"Really, no one trains with you?" Yumi asked in disbelief, unable to understand why that was. Come to think of it though there was a reason wasn't there? It was why T'charrl had trouble in fights sometime, he seemed to pick up on energy left over from the fighting. There had to be a way to not do that though, some way to just... Block it out. If that wasn't possible then she would fight without the use of energy, simple as that, and never give him a chance to use any. "Plus you can use a sword, can't you? I learned how but I'm not very good, it's why I don't use weapons when I fight," Yumi admitted with a sheepish smile, "Plus you can heal people, and you help us speak to the departed, and you can heal worlds. There's a lot you're good at even if you can't name it off of the top of your head!" She might know of other things too but she hadn't had the chance to spend much time around T'charrl and, as a result, she didn't learn too much more about him. It was a shameful thing to admit about one of her friends but she had to hang out with him more, if given the chance. "Well... Now you have friends and you're done with learning about being a prince! So now you can focus on having fun with us!"
Having to talk over Yumi was kind of frustrating, even more when she looked to be making T'charrl awfully happy. Why couldn't he be doing that for his friend too? He should try it, maybe he could get T'charrl to laugh too. "Well I don't think you'll change into a monster... You're not doing those kinds of things, I think you're safe," Haku muttered, putting on a smile as he tried to sound a little more positive on it, "Sure you changed a bit before, but... You haven't in a long time, since we met. So you must be getting better right? And... You have all these people around to help if you need it, so... You won't be one of those people." Just because someone of your kind did something before didn't mean you were destined to repeat it. If that were the case then he'd be a powerful warrior right now! Bringing up his parents didn't appear to be having the effect he'd hoped in trying to make T'charrl happier, in fact it seemed to have the opposite effect completely. Lowering his gaze for a moment Haku shifted his weight uneasily, biting his lip before looking up at his friend. "Well when we visit you can find out! I'm uh... I'm sure they would tell you if you ask," he answered, though he was hardly sure himself. He didn't exactly come from a place where you expected much of your parents, being really close to them was rare, so how should he know?
It was bad enough to have Viral berating him and calling him out, but now Vegeta was doing it too? It was only made worse by the fact that everything he was hearing he knew to be true and yet he couldn't accept that, any of it, for one very important reason. "He hasn't had to fight like this though, I have. I'm better at it, he can rely on me," the Saiyan argued weakly, smiling as he tried to push his case, "And I know what it is... He's afraid of changing! If I fight for him then he doesn't have to worry, he won't change. I don't mind fighting, and I can do it so he doesn't need to, it's simple!"
"You're not fixing the problem then, you're avoiding it. He could still change, especially if something happens to you," Vegeta pointed out, frowning as Takeshi seemed to be verbally slapped by that obvious truth, "His changes are due to emotional triggers, under times of great duress. This could be while under stress in battle, or when faced with a towering decision that he may not be ready to handle... Or watching his brother take a fall on his behalf. Your priorities are completely backwards, stop being a child and face reality and help your brother. What you're doing now is only hurting him." They probably should have told him this before, far sooner given how long it has been going on for. Vegeta had expected his father to but then he had a way of dancing about issues sometimes, wanting to try and get someone to reach a conclusion on their own. Admirable, but if they were too dense to do so then you'd be stuck waiting a very long time.
Damn it... He knew what Shu's problems were, he didn't know how to fix them though! Why were they waiting for him to fix it, he obviously didn't know how! "If it's so easy to fix him then you do it! You're the smart one, you or your dad. Why don't one of you two fix him?!" Takeshi demanded an answer but didn't get one, watching in defeat as Vegeta simply went back to eating his food. Looking across the way at Shu he felt himself deflate slightly, looking away ashamed before walking from the group. Rather than go back to his seat he went towards the edge of the village, feeling too embarrassed and shameful to be with anyone at the moment. A small part of him hoped Shu would come running after him and yet the same part also hoped not, he didn't know what he would tell his brother right now if they had to talk.
