed, figuring he was off to the mess hall by himself then. Turning his head then towards Voyd as he began speaking again he frowned at the tone being taken with them, disliking already how they were being spoken down to. Was he saying that as if he or Owyn didn't know this already? They assigned teams for a reason, and obviously some missions would require cooperation among groups, that was a given. It annoyed him how Voyd assumed they weren't going to have any success in that department, but he kept his remarks to himself.

"We'll keep that in mind, thanks," Soren responded simply, his eyes locking on Voyd briefly before he glanced back at Owyn, "I'm heading down for some food, see you later." He didn't need to sit around and be lectured by some fourth year, even if he might know what he was talking about. There was being helpful and then there was being a presumptuous, arrogant jerk, which Voyd came off as. Stepping out of the room he shut the door behind himself, breathing a heavy sigh before heading for the stairwell. He just hoped Owyn didn't open his mouth and get himself killed while he was out eating, it would be a pain in the neck to replace someone on the first day.

It was strange in a way, thinking that they were true Huntsmen now. That wasn't wholly correct to say he supposed but they were beginning their training at last, after what felt like countless hours at both the battle academy and in the Emerald Forest. Soren was hardly disheartened at knowing they had some years ahead of them still, confident he could take that time to hone his skills and become a decidedly decent Huntsman. He didn't need to be one of the big names, he just had to be successful enough to send money home, that was all. While he'd prefer to begin doing that part as soon as possible he knew work was a ways off for them, he'd have to do his best to help in whatever way he could until then. Furrowing his brow as he considered what he could offer now he accidentally bumped into someone on the stairs, glancing up briefly to see who it was an mutter "Sorry" before continuing on.
"Well we'll just work around that. If we know they're going to try using their weapons on you, we know what we're up against. They probably have some too for keeping the other Beastmen in line," Yumi said thoughtfully, nodding to herself, "So if we get rid of those weapons they lose their only advantage, which shouldn't be hard." Sure they had a counter for Viral and even their own creations, but when that didn't effect either Takeshi or Shu there was good chance they'd fight someone it was useless against. What about her? Being only a fraction of a Beastman she couldn't say how they'd fare against her, and she preferred not to find out if possible. "We should get it back to you after this is done, I don't even know why he took it away. Seems kind of ridiculous honestly." It was obvious by now Viral was healthy enough and not going to go berserk or anything, it was time they stopped tiptoeing around trying to make sure not to accidentally set him off. Watching as the hull of the ship split open and the vacuum of space revealed to them Yumi eased back in her seat as they moved out, cutting through the void and heading down towards the atmosphere. "I mean... They could probably make you one, if you really wanted," she mused, glancing over with a smile, "Or... What if you learn to use that suit of yours? Maybe that can fly?"

Settling in his seat as the shuttle bounced on take off, Takeshi leaned his head back against the cushions and let out a low sigh. This was probably going to be one heck of a fight even if he was confident they could win, given the numbers they were probably going up against. The last fight they'd had was against some mindless monsters and that giant freak of nature, he almost forgot what it was like to fight an actual Saiyan. It would be even worse if they somehow ended up having to fight the Beastmen, he didn't know what they would do if it came to that. Hopefully Yumi and Viral had a way to stop that from happening because he was completely out of ideas. "Well... I mean you get in a crappy place and it's hard to think of it being better, right? I mean we've both been there you know? But you just gotta give them a little hope, kinda... I don't know, show them a glimpse of what's in store for them. If they have a reason to want to leave then they will," Takeshi explained, smiling thoughtfully as he looked up at the ceiling, "It's like the doc said, they need to know what else there is to want to leave. So... I don't know, we'll think of something to show them, yeah?"

Whatever they were going to say or do should be decided on quickly, because it wasn't that far of a trip to the facilities. After breaking through the atmosphere the group was greeted with a seemingly endless ocean, broken up occasionally by a cropping of islands or mountains peeking out from the ocean floor. From high above it was impossible to tell what might be below the surface, though Takeshi found himself thinking of the giant fish from Uuonoe. At the very least they might get a decent meal while here, he thought with a smirk. Of course there would be no eating until they went and kicked the Saiyans out, and then handled whatever fallout came from releasing the Beastmen. Maybe that was a way they could get their trust, give them a nice big meal to snack on. After all it always helped calm them down by snacking on some tasty food, it would probably work for these people too.

