Avatar of GambolMuse


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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Perhaps :o
Takeshi was still afraid as hell of fighting this thing but he couldn't leave Shu stuck there, he was in way too much danger. Even as he fought to protect his sibling he trembled and his skin was pale and clammy, and rather than chase and keep on the pressure he began desperately trying to claw Shu out of the goo so they could get away. When Shu was finally free he took a moment to try and calm himself, his head snapping to the left hearing the creature make a tear off through the woods once again. Despite his fear he became angry it kept trying to flee, taking off after it with his brother and Viral once more. Viral was pissed but that was hardly anything new, he didn't care enough right now to bother hearing him out. Breaking out of the forest and into a plain once more Takeshi became stunned as they saw lights up ahead, several towers of smoke rising up from the same area. People? And now this thing was making a beeline straight for those lights, was it going to attack them? He was too freaking hungry and tired for this!

If it were smaller the creature might be able to use the grass as cover to lose these three yet it was just too large, its back sticking out over the blades of grass like a dorsal fin in the water. Once the grass shortened and became nearly nonexistent there was no cover for the beast and it was utterly out in the open, the three strange beings on its tail still. The village was getting closer but then so were they and it would likely be attacked long before it ever got there. In a desperate attempt to be rid of its attackers for just a moment it reared up in mid-stride before lunging towards the ground, its several arms tearing down into the earth as it burrowed down, managing to submerge its entire body. Normally it only did this to sleep and yet it would have to try ambushing this way now, unable to handle fighting them otherwise. By following the vibrations of their footfalls it traveled over to where Viral was stood, trying to come up beneath him for an attack.
Fighting these three wasn't going to happen, they were unlike anything it had tried to eat before. It was used to prey fighting back, it had some scars, yet nothing hit as hard as these things or took off a limb. The only way it would get a meal now was by ambushing one of them and to do that it had to flee. After being swatted aside like a meager fly the creature scurried away on the forest floor in a desperate attempt to get some distance. Behind it the sound of branches bending and creaking beneath Shu's weight alerted it to his presence, the sound of footfalls and leaves crunching telling it the others were in pursuit as well. One of them backed off after a short pursuit and it became apparent why as the small one jumped down from above, trying no doubt to strike it again. Turning in mid stride the creature spewed forth a mass of the mucus, catching the small one in mid-air and pining him to a tree with it. Twisting its body then to avoid Viral's cleaver it doubled back after Shu, teeth barred as it tried to bury them into his shoulder. Instead the creature was again struck in the side of the head, stumbling before flying off as it was struck a second time.

"Keep your filthy mouth away from him you freak!" Takeshi screamed, trembling even as he knocked the creature away. Ignoring it as it tumbled across the ground he turned to his brother, face paled as his hands tore into the mucus to free Shu. It felt absolutely disgusting in his fingers and the smell was terrible but he tore away regardless while it slowly hardened, managing to break away enough for Shu to be free. Coughing as the disgusting odor hit his nose he covered it with his forearm, glaring at the creature as it was gathering itself back up. "Hungry you bastard? Eat this!" Raising up his arm he fired off a Ki blast at its head that managed to connect, though the creature's hide proved to be stronger than expected as hairs were burned but it remained mostly unharmed. Gritting his teeth he fired off a second that was avoided, glaring after the monster as it began scurrying away again. Giving a quick glance to Shu he nodded his head in the direction of the beast, putting on a smile before giving chase, giving Viral a quick glance along the way as well. "Hurry up! We're killing that thing!"

Now its face felt burned, and to top that off its body was terribly sore from being knocked around so much. The creature wasn't so dim as to try and fight despite its anger though, it had a way to kill these things and it would. Weaving in and out of the trees so no one had a clear shot at it the creature surged forward, the woods beginning to thin slightly as the terrain turned flatter. It seemed they were heading back out into the fields, though this time several plateaus dotted the horizon and broke the otherwise flat area. More notably still was the faint glow in the distance at the base of one such structure, and it was towards this glow the creature was racing. It knew this area well, it regularly preyed on those who lived here, and so it could use this to its advantage.
I'm trying asshole! is what Takeshi wanted to yell back, or rather he wish he had some biting, sarcastic remark to shit Viral up with. It seems even his mouth had abandoned him along with his courage as he couldn't muster a single word in response. Instead he just looked to the Beastman with a blank stare, turning his eyes back onto the beast at hand. This was just completely humiliating, he'd been all gung-ho and ready to fight just seconds before this thing had appeared and now he was no better than a frightened little kid. Even getting angry with himself and lashing out hadn't done any good as all he'd managed was leveling a tree. Even as Shu sprang back into action yet again, defending Viral from being cornered, he stood there and watched. All he could manage at the moment was stand by, hands at his side, and gape, silently hoping things would turn out alright for them.

