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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
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If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"That's... Ingenious, actually. I hadn't considered that. If you're able to do so then please, give it a try. They may need our assistance." Viral would hate him for interfering, and the Beastmen would likely take issue as well, but it was better than leaving them on their own. There was some risk with their tracking energy however and T'charrl knew it as well: he may change if exposed to too much energy. They had yet to have an incident where he attacked any of them but Vegeta would prefer not to test that just to be certain. "The real you, hm...? Funny, I thought the Kaesstrian we met before the incident was the real you, not what you turn into," he pointed out with a shrug, "If they are in trouble it's not your fault, don't apologize. We knew the risks going into this, they did too, it's not anyone's fault." Nor would it be T'charrl's fault if the worst should come to pass and they were unable to help the others. Vegeta knew this was a long shot, trying to open another portal, but it was all they had right now.

Takeshi knew what he wanted to tell Shu, he just had no idea how to say it. Seriously why was it being left to him? He wasn't the type of person to do this thing, that was supposed to be Vegeta's or Aito's job wasn't it? He was trying to tell Shu he was bright and failing miserably as he only seemed to be upsetting his brother with his words. "Yeah, you know... You soak up stuff and get smart, that's what I mean. You're good at that." Which he was, he'd learned a lot since they met and he remembered all of it, that was smart right? Again Shu pressed him for answers he didn't have and Takeshi almost didn't want to answer for risk of making him even more upset. Knitting his brow in thought he tried to come up with a good answer, sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, well... You know. An idiot like me just fights, I don't think about if I can win or not, I just do it. That's dangerous and stupid right?" he asked with a small laugh, "But you're smarter than that, you know when to fight, and when to run. And you can still fight even if you're scared, which makes you brave. So yeah, you're smart and you're brave."

The winged beast was crippled but not slain, still a threat then to Viral. Yumi took solace in seeing Eris and Orion tackle the beast next which gave her an opportunity to help Viral fend off this one, and with luck kill it. Knowing she couldn't attack it on her own without risking him hitting her on accident she kept perched on his shoulder, fending off any attacks as best she could. With its maw snapping viciously at them she jumped out briefly and slammed her foot into its jaw, forcing it to fall back before dropping and lending on Enki's torso, grabbing a piece of its armor to keep herself up. Whatever frenzy she'd been stirred up into before was now slowly fading, some semblance of reason returning to her. Feeling a heat above her she craned her neck and saw energy growing at Enki's crown, putting two and two together to figure out what he was trying to do. Using the machine as leverage she pulled herself up before crouching against it and springing off, driving her frame into one of its legs and knocking it off center, causing it to stumble awkwardly before Viral. As soon as she hit the ground she ran back towards Enki, trying to make it clear for Viral to shoot.

Compared to the spined beast from before this one was far easier to deal with. It was obvious it made use of its wings, fighting on the ground it was awkward and clunky. While Orion took to its back and began working on severing the wing for good Eris darted between its legs, avoiding being crushed as she made cuts here and there, drawing as much blood from the wounds as she could. When it let out an ear-shattering howl it was fairly obvious Orion had succeeded in his task, and with a thunderous crash the wing was torn from its body and thrown to the ground, crushing several of the smaller creatures in the process. With a wing torn and its legs barely holding it each Beastman jumped back for a moment, moving to either side of the creature before charging back in towards its head. With a leap on each of their parts Orion threw two fists forward with enough force to shatter a mountain and Eris attacked with an energy, backed slice, the result twisting the creature's head a full 360 degrees before being severed, leaving it quite thoroughly dead.
O7 I was just going to post something about moving us along, but I'll wait then!
"All we need to know for now is that another exists for certain. It's highly possible we've no way of interacting with it, which wouldn't be unexpected." They had no part in opening the rifts prior to his knowledge and it was doubtful they had a means of doing so even if they wanted to. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained. Following behind T'charrl to see what he could find Vegeta glanced over his shoulder curiously hearing footsteps and was surprised to find Haku following as well, meeting the boy's gaze briefly before shrugging it off. No harm in his tagging along, he was skeptical anything would come of this anyway. "If you don't mind my asking, how are you feeling after the fighting? We were concerned that you and Shu may be at risk of transforming if I'm honest, and I'm rather relieved neither of you did so," Vegeta admitted, "That being said... Does anything feel off? We can postpone this for a short while if you feel the need to relax first."

