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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"Really, no one trains with you?" Yumi asked in disbelief, unable to understand why that was. Come to think of it though there was a reason wasn't there? It was why T'charrl had trouble in fights sometime, he seemed to pick up on energy left over from the fighting. There had to be a way to not do that though, some way to just... Block it out. If that wasn't possible then she would fight without the use of energy, simple as that, and never give him a chance to use any. "Plus you can use a sword, can't you? I learned how but I'm not very good, it's why I don't use weapons when I fight," Yumi admitted with a sheepish smile, "Plus you can heal people, and you help us speak to the departed, and you can heal worlds. There's a lot you're good at even if you can't name it off of the top of your head!" She might know of other things too but she hadn't had the chance to spend much time around T'charrl and, as a result, she didn't learn too much more about him. It was a shameful thing to admit about one of her friends but she had to hang out with him more, if given the chance. "Well... Now you have friends and you're done with learning about being a prince! So now you can focus on having fun with us!"

Having to talk over Yumi was kind of frustrating, even more when she looked to be making T'charrl awfully happy. Why couldn't he be doing that for his friend too? He should try it, maybe he could get T'charrl to laugh too. "Well I don't think you'll change into a monster... You're not doing those kinds of things, I think you're safe," Haku muttered, putting on a smile as he tried to sound a little more positive on it, "Sure you changed a bit before, but... You haven't in a long time, since we met. So you must be getting better right? And... You have all these people around to help if you need it, so... You won't be one of those people." Just because someone of your kind did something before didn't mean you were destined to repeat it. If that were the case then he'd be a powerful warrior right now! Bringing up his parents didn't appear to be having the effect he'd hoped in trying to make T'charrl happier, in fact it seemed to have the opposite effect completely. Lowering his gaze for a moment Haku shifted his weight uneasily, biting his lip before looking up at his friend. "Well when we visit you can find out! I'm uh... I'm sure they would tell you if you ask," he answered, though he was hardly sure himself. He didn't exactly come from a place where you expected much of your parents, being really close to them was rare, so how should he know?

It was bad enough to have Viral berating him and calling him out, but now Vegeta was doing it too? It was only made worse by the fact that everything he was hearing he knew to be true and yet he couldn't accept that, any of it, for one very important reason. "He hasn't had to fight like this though, I have. I'm better at it, he can rely on me," the Saiyan argued weakly, smiling as he tried to push his case, "And I know what it is... He's afraid of changing! If I fight for him then he doesn't have to worry, he won't change. I don't mind fighting, and I can do it so he doesn't need to, it's simple!"

"You're not fixing the problem then, you're avoiding it. He could still change, especially if something happens to you," Vegeta pointed out, frowning as Takeshi seemed to be verbally slapped by that obvious truth, "His changes are due to emotional triggers, under times of great duress. This could be while under stress in battle, or when faced with a towering decision that he may not be ready to handle... Or watching his brother take a fall on his behalf. Your priorities are completely backwards, stop being a child and face reality and help your brother. What you're doing now is only hurting him." They probably should have told him this before, far sooner given how long it has been going on for. Vegeta had expected his father to but then he had a way of dancing about issues sometimes, wanting to try and get someone to reach a conclusion on their own. Admirable, but if they were too dense to do so then you'd be stuck waiting a very long time.

Damn it... He knew what Shu's problems were, he didn't know how to fix them though! Why were they waiting for him to fix it, he obviously didn't know how! "If it's so easy to fix him then you do it! You're the smart one, you or your dad. Why don't one of you two fix him?!" Takeshi demanded an answer but didn't get one, watching in defeat as Vegeta simply went back to eating his food. Looking across the way at Shu he felt himself deflate slightly, looking away ashamed before walking from the group. Rather than go back to his seat he went towards the edge of the village, feeling too embarrassed and shameful to be with anyone at the moment. A small part of him hoped Shu would come running after him and yet the same part also hoped not, he didn't know what he would tell his brother right now if they had to talk.