The creature was livid now, being denied a meal once again as Shu slammed into the side of its head. Focused wholly on Viral it never saw Shu coming as he spiraled in for the kick, taking the brunt of the blow and being knocked off of its many feet, flying through the air before crashing into a cluster of trees. Writhing about for a moment as it fought to upright itself it locked its eyes on the trio, its vision slightly blurred from the hit to the head and its missing limb aching painfully. This wasn't working, trying to kill all three at once, it had to find another way. Letting out a hissing snarl it reared up as though it prepared to attack again, spewing a wide volley of mucus at them before turning and dropping its body to the ground. With a final hiss it began to slither away through the trees, weaving and trying to get distance between them. Being an ambush creature by nature fighting like that wasn't going to work, it had to try and hide and get the jump on them.

Wait, now it was trying to run from them? After all the trouble they had gone through finding something to eat it was running away? Not that Takeshi thought he'd be able to eat something so disgusting anyway but still... They weren't just going to let it get away were they? Neither Shu nor Viral appeared willing to as they took off, and like it or not his legs finally listened to him and began shuffling forward, slowly at first until they began to run after his brother and friend. He'd suck it up and actually fight once they caught the fricken thing, or at the very least he'd blast it, anything other than stand there like an idiot gaping.
It was just a bug, a big, stupid bug. He'd squashed plenty of bugs before, they were tiny and insignificant and weren't a threat to him at all. This one wasn't any different just because it was the size of a bus. So why was he trembling so badly? If it was tiny he wouldn't care, maybe, and the fact it was bigger shouldn't change that. Yet all he could muster was throwing a stone at its head and accomplishing little more than pissing it off and causing it to come after him instead. Normally he'd blast an enemy charging him, or charge back, anything really; with the creature bearing down on him all Takeshi did was raise his arms and try to shield himself, too frightened to fight back. When he heard the mass of the beast slam into the dirt he glanced over his arms, surprised to see Shu having kicked the thing well into the dirt away from him. Promptly following that was Viral with his weapon in hand, taking a swing to cleave its head off. Unfortunately for them the beast writhed away at the last second and lost an arm instead, howling in pain as it wriggled out of Viral's reach.

"H-Hey... Be careful Shu... You're gonna get hurt..." Takeshi stammered, lowering his arms seeing his little brother protecting him. This was absolutely humiliating, he was the older one here, he should be protecting Shu. Yet again as he tried to force his legs to move he found his feet firmly cemented where they were, refusing to obey his demands. "Fucking feet, move..." he grumbled, glaring down at his own legs as he tried placing one in front of the other, "Move! Move damn it!" The creature let out another furious howl as blood seeped out of its severed limb, rearing up and spewing some kind of thick mucous at Viral before lunging at him again, swiping at him with several limbs as its attacks missed. Gritting his teeth angrily Takeshi raised his arm and fired off a Ki blast that missed by a fairly wide berth, slamming into a smaller tree and knocking it over instead of striking the creature. He really was being a total idiot.

The creature was furious now after losing a limb, its stomach empty still and only growing more uncomfortable by the moment. It would eat the one who had taken its arm first, it would shred him and devour him before eating the others. Ignoring the bleeding it spewed some mucus at Viral to try and bind him to the ground and when that failed it simply lunged again at him, arms striking out in an attempt to injure him and remove that weapon. Sharp objects like those were always used to keep it at bay, but take away the sharp weapons and its prey was defenseless, this one was no different.
The creature was ravenous, everything in the area had run away or hidden and it had yet to eat all day. It had no idea what these three were and it cared little, they seemed like food and that's what mattered at this moment. Bearing down on Viral it swung two of its many limbs at him and tried pinning him to the ground, managing to do so as it leaned in attempting to take a bite of him. It came dangerously close to succeeding as well until something grabbed the back of its head, yanking it back and forcing it to release its catch. Howling angrily as it was pulled back it swung its body side to side to try and rid itself of the attacker, unsuccessfully reaching up with its too short arms to try and pry Shu off of itself. Shaking itself again the creature turned towards a nearby tree and lowered its body before charging ahead in an attempt to slam Shu between itself and the tree, finding only its own body hitting the trunk as he had moved. Giving itself a shake to regain its senses it locked its eyes on Shu now, hissing and rearing up on its hind legs threateningly before lunging forward at him.