So Shu just wanted to know if he was smart? He was, though maybe not in the way Shu was thinking of. None of them were really book smart like Vegeta was, and none of them could do any of the science stuff he or his dad could do either, but they were still smart in their own way. It was a sound argument to Takeshi yet his little brother had a hard time buying into it still. "Other people...? Uh... I mean yeah, you're smart buddy. Hell, if we talk about survival smarts then... You've got me beat by a mile, you know? I figured I was okay at it because I lived by myself but you're way better than I am, so you're even smarter than me there. And... You know stuff still, even if you don't know you do. I mean look, you were raised by monkeys and all that before you met those old people who raised you right? You learned how to talk like that, and then you've learned a lot since we met too. So... Yeah, you're smart. And that's the truth. I think you're smart enough that whatever you wanna learn you can, you're like a... Smart sponge... Or something."

Yumi had gained a big victory in crippling the winged beast, it meant now they would be fighting on even footing and it would have no advantage. There was a slight problem however now that it was falling and that was her lack of flight here, something even in her more rampant state she recognized. With little other recourse she did as Viral asked and took a literal leap of faith, aiming for Enki as best she could and flipping around onto her back to try and cushion the fall. When she hit his hand there was a slight pain and her breath was knocked from her but she was alive, taking a second before getting back onto her feet. Looking into Enki's eyes she wondered if Viral could see her now, managing a faint smile before her eyes darted away as one of the monsters let out a pained howl, wondering what in the world was going on beyond their own battle. Seeing the spined beast on its side and littered with wounds was unexpected and hugely relieving, that meant one less foe to deal with now.

They had taken away its mobility by crippling each leg, taken an eye from it to limit its eyesight and plenty of blood had been spilled now on both sides, yet Eris and Orion remained on top. Once they had felled the beast itself Eris wasted little time in trying to put it down for good by firing off an energy blast of her own aimed for its throat, annoyed when the creature released a blast of its own just quick enough to block hers. That did little good to stop Orion however as he went in for a more personal approach, and with him he had a rather large boulder he'd torn up from the battlefield. Leaning back on one leg he threw his entire body forward before releasing the stone into the creatures head, splitting the skull and fatally wounding it with the blow. Eris fell to his side in a heartbeat and her chest puffed up as she prepared and fired off another attack, her energy hitting the same spot Orion had. The resulting attack blew the creatures head clean off, or to be more exact blew it apart and incinerated what was left under the high heat of the blast. The body writhed for a brief moment following its decapitation before coming to a standstill, at last slain by their efforts. Both were injured moderately however and had spent a great deal of energy killing the one creature, and still two remained.
"Books? Oh, books would be good. Anything you can get to help would be good," Haku said with a nod and hopeful smile. He just wanted T'charrl not to have to worry so much, he couldn't imagine it was too fun being so afraid of your own power. It was nice that there was some possibility for getting help and for a moment he was relaxed, until T'charrl brought up a big problem with it. "Oh... There might still be something? They couldn't have gotten rid of everything... Right?" Okay that was kind of terrifying to hear, and who was this General? This was something he didn't know anything about and he couldn't even begin to guess, should he ask? Maybe this General could give them some of the answers they needed, he must know a lot if he was messing around with spirits. Opening his mouth to ask he jumped slightly when Vegeta interrupted them, frowning as he clammed up for now and let the man speak. There had to be something at T'charrl's home that could help, they just had to go and look.

"Fantastic, right over here then." The spot he had seen the smoke travel do was roughly 10 meters away from where they stood, not terribly far from where the original rift had been either. As expected there was no sign of anything there now but Vegeta couldn't shake the suspicion he had. "We know the beasts travel through these portals, that much has been established. And for whatever reason while here they cannot be killed, at least not in the regular sense. If they vanish upon death they must be moving back to where they've come from, which means there must be a doorway for them to do so. Another rift," Vegeta explained, crossing his arms and knitting his brow briefly as he thought about it, "Which leads us to this... Do you think you could try seeking out energy and opening it again? If we can make our own link then we can cross and help if they need it, or get them back here if that's the case. It's only a theory and I'm not sure if it will even work but it's worth an attempt." If it did fail which it was liable to then it would be a disappointment but not the end of the world. There was a means of opening a rift for themselves, Vegeta was certain of it, they only had to find what the conditions were.