It was awfully nice that the shuttle came equipped with a radar, shame Yumi hadn't a clue how it worked or how to operate it. There was an occasional blip on it as they flew along yet she couldn't make heads or tails of what it was, guessing by the shapes though it was the islands being picked up. "This world is huge, I really hope we're not on the completely wrong side," she muttered, leaning forward in her seat as though it would help seeing better, "I guess we're moving fast enough it's not such a big deal though. I wonder if there's something in here that we can use to help find the place..." Plenty of buttons and yet she hadn't a clue what any of them did, now was a good a time as any to find out. Tilting her head curiously she reached forward and flipped one switch, her ears perking up as flaps on the wings outside opened up, creating slight drag that slowed them down. Smiling apologetically she hastily flipped it back, leaning into her chair and folding her hands across her lap. "I won't touch anymore, sorry."
"Oh I know, I'm only saying worst case we can protect the ship while you land it. And they can't fly around if we're inside, and when they can't fly that's when you have an advantage," Yumi said, winking as she sat in the co-pilots seat, "There's not a lot of people who might beat you in a straight fight, the Saiyans aren't going to know how to handle you." Now that he was healthier as well there was a serious possibility that Viral might the the strongest out of them once again, even if he may not necessarily feel it. They would all fight of course but a small part of Yumi hoped perhaps she, Viral and Takeshi would do most of it; sitting in the cockpit she could just feel Shu's unease about what was going on, sparing him from having to get too involved would be a blessing for him. Watching as the ship was prepared to be launched she smiled slightly at his complaint, fastening her belts and shrugging her shoulders. "You can always swim across if you want to," she joked, "But really it's our only option, and I'll set you down as soon as we get to the island, I promise. I know you don't want to have to be given a lift."

Maybe he should just keep Shu behind him while the fighting went on, not have the little guy throw any punches even. It would probably upset him to not be helping but it didn't look like fighting was going to do him any good either. "Nah, don't worry about it buddy. I wouldn't dream of making you go off on your own, you know?" Doing up the straps of Shu's harness as well Takeshi gave it a slight tug to make certain it was secure, ruffling Shu's hair then before strapping himself in to boot. Feeling the shuttle then rattle a bit he knew they were beginning to take off, unable to see much out of the tiny windows along the sides of the shuttle. Chuckling when his sibling clutched then to his arm Takeshi grinned, nodding in agreement with Shu before looking towards the cockpit. "They will be. Maybe not at first, you know? Like Vegeta and his old man were saying they might be angry or confused or whatever, but they'll come around. There's way more for them than just whatever stuff they got them doing here, I don't see any reason they wouldn't be happy about it."
"What if we protect the ship while you land it? It's not very sneaky, but that way we know you won't be attacked," Yumi suggested, "If they come out and attack too that means we fight outside, we don't have to risk fighting inside and possibly hurting someone, or destroying something." Realistically their ship was probably going to be targeted at some point, she doubted they could get in there completely undetected. So having an attack first thing before they even landed might be beneficial for them. "Or... There might be other islands nearby, ones that they don't use for the testing. We could land the ship there and fly over?" She doubted anyone was going to leave the island once they showed up, that should be a nice safe route for them as well. Ultimately though it was up to Viral to make the decision, he was the most military-oriented out of all of them. Yumi knew just fighting on occasion didn't really make her a soldier, certainly not one that could think things through as well as Viral could.

