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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"Hah, you were nothing but a subject, a tool for the project! I've been entrusted with its protection," the Elite shot back with a grin, taking another swing at Viral and missing by just a hair, "You're no longer of use to us here!" Having two more strikes blocked the Saiyan twisted his body around and kicked at Viral's chest, having it blocked yet knocking him away into the remains of the wall with a satisfying crash. Smirking proudly his mouth quickly contorted into an annoyed frown as he was provoked, stalking forward to pummel some sense into the Beastman. With surprising speed however Viral came at him as well, throwing a series of rapid and powerful punches. The first one or two were easily blocked, but the second made it through and slammed into his side, the second into his shoulder and the third into his jaw. After that his guard was broken and he took several hard strikes, finally ending up on his back when it was all done. "Hah... I should expect nothing less... From a former commander," the Elite chuckled, sitting up and spitting out blood as it dribbled from between his lips. "But it takes more than that to beat a Saiyan, you should know." Pushing himself up he dashed back in at Viral, throwing a flurry of punches of his own.

Takeshi figured he was being kind of cool with that line, provoking the soldiers and all too. With Shu pointing out the obvious though his shoulders sagged and an eyebrow twitched slightly as he found it totally lost on his brother, letting out a sigh and deciding to hell with it. Charging into the fight he knocked off two soldiers right off the bat, smirking seeing Shu getting all involved right away. One nice thing about fighting soldiers like this was it didn't take much to put them out of commission, just one good strike usually did it. Turning to another nearby soldier he leaned to the side to avoid a fist, grabbing the man's arm and holding it under his own before punching him twice in the face, letting go and watching him simply drop backwards in a daze. "Man... I kinda wish we were fighting the Elites..." he mumbled, letting out a slight gasp as a blast hit his back. Stumbling forward a few steps he frowned and glanced back at his burned shirt, shooting a blast in turn at the soldier responsible for hitting him and sending the guy careening across the floor.

Yumi knew how she had to fight the Elite now but that didn't make it too much easier. He still struck hard with what he had left and it wasn't as though hitting pressure points permanently numbed a limb. She had to deal with a lot more than just a single limb too if she wanted to beat this man. Taking advantage of her speed she began ducking and weaving to avoid his strikes, finding her speed was at least greater than his own. Managing to evade a nasty chop that made the air reverberate around it Yumi struck out again at his leg, hitting the spot just above his knee and again on his thigh, spinning her body and kicking the dead leg out to bring him to a knee. Trying to kick him in the face and knock him down she grit her teeth when her leg was grabbed instead, being lifted up and slammed back onto the floor. Trying to wrestle her leg free she was dragged across and slammed into the wall, letting out a groan as her body smashed against the hard surface. In a fit of desperation she gathered Ki and threw it at his face, hitting him and causing him to drop her and send him back. Ignoring the pain in her back and sides Yumi charged him down and tackled his leg, popping it out of the socket and knocking him over, sitting on top of him then and giving his jaw a good few punches in hopes of knocking him out.
As groups had been decided long before this point there was no use in trying to change them now. Shame, that, as Doku wasn't terribly thrilled with who he'd gotten. Suto he would have in his group without question, it was the other three he was not thrilled off. A heavier set man wielding a hammer, complaining constantly of wanting food in spite of hunger being almost nonexistent. Beside him was a tall, thin man wielding a bowstaff, seeming to be just as impatient with his companion as Doku was, and about as imposing as a garden gnome. The final member, a woman with a pair of chakrams, looked far more inclined to inspect some of the more impressive males in this team than focusing on the fight. He hardly wished for death upon any of the people present, but if any were to fall he'd not be terribly surprised to find those three among them. Every player present was presumably competent, but he'd hold that reservation to himself until the battle actually began.

Tension and excitement both unbridled, the air thick with each as the groups formed and prepared for the final battle. With knowledge of the boss courtesy of the Beaters they were confident victory was at hand, and this becoming a death game did little to cause players to waver. Yes there was real threat and a single misstep could spell the end, but with many of the best gathered here and several veterans of the MMO genre there was ample reason to be assured things would work out. Rallying around their designated leader, a blue-haired man named Diavel, everyone prepared to pass the threshold into the boss room. With a resounding kick that signaled the beginning of the battle the doors were thrust wide open and players filed in, spreading out and keeping to their groups. This was most certainly the room, but where was the boss?