Listening to the conversation between T'charrl and Vegeta was confusing, he didn't get the talk of portals and rifts and all that. Sure he knew what they were, the sort of thing the monsters came through, but how they worked was well beyond him. Anyway he wasn't concerning himself with that right now, Shu was all bummed out and he had to try cheering the little guy up. "They'll come back, Viral and Yumi are strong and smart, they'll get out of it," Takeshi said with confidence, "Not the first time we've been in a situation right? Don't worry, they've got this." That being said he was worrying too, they had never gone into another world like this, or... Wherever the others had gone. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the least bit grateful he hadn't been sent over with them. The question posed through Takeshi through a loop a bit as it was unexpected, and he took a moment to consider before answering. "Well... You're like me buddy. We're not super book smart like Vegeta, not even close, you know? But that doesn't stop us from figuring things out and making things work," he said thoughtfully, grinning as he reached over and gave Shu a pat on the head, "We're both smart, just in different ways from Vegeta. I guess there's more than one kind of way people can be smart."

Staying on top of the monster now that it was airborne was proving to be quite the struggle. Pressure aside the sudden jolting movements of the creature threatened to throw Yumi off and yet she held on, determined as anything to bring down the beast. It had attacked and tried to hurt Viral so she wouldn't rest until it lay dead. Growling as it shook its body she could hear Viral down below yelling at her, knowing what he was saying but refusing to do as he asked. She couldn't, not when this monster was still around to harm him. Furious that it continued to try and shake her she moved across its back and towards a wing, snarling as she reached out with a claw and took a swing at the nearest one. With a good strong blow she managed to gouge out quite a lot of it, and the effects of her attack were immediate: with a monstrous roar the beast began to lose altitude quickly and drop towards the ground, barely able to keep from crashing now. Only now did Yumi leap from its back towards Viral, figuring as soon as she was caught she would go right back to killing the creature.
"Well t-then it's not your fault, is it? If you didn't even complete your training no one can blame you..." Haku argued, smiling uncertainly at his own argument as he rubbed his hands together, "I mean... That's like a soldier being s-sent to fight without being trained, right? Good thing is we can t-train you, or... Someone can. I can't." He couldn't help with the blades, that was something entirely alien to a Saiyan and they didn't have anything remotely similar to that. Their biggest quirk were the tails which they were born with, albeit Haku like many others had theirs removed early on by one of the doctors. Without those they looked rightfully human which probably explained why he'd so easily melded into society back on Earth, even if he felt horribly out of place. "But someone has to know something... I mean... You s-said there were others like you before, right? That you didn't want to b-be like them," Haku pointed out, "So... We just n-need to learn more about them. And we already talked about going back to y-your home, so... That might work. Someone's got to know something right?"

How infuriating to have this theory and no solid evidence, it was enough to drive Vegeta mad. Unfortunately for his hypothesis as well neither Shu nor Takeshi had paid any mind to where the smoke itself had gone, and he'd only noticed a handful of wisps, hardly enough to be conclusive evidence. "That... Is actually a brilliant suggestion, Shu. I'm impressed," he muttered, looking over at their friend thoughtfully, "He was able to connect to Otherworld, I see no reason he can't repeat the same process here." Previously however it had something to do with spirits, hence the connection, and that wouldn't work unless someone had died on the other side. Barring that Vegeta was uncertain of what the parameters were but it was their best bet right now. Approaching T'charrl and Haku he waited until the latter finished speaking, clearing his throat to get T'charrl's attention. "If you're not feeling too worn down from the fighting there's something I'd like to test regarding the rifts," Vegeta explained with a nod towards the brothers, "We think that the vapors left behind by the monsters all moved towards one place, suggesting perhaps they're returning through that spot. I know you're capable of opening portals of your own, do you think you could try reopening one? It may help us reach the others."

"Hopefully T'charrl can do something, otherwise we're in a real mess here," Takeshi muttered as he scratched his head, "It's gotta suck being over there, you know? I wonder what the place is like. I mean looking at it through the portal was bad enough, but being there? I don't envy them..." Here they were already done on their end while Viral and the others were still probably duking it out with whatever lay beyond the rift. With little else to do for the time being Takeshi took a seat on the grass, motioning for Shu to join him. "Hey, relax buddy, we kicked butt and everyone's fine, there's nothing to worry about," he reassured with a pat on Shu's back, "You doing okay? Those things didn't hit you did they?"