"Sooner or later he'll pull his head out of his rear, I just didn't think it would take so long," Vegeta commented, chewing through a terse piece of meat before spitting it out in the dirt, "Hm... I get the impression he did genuinely feel bad for what he had done, to you and Shu, but he's too egotistical to let it be about anyone other than himself. Ah well, no sense in wasting our energy over it, it's his problem." There had been a fair point raised though, he could try putting a little effort into Shu's situation as well. Viral's own condition was in large under control save for his new transformation and then there was T'charrl, the matter of his education and of his own powers being unwieldy still. Still a lot of work to do yet all of it important, and Vegeta had yet to find an answer to all of it. "I meant to ask, come tomorrow, do you have a plan in mind for how we tackle this? Aside from our two groups we haven't much discussed our tactics. I figured as the respective leaders we probably should think of something, hm?"
Hax! D:
"See? It's all about making what you have work. I'm only human but I can fight with someone like Vegeta, or Viral, who are much stronger than humans," Yumi continued on, sounding just a little bit proud at that statement, "Just like you should never feel any less because you're not like us, and we never should feel bad because we're different from you. No one can do everything but some people can do some things very well, and that's what we should be proud of." She swore she was talking to T'charrl on this matter yet that sounded oddly like something she should say to Viral as well; he didn't have Ki, he couldn't do what they could and he made a point of it often enough. Yet what about everything he could do that they couldn't? Surely there was some pride in that. Just like she took pride in having learned how to fly like the others, even if initially it had been far from flawless. Thank goodness they had been at the ocean when practicing, otherwise some of those crashes would have likely hurt. "Things were fun too though, don't you think? Life is so... Simple as a kid," Yumi spoke in a dreamy tone, smiling as she glanced up at the night sky, "Nothing mattered and you got to have fun all the time. I miss it sometimes, but then I wasn't friends with all of you, so I'm okay with having grown up, it was worth it."

Haku didn't know what to expect from T'charrl's parents other than maybe being slapped by his mother and chewed out by his father. Was it fortunate for him that wouldn't be anything new for him? He was used to Saiyan commanders being terrible to him, surely these people weren't anything worse than they were. "Why? Your powers are awesome... And I mean, look what you've done with them. Plus uh... You're gonna be helping to kill these monsters, you're saving worlds. They can't be mad about that can they?" He was going to be a hero, traveling around to other planets and saving its people from these things; as if being the first of his kind to travel through space wasn't enough he was going to be doing all of that too, what wasn't there to be proud of? To Haku it seemed awfully obvious yet he didn't know the people, T'charrl could be right and they would only be angry with him. He really didn't get it but he hoped T'charrl might be wrong, everyone else had been nice enough so far and it would be a lousy return to form to be yelled at and smacked around again. Picking silently at his food he wondered if the world was even fit for them to visit too, thinking about how his friend had mentioned there had been a war. There was war everywhere wasn't there?

His original point of coming over to Viral was long gone by now, at this point Takeshi was trying to save face in front of Viral. He was just looking out for Shu, wasn't that admirable? He kept his brother from fighting because he didn't want Shu to get hurt, so he didn't have to fight when he really didn't want to, why wasn't the Beastman getting that? "No, I think because he's always scared of fighting that he needs it! I don't mind fighting, I've done it a lot, but he hasn't! That's what I'm here for, to do things he doesn't want to!" He was so sure of himself and that he was doing what he was supposed to do; he'd never had family until Shu showed up and he'd tried to protect the little guy since then, no one had ever said anything before. How could it be wrong? Again Viral turned on him and started attacking him instead, causing Takeshi's irritation to only grow as he was again called out. Letting out something between a frustrated growl and a huff he ran a hand through his hair before gesturing towards Viral angrily. "I've been fine aside from today, one mistake! If it wasn't for me you two would probably be dead on Kaesstra, but no, I'm just a screw up huh? And I helped you get back from having that collar, and I helped Shu too, but whatever, I'm just a coward and I run from things, right? I've done --"