"Does it have a trigger for its spawn or something?" Suto wondered aloud, frowning as he stood upright and glanced around. He knew in some games bosses might need specific events to happen, maybe that was the case here? Though it would be weird for the first boss to be like that, he'd think there was nothing special about it. A bit disappointed to find nothing awaiting them he let out a sigh and slumped, looking at his brother who remained on alert. "This is a total rip off, where's the boss, Arashi? I wanted to fight it!"

Yes, where was it exactly? One would expect the boss to be waiting for them in the room, standing in the center surrounded by innumerable minions. As soon as the door was thrown open it should have initiated the instance, so where was the enemy? Keeping a hand on the hilt of his greatsword he scanned the room patiently, his emerald eyes poring over ever pixel for some sign of life. Save for the flickering of the torches along the out edge of the arena nothing moved, this seemed wrong. No sooner had he considered the possibility of this being a trap a roar alerted everyone present, and soon thereafter a heavy weight slammed into the floor of the arena, causing a small quake as players fought to keep on their feet. At last at the head of the room was their target, Illfang, and with another thunderous roar the battle truly commenced.

In keeping to their groups some players moved to strike at the boss while others remained behind, fending off the numerous smaller beasts that spawned. Grabbing Suto's collar to keep him from running off, Doku rolled his eyes once and threw his sibling behind him. "Don't leave my side, we agreed on that. Help me with the adds." Moving slowly through the room he found their first target in a triad of kobolds, each brandishing some form of bladed weaponry. Pulling his greatsword from his back Doku stepped forward to meet a charging beast, and with a wide arching swing he cut it clean in two, promptly spinning his body once the cooldown passed and repeating the motion, decimating the second. The third kobold by this time was nearly upon him, letting out a shrill howl as it struck at him with its rusted dagger. The blade missed his skin however as Suto lunged forward and landed on its back, driving his tantō through its neck.

As the battle progressed it appeared as though the confidence from before was not misplaced. The boss followed the patterns dictated in the books, the minions were hardly difficult and not a single loss had been taken. The two brothers were a flurry of steel as they cut down one kobold after another, with Doku's wide swings cleaving at times two or three at once, and Suto darting about so swiftly some of the enemies had trouble keeping their eye on him. All told it was expected without conversation that they would triumph before long, and moving forward they would only be even more emboldened. Tentative as Doku tried to be during the battle even he found himself relaxing as they made progress, impressed that their group, like a well oiled machine, worked flawlessly and performed its job without error. Exchanging a glance with the portly hammer-wielding man from before they shared something almost akin to an amicable smile, pleased with how events were unfolding.

As things are wont to however the battle changed at the drop of a hat, and what was a flawless victory quickly turned sour. The first sign something was amiss was seeing Diavel thrown across the room by Illfang, slamming into one of the pillars and cracking it. When the hefty beast lunged across the open space and closed the gap, talwar raised high above its head, everyone must have known what was coming next. After the shards of their leader dispersed an eerie silence fell over the once hectic battle, even the minions seeming to stop to take stock of what had occurred. Replacing the sounds of jubilation and triumph then were screams of panic and terror, rank broke and players began to spread out. Illfang was hardly through however as his aggro reset, charging down a nearby spear user and skewering them with ease. The fight which they should have breezed through suddenly became infinitely more difficult.

"W-Wait... How'd it do that? That wasn't in the book!" Suto voiced among others, staring wide-eyed as Illfang claimed a second and third victim within seconds. Had they changed the boss since the beta? Mind running a mile a minute he tried to find an explanation for what was happening, poring over everything he knew of video games for an answer. He seemed to be berserk, Illfang, and he was simply attacking whoever was closest. So what should they do? Someone with more health should try and take his aggro, but what if they fell too? Despite being eager for the encounter moments before he now found his body unwilling to comply with him, his hands shaking as he watched yet another player fall to the boss' onslaught. They were actually going to die here.