Yumi had come so close to being squashed that she felt the air compressing around her, narrowly avoiding being smacked as Viral's kunai found its mark. Dashing up the creatures neck she stopped atop of its head and made another series of gashes along the length of it, drawing a fair bit of blood in the process. Far from done however she got atop the creature's head and grabbed hold of feathers for support, snarling as she freed one hand to smash a fist atop its skull, repeating the motion several times and causing the massive beast to yelp in pain. Figuring she could kill it this way she nearly toppled off when the creature suddenly spread wings from its sides, a fierce gust of wind almost uprooting her as it took to the air in one swift motion. Fighting to keep her grip Yumi held onto its flesh and smashed into its skull again, being yanked about in the process as it tried to shake her off. If she killed it then it would stop flying, and if it was dead it couldn't hurt Viral, these were the only two things she cared about.
"Hey, whatever's going on they'll be fine, they can handle themselves," Takeshi beamed, putting an arm around Shu's shoulders, "Viral and Yumi know how to fight those things, all they gotta do is fight them and open the rift back up right? That's not too bad, they've got this." That wasn't to say he didn't worry a bit himself, no one knew what was on the other side save for those currently there. They were tough though, if anyone could handle being on the other side it would be them. Letting go of his brother he watched Vegeta wander off curiously, tilting his head before following their friend. "Hey... What's up? You looking for something?" he asked as he scanned the area, scratching his head at the silence. He'd mentioned something about a new rift or something but he didn't see anything, did he have an idea? When he didn't get an answer Takeshi frowned and reached out, prodding Vegeta's shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, what's up? Are we missing something?"

Vegeta closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose before calmly turning around, easing Takeshi's hand away from him. "Well... Yes, we may be. Think about it for a second: when we kill the beasts here they turn to smoke and vanish, yes? Well... Where does that smoke go to? It doesn't appear to remain in our world." It had to be going somewhere, and after seeing the beasts using rifts as a means of passage he had a theory; they passed through the portal and must assume this ethereal form of theirs in doing so, which meant if they were killed here they must return... But where? And how? To the other side of the rift was the only explanation, which meant... "If they don't die here they return to their own world, and in doing so they must be passing through something, meaning another rift. While I still don't fully understand it I theorize that there's another rift here somewhere, albeit a much smaller one. If we can somehow isolate that, find a means to open it..."

"Then the others can get back!" Takeshi finished, smiling as he came to the rather obvious conclusion, "Okay, so how do we do that? If there's a way to open it back up then we should do it. If they need help we can go over and help them."

"I don't know, without understanding the machinations behind it there's no way of us opening a portal ourselves. Just because we may know where they're going doesn't mean we can get there, not right yet." There had to be a way though, some condition that needed to be met in order for them to open the rift. Some kind of energy? A certain location? Vegeta's mind was a whirlwind of thought as he tried to come up with an explanation, knowing every second he took to think could be another second someone was in grave danger.

"But... You're fighting to protect people... Right? That's what we do here..." Haku argued back, smiling uncertainly as he rubbed at his neck, "Y-You know... We've got a lot of pretty strong people here, right? But I don't worry about them becoming bad, because they're all good, no matter how s-strong they get. I think the same way about you, even if you don't. So... If your own energy works I t-think you should try." Haku knew all too well what happened if things got out of hand for T'charrl of course, he'd been there and witnessed it during their first meeting, an event that for many reasons he'd just as soon forget. That had been a while ago and now he was optimistic as he could be that the power was more under control. "If more come then... Try using it? Your f-friends are here, if it gets bad..."