They didn't know how to go about this even now as they loaded up yet Takeshi wasn't worrying too much. They knew what they were doing, it wasn't the first time they had gone in to fight with next to no plans. They'd figure it out, even if it took them a little while to do so. Anyways he couldn't really help the others try and come up with a plan right now as Shu looked like he was having a pretty awful time of being inside the shuttle. "I'll fly you down buddy if you want, just like we always do," the older boy reassured, taking a seat along the wall and patting the spot beside him, "What, you think I'm gonna say no? Of course you can stay near me." Crap, and he'd seemed so happy and relaxed before too, why was he getting like this again? Was going into a fight really that nerve-wracking for Shu or was it being in the tiny ship? How come he was never afraid when they were in their room, something that wasn't exactly spacious? Eh, far be it from him to try and explain how people worked. "We're going to go kick some Elite butt, and then we're gonna help these people out," Takeshi recited confidently, smirking as he looked at Shu, "They might not know it yet, but they'll be happy, you know? They'll have a chance to not just be a puppet or something."
"Just because we want them to be comfortable right? If we force them into a cold ship or something like that then I don't see them wanting to come with us," Yumi explained carefully, frowning as she considered Viral's point, "I wonder if anything will even fit some of them, if they're too big..." There was a lot that could make the Beastmen upset and not trust them, and none of them were exactly diplomats; seeming like the better people here was going to be huge, otherwise they could alienate the people before they even had a chance to try and take them off the facility. Having as much of cargo as they did too showed just how many Beastmen they might be encountering down there, and it made her wonder if they even had enough room to move people, should they have to. "We can keep the ship safe until you land, that shouldn't be a problem. I'd be more worried about the Saiyans trying something really," Yumi interjected, frowning as Viral brought up keeping the ship safe. How would they protect it? All she could really think of was hiding it somewhere, yet depending on the size of the island they were going to there may not be room to do such a thing.

Whatever the plan was they didn't have a whole lot of time to think on it, seeing as they were now loading into the shuttle. To Takeshi it didn't seem too complex, just go in and beat up whoever was keeping those people there, take the Beastmen away after. Sure they might not want to go, but they'd find some way to convince them to. "We'll find a way to hide it, I don't know where, but we will. I mean there's got to be some trees or something on the island, you know? We can set it down near those. Besides if we're raising hell at the facility how many people are going to be out looking for a ship anyway?" He didn't think they really had to worry about it too much considering everyone was going to be busy fighting over the Beastman. They just had to be extra careful when trying to get the Beastmen out that none of the Saiyans didn't follow them, losing the shuttle would really suck. Their only way to get out then would be for Vegeta to land this behemoth of a ship they stole and board that, though where they would land it was beyond him. "Let's get this show on the road, I'm ready to go kick some Elite ass!" Takeshi said eagerly, hitting the button in the rear of the shuttle to seal it up, "Ready to go help them buddy?"
This was going about as poorly as it possibly could have. Everyone was split up, more enemies had shown up and now Amuné was nowhere to be found. Where had that child run off to? Much as Nymira felt compelled to look for the young Ydran she couldn't even take the chance as one of the men in suits fired ice shards at her, threatening to nail her to the deck with the projectiles. If not for some timely interference on Zander's behalf she might have died then, able to scramble instead behind a pile of crates for cover. Once suitably out of the way she was surprised to find the burning in her throat gone as well, though her bodily fatigue remained. Too much magic, she noted, leaning her head up against a crate. And yet these men seemed to use magic with no wear on themselves, what nonsense was this? And those strange tools they all carried, something seemed amiss here.

Not good, not good at all. Everyone was all over the place and now Amuné of all people were down here with this woman. Ethan had no choice but to hold her at sword point now, at least until he was absolutely certain his little companion was out of harm's way. Hearing Amuné argue only made his heart tighten, closing his eyes momentarily and exhaling as he tried to keep himself settled. She was in too much danger here, yet by the sounds of it she couldn't return to the deck either. She had to find Cecil, he could keep her safe and then they could flee. Job or not this was no longer worth the risk, there was a very real chance they might not get out of here if this continued. "Find Cecil and get back on deck, I'll be up in a minute," he urged her, trying to smile despite his nerves getting to him. There was no knowing what the best course of acting was now, they were flying blind here.

"What...? Men using magic? Men in suits...?" What was so familiar about that? Furrowing his brow he gasped when he made the connection, thinking back to their initial meeting with Cecil; four men wearing suits and carrying an assortment of weapons, blown away by a large gust of wind on his behalf. Were these the same men, come back for his humiliating them? Either way they clearly were not the friendly sort, something had to be done and quick. Hearing what was going on and Amuné's voice breaking as a result was just awful, Ethan found himself yearning to race back up deck and do what he could to help. Before he could get another word in edgewise however an awful scream sounded from down below, coming from Cecil more likely than not. What was wrong? What was happening down below?