Hearing the howl of a nearby kobold Suto managed to finally tear his gaze from the boss, eyes widening seeing its blade speeding towards his neck. Fearing the worst he raised his arms instinctively to try and defend himself, whimpering as he prepared to take the hit. The sound of a kobold screaming and then pixels dispersing however prompted him to glance up, seeing Doku swinging his sword again to take out yet another enemy.

"Don't stop! We can still win this!" Doku shouted loudly, for both Suto's sake as well as everyone else's. Losses were expected, they had come into this with that fact in mind. Just because they had this slight bump didn't mean everything was lost, they would only fail if they couldn't rally and keep pushing. Grunting as he took a blade to the chest during a cooldown he retaliated with a shoulder charge, knocking the kobold into the man with the hammer and watching as it was pummeled flat into the floor. They had to keep going, failing now meant dooming everyone else. Failing meant Suto would be killed here, and he absolutely refused to let that happen.
"You're right... We just didn't think you were so stupid as to come here!" the Elite taunted as he took another swing, missing by just a hair. Throwing another strike he slammed into the Beastman's arms and nearly toppled him over, though frustratingly Viral managed to stay upright. Raising an arm then to block an incoming kick he caught the blow with his forearm, gritting his teeth from the force as he slid backwards on the soles of his boots. "Beat us and just maybe you'll get your answer!" the Saiyan retorted with a grin, dashing back in to attack, "I doubt that will happen!" In his dash he reeled back a fist and threw an uppercut Viral's way, and should it miss he'd spin his body around completely and swing a leg at Viral's side to try and knock him into the shattered wall. "You never should have returned, traitor!"

Yumi was trying to disable the man in some way, any way that could give her an advantage. He was far larger physically and built sturdy enough most of her blows did nothing. In trying to fix that she was wrenching his arm to tear it from its socket yet even that had no effect. Gasping as the man lifted her up and slammed her back down onto the floor she released him, scrambling away as he slammed a fist down at her and rose to his feet. It wasn't her first time fighting a larger opponent, she'd just have to get a little more creative with her attacks, that was all. Frowning as he sneered at her she waited for the Elite to charge in, flipping backwards onto her hands a few times to avoid swinging limbs then ducking as a fist punched through the wall at her back. Using two fingers she hit the underside of his bicep with a quick jab, then the side and one on his shoulder, pushing off of him to get away from a swing of the arm. While it didn't seem to do much at first he moved that limb now, his right arm, with notably less fervor and speed. It hadn't numbed it completely but she'd managed to slow him down some, and with that she could smile proudly. She had a way to deal with him, it was just a matter of hitting the right spots.

"Sure you are bud, you just gotta see it for yourself," Takeshi answered back, giving Shu a small smile before hastily turning and tackling him. It might seem unreasonable to do such a thing, but as a massive Ki blast ripped through the space they'd been standing in surely the little guy got it. Once the blast had subsided Yumi and Viral wasted no time going on the offensive, leaving him and Shu to watch them fight. Getting off his brother he got to his feet, helping Shu up and glancing at the destroyed building. "Yeah, same guy, and I don't know who that Saiyan is..." he muttered as he inspected the damage, not terribly impressed by it. A blast like that wouldn't have taken them out, it was more a reaction than anything, he was certain. Scoffing he heard the clatter of boots behind them, looking back to see a small group of soldiers coming up from the rear, armed with blasters and blades alike. Furrowing his brow in annoyance he turned around and cracked his knuckles, glancing to the side at Shu and nodding to the troops. "Well we'll let them handle the Elites, let's swat some flies," he said with a smirk, turning back before darting ahead, tackling the nearest soldier to the ground with a shoulder charge before kicking another past everyone else, sending him flying down the corridor.
Clearing out that room had been no problem at all and the few troops left knew better than to fight. Normally an Elite would discipline cowardly soldiers, at least in Takeshi's experience, but if the Elite was all battered and bruised he'd be a bit too busy to do that. In a way then they were doing these guys a favor even if they didn't know it. "Eh? Uh... A little bit of both I guess. I mean they're regular troops, you know? We're more like Elites," the older boy explained as they ran, "They only probably fought us because they had to, otherwise they'd get in trouble." Lucky for them they weren't out for blood too, that would be loads of dead people. Shu seemed to be feeling pretty good about it too which was always a plus. While running after Yumi and Viral Takeshi noticed the same thing she did, a sudden burst of energy further on ahead. As soon as he caught sight of the blast incoming he turned and grabbed Shu, pulling him to the ground to avoid the attack entirely. It tore through the air around them and howled loudly, erasing the building above and to the sides. When the attack passed they were left in what was now a much larger, open room, the sound of the wind outside hissing as it passed through the walls.