Yumi had lost most of her sense of self, perhaps her more primal being kicking in as a self defense. Whatever the case the manner in which she zipped about now was far less that of a graceful martial artist and more a wild beast. From leaping onto the creatures and tearing them apart to darting about on all fours she was managing to hold her own, even if she was only vaguely aware of it. Leaping from the back of one creature to the next she sank her claws into its neck, directing it with a powerful yank and sending it charging into one of its own, leaping off as they tumbled down a hill together in a bloody mess. Logically she should continue as she had been and keep fighting the smaller beasts, reduce their numbers and then move on. Yet when she spotted Viral contending with two on his own her priorities promptly shifted and, letting out a snarl she left her battlefield behind for his. The closest creature to her was the feathered beast and so she went for that first, leaping off the ground and landing on one of its legs, slashing at it furiously to try and make it back off. It worked, but now she found herself being shaken about violently as it tried to get her off of its limb. Refusing to give up so easily she clawed her way up to its torso, dodging a swiping claw as she got onto its back and made several quick cuts along its shoulders, scrambling aside as a hand came down to try and crush her.
Takeshi was thoroughly embarrassed for tripping up like that, and even more so for Vegeta's chastising. He'd gone and done precisely what he'd been told not to do hadn't he? Add on to the fact he was making Shu feel worse and he'd messed up fairly well. Sitting up in the dirt he let out a sigh before climbing to his feet, trying to brush the grass stain from his back before returning to where Shu was. "I know, I know. I was just having some fun, it was basically the last one," the older boy argued, frowning when Vegeta gave him an unamused stare, putting his hands up in defeat. He wasn't going to argue it, whether he should or shouldn't have been doing that wasn't a big deal anyways, not now that it was dead. "You haven't been real bad buddy, alright? If anyone's been bad it was me for dicking around, you know? You were fine, no problems here," Takeshi tried in reassurance as he gave Shu's hair a gentle ruffle, "No one thinks you did bad except maybe Vegeta, and he's got a stick up his butt so he's thinking everyone did bad." If the guy wanted to stand there and critique them fine, he'd take it, but he'd turn it around on the jerk for upsetting Shu.

"I never said he did poorly, I merely pointed out what could be done differently," Vegeta said patiently, "It's simply a fact. You're too quick to get into the fight, Takeshi, and Shu is too cautious. I don't expect you two to change overnight but you need to understand what you have to work on." It was more of a suggestion really, just one which lacked... Tact. Still not his strong suit. "Anyways we've done our job and contained the beasts over here, which is good. Assuming no other rift opens up we're to just wait here for the others to finish and pray they find a means of reopening one themselves." Which could take some time given just how many unknowns there were. What was the passage of time like on the other side? What were the creatures like? Were they able to even breathe, never mind fight? Having all of these unknowns was such a bother and it infuriated Vegeta to no end but getting out of shape over it all wouldn't change it, best to keep a level head and try and think it through. "Tell me... When you killed the creatures did you notice how their essence seemed to move? It didn't just dissipate like you'd expect smoke to, it almost seemed to move," Vegeta muttered as he cast a glance away, "I have to wonder... Is there another rift nearby? Or perhaps... The beginnings of one."

What a relief to be done with the fighting now, Haku couldn't believe they had managed without really getting harmed. He'd be lying if he didn't think they would have ended up seriously injured so this was a really pleasant surprise for them. It became a bit harder to enjoy their victory when T'charrl had been sprawled out on his back fending off a beast, but after taking care of that he was able to relax a little again. "W-Well... It's not like physical strength is all that matters..." the Saiyan pointed out, smiling slightly as he sat down as well, "Y-You have your blades, those could kill them, once you f-figure it out. And you're fast, and you can f-fly, so... Maybe... Speed? That's your thing." Soldiers were pretty standard in terms of abilities yet once you got into the Elites and the commanders you began to see some serious changes; incredible speed, strange alien abilities, unique Ki attacks, all kinds of things that made them different. "There were a lot of powerful, high ranked people in the military who weren't really strong either, but they had other things that made them good fighters still. So... J-just because you might not be super strong doesn't mean anything."

Yumi wasn't too sure how she'd keep this up, having to dodge so often and essentially hit and run was proving to be taxing. She couldn't fault Eris and Orion for running off to fight either since it took pressure off of Viral, she just had to find a way to hold up things on her end. Knocking one out of the fight was of small relief as two more set on her within seconds, leaping away and onto a rocky outcrop to avoid being pinned by them. Her vantage point allowed her some respite if only for a brief moment as an armored beast charged it down, smashing headlong into the structure and causing it to collapse beneath her feet. In mid fall she cocked back a leg and swung it at a larger rock, sending it into the creatures head and stunning it briefly. Trying to take advantage of that she kicked off the moment she landed and grabbed hold of its neck, shouting as she hoisted it up off its legs and leaned back, slamming it on its shell with an audible crack that split some of it apart. Injured but not dead she raised a leg almost to eye level before bringing it down like a guillotine on the creature's throat, smashing it in the process and promptly killing it as the light faded from its eyes.

