Takeshi groaned in disapproval at the idea of going hungry, hardly pleased with such a idea. Fighting anything on any empty stomach sounded just about as awful as a fight could be. The fact they hadn't eaten since landing was already awful enough let alone going into tomorrow. Nearly tripping over a root made everything seem just so much more fun and he nearly wanted to turn and blow the tree into splinters for doing that, grumbling something beneath his breath and continuing on instead. The fact they had yet to see any creatures despite walking for some time now was beginning to grate on his nerves as well; nearly tripping, being hungry, "annoyed" by Viral, no wonder the typically whiny Takeshi was all strung up. Wondering aloud why no creatures had come across their path yet he asked the Beastman for his ideas, furrowing his brow in confusion at what he had to say.
"Evacuated? What do you mean? And there's nothing wrong here, I just see an empty forest!" What did Viral mean what was wrong? So maybe there weren't a bunch of creatures living in this part of the woods, or maybe they just didn't come out at night. But they hadn't even come across predators yet let alone something they might try to eat, so what gives? "Why would a forest evacuate, huh? I think if there was something that bad around we'd have seen it by now." There were no fires, no seriously catastrophes, no bad weather, nothing that would make him think a forest would empty out like this. Letting out a long winded sigh he looked down at the ground and kicked a rock off in the distance, expecting to hear the sound of it striking a tree. Instead there was a dull thud followed closely by a loud his and a screech, prompting Takeshi to stop dead in his tracks as he blinked in surprise. That didn't sound too good.
"Er... I'm not the only one that heard that right?" Takeshi asked, glancing at Viral and Shu before staring in the direction the stone had gone. Narrowing his eyes trying to peer through the darkness he couldn't spot a single thing, no movement or not even a sound. Whatever it was it sounded awfully mad for being struck, and quite large too. More importantly though... It meant dinner. Grinning excitably at that he started walking towards where the sound had come from only to cast a glance skyward as the branches above snapped and crackled beneath something's weight. Seeing the silhouette of something above Takeshi gasped before scrambling away as a creature dropped down from above, slamming into the ground where he stood seconds before and writing around in place. Seeing what it was his stomach churned uneasily, his face paling as his eyes shot open wide. It was certainly something... It looked like a centipede mixed with... Hell he didn't know what. It was long, muscular and hairy and had four glowing red eyes on its head, all of them staring at him, Shu and Viral. "It's a b-b-bug..."
Swiveling its head as it looked between Takeshi, Shu and Viral the creature let out a hiss, its mandibles opening to reveal a row of razor sharp teeth hidden within. All of the creatures had fled and it hadn't been able to eat yet, but these three? It wouldn't miss another meal, it would kill them all and drag them back to its den to feast. Stopping with its gaze on Viral it snarled before standing up, its head nearly reaching the canopy of the trees above before it lunged forward, a pair of its razor sharp claws reaching out to pin him down.