After a sneak attack like that Yumi was feeling a little cross and ready to pummel some bad guys. They were so proud of their Beastmen? Well then it could be Beastmen that would take them out too. Smiling slightly as Viral immediately went on the offensive she got to her feet and chased after him, letting her friend take the Saiyan as she attacked the man from before. Weaving to the side to avoid a fist that caved in the floor she jumped up and kicked him in the head, watching him stumble but hardly budge otherwise from the attack. Gritting her teeth she began bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, fists raised as she tried to change up her style on the fly. Ducking under a punch she quickly threw one of her own into the man's ribs, then dodged again as he swunblastg a wide arc toward her head, punching him in the jaw. No matter how hard she hit him though he didn't want to go down, and she swore she was putting a lot into it. Throwing another punch at his side Yumi gasped when her arm was grabbed, though instead of letting herself be thrown she swung her body up and got onto the man's shoulders, pulling him backwards with the momentum and finally getting him onto his back, wrenching his arm in an attempt to break it.

"So the Commander returns a traitor, what a surprise," the Saiyan taunted with a grin, watching as Viral charged right for him. Raising a hand to block the incoming punch he absorbed it nicely enough, air pushing out from the impact with an audible blast that almost sounded like breaking the barrier. Throwing Viral's hand down the Elite nimbly dodged backwards to avoid a kick as well, stepping back in and trying to drop his leg down on Viral only to slam his foot into the ground instead. "Our orders are to protect the facility against any and all intruders, and that includes you and those brats. You picked the wrong place to invade, traitor!" Dashing at Viral he lifted both hands up over his head, holding them together and trying to swing them at the Beastman's head in hopes of bludgeoning him into the ground.
They weren't terribly difficult to beat, these soldiers, but they sure were annoying. Throwing aside the tufts of hair ripped from her head Yumi frowned as she heard a man whimpering pitifully on the ground, glancing over briefly to see him with his hands between his legs and rolling on the floor. What in the world happened to him? Shrugging it off she then saw Viral pushing for the door, giving chase as she began putting down the few soldiers remaining. "Well... Maybe we go further into the building?" she suggested hopefully, pausing to grab a soldier's shirt and lift him up, swinging him around and throwing him across the room into a wall to get him out of the way. "They're probably further in where there's more soldiers, so we just keep going in." Made the most sense to her anyways, they would put something most important the farthest away they could from all the action, protected by more troops than anything.

Hard to say whether Takeshi was proud of Shu for that one or if he should admonish the little guy for it. There were a handful of things you never did in a battle: beating a man that was already down, using someone else as a shield, hurting an innocent person, oh and punching them right in the jewels. His own hurt just from seeing the man struck, cringing slightly before shaking his head. "Hehe... Good hit buddy," he laughed meekly, ignoring the whimpering to the side as he started after Viral and Yumi. The few soldiers that were left were easily dealt with and they left the room full of beaten troops, going into the next corridor. Taking a right seemed to loop back to the hall they were just in, so best to go left then! Making sure Shu was close by he hurried along with their friends, no one apparently too sure where to head. Further in as Yumi had said, but even that was hard to figure out. Part of him just wanted to keep blasting through walls to make it easier but that would probably be frowned upon, they'd have to use doors like normal people. So annoying...