Her small victory was short lived and quickly Yumi found herself in a bad position. No sooner had her leg made contact did another of the creatures set upon her, barreling into her back and winding her as she was tossed away. Rolling across the rough terrain she coughed and struggled to get up, wincing as one of the creatures batted her away yet again with its paw, suffering cuts to her arm and side from the hit. Again she tumbled and stopped only when she collided with some rocks, trying to ignore the pain as she fought back to her feet. When the nearest beast lunged at her she dashed to the side to avoid being bitten, growling as she made a quick slice along its side, drawing blood before kicking as hard as she could into the wound. Her injuries were minor really and yet she was beginning to feel uneasy, her head swimming and her body unusually hot. Trying to ignore the odd sensations she set her sights on another, preparing to take it on before a sharp pain wracked her body. Falling to a knee she tried to fight through it, letting out a breathless yell as it consumed her. Seeing perhaps an opening the beast roared and jumped for her, only to be torn in two in the blink of an eye. Yumi was back on her feet again, her hair wild and her eyes equally so as she raced from the corpse to another creature, spinning her body in almost a corkscrew and slashing several times along the length of it, creating several deep gashes and leaving it for dead.

Eris and Orion were managing to hold their own against the spined beast, albeit not without their share of troubles. Lacking something like Enki they had to fight a beast several times their own size, making many of their usual tactics obsolete. While Orion kept the beast's focus by smashing away at its head Eris worked on crippling it, cutting at its legs in an effort to take away its mobility. It seemed to go rather well for a while, they were leaving some nasty looking wounds and thoroughly giving the monster a run for its money. As Eris poised herself to take a cut at the beast's left leg however she noticed something unusual, the spine on its knee quivered oddly at her presence and almost seemed to grow. Only thanks to her reaction time did she avoid being skewered as it shot out from the beasts flesh like a projectile, cutting her cheek but otherwise causing no harm.

"Hm, Orion, watch the spines! It can use them as weapons!" Eris yelled above, dashing in at the offending limb to prevent a second attack. Snarling as her energy again formed around her arm she took a swipe at the spot the spine was growing out of, causing its growth to halt and the beast to release a roar of pain. Pushing off the leg then she inhaled and opened her mouth before yelling quite loudly, a blast of energy escaping her body and slamming into the wound itself, blasting it even wider open and tearing quite a bit of flesh away. It hadn't taken the limb but the creature suffered notable damage as it staggered from the blow, losing blood now from the attack quite steadily.
"Nothing wrong with being proud of yourself buddy, you know? Just... Don't take it too far, that's all. Take it from me, that's bad." Seriously though Shu had just blown that thing out of existence, he should feel good about that. With the monsters more or less taken care of now it wasn't like they had much more chance to fight, now it would be a waiting game for the others to get back. Sizing up one of the last creatures he kicked up a rock before pelting it at the monster's head, grinning as it roared and charged him down for it. Crouching down he jumped over as it barreled beneath him, landing behind it and giving it a swift kick in the rear, laughing as it tumbled across the ground. If Shu wasn't wanting to fight then fine, he'd handle the last one for him. Watching as the creature got back onto its feet and charged him again he drifted back away from it slowly, keeping just out of reach as it kept lashing out at him. He was getting arrogant again and he knew it, old habits died hard. Landing back on his feet Takeshi went as far to slip his hands in his pockets and back pedal away, smirking as the monster kept on missing. Not minding his footing he stepped back into a dip and tripped from it, gasping as he fell onto his back with a thud. The monster let out a furious roar and pounced, its claws poised to tear into him in a second.

