Why was he being attacked? Viral was under HIS command, he should be obeying orders! Beastmen were nothing but tools created by their masters and this went completely against the status quo. Being knocked away and pinned under a shelf was utterly humiliating, he should not be put in such a state by something that should be serving HIM! Snapping at Viral to come over he watched smugly as the Beastman did as he was told, figuring perhaps that was simply a momentary lapse in judgment. That assurance quickly dwindled however when Viral grabbed him and slammed him into the wall, causing the scientist to pale and squeak in terror at being threatened. Shirking when Viral snarled at him the man borderline wet himself, nodding rapidly when given an order. "Y-Yes, of c-course, right away!" he stammered, gasping as he was released and fell to the floor. Quickly picking himself up he ran over to the consoles and began putting in commands, trying to get the cells open as quickly as he could.
Viral could handle the scientist then, right now Shu needed more help than anyone. Rushing to his brother's side Takeshi knelt down and took him in a hug, doing what little he figured he could to settle the boy down. Part of him doubted he'd do any good given past experiences and was silently preparing to have to fend Shu off as usual, so imagine his surprise then when the younger kid actually calmed down. Blinking when Shu began to settle and his trembling all but ceased Takeshi sighed with relief, smiling as he nodded his head and gave Shu a pat on the back. "That's right buddy, everything's okay. Just take a deep breath and relax..." Sheesh that was close, last thing they needed was Viral and Shu both changing now. Wouldn't exactly leave a great first impression on the Beastmen. Easing off of his brother the older boy placed a hand on his head, giving his hair a ruffle and looking around as locks on the doors began to come undone. "Well damn, that was quicker than I thought it'd be," he commented, pushing himself to his feet and offering Shu a hand, "Come on, let's go say hi to the Beastmen, yeah? You're probably our best bet to convince them we're friendly."
"Maybe Shu should relax? We've got this," Yumi butt-in, smiling slightly as she waved for Shu to take a seat again. She was one of them, in a way, so she figured it may be best for her to give it a try first. Shy of Viral she was the closest thing these people would have to kin and she assumed they'd trust that more than a Saiyan. Taking a deep breath as the doors swung open she walked past the brothers, smiling as she waited for the Beastmen to emerge from their cells. One by one they gradually did, looking all kinda of confused and hesitant to leave. Letting them have a moment she cleared her throat, putting on a friendly smile as she slowly approached them. "Hi everyone! I'm sure you're all very confused right now, but I'm here to tell you that we've come to take you home with us. You won't have to stay in cells anymore or do what these people tell you, you'll..." Yumi trailed off as one of the Beastmen began approaching her, lowering her arms and quirking an eyebrow. The woman didn't seem terribly pleased with their being here, and she had to take a small step back as she stopped just inches from her.
"What makes you think we'll just leave with you?" the woman asked skeptically, folding her arms as she narrowed her gaze at Yumi, "This is our home, we like it here. In fact, we're supposed to kill people like you. Why should I kill you right now?" Scrutinizing Yumi for an answer the woman went silent as she noticed a smell, blinking a few times before wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Ugh... Did someone soil themselves?" Glancing around at her family she tipped her head slightly in confusion, looking to the head of the room then. Only now did she finally notice Viral and the scientist at the computers, with the latter trembling and... Smelling an awful lot like waste. Unable to suppress it the woman burst out laughing, brushing past Yumi as she walked towards the console. "Oh that's rich! We heard everything you were saying by the way doctor. Every. Little. Word." Stopping when the scientist stumbled back and fell on his rear she placed her hands on her hips, a smug smile playing across her face.