Yumi hoped they were going deeper into the facility, it didn't look like they were retracing their steps. Aside from the occasional small pocket of soldiers they weren't encountering much resistance along the way either, both good and bad. By now everyone must have figured out the troops were somewhere else getting ready for them, only issue with that was they had no clue where that might be. Chatting wasn't exactly an option and she doubted the grunts would be told that information anyways, probably just sent out to buy time. "Where the heck are they? I don't get it..." she mumbled as they ran, looking at the various rooms on the sides, each proving to be either empty or not what they needed. Awfully quick of them to go into hiding considering they only broke in a few minutes ago, unless there really weren't as many troops here as they thought? She didn't like this, way too much left to question.

As they rounded another corner Yumi's eyes widened seeing a glowing light at the far end of the corridor, immediately recognizing it as Ki. With a gasp she turned and tackled Viral to the ground, with Takeshi doing the same to Shu as the blast narrowly missed them, tearing through the space and blowing apart the walls and the ceiling. When the blast subsided the roof was gone and they were exposed to the outside world, the walls being melted and blown back, curved from the high heat and force. A quick look to the far end showed there was a Saiyan Elite as well as that one from before, wearing a stupid grin on his face and looking mighty pleased with himself. Getting off of Viral she bit her lower lip, not exactly thrilled to be having to fight both of them. "Well... I guess we're going the right way," she said with a smile, glancing at Viral, "Want to show them what Beastmen can really do?"

"So we should try to overwhelm them then? If that's what you think is best..." Yumi said with uncertainty, it not making too much sense to her. They could try that if her method didn't work, she didn't want to be aggressive right off the bat and possibly alienate them. Besides for some people it was easier to be nice than it was mean and she happened to be one of them. Kicking away the door to get out of the first room she cringed inwardly when seeing two men knocked out and pinned behind it, looking to Viral with a sheepish smile. "I didn't know they were there! I-I'm sure they're fine," she laughed weakly with a wave of her hand, "Come on, let's keep moving!"

Takeshi didn't need to be told twice as he surged ahead to attack the group of soldiers incoming, making short work of them. If this was all the base had then they'd be out of this place in no time, where were the real fighters? Sending the last guy through the wall he dusted his hands off and grinned at Shu, flashing him a thumbs up before watching Yumi run ahead yet again with Viral on her heels. "Sheesh, we're going to run out of people to pummel at this rate," he mumbled with a shake of his head, chasing after the others with Shu in tow. On to a side room next that joined with an adjacent corridor, and several troops were stood around blocking off the door. This had to be something important with all these troops here, and if not then at least they could have some fun while in the room. Watching as Yumi and Viral went right on in he rolled his eyes, seeing Shu throw a blast out of the corner of his eye before laughing. "Nice shot!"

Something felt a bit odd, why were they only fighting regular soldiers? Sure they only just broke into the building but they should be responding faster than this so what gives? Blocking an incoming punch Yumi pushed the fist away and slammed her own into the soldier's gut, punching him then in the jaw and knocking him off his feet and onto his back. She couldn't feel any powers coming that might suggest an Elite, yet there were clearly troops coming to fight them. Knocking away another blast from a weapon she yelped as her hair was grabbed from behind, being yanked to the ground by it forcibly and glaring up at the woman responsible. Ignoring the tearing on her scalp she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around the woman's neck and pulled, yanking her and flipping her over onto her back, keeping her legs around the woman's neck until she passed out. Nursing at her head as she got up she examined the tufts of hair in her hand and grew red in the face, turning to the soldier charging her and punching him square in the face, growling as she ignored him crumpling to the floor. "That witch pulled my hair out!"

"Come on Shu, kick some butt! These guys are pushovers!" Takeshi encouraged, slapping Shu on the back before going in to join the fray. Not having nearly the finesse of Yumi he simply reached out and grabbed the nearest soldier, giving him a single good hook to the jaw and releasing him at the same time to put them down. A few more soldiers were coming into the room now and several were armed with different looking weapons, nothing like the blasters he was used to seeing. New versions maybe? Seeing one of the men take aim at Viral, Takeshi flitted across the room and grabbed the man's arm, wrenching it upward as the shot went off and put a hole in the ceiling. Kicking one of their legs out from under them then he grabbed the arm and spun the man around, using him as a bat of sorts to hit another soldier, letting him go and sending both flying off.