A powerful Ki blast ripped through the air and slammed into the creatures side, knocking it away and a bit closer to Shu. Appearing on the beasts side as it landed was Vegeta, frowning down at the writhing creature beneath his feet. "Caution is good Shu, it keeps you from making mistakes," he explained, slamming his foot down on the creature's head and holding it while its jaws snapped angrily, "But inaction is dangerous. You know what happened earlier when your brother did nothing, Viral was hurt. If you want to prevent that then you have to fight, even if you're afraid." With the creature still snarling at him Vegeta clicked his tongue in annoyance before driving the heel of his boot into the creature's throat, aiming down at it and blasting its head off with another blast. "Same goes for you, Takeshi. If you keep goofing around and being arrogant you're liable to end up in a mess again. Both of you need to understand that, your actions, or lack thereof, have consequences." But then he wasn't here to give a lecture to these two now was he? Besides he doubted his words would be taken for much, Shu likely didn't understand the implications and Takeshi would be too ignorant to. Stepping off of the corpse as it turned to smoke he glanced over to Haku and T'charrl, seeing the pair contending with the last beast. "We have the easy job here, just think of Viral and the others right now."

Haku didn't know what more he could do, he'd gotten lucky and killed two creatures but felt like he'd not be able to get a third. Good news was only one remained, bad news was that last one fell to him or T'charrl to kill. Hoping to at least make an effort he drove himself hard against the monster's side, knocking it off its feet and nearly winding himself in the process. He'd not meant to throw it his friend's way and seeing them go to the ground made him panic, gasping and trying to fire a Ki blast to get the creature off. Before he'd even released his attack another blast struck the beast from below, small at first until a bright light engulfed its entire being, exploding and turning it to dust. Astonished he gawked in confusion for a moment before scrambling over to where T'charrl lay, kneeling at his side and looking him over worriedly. "A-Are you okay!? Oh crap, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Haku stammered, giving T'charrl as thorough a check as he could before slumping slightly, exhaling with relief at no injuries. "Oh thank goodness... S-Sorry about that, really..."

Kill. Kill. Kill! It was the singular thought propelling the beast forward, its what its Master wanted from it. Tear these intruders to shreds, limb from limb, tarnish any hope of their ever returning home. With each blow of its massive arms it felt like it was making headway, Enki's own body moving with every strike. It had this, there was no way it could lose to some machine. Snarling with delight as it felt like it was winning the creature failed to notice the glow of the crown, taking note only once the light shone in its eyes and distracted it. Far too close to do anything about the blast it let out a roar of defiance before its torso and head were engulfed in the beam, incinerating immediately and burning away within seconds. When the attack finally ceased only its lower body remained, a blackened stump connected at the top with blood puddling out. With one last shudder the remains of the beast fell to the ground, crushing several of the smaller ones in the process on impact. All of the creatures within the vicinity seemed to pause at the felling of the giant one, looking in Viral's direction as though in disbelief. It almost appeared as though they might retreat, backing off and away from Yumi and the others before stopping in their tracks. An eerily similar roar shook the area, and quickly a similar call responded, and a third.

Three of the massive beasts peaked from every which direction, climbing over small hills and smashing through piles of rock, all heading for Viral. They were of different colors and had minor variations, some had spines on their back, another still had a sleeker, pitch black body and a more narrow torso, and the third was almost avian in appearance, bearing a beak and feathers along its body. Each emitted its own roar as they moved on Viral, six eyes trained on him with the utmost malicious intent. The spined beast reared up on its legs before preparing a blast to try and take out Enki, its head instead snapping back as something struck it hard in its face, making it reel back and stumble. Orion had made a leap and smashed his fists into its skull, and which the beast was larger than him he still could pack a punch.

"He's not your only foe! We're here as well!" Orion shouted at the beast, jumping away as the creature tried to smash its hand against its own face to crush him.

Below Eris had darted over and let out a howl of her own, her body flashing briefly as her hair grew out, her nails elongating into claws and her eyes narrowing, slits appearing in her pupils. With a toothy grin she jumped up and her left hand took on a glow before she slashed at the beast's leg, creating a large gash to try and stunt its movement. Following up her attack was Orion who also had changed, his body growling nearly half a meter taller and his muscles expanding quite heavily to the point where one might wonder how he was so agile. Again with a smash of his fists he struck the beast hard in the head, drawing blood this time as it tried to fend off both him and Eris.