"Amuné. Cecil, now." Ethan repeated, speaking through clenched teeth as his grip on his sword tightened. They couldn't wait any longer, things had gotten too out of hand. Watching as the Ydran girl fled downstairs the Muran let out a sigh, stepping over Danica and slowly crouching down, snatching up her dagger and throwing it across the room out of her reach. "Look, whatever these men are paying you for, give it up, we're only here to take back what was stolen," he explained calmly, smiling slightly as he drew his sword away to allow Danica to move, "And I'm not hurting you, I can tell you're not one of the bandits. I don't know what your deal is but we don't have any reason to fight, and you should leave, things are getting kind of bad. Just forget this ever happened." Now where did he go from here? Down to help Cecil, or up to see how the others were faring? After deliberation he opted for the former, trying to head to the stairs leading down into the bottom of the ship.

"You damn healer, what are you saving me for?! Don't be an idiot and die trying to be a hero!" Nymira shouted across the way, ducking as more ice shards were fired and tore part of the crate into splinters. Blast it all, she had maybe one cast of magic left in her before she collapsed entirely, and there were still four men. Their one saving grace were the bandits who remained fighting, though given the absurdity of that weaponry she doubted they would last long. They had maybe a minute at best before they were set upon, and at this point what could they do to fight? Even if she could reach her daggers along the far side of the boat she hardly had the energy left to wield them, running purely on adrenaline at this point. "At this point we need a miracle to beat these men, and they're not even proper Magi, how despicable..."
"Well... I mean there's nothing wrong with being a soldier, but we just don't want them to be only soldiers. They should get to see what else they can do in life, and if they want to just be soldiers... Well, then we let them. But you never know what else they might like." More than anything too they should be soldiers fighting for what they wanted to be fighting in, or at least something they believed in. Soldiers weren't just mindless machines, they had thoughts and feelings all their own and could disagree with someone over it. Yeah they were made to fight those monsters but what if they didn't want to? They shouldn't be forced to if that were the case. Seeing that everything was now in place for their departure they really should get a move on, following after Viral as he turned to leave ahead of the others. "Maybe he does mean Saiyan armor, I mean technically those are a type of clothing," Yumi suggested, smiling as she kept pace at her friend's side, "I doubt they have those people running around naked though, we probably don't have to clothe them. Though if they are naked..." She didn't want to have to deal with that, it would be much too awkward. Plus if Shu saw that? It was an awful lot of questions that no one was going to want to answer.

So that was done with, time to go kick some Saiyan ass then? Good because these creeps had a hell of a lot to answer for and they'd probably been doing this mess since Viral's capture over a year ago, punishment was quite a bit overdue. Glancing down as Shu tugged at his hand Takeshi smiled and nodded his head, pulling his brother along as he followed Viral and Yumi. "We'll be back before you guys know it, just you watch!" he shouted back, waving to the others before the door to the bridge shut behind them. "Just stick with me while we're down there buddy, we'll fight together if we gotta, just like we always do. Yumi and Viral can fight together too, everyone's gonna be just fine." Heck if they could spar with Krom now then fighting someone lower on the ladder shouldn't be any problem at all. Sure it was more than raw strength, Takeshi got that, but it wasn't like they were lacking in experience anymore either. As long as nothing unexpected happened it should be an easy fight, with the real tough parts being trying to figure out how to make the Beastmen come with them.

The shuttle really was all set for them when they arrived, a handful of crew just finishing on strapping down some boxes with goods in them. Seemed like they were ready for their trip down, though now it was occurring to her how they planned on making the trip back; fitting 10 people in the shuttle had been very complicated, so at best they could only fit another 7. "So we should probably be safe about this right? Land far from the buildings and sneak in on foot?" Yumi asked, posing the question more to Viral then anything, "Except... Do you think they'll notice us? The Beastmen I mean, if they can smell or hear us coming." But then again if they were stuck somewhere inside they probably couldn't do much, never mind be able to tell if someone was sneaking up on the place.
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