Takeshi wasted no time in blowing the wall wide open, always too happy to do such a task. Smiling satisfied as parts of the wall crumbled to the ground he dusted his hands off and looked at the others, giving Viral a thumbs up before looking at Shu. He sure didn't seem to be very ecstatic about this if hiding behind him was any indication. "We'll be careful of course buddy, it's not like we're rushing in blind," he explained, reaching back and patting Shu on the shoulder, "We'll fight if we have to, chances are we gotta work our way through to the Beastmen. And nah, I mean if we waited they might send people out, you know? Do it now before they have a chance to do anything." Hell the explosion probably confused them even more as they'd probably imagine the whole base was under attack. Troops would come running to the hole any moment now, it was best they go inside now before they had to fight their way in.

"If we have to fight them then we can't help it, but we'll fight to subdue them. I mean... We can try and reason with them, but I don't know how well that's going to work," Yumi admitted with a small smile. Her ability to soothe others may do some good in that regard, yet even once calmed down there was no guarantee their words would be taken for the truth. She loathed to fight the people they would be saving though sometimes you had to beat it into a person's head they weren't in danger. Looking at the hole in the wall she exchanged a silent look with Viral before nodding and taking the lead, running into the building and the apparent computer room they had broken into. Monitors lined the wall and several desks with displays and boards lined the room, several of which were broken or showing static from the blast. A door on the far side of the room was sealed closed, a red light pulsing silently just over it. Heading over to that Yumi gave it a good push and found it wouldn't budge, frowning before stepping back, leaning a bit and kicking out, knocking the door off its frame and slamming it into the wall on the outside, pinning two guards behind it subsequently.

Takeshi took the lead after that, being the first into the corridor as he rushed headlong out of the room. Aside from the two soldiers pinned and knocked out behind the door another four were fast approaching them, all of them carrying blasters or energy blades. Running right ahead to meet them he sidestepped a sword and grabbed the man's arm, twisting him around and using his own blade to parry another before pushing the man into his comrade, kicking the former in the back and causing them to tumble away. Swiping then at a blast he answered with a quick Ki shot of his own that destroyed the weapon, jumping up and kicking the man in the face to knock him out easily. The last man took a few panicked shots with his weapon but only managed to burn the wall, finding himself thrown through the wall, legs dangling idly from the hole he now found himself in and most likely seeing stars. "Jeez, wasting no time to come greet us!"

"We kind of broke into their base, are you surprised?" Yumi pointed out with a roll of her eyes, hurrying past Takeshi as he admired his handiwork. They couldn't just stand around and wait like this, the more time they wasted the harder this might be. Finding a room not too far away she found yet another group of guards trying to scramble together to form some defense. Another corridor lie beyond them and probably was where they wanted to go, meaning they had to get through them first. Smiling she ran at them and jumped well over the entire group, and as soon as she landed sprung backwards and tackled the nearest man, rolling once head over heels with him before throwing him into a wall with a thud. There were about 10 soldiers in the room in all, not terribly imposing but enough to be a nuisance. Backpeddling to avoid a larger man swinging at her she reached out and grabbed his arm, using her own body for leverage as she flipped him over onto his back, quickly leaning down to punch him across the bridge of his nose and send him off into dreamland as well.
"N-No, I'm not mocking you! Just trying to keep the mood up, that's all. A little joke." Things were about to become tense again, nothing wrong with trying to laugh some of the tension away right? But then maybe now wasn't an appropriate time for it, they should stay focused and be prepared for anything. Glancing around the area Yumi took a few sniffs at the air, unable to pick up any scents other than those of her friends; some plants here had very strong odors, it was probably impossible for her to look past those anyways. Now that they had managed to find the place they had to come up with a plan of attack, something that Takeshi seemed more than ready to suggest. Barging right on in hardly sounded like the best idea though and she hoped Viral might have something better in mind. "Oh, you think we should barge in too...?" Yumi asked in slight surprise, perhaps expecting a different method from her friend. Glancing back at Takeshi and his smug smile she rolled her eyes before sighing, seeing no alternatives just now. If those two thought barging right in was best then they would do just that. "Alright, but we should be careful where we go in. We don't want to rush right into the thick of things do we?"

