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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Kill him! KILL HIM!

The walk into the castle grounds had been a slow and painstaking one. Traps weren't a particular issue, nothing Caelan hadn't seen before, but gods there were a lot of them. He'd never seen any ruins with even half this many, really went to show just how intensely these people wanted to keep invaders out. Seeing the occasional skeleton along the way didn't do much to instill confidence, yet with Link's guidance they managed to get through unscathed. Rather than finding a door or a staircase at the end of the tunnels they approached a rickety old ladder leading into some greenery, and beyond that who knows. They were officially inside the castle now, no turning back. Compared to his ventures before this was considerably more nerve-wracking, he'd never had to contend with Hyrule's guards until now.

"I can fight, good is still up in the air," Caelan responded with a meek laugh, placing on his own mask and watching Link head up the ladder. If it were just the regular guard then he was confident they would be fine, he knew enough to handle them. What had him worried was this Fiona woman more than anything; Regol had told them to be wary of her, and the man was no pushover. Just how bad was she? He preferred not to find out, and provided they kept themselves hidden they wouldn't have to. Going up after Link he moved along slowly, finding the protesting creaks of the ladder to be awfully telling. A little paranoia perhaps that they might be found out so easily, best not to take any chances all the same. Climbing through the hole he ducked low to hide in the bush, giving Link a silent glance before parting some leaves, seeing the open space they were in. Definitely inside the castle, whether they were clear or not was another matter.
Well this was an existential crises if he'd ever experienced one. What a silly thing to be trouble by too, he knew he was only 29 years old, that he hadn't aged since going to Otherworld. Yet technically he'd been alive in some way while there, meaning he was far older. Smiling apologetically when Viral took a shot at him, Aito chuckled and put his hands up defensively in protest. "Even a genius can worry about simple things..." he offered lamely, letting out another sigh as he hung his head, "And besides, appearances aren't all there is to a person. Would you ever think that tired, lazy, unassuming me might be a Super Saiyan?" he added, winking at that. That aside it had been quite some time since he had done the work, and even if it was his own there was a need to refamiliarize himself with it, to a degree. Easily done, but it took a little while to get precise.

Perhaps she was being a little unreasonable, but Yumi hated having anyone think she needed practice. She hadn't spent all of her life learning an array of fighting styles only to need practice. "I never called you incapable, you're the one saying I am," she responded, rather passive aggressively at that, lifting her shoulders in a shrug and poking him in the chest as she walked past. "I admit I'm not perfect at them, but I can still fight without them too." Besides, she'd never really used any of her Beastman abilities before had she? Sure there was the enhanced smelling and hearing, plus this odd empathy thing she'd picked up. Other than that she wasn't transforming like Viral nor was she able to use solar energy, she was plain old Yumi otherwise.

Regardless Yumi was determined not to lag behind Viral today. Ki didn't work and she knew that, she'd just find another way to kill the monsters. Going down to the shoreline with her friend she stopped on the sandy shore, glancing out over the water before them. It looked clean enough, the suns above shining brightly and causing the surface to sparkle like a polished crystal. On a whim she leaned forward and took a whiff of the area, not smelling anything unusual either. "Whatever's here, it doesn't stand a chance against us. We'll tear it to shreds before it knows what hit it," Yumi spoke confidently, lifting her arms in a stretch before turning her hips as well, getting limbered up for a possible fight. "No boys to get in our way today either. We kicked those Elite's butts saving those Beastmen, we'll kick this thing's butt too," she added in, winking at Viral with a smirk.
"I suppose not, but then why should I get to have all of the fun? I'll take on the boring work, you and Yumi can have fun." There were ulterior motives to his decision of course, but where was the fun in sharing those? If he were to test his hypothesis then best to do so blindly, lest he skew the results. Smiling in mild amusement as Yumi grew bothered over Viral's choice of words the two watched her storm off, the doctor unable to not comment on the situation. Even if it hadn't been explicitly stated by either of them, Viral and Yumi were both wanting to gain something from this, he was certain of it. His only hope was they got what they were after here.

An innocent enough slap on the back for good luck and still it wasn't taken well by Viral? Aito blinked when he was yelled at for it. "I never said you were lesser, not for a second. In fact I think I've suggested quite the opposite," he responded, frowning before hanging his head, "And I'm not old. I mean... If you account for my time in Otherworld, and combined with my age prior to passing, then I suppose I am old. I don't feel old though, I mean I'm still physically the same age. But then aren't I older? Oh..." Of all the things to bog down his mind now his age was weighing heavily. This meant he was nearly fifty, technically, right? On top of owing numerous birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, he should probably consider retirement. Well, he should probably consider getting back to work first, then retirement.