"Takeshi, that's enough." Vegeta couldn't listen to them bickering anymore, it was exhausting having to endure. Frankly he was tired of listening to Takeshi whine like an impudent child that wasn't getting his way and it was high time to set him straight. "Viral's right, whether you want to acknowledge that fact or not," he continued in a steady voice, picking away at his meal in a casual manner that frustrated the younger Saiyan, "Shu seems helpless because you've made him think he is, that he has to rely on you. If you treat someone as inept they will come to believe it, dependency forms. He is perfectly capable of standing on his own two feet though and your coddling him isn't doing him any favors." Finally looking up at Takeshi he met the angry glare with an uninterested one, coming across himself more as an adult exasperated with a fitful child. "And Viral is right, you're concerned too much with your own appearance. You came over here to apologize didn't you? So why then has this devolved into an argument of your character? Why should it matter?"
Regol was born into the shadow magic, molded by it. Link merely adopted the magic. :P
Let the hunt for Amuné begin! :o
Well this was a truly dreadful turn of events. How had something as simple as shopping for supplies turned into a kidnapping? Were it a smaller town finding Amuné would be simple, someone would have doubtless seen something. Yet with such a busy place as Warren, with crowds cluttering the roads, someone could likely slip away and remain largely unnoticed. What a cowardly thing to do too, kidnapping a child like this; prisoners of war existed in Dimuran culture but even then they were given some degree of respect. Kidnapping was an act about as shameless and as void as honor as one could carry out and there was no forgiving it. They would have to find their young friend somehow and sooner rather than later, there was no telling where her captor may have taken her. Nymira had to take charge of the situation with Ethan all out of sorts, sending off Geoffrey before addressing those still behind. Panicking and running around blindly wouldn't help them any, one had to keep a clear head to accomplish anything.

"Be at ease, Cecil. If you cannot track Amuné then there are other ways, it's fine," Nymira muttered, frowning as she glanced around for some idea. There had to be something, right? She knew people from her village had been stolen away before yet she had never taken part in rescuing them, that had always been the duty of their soldiers. Had she one of her guards with her still they would likely know which course of action to take, all she could do was stand there idly without a clue. Hearing the sounds of heavy footfalls again she spotted Geoffrey and Zander on their way back, relieved that the healer had been found so quickly. There was no knowing what was in Wyth's system and waiting could have disastrous results. It appeared as though everything had been explained already which saved her the trouble as Zander promptly went to work. She wasn't sure how he intended to help the moorcat but when she saw a telltale green glow a look of annoyance spread across her face. Grabbing Ethan by the shirt she pulled him over, making him stand in place to obscure what was happening to any bystanders. "Honestly Zander, why not raise a flag while you're at it?"

It wasn't abundantly clear why Nymira was pulling him until he noticed the magic as well, smiling with relief at Zander's presence. Difficult as he might be sometimes no one could deny his helpfulness, no one could do what Zander could. His ability to be able to mend wounds in an instant made him an invaluable member of their ragtag team and all the more reason to befriend him, not that Ethan needed much more reason. While the process was undertaken he stood with his back to them, smiling and waving at the occasional passerby who looked their way, just trying to keep their eyes off of what was happening at his back. Once it was completed he greeted Wyth with a relieved smile, reaching down and petting the animal on his back. "Thank goodness... You had me really worried, glad to see you're back to your old self. And thank you Zander, I'm sure Amuné appreciates it too."

"Speaking of Amuné we really need to come up with a plan. She could be anywhere in this place," Nymira interjected, placing her hands on her hips as her brow knit together in thought, "My limited experience in this kingdom tells me criminals like to work out of warehouses. Only problem is this town doesn't appear to have many, and all of them are near crowded areas. So if we don't look there then where?" She wouldn't even know where to begin their search as towns here were so different from hers back home. Dimuran villages weren't terribly primitive, they even had moderate sized stone and brick buildings in some of the larger ones such as her own, built by talented craftsmen. That was where the similarities ended, the layouts were different and there were far more people, she couldn't imagine what the cities were like. "We have to think of something, I doubt her captors will give us a chance to catch them if we take too long."