Takeshi was trying to move but his legs wouldn't listen to him. Instead he remained firmly planted where he was on the ground, staring slack jawed at the giant bug now assailing his brother and friend. Watching as Shu jumped onto the creature and wrestled it away from Viral he felt mighty ashamed of himself for not being able to do the same thing; little Shu, afraid of his own shadow was fighting and here he was, sitting here trembling. Fighting to get himself moving he managed to just get to his feet as the creature slammed itself into a tree to try and squash Shu, watching as it set its sights on his brother instead. Was it just ignoring him now? Was he really that sorry that it wasn't going to come after him? Trembling a bit still Takeshi looked around and found another sizable rock, picking it up and cocking back his arm, letting the stone fly as the creature lunged for Shu, striking it in the side of its head and causing it to stumble. "Y-You keep away from him, freak!" he shouted, gasping as it turned its sights on him and began racing in his direction instead. Again he froze up, doing little more than put up his arms to shield himself.
Takeshi groaned in disapproval at the idea of going hungry, hardly pleased with such a idea. Fighting anything on any empty stomach sounded just about as awful as a fight could be. The fact they hadn't eaten since landing was already awful enough let alone going into tomorrow. Nearly tripping over a root made everything seem just so much more fun and he nearly wanted to turn and blow the tree into splinters for doing that, grumbling something beneath his breath and continuing on instead. The fact they had yet to see any creatures despite walking for some time now was beginning to grate on his nerves as well; nearly tripping, being hungry, "annoyed" by Viral, no wonder the typically whiny Takeshi was all strung up. Wondering aloud why no creatures had come across their path yet he asked the Beastman for his ideas, furrowing his brow in confusion at what he had to say.

"Evacuated? What do you mean? And there's nothing wrong here, I just see an empty forest!" What did Viral mean what was wrong? So maybe there weren't a bunch of creatures living in this part of the woods, or maybe they just didn't come out at night. But they hadn't even come across predators yet let alone something they might try to eat, so what gives? "Why would a forest evacuate, huh? I think if there was something that bad around we'd have seen it by now." There were no fires, no seriously catastrophes, no bad weather, nothing that would make him think a forest would empty out like this. Letting out a long winded sigh he looked down at the ground and kicked a rock off in the distance, expecting to hear the sound of it striking a tree. Instead there was a dull thud followed closely by a loud his and a screech, prompting Takeshi to stop dead in his tracks as he blinked in surprise. That didn't sound too good.

"Er... I'm not the only one that heard that right?" Takeshi asked, glancing at Viral and Shu before staring in the direction the stone had gone. Narrowing his eyes trying to peer through the darkness he couldn't spot a single thing, no movement or not even a sound. Whatever it was it sounded awfully mad for being struck, and quite large too. More importantly though... It meant dinner. Grinning excitably at that he started walking towards where the sound had come from only to cast a glance skyward as the branches above snapped and crackled beneath something's weight. Seeing the silhouette of something above Takeshi gasped before scrambling away as a creature dropped down from above, slamming into the ground where he stood seconds before and writing around in place. Seeing what it was his stomach churned uneasily, his face paling as his eyes shot open wide. It was certainly something... It looked like a centipede mixed with... Hell he didn't know what. It was long, muscular and hairy and had four glowing red eyes on its head, all of them staring at him, Shu and Viral. "It's a b-b-bug..."

Swiveling its head as it looked between Takeshi, Shu and Viral the creature let out a hiss, its mandibles opening to reveal a row of razor sharp teeth hidden within. All of the creatures had fled and it hadn't been able to eat yet, but these three? It wouldn't miss another meal, it would kill them all and drag them back to its den to feast. Stopping with its gaze on Viral it snarled before standing up, its head nearly reaching the canopy of the trees above before it lunged forward, a pair of its razor sharp claws reaching out to pin him down.
Ignoring Viral now Takeshi stuck back with Shu, quite annoyed Viral had to be along with them. He was perfectly okay with fighting alongside the guy but this was pushing it, he wasn't working out at all. The Beastman thinking he was right and knew better was just way too bothersome to have to deal with, it's not like he'd never hunted before. Complaining to Shu it seemed like even the little guy was siding with their friend now over him to, a fact that made him scoff before shrugging his shoulders. "Well there's still going to be stuff around, even if we gotta walk a bit more for it now, you know? It's not like I spooked the whole damn planet doing that," Takeshi retorted, frowning as Shu emphasized being quiet. Alright he got it, banging on the tree to draw attention to themselves might now have been the best idea but it wasn't like sneaking around was doing them any good either. "Fine, we'll do it your way. We'll keep quiet and sneak around, as if that's done much. I just want something to fricken eat already, my stomach's eating itself..."