"Sooner or later he'll pull his head out of his rear, I just didn't think it would take so long," Vegeta commented, chewing through a terse piece of meat before spitting it out in the dirt, "Hm... I get the impression he did genuinely feel bad for what he had done, to you and Shu, but he's too egotistical to let it be about anyone other than himself. Ah well, no sense in wasting our energy over it, it's his problem." There had been a fair point raised though, he could try putting a little effort into Shu's situation as well. Viral's own condition was in large under control save for his new transformation and then there was T'charrl, the matter of his education and of his own powers being unwieldy still. Still a lot of work to do yet all of it important, and Vegeta had yet to find an answer to all of it. "I meant to ask, come tomorrow, do you have a plan in mind for how we tackle this? Aside from our two groups we haven't much discussed our tactics. I figured as the respective leaders we probably should think of something, hm?"
Having to talk over Yumi was kind of frustrating, even more when she looked to be making T'charrl awfully happy. Why couldn't he be doing that for his friend too? He should try it, maybe he could get T'charrl to laugh too. "Well I don't think you'll change into a monster... You're not doing those kinds of things, I think you're safe," Haku muttered, putting on a smile as he tried to sound a little more positive on it, "Sure you changed a bit before, but... You haven't in a long time, since we met. So you must be getting better right? And... You have all these people around to help if you need it, so... You won't be one of those people." Just because someone of your kind did something before didn't mean you were destined to repeat it. If that were the case then he'd be a powerful warrior right now! Bringing up his parents didn't appear to be having the effect he'd hoped in trying to make T'charrl happier, in fact it seemed to have the opposite effect completely. Lowering his gaze for a moment Haku shifted his weight uneasily, biting his lip before looking up at his friend. "Well when we visit you can find out! I'm uh... I'm sure they would tell you if you ask," he answered, though he was hardly sure himself. He didn't exactly come from a place where you expected much of your parents, being really close to them was rare, so how should he know?
It was bad enough to have Viral berating him and calling him out, but now Vegeta was doing it too? It was only made worse by the fact that everything he was hearing he knew to be true and yet he couldn't accept that, any of it, for one very important reason. "He hasn't had to fight like this though, I have. I'm better at it, he can rely on me," the Saiyan argued weakly, smiling as he tried to push his case, "And I know what it is... He's afraid of changing! If I fight for him then he doesn't have to worry, he won't change. I don't mind fighting, and I can do it so he doesn't need to, it's simple!"
"You're not fixing the problem then, you're avoiding it. He could still change, especially if something happens to you," Vegeta pointed out, frowning as Takeshi seemed to be verbally slapped by that obvious truth, "His changes are due to emotional triggers, under times of great duress. This could be while under stress in battle, or when faced with a towering decision that he may not be ready to handle... Or watching his brother take a fall on his behalf. Your priorities are completely backwards, stop being a child and face reality and help your brother. What you're doing now is only hurting him." They probably should have told him this before, far sooner given how long it has been going on for. Vegeta had expected his father to but then he had a way of dancing about issues sometimes, wanting to try and get someone to reach a conclusion on their own. Admirable, but if they were too dense to do so then you'd be stuck waiting a very long time.
Damn it... He knew what Shu's problems were, he didn't know how to fix them though! Why were they waiting for him to fix it, he obviously didn't know how! "If it's so easy to fix him then you do it! You're the smart one, you or your dad. Why don't one of you two fix him?!" Takeshi demanded an answer but didn't get one, watching in defeat as Vegeta simply went back to eating his food. Looking across the way at Shu he felt himself deflate slightly, looking away ashamed before walking from the group. Rather than go back to his seat he went towards the edge of the village, feeling too embarrassed and shameful to be with anyone at the moment. A small part of him hoped Shu would come running after him and yet the same part also hoped not, he didn't know what he would tell his brother right now if they had to talk.
"Sooner or later he'll pull his head out of his rear, I just didn't think it would take so long," Vegeta commented, chewing through a terse piece of meat before spitting it out in the dirt, "Hm... I get the impression he did genuinely feel bad for what he had done, to you and Shu, but he's too egotistical to let it be about anyone other than himself. Ah well, no sense in wasting our energy over it, it's his problem." There had been a fair point raised though, he could try putting a little effort into Shu's situation as well. Viral's own condition was in large under control save for his new transformation and then there was T'charrl, the matter of his education and of his own powers being unwieldy still. Still a lot of work to do yet all of it important, and Vegeta had yet to find an answer to all of it. "I meant to ask, come tomorrow, do you have a plan in mind for how we tackle this? Aside from our two groups we haven't much discussed our tactics. I figured as the respective leaders we probably should think of something, hm?"