"Right... There's got to be something we can do, let's see..." What did the guards tend to do when someone went missing? They usually checked where the person was last spotted, and then... Look for clues there? Beyond that he had no clue what guards did but Ethan figured they should begin there at the very least, perhaps they could find something to help point them in the right direction. "I know! Let's go back to the body, there might be something there that we can use," Ethan suggested, smiling uneasily as he itched his cheek, "He uh... He won't be talking, he's kind of come down with a sudden case of the death, but... There's bound to be something right? Or maybe someone saw something."

"It's a good a plan as any, at least that way we may get a lead," Nymira agreed, nodding to herself before looking at Cecil, "We can leave the cart where it is for now, I doubt anyone can steal it." Letting Ethan take the lead they moved again through the crowds of people, doubling back to the alleyway which he had come running from. Finding their way back was simple even with Ethan's lack of navigation skills and yet an unexpected hurdle was thrown their way. A crowd had since gathered outside of the alleyway and were obscuring their path, and doubtless guards weren't too far behind. Wanting to move quickly she took Ethan's arm and dragged him through with her, pushing him along once in the narrow corridor and pointing to the man's corpse. "You're the self-proclaimed guard, are you not? Then get to work, tell us what we need to know."

"I'm really not a guard, but I'll give it a shot," Ethan replied, watching the rest of the group file in after them. Going to the corpse he wrinkled his nose in disgust at the smell of blood, crouching down and trying to avoid looking at the kill wounds on the man's side. "Sorry about this sir, I need to take a look..." Reaching into his jacket he looked for anything that might be of use, finding nothing other than an empty canteen and a half burned cigar. The rest of his search turned up completely fruitless as well and before he could finish it a group of guards had arrived on the scene, ushering Ethan to get back after he quickly explained he wasn't looting the man's corpse. He didn't know if he should mention Amuné's kidnapping to them or not though even if he tried he and the others were pushed away and never given the chance, leaving them without a lead.

"Some professionals. For all they know he was related to you," Nymira grumbled in disapproval, watching as the guards blocked off the way and began doing exactly what Ethan had been. "I suppose it can't be helped, unless we want to get the ire of the local guards. If that was a failure though I can't imagine where we go from here..." The corpse had revealed nothing to them and she hadn't recognized the man, nor did it look like the others did either. Damn it all, what reason would anyone have for grabbing Amuné? She was a child, a nondescript child with nothing to show really save for maybe a few coins she'd been given to shop, and yet Ethan had the money she had given. So why grab her?

Those children looked terribly distraught, they hadn't found anything had they? She was certain she saw the white-haired boy with the young lady before hadn't she? Was she his sister or something like that? Shuffling over to the group an older woman pulled on the sleeve of Ethan, looking up at him sympathetically as he gave her a puzzled look in turn. "You poor things... Was that your sister? The one that man had?"

Ethan's heart skipped a beat at the elderly woman's question, reaching out and placing his hands on her arms as he shook his head. "Not my sister, but I'm kind of her caretaker, I've been watching out for her. Why? Do you know her? Did you see where she went?"

The elderly woman nodded in reply before smiling apologetically, "I do, but I don't know where the man is going. He took the girl in his arms, said she had been attacked, he was taking her home. But I had a bad feeling about the man, and when I saw you run out of the alley I knew he had been lying. He ran up the road a ways that way," she explained with a pointed gesture, "He disappeared in another alley, I don't know where he's gone from there. I'm terribly sorry dear, perhaps the guard--"