Fair question on Shu's part, was there a front door? Heck come to think of it Takeshi hadn't seen a single door on their way down. Plenty of black tinted windows sure yet not a single door. If they were indeed going with his and Viral's plans of simply barging on in though there wasn't much need for a door now was there? Blowing open a building, now there was something he could do! "Hey, if we find them all right away it just makes out job easier, you know? Less time looking for everyone," Takeshi said with a grin, rubbing his hands together as he approached the nearest building sat down among the trees. As expected there wasn't a single door anywhere on this side anyways and he was sure the other side was probably the same. That was fine, if there was no door then he just had to make one! Placing his hand on the wall he gave it a small push to test its strength, finding it was fairly thick and cold to the touch, probably metal? "Alright, well this shouldn't be too hard," he began as he stepped back, rubbing at his shoulder with a grin, "One door coming up!" Amassing a decent orb of Ki in his right hand he condensed it into a small ball, reeling back like he was throwing a ball before letting it loose. With a satisfying explosion the energy slammed into the building and split the wall in two, leaving a sizable hole where the steel once was. "And there you go, one door! You can thank me later."
Sounds like a plan! O7
"How do we know he'll talk? We should see where he goes before we try taking him down, otherwise we might never find the place!" Though Viral could be right too and for all they knew this could be a wild goose chase. What if they tried evacuating the facility while they were chasing this man? There was no easy way for them to make a decision here yet she knew turning back at this point was the equivalent of just giving up. "Communicating isn't the problem Viral, you'd have to swim to catch up with us. Unless you have a bird form you haven't shown us yet?" Nothing against swimming but it paled in comparison to speed with flying, Ki assisted of course. Not wanting Viral to get the idea he was a burden or somehow useless Yumi put on a smile, reaching down to adjust her grip while keeping her eyes trained on the Elite. "Listen, as soon as he lands we'll fight him and get what we need. With how you were doing down there you can probably take down the facility on your own, but for now we just need to be patient, right? And besides..." she paused, glancing back at the sound of numerous explosions, "It looks like the cannons were taken care of for us."

Takeshi figured this might be slightly overkill but damn if it didn't look cool. On the count of three both boys released a blast and watched as the island was promptly shredded by it, soldiers avoiding the worst of it while being thrown about from the concussive waves, thrown each which way as a result. When the dust settled one would find two large craters and several cannons missing, water spilling into the gaping holes where earth used to be. "Hell yeah, nice shot buddy!" the older boy laughed, clutching Shu as he darted ahead to keep pace with their friends. No one was chasing them after that light show and they were hot on Yumi's trail, soon they'd find this place and spring the Beastmen free. As the island behind them vanished over the horizon and endless carpet of blue stretched out before them and the chase continued for what felt like an hour. Minutes had passed really, and spotting a large patch of green further along Takeshi swore he saw the Elite go for it, with Yumi and Viral stopping just short.

And when they reached the others he could finally see why. Not only was the island they arrived at larger than the others, by a wide margin, but this was what they were looking for. Several circular buildings stood on the surface, some precariously on high rises, others just barely poking out above the trees around them. There were several windows on each building but all seemed completely black from the outside, providing no visibility for them out here. "Jeez look at that place... There's gotta be at least a dozen buildings down there..." Takeshi mumbled as he drifted a bit closer, trying to spot out anyone down below. Not a single person was outdoors and the Elite was nowhere to be seen, by now he no doubt raised the alarm and everyone was getting ready. Putting his free hand on his hip he frowned with displeasure, itching to go right on inside and fight. "Man... Well there goes the chance of a surprise attack! Guess we just go in the front door."

"Or... We don't be idiots about it and we think of something else," Yumi pointed out with narrowed eyes, admonishing Takeshi for a moment. Slowly descending to the ground she set Viral back on his feet and waited for the brothers to join them, looking up and away at the building high above the hill. From down here they could move through the trees and be relatively hidden, but she'd bet anything there would be troops out here to greet them. "Just because they know we're here doesn't mean they know where we're coming from. We can still surprise them if we're smart about it." Which meant of all people here Takeshi was not making the plan for them. Looking instead to Viral she gave him an expectant glance, knowing he could come up with some way to do this.
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