"So we're just tools to you? I'm fine with fighting, I love fighting, but we're not just tools. Other soldiers have told us that and some Saiyans have too, they even gave us names which is more than you ever did for us." Leaning forward she placed a hand on the console, crushing part of it as she tightened her grasp. "Maybe we should kill you instead of these people then? I'm sure the Saiyans won't be too mad at us if you end up missing, they have plenty of people like you to take care of us, don't they?" Smirking as he whimpered she rolled her eyes at the pitiful state he was in, leaving it be as she turned away from him. Facing up to Viral now she raised an eyebrow, giving him a look over before licking her lips. "Well now... Here's the alpha male, not bad," she commented, grinning as she reached up and pat his chest, "I take it you did this? Nice one, I've been wanting to do it for ages."
Viral could handle the scientist then, right now Shu needed more help than anyone. Rushing to his brother's side Takeshi knelt down and took him in a hug, doing what little he figured he could to settle the boy down. Part of him doubted he'd do any good given past experiences and was silently preparing to have to fend Shu off as usual, so imagine his surprise then when the younger kid actually calmed down. Blinking when Shu began to settle and his trembling all but ceased Takeshi sighed with relief, smiling as he nodded his head and gave Shu a pat on the back. "That's right buddy, everything's okay. Just take a deep breath and relax..." Sheesh that was close, last thing they needed was Viral and Shu both changing now. Wouldn't exactly leave a great first impression on the Beastmen. Easing off of his brother the older boy placed a hand on his head, giving his hair a ruffle and looking around as locks on the doors began to come undone. "Well damn, that was quicker than I thought it'd be," he commented, pushing himself to his feet and offering Shu a hand, "Come on, let's go say hi to the Beastmen, yeah? You're probably our best bet to convince them we're friendly."
"Maybe Shu should relax? We've got this," Yumi butt-in, smiling slightly as she waved for Shu to take a seat again. She was one of them, in a way, so she figured it may be best for her to give it a try first. Shy of Viral she was the closest thing these people would have to kin and she assumed they'd trust that more than a Saiyan. Taking a deep breath as the doors swung open she walked past the brothers, smiling as she waited for the Beastmen to emerge from their cells. One by one they gradually did, looking all kinda of confused and hesitant to leave. Letting them have a moment she cleared her throat, putting on a friendly smile as she slowly approached them. "Hi everyone! I'm sure you're all very confused right now, but I'm here to tell you that we've come to take you home with us. You won't have to stay in cells anymore or do what these people tell you, you'll..." Yumi trailed off as one of the Beastmen began approaching her, lowering her arms and quirking an eyebrow. The woman didn't seem terribly pleased with their being here, and she had to take a small step back as she stopped just inches from her.
"What makes you think we'll just leave with you?" the woman asked skeptically, folding her arms as she narrowed her gaze at Yumi, "This is our home, we like it here. In fact, we're supposed to kill people like you. Why should I kill you right now?" Scrutinizing Yumi for an answer the woman went silent as she noticed a smell, blinking a few times before wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Ugh... Did someone soil themselves?" Glancing around at her family she tipped her head slightly in confusion, looking to the head of the room then. Only now did she finally notice Viral and the scientist at the computers, with the latter trembling and... Smelling an awful lot like waste. Unable to suppress it the woman burst out laughing, brushing past Yumi as she walked towards the console. "Oh that's rich! We heard everything you were saying by the way doctor. Every. Little. Word." Stopping when the scientist stumbled back and fell on his rear she placed her hands on her hips, a smug smile playing across her face.
"So we're just tools to you? I'm fine with fighting, I love fighting, but we're not just tools. Other soldiers have told us that and some Saiyans have too, they even gave us names which is more than you ever did for us." Leaning forward she placed a hand on the console, crushing part of it as she tightened her grasp. "Maybe we should kill you instead of these people then? I'm sure the Saiyans won't be too mad at us if you end up missing, they have plenty of people like you to take care of us, don't they?" Smirking as he whimpered she rolled her eyes at the pitiful state he was in, leaving it be as she turned away from him. Facing up to Viral now she raised an eyebrow, giving him a look over before licking her lips. "Well now... Here's the alpha male, not bad," she commented, grinning as she reached up and pat his chest, "I take it you did this? Nice one, I've been wanting to do it for ages."