"Thank you so much ma'am, and we'll take care of it, thank you," Ethan beamed, leaning down and kissing the woman on the forehead before digging into his pockets. Feeling like he owed the woman something more he grabbed a nondescript amount of currency from the pouch and placed it in her empty hands, turning to the group as she stared at the small pile confused. "Alright, we're heading that way! She can't be too far!" If this woman had seen something then someone else had to as well, they only had to keep asking until they found the trail. Hopefully Amuné could hang in there, they wouldn't be too far behind.
T'charrl's inability to understand was endearing, and a little funny. Examining a piece of food she tossed it up before catching it in her mouth, humming thoughtfully as he spoke on about their differences. "Well... I don't think it's how a person's body looks that makes them strong, it's how they use it," Yumi pointed out with a smile, lifting her own arms and flexing, "Whether you have two arms, four arms or no arms if you can use your body right then you're as good a fighter as any. So do I think it's unfair that you have more arms than I do? Nope, because that's just how you are, and this is how I am. We both have our own ways of fighting but it doesn't make either of us any worse off, now does it?" Just like she wasn't a Saiyan as most of her friends were but she wouldn't allow that to keep her back. If she had to train 10 hours a day compared to their 2 to keep up then she would, and that was okay. No use in getting upset over something you may or may not have that another did. "Nope, my knees don't hurt, though they kind of did at first," Yumi muttered as she put a finger to her chin, "I've only been able to fly for maybe... Let's see, a year? Almost two? I'm still used to it and when I first started it was rough, I crashed a lot. But you learn and you get better, and now I can do it just fine."

Hearing how well Yumi and T'charrl were getting along made Haku envious, and a little bit jealous. Despite not talking much far as he knew they looked to enjoy each others company quite a lot, smiling and laughing together. So far he hadn't really gotten T'charrl to smile at all despite his best efforts and he certainly hadn't made his friend laugh. Maybe that just wasn't his thing he tried to tell himself, that he was just there for... He didn't know, a different reason. Still it would be nice, it'd feel like he was doing something for his friend then. Wondering aloud about meeting his friend's parents sometime the votes of confidence he got concerning it, or the lack thereof to be more exact weren't terribly reassuring. It sounded odd to him that parents would be so protective of their children in that way; on Kortal once a child was old enough to speak they were put into training, and before long given some kind of job. Parents spent plenty of time preparing their children and making sure they succeeded, but making them happy and watching out for something like their feelings wasn't part of that. "Oh... Well uh... I'm sure they won't mind me? I mean... What am I going to do?" Haku asked, letting out a nervous chuckle as he wrung his hands together, "Maybe uh... Maybe you should introduce me when we go? I want to meet them and all, but now I'm kind of worried I'd say the wrong thing. I don't know what your people are like, I could... Insult them or something and not even know it."

All he had done coming over here was try and apologize to Viral for his screw up earlier. He figured he was being the bigger man here, owning up to his mistake and admitting he'd been wrong, so what gives? Why was he being insulted and doubted instead? "I've helped you plenty before, so what if I screwed up once? I... I got my ass in gear didn't I? And it turned out okay? I mean yeah, you're hurt, but you're alive you know? That's something!" he argued lamely, frowning as Viral continued on. Now he was starting to get angry, though not at the person who was siting before him and chastising him: Takeshi was angry with himself. Both because he knew that Viral was right and because he'd completely deserved all of this. Clenching his hands he bit down on his tongue briefly before reaching up, rubbing at his head before kicking some dirt into the fire angrily. "You've seen him though! He gets all scared when we fight, and he hides, he doesn't like to fight! So of course I have to treat him like that. I fight so he doesn't have to, it's what a big brother does!" Takeshi argued as he looked back at Viral with an uneasy smile, "I'm not here to learn from him... He learns from me! I've been trying to help him this whole time, and he needs me to show him how to do things! You know that as well as I do Viral, he's just a kid!"
"Very well, I won't press the matter any more. Simply figured I would offer." Vegeta assumed Viral was simply being a touch too prideful to accept the medicine, whether he needed it or not. Anyone else would take it if they were in enough pain, they wouldn't be too proud to accept a single painkiller to ease a little discomfort. Ah well, no sense in getting all wound up over it. Tearing apart what looked like a drumstick he slowly picked at it, finding the combination of flavor and texture a touch unusual but not terribly unappealing. There were other matters for Viral to contend with anyways, matters which a simple little pill would not solve. Bringing up the two women vying for his attention Vegeta smirked in amusement, shrugging his shoulders as he kept his eyes trained on his food. "What can I say? They see the alpha and they want his favor, and they will do anything to get it," he continued to press, glancing briefly over from the corner of his eye before chuckling, "I'm only teasing you Viral. You're one of Yumi's closest friends and she cares dearly for you, that's why she does what she does. I'm sure I would get the same reaction were I in your position," he mused, pausing to grab his glass of fermented juice and take a slow sip, "Ah... Now Eris I can't say for sure, we haven't known her long enough. She may legitimately want you though, in which case I can only say good luck."