"But retirement sounds so dull..." Aito spoke aloud, sighing to himself, "But if I'm nearly fifty years old, that is a bit up there..." In the midst of his self-conscious ramblings they had made it down to the fence surrounding the filtration systems, a large purifier and several pipes leading into the dam itself. Nearly bumping into the gate he smiled sheepishly, nodding as Yumi pulled it open to let him inside. "Ah... Right, the job at hand! It should be near enough a quick job, I've simply got to flush the system, get some new water flowing through and then add the chemicals to purify the water. Shouldn't take long, you two ready?"

"Ready as ever, nothing's going to get to you while you work," Yumi answered, punching her fist into her palm and glancing over at Viral, "I'm sure we'll do fine, even if this is practice." As if she'd let that little comment go so quickly. She had pride too even if she was normally good at keeping it under wraps, but that one had been a little much for her. Putting on a smile she walked back through the gate, reaching out and poking Viral teasingly in the chest. "Try to keep up with me? I'd hate to show you up while I'm still learning."
"Now I never said you didn't have it, I said it was unlikely. Given how different you are compared to other Machina, how advanced... I wouldn't rule it out entirely." Still, if Cecil did have something similar to long term memory, coupled with pain receptors and a full array of emotions then the implications were serious. Someone had found a way to make Machina as near to a Muran as possible, something even he'd never done. And why would they? Machina were made to remove the living aspect, to better everyone's life by being a servant who never required rest or sustenance. So what good did making them sentient do? Especially a combat Machina, what was the reason?

Norman wished he could have a proper sit-down with Cecil but he was required to return to Orosi. Doubtless the mayor would be impatient to hear of the ship's status, as would that eccentric man to whom it belonged. Getting back onto his motorbike he waved to the group before giving the throttle a hit and speeding off back down the road. Cecil would be okay, even with everything on his shoulders. Some digging would need to be done however to get answers about his condition and namely what he was experiencing. Looks like it was about time to get in touch with some old friends.

If they were quite through with arguing for the day mayhaps they could travel along now. Ethan was just eager to distance themselves from all this chaos, for their sake as much as everyone else's. Presuming they were the ones being blamed then their presence caused all kinds of problems, and the last thing he wanted was causing problems for someone else. Every one of them was exhausted now too and needed the rest, best to avoid confrontation and conserve what little energy they had left. Lifting Amuné onto Jorvind's back she climbed up to join her, smiling as she perked up at the promise of music. "It almost is, don't you worry. We're in the clear at this point, no more bad guys, I promise."

Zander had run off ahead, though hopefully not too far. They had only just gotten him back and it went without saying having to fetch him again would be a bit of a pain. Following Geoffrey's lead they fell into a sort of convoy again, with Nymira and Cecil pulling up the rear. Listening to what he had to say the Muran smiled in acknowledgement, giving a slight nod of his head. "Got it, good to know. And I guess a day and a half's ride is better than 3 days walk, or more," Ethan mused, lifting a hand to rub the tiredness from his face, "Mmph... Maybe we can get some things from your aunt too, can't hurt to stock up again."

The mixed messages everyone was giving Cecil had him terribly confused, and left Nymira terribly annoyed. What right did they have to admonish him? He'd saved their lives earlier today and yet he was being treated like a criminal; killing the enemy to save a comrade was the epitome of a true warrior, and Cecil had risen to the occasion. "No one said you ruined anything. I'd say what you did guaranteed we have a future now," the Dimuran said, glancing back again briefly, "Clearly however the rest of our group doesn't share that sentiment. Just remember you did the right thing, regardless of what anyone else says." Clambering up onto her horse as it whinnied in protest she shot an annoyed quip at it, glaring then at Geoffrey who spoke to her.

"I might be offended if I understood a single word that you were saying. Instead I'll just choose to ignore it," Nymira muttered with a roll of her eyes. She knew Geoffrey could speak properly, was he doing that simply to annoy her? "And if my horse is skittish then it had best grow a thick hide soon. I refuse to baby an animal three times my size, that's absurd." It was a beast of burden, not some kitten. She wouldn't outright abuse the thing yet she wasn't going to be ginger in her motions or speech either. Realistically how would someone with her small frame harm it anyways? Giving her horse another push to move along the Dimuran winced when a sharp noise came from the head of the group, cringing before glaring at Geoffrey. The next sound to come from him was far less bothersome, though she couldn't care much for music right now.

The day dragged on for what seemed like forever, events hanging heavy on everyone's mind. As the sun began to dip below the horizon the time came to stop for the evening and set up camp before light had completely left them. Already off the main roads they simply moved to the side to set up, still only having the lone tent for everyone to use. Amuné would be given it without question, and though it had gone unspoken Ethan had an assumption Nymira would want it as well. That was fine, he preferred sleeping out by the fire anyways so long as it didn't rain. By the time the tent had been put up and a fire made the moon was now high in the sky, shining down brightly and illuminating the surrounding area in a soft glow. Out here too one could see the expanse starry night sky, and those familiar might even pick out a constellation or two.