Another plateau rose up in the distance as they traveled away from camp, obscuring the sky and the moon behind it, making the forest at its base darker than that before it. As with most of the forest it was decidedly silent as well with no signs of life, save perhaps small creatures or bugs scurrying about -- If they were to find anything to feed the group it would have to be far more than that. Even finding a creature wasn't going to solve everything either as T'charrl needed some kind of plant, preferably a fruit he'd said, and Shu would doubtless prefer that as well. Easier said than done and this was scarcely the sort of place to be picky about one's meal but they would try to accommodate as best they could. They had yet to find anything however that could even be remotely considered a meal and with the moon rising higher as time passed the chances of doing so seemed to be slipping away more and more. They might go hungry tonight and yet other beings in the forests weren't so unfortunate, knowing where creatures hid and how to lure them out. One beast currently had three unusual beings in its sights, none of them familiar yet all likely edible, and that was all it cared about.

Takeshi growled as he stumbled from tripping on a small root, turning and giving it a kick before groaning audibly. "This is bullshit, where are all the animals? Seriously, we're in a fricken forest! Shouldn't there be animals everywhere?" he complained, looking around and narrowing his eyes as he tried to peer through the darkness. Shu was all out of sorts too and nervous as they trudged along and he swore he could feel his younger brother practically trembling at his side. He'd lit up some Ki at one point to act as a light source yet extinguished it when Viral complained it would alert the animals; walking side by side was the best Shu would have to settle for, not much more that could be done. "There's got to be something we're not doing right, I mean there's no way this place is empty..." Takeshi grumbled, giving his head a rub, "Any ideas Viral? Nothing's working."
"Sure, all the small stuff is gonna run away, but the big things are going to wonder what's going on! And that's what we want, the big animals!" He'd done it before, what was so hard to figure out about that? Especially later at night it drew attention from any number of things back on Earth, if he scared away a space squirrel or whatever the hell was here then fine, they weren't after those anyways. Annoyed with Viral doubting him he pushed the Beastman to take the lead instead, frowning as he went on readily and even made another shot at his pride. "Hey! You don't even know where I live, alright? I live near a forest, I do this kind of stuff!" the Saiyan shot back annoyed before falling back with Shu. What an ass thinking he didn't know how to hunt, how did Viral figured he'd survived? If the guy hadn't noticed he didn't exactly hold a job ever and the only money he really had was from the tournament, other than that he was basically broke.

Of course when Takeshi went back to Shu for some back up now the little guy decided to get back to his meek self. With everything else going on the thing to frighten Shu was some loud noise apparently. Rolling his eyes the older boy rubbed at his neck, sighing before focusing his eyes on the dark forest around them. Not that it mattered much he supposed, an animal would be easy enough to kill no matter what world they were on and they'd have a meal for everyone in no time. "Oh come on buddy, you really think just some animal is going to do us in? I mean look at all the crap we've dealt with, you know? There's all sorts of things we've fought, so you really think some little thing here is gonna hurt us?" It wasn't like it was just one of them out here hunting either, between the three of them they could handle whatever was thrown their way. "So relax buddy, we're gonna be just fine. Let's just focus on finding the biggest, tastiest looking animal we can, alright? Gotta have full stomachs tomorrow if we run into those things."
"It's probably scaring off the little things but not the big things, and we want the big ones! Gotta feed a lot of people with what we catch," Takeshi retorted, rolling his eyes when Viral looked away from him. "And I'm not crap at hunting, I know how to do this. Kind of hard to hunt though, being on an alien world and all, ya know? The usual stuff probably won't cut it." Normally he'd use a trap or something or even chase a creature down yet they hadn't seen much of anything yet. And how would he even know what to use for bait? For all he knew he'd grab something poisonous and they'd be in the same predicament they were in now. It wasn't like Viral was doing much himself to find anything, just following them anyways. Gritting his teeth when the Beastman criticized him further Takeshi turned on his heel and pointed in the face of his friend testily. "So why don't you try taking the lead then huh? I mean we don't know this world at all but clearly you know what to do better than me, so have at it big guy!"

Just slightly annoyed Takeshi dropped back and let Viral take the lead, falling in line with Shu instead as he crossed his arms angrily. The nerve of that guy sometimes drove him nuts; he'd hunted before when he lived alone and he'd hunted with Shu, he knew he was good at it and having Viral say otherwise really pissed him off. The fact they weren't finding anything wasn't his fault either, he'd tried doing everything he could and only had begun to smack trees out of frustration. "Can you believe him...? Like I don't know how to hunt..." the older boy grumbled angrily, frowning as he glanced around the area, "We've hunted before, you know? You know I know how to do this stuff, not my fault nothing's showing up." Letting out a sigh he shook his head once more before rubbing at it, glancing over at Shu with a small smile. "We got the easy job though huh? They're back there cleaning up and we're wandering around looking for food, so far it's a breeze."
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