Having been in the middle of eating her food Yumi had to cover her mouth when T'charrl unwittingly made a joke, trying not to spit her food out as she laughed. She thought he had legitimately understood what she meant yet it seemed like it had completely passed him by still, poor thing. "No, that's not what I meant," she laughed, reaching over and patting one of his shoulders, "Armed combat means with weapons, and unarmed combat means without, understand? If I said you use unarmed combat you wouldn't go and fight without your arms or legs, would you?" she asked rhetorically, giggling again before shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you, but it was funny. And you never know, different body types or not we could probably teach each other sometime! I know a lot of styles, and you're bound to know something, considering who your parents are. Maybe we can train together after this?" They hadn't really done much of anything together since Kaesstra, with the bulk of their interaction being on rides between planets or fighting together. Wouldn't it be fun then, just getting to play around, train and maybe chat? Hearing Haku's request on meeting T'charrl's parents Yumi pretended to cough, shaking her head when he looked over before resuming eating when T'charrl looked as well.

"Oh? W-Well then... I'll have to be careful not to make her mad then..." How bad could she be really? He'd dealt with bitter, angry drill instructors and commanders all his life, no one could be as nasty as they were. So maybe she had a little bit of a temper or she had a tendency to shout, that was nothing he wasn't accustomed to. "I'd just like to meet them sometime is all, and uh... Y-Yeah, can we please not tell them that part? I uh... I don't think they'd like me much then," the Saiyan muttered with a nervous laugh, rubbing at his neck awkwardly, "It's not like I could have anyways, I mean... I kind of got the jump on you guys then, you didn't expect me. I uh... I've seen you fight though and you're all a lot s-stronger than me, I was an idiot for even trying that." He had just been following orders back then too, and it was either follow his orders or go back, get thrown in a cell or outright killed for screwing it up. In hindsight he'd been meant to die fighting them but he'd been lucky, they weren't the sort of people to do that. Lucky him?

Takeshi had no idea what to say or how to really apologize, he should just say sorry right? He figured that was how you did it and so that's what he went with, admitting he had screwed up before and throwing in a handful of apologies for good measure. He didn't expect Viral to just suddenly open up and accept his words, sure, but he expected a little more than what he was getting in exchange. Lifting his head as the Beastman spoke he frowned, his hands balling up into fists as he tore into the grass beneath him. When the matter of appearances was brought up he grit his teeth and looked down again, wanting to argue that Viral was completely wrong and he had no idea what he was talking about; Takeshi wanted to tell Viral he had the wrong idea and yet his friend was right on the money, even if he didn't want to admit it, which he didn't. "You're saying it like I'm always looking out for myself, and that's not true! I've helped you guys fight plenty of times!" he argued, looking up and smiling uncertainly, "I helped you when you were still under father's control, and I helped you on Kaesstra, and... I've helped you plenty! And I've helped Shu a lot too, so don't say I don't look out for others!" He probably shouldn't be arguing this but he felt like he was being attacked now, all for trying to apologize. Getting up he looked at Viral uncertainly, unsure of what to say now that his apology hadn't done anything. "We took care of it, didn't we? So... So what's the big deal? You'll be fine, and Shu is fine, and tomorrow we'll go kill those things! Who cares what that thing looked like, if we see another I'll kick its ass!"
xD Me? Nuh uh!
Bai :3
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