"Hopefully we find it without having to be attacked though, I'd prefer if our ride back isn't ruined by this," Yumi commented with a slight smile, "And I won't drop you, don't be ridiculous. We don't know what's in the ocean here either, for all we know its filled to the brim with sharks. Or... Alien-shark... Things." What even lived on this planet anyways? Considering it seemed to be mostly water she could assume there were loads of big fish, and some of those fish were liable to eat them if given the chance. Yeah, swimming wasn't the safest idea then. It made more sense of them to land the ship and then fly towards the facility, provided they could even find it. In order to land though they needed an island for it, and after a brief search they spotted a dense island not far off, perfect for concealing their shuttle. "You want me to go clear some trees? Sure, easy enough," Yumi agreed as she undid her harness and slid out of her chair. Winking at Viral she stepped into the back of the ship, pulling the door wide open and giving the brothers a wave before jumping out to do her work.
It wasn't super easy convincing Shu that things were going to be alright, especially when there were little voices of doubt in his own mind. "Bad things happen to everyone buddy, and good things happen to everyone. I mean you gotta take the good with the bad, you know? That's life," Takeshi answered back, "And doing more fighting isn't always a good thing Shu. Just means I piss off more people than you do," the older boy added with a laugh, rubbing at his neck, "And what's it matter what dad thinks? He's a jerk, you shouldn't worry about what he thinks about you. Uh... And Krom said something about that before, why he kept you. He said it was because they were trying to get you to control your Oozaru. But know what? They did it in a really shitty way, there's other ways to help that other than doing what they did. We'll do it ourselves, right? And it won't be half as bad as what they did." They didn't need their father or any of those scientists, they had Vegeta and Aito, and Shu had him and all his friends. Speaking of why was Yumi coming back here? Glancing at her curiously he furrowed his brow as she threw the door open, raising them slightly then when she simply dropped out of the ship. "Uh... Okay then..."
So Viral just needed some trees cleared right? No problem, she could manage that much! Landing on the forest floor she was surprised by just how cool it was down here, expecting it to be a bit more like a jungle, hot and humid. The air was pleasantly crisp and untainted by smells that came with civilization though, it was shockingly refreshing. She wasn't here to sight see or appreciate the wilderness however and had to snap to the task at hand. Waving to Viral in the shuttle above she gave her knuckles a crack before sizing up the trees immediately around her. Most were fairly tall and thick, and it wasn't like knocking down saplings would do any good anyways. Taking stock of her first tree she cocked her arm back and threw a punch, splitting it on the point of impact and causing it to topple over with a resounding crash. Kicking the stump into bits she proceeded to do the same thing to another tree, and another, until there was a landing site large enough for the shuttle. With a triumphant smile she looked up again, waving to Viral to signal it was clear.
It wasn't super easy convincing Shu that things were going to be alright, especially when there were little voices of doubt in his own mind. "Bad things happen to everyone buddy, and good things happen to everyone. I mean you gotta take the good with the bad, you know? That's life," Takeshi answered back, "And doing more fighting isn't always a good thing Shu. Just means I piss off more people than you do," the older boy added with a laugh, rubbing at his neck, "And what's it matter what dad thinks? He's a jerk, you shouldn't worry about what he thinks about you. Uh... And Krom said something about that before, why he kept you. He said it was because they were trying to get you to control your Oozaru. But know what? They did it in a really shitty way, there's other ways to help that other than doing what they did. We'll do it ourselves, right? And it won't be half as bad as what they did." They didn't need their father or any of those scientists, they had Vegeta and Aito, and Shu had him and all his friends. Speaking of why was Yumi coming back here? Glancing at her curiously he furrowed his brow as she threw the door open, raising them slightly then when she simply dropped out of the ship. "Uh... Okay then..."
So Viral just needed some trees cleared right? No problem, she could manage that much! Landing on the forest floor she was surprised by just how cool it was down here, expecting it to be a bit more like a jungle, hot and humid. The air was pleasantly crisp and untainted by smells that came with civilization though, it was shockingly refreshing. She wasn't here to sight see or appreciate the wilderness however and had to snap to the task at hand. Waving to Viral in the shuttle above she gave her knuckles a crack before sizing up the trees immediately around her. Most were fairly tall and thick, and it wasn't like knocking down saplings would do any good anyways. Taking stock of her first tree she cocked her arm back and threw a punch, splitting it on the point of impact and causing it to topple over with a resounding crash. Kicking the stump into bits she proceeded to do the same thing to another tree, and another, until there was a landing site large enough for the shuttle. With a triumphant smile she looked up again, waving to Viral to signal it was clear.