"I guess anyone wouldn't be happy about a place like this. Like I said I can't really see anything, but I do feel... I don't know, like its almost sad here. I can't imagine what you're feeling..." There had to be something that could be done to help though, T'charrl must have a way of fixing things. He could talk with spirits right? Maybe if he could help them find peace or something, move on, maybe that's what they were here for. "Well... Maybe you don't have a choice like that, but you can choose what you do with it? I don't know, I don't have any idea the kind of things you're feeling or going through," Haku muttered, frowning as he sat on his rear, "And I mean... You're the first of your kind to travel like this, right? I've heard you say it before. Sure maybe you can't choose what you are, but you chose to do that. And you're choosing to try and learn your ability. That's all your decision."
"It makes sense though when you think about it. Is it a good idea to trust someone who won't fight people they used to do bad things with? If someone we bring in is going to turn on us then it's not worth training and putting them up right?" Sasha pointed out, "It might not be the nicest way to do it, but it makes sure we don't have allies who could betray us." With their non-lethal methods of combat too it wasn't though as Korian was asking anyone to kill a former friend or comrade. Fight yes, but fighting someone and taking their lives were far different. As they approached the settlement the trio sought refuge in some nearby trees, taking the opportunity to scope out the place and come up with a plan.
"The request was sent by some villagers, I doubt its a set up," Ricken explained as he knelt on one knee, "And if there are none then its free rein over how we handle this. The only thing keeping us from completely leveling them is the chance there are hostages inside. If it turns out there aren't any then they're as good as done." No holds bar, and while they might not go and kill those pirates they sure as hell would regret ever causing trouble.
"Either way we should be smart about this. Sneak in and learn what we can, and we'll go from there. So I guess you two just stay at my back then? We'll look for a lone guard and question him as soon as we get the chance, sound good?" Blessings or not that should be how they went about this, the alternative involved wild fighting with who knows how many enemies and potentially endangering the hostages. Motioning for the boys to follow her lead Sasha took one glance around to make sure the coast was clear, running across the open ground and hiding behind the nearest building. Nice and slow, getting spotted would probably raise the alarms.
It likely wasn't much consolation to be doing this yet Yumi had little else to offer. Just her company and some kind words would have to suffice, at least until Viral was able enough to get moving again. "It's okay, what happened wasn't your fault. You were attacked, you fell in the water. I... Don't remember what happened after that. But we're on Uuonoe still, everyone else is fine and back home. We're in the woods together." How badly worn out was he? It was one thing to be fatigued, it was another to be completely absentminded and not know where he was at whatsoever. "Do you remember anything at all? It's okay if you don't."
"It makes sense though when you think about it. Is it a good idea to trust someone who won't fight people they used to do bad things with? If someone we bring in is going to turn on us then it's not worth training and putting them up right?" Sasha pointed out, "It might not be the nicest way to do it, but it makes sure we don't have allies who could betray us." With their non-lethal methods of combat too it wasn't though as Korian was asking anyone to kill a former friend or comrade. Fight yes, but fighting someone and taking their lives were far different. As they approached the settlement the trio sought refuge in some nearby trees, taking the opportunity to scope out the place and come up with a plan.
"The request was sent by some villagers, I doubt its a set up," Ricken explained as he knelt on one knee, "And if there are none then its free rein over how we handle this. The only thing keeping us from completely leveling them is the chance there are hostages inside. If it turns out there aren't any then they're as good as done." No holds bar, and while they might not go and kill those pirates they sure as hell would regret ever causing trouble.
"Either way we should be smart about this. Sneak in and learn what we can, and we'll go from there. So I guess you two just stay at my back then? We'll look for a lone guard and question him as soon as we get the chance, sound good?" Blessings or not that should be how they went about this, the alternative involved wild fighting with who knows how many enemies and potentially endangering the hostages. Motioning for the boys to follow her lead Sasha took one glance around to make sure the coast was clear, running across the open ground and hiding behind the nearest building. Nice and slow, getting spotted would probably raise the alarms.
It likely wasn't much consolation to be doing this yet Yumi had little else to offer. Just her company and some kind words would have to suffice, at least until Viral was able enough to get moving again. "It's okay, what happened wasn't your fault. You were attacked, you fell in the water. I... Don't remember what happened after that. But we're on Uuonoe still, everyone else is fine and back home. We're in the woods together." How badly worn out was he? It was one thing to be fatigued, it was another to be completely absentminded and not know where he was at whatsoever. "Do you remember anything at all? It's okay if you don't."