"Good riddance to today. Far more nonsense than I'd care for," Nymira grumbled, sitting down on her bedroll. Funny how she never cared much for clothing, while other nobles and Dimuran owned several sets. Having traveled in the same outfit for days on end and its only cleaning being with her still in it the princess found herself wishing for a second set. They clung to her, she smelled of foul river water and her skin was becoming irritated. Tomorrow morning then she'd wake early and wash it all, it was simply disgusting the way she was now. Pulling at her shirt she grimaced as it peeled away from her skin, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly at Amuné. "Child, next town we get to would you care to buy a change of clothing with me?" she asked, gesturing to the outfit Ethan had purchased for her, "That must be filthy by now, we should get you a new set."

Some people weren't nearly as concerned with their clothes as Nymira. Others were simply too tired to be concerned about much other than sleeping. Yet as Ethan laid back and stared up at the sky he found himself unable to close his eyes. Worryingly he felt something he very rarely if ever felt: a sense of dread. So many people had died today, some by their hand, and they may well now be fugitives for all he knew. That wasn't how they should be operating, they shouldn't be on the run, they were the good guys here. In retrospect maybe they should have stayed in Orosi to clear the air, though he wasn't sure how their word would be taken. Some of them had nearly died, Amuné and Cecil were both terribly upset and now they had Zander tagging along as well as Geoffrey. Heck of a change from how his adventure began.

"Just wait a little bit longer... I'm coming to get you..." Ethan muttered to himself, reaching up skyward as if to grasp for the stars. Grasping at the air he let out a somber sigh, dropping his arm over his eyes and taking a shaky breath, trying to stave off the feelings crashing over him. He couldn't in good conscience not help these people with their own needs, yet he was beginning to wonder what the chances were of everything working out now. He only had so much time to do what he needed, time he wasn't even sure of to begin with, and the likelihood of something bad happening only grew greater with each passing day. Tomorrow he'd try and urge them along to Warren, where hopefully they might find some kind of lead.

I'll likely post tomorrow then, too tired tonight ^^"
Just want to check if anyone else wants to post before I do :3
Aito smiled at Yumi's snicker, amused she found Viral's "ass" comment to be funny. His son did raise a fair point though, he was asking about something that really had never been addressed until now. Glancing back at Viral briefly the doctor let out a sigh, not seeing any point in trying to lie or twist the reality of things. "In part... Yes, you were made to combat these creatures," he admitted, looking out the front of the vehicle with half-lidded eyes, seeming to be in thought about something, "I'll explain everything to you when we finish today, I promise. There's a lot you and the others deserve to know, and I should have told you a long time before now." Ideally he'd prefer to do it with everyone around, yet telling Viral first seemed fair, it was his purpose after all.

Stopping the vehicle alongside the road Aito climbed out with the testing kit in hand, waiting for the others to join him. This wasn't particularly his idea of an enthralling afternoon, a fact which he made well known. Almost jokingly he offered it over to the others and got an unexpected offer in return, a very begrudging offer at that. Blinking a few times the doctor let out a chuckle, shaking his head and waving a hand dismissively. "I was joking Viral, it's really no bother. Besides if these are the same creatures then my Ki is useless anyways, you're more suited. I'd imagine they will try to stop the purification as it would eradicate them from the lake, so there's a chance the battle could be taking place on land."

"What do you mean I need the practice, huh? I can fight just fine!" Yumi said haughtily, placing her hands on her hips and frowning at Viral, "I won't even fly if it makes you feel better, I don't need to. I fought just fine before I ever knew how to." Letting out a 'hmph' at the end she turned and started walking down the path towards the dam, determined now to fight and beat this monster herself. She was tired of everyone thinking she wasn't a strong fighter or capable, she didn't need practice. Practice was for someone just learning, she'd trained all of her life! So maybe she wasn't a Saiyan or a true Beastman, but she was just as strong as any of them, maybe even stronger, and better trained. She'd prove it today too.

Aito watched Yumi storm off ahead before letting out another sigh, rubbing at his head exasperatedly. "Oh dear... Seems someone is a little agitated today," he mused, smiling as he looked at Viral, "Seems like you've both got something to prove today, so let's give it our best shot, hm?" Slapping his son on the back for encouragement he started down the path as well, waving Viral along as he went. There very well could be nothing here to fight too, though the samples suggested otherwise. Aito in part hoped some of the creatures were here on Uuonoe, saved them from having to travel later to find some.
... Meanie ;_;
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