Fighting the large creatures wasn't something Yumi felt she could do, not just yet. There were plenty of the smaller creatures still around and they needed to be dealt with as well. Being left on her own she was surrounded by five, managing to keep level headed enough as her mind raced for a battle plan. Watching each and every one of them she jumped up into the air to avoid the first, nearly being knocked out of the air as the second jumped up, managing to kick it back before falling back towards the ground, one of the beasts waiting for her. With no Ki to evade she couldn't fly away and so instead she plummeted towards its waiting claws, waiting until it swung at her before throwing out her own punch. It felt like her arm might snap from the impact and she grit her teeth to avoid yelling, landing on her feet and promptly rolling away from its claws as it tried to catch her. They weren't giving her room to breath as she flipped backwards to avoid a third, spinning on her heel and catching one behind her in the jaw with her foot, flipping again and kicking it on the underside of its jaw, breaking it before repeating a spinning kick and caving in the side of its head. It wouldn't be easy but she could manage, the others could handle the three large beasts.
Bai bai Felicia? :o
Watching the creature be knocked away was pretty awesome and Takeshi found himself grinning like an idiot watching the sight. Laughing when Shu still questioned it he gave a thumbs up, about to shout something before spotting another creature running after his brother. Intercepting it himself he baited it about before crippling the beast with a kick to the leg, knocking it in Shu's direction for him to finish off. Hoping his brother would manage he watched eagerly as Shu released a strong blast that engulfed the monster in its wake, drowning out its howl as it was vaporized by the blast. All that was left behind from the attack was singed grass, the beast itself completely gone in the wake of the attack. "See? How's a weak guy go and do something like that huh?" Takeshi asked, beaming as he moved to Shu's side and gave him a pat on the back, "I'm almost bummed there's not much left, you know? I wanted to see you kick more butt!" As it was they were making fairly easy work of what they had here, these creatures were terribly simply to kill. He had to wonder though what it was like on the other side and how their friends were faring; the portal was closed, once they killed their quota it was probably going to be a waiting game. That was more annoying than anything as Takeshi loathed the idea of having to sit around while the others were still fighting. "Ready to finish them off bud? Let's get one more for the road."

"A-And you think I'm any good? I'm panicking here!" Haku argued, smiling uneasily as he shook his head, "I g-got lucky was all, I can't fight like they can. And it's not like we n-need Ki to fight them, didn't they say Ki doesn't really work on some?" He thought T'charrl was some warrior prince, so why was he so nervous about fighting? Not that he had much room to talk when he was still shaking a bit over the ordeal but still, he didn't have the sort of pedigree that his friend had. To their benefit anyways the number of monsters on their side was few and they were killing them easily enough, though the same probably couldn't be said for those on the other side. "You're a natural fighter too... S-so... Let's fight!" Haku said meekly as he tried to psyche both himself and T'charrl up, "I want to be able to tell your f-folks how awesome you were here when I meet them. S-So let's get these things, okay?" He wasn't too sure why he was suddenly so for fighting these things when earlier he wanted nothing more but to hide, but now he was determined to stay and duke it out. With few of them left Haku went off for the nearest on his own, hoping T'charrl would follow as he smashed into it with a shoulder tackle, groaning as it felt like he'd hit a wall but still managing to knock over the beast.

The creature could just overwhelm whatever this machine was, it might be large but that meant nothing to it. It had the strength to tear whatever it faced to shreds, it had done so many times before and would do so again. Snarling as it slashed away at Enki its claws struck its arms repeatedly, resulting in little more than glancing blows that left some scratches. With that not quite working it took a different approach and gathered more energy, attempting to fire it off point blank and reduce Viral to ash. Again however it was foiled as its blast hit not Enki itself but a shield, the energy ricocheting off of it and, coincidentally, hitting a large group of the smaller beasts, reducing them to little more than burn stains on the ground. Realizing what it had done the beast let out a howl of fury, its eyes staring through Viral with malicious intent, a raging desire to kill. Taking another series of swings at him to try and rend him to shreds it began pushing him back towards the others, or trying to, hoping that he may make a mistake if the others were put in danger as well.

For their part Yumi, Eris and Orion were doing fine with the battle. The creatures were not terribly difficult to fell there were just a lot of them, more than anyone would care to fight. Thankfully their ranks weren't replenishing but that didn't help the numbers in their favor either, still easily two dozen remained, even with the massive beast blowing some away in its attack. Weaving through two that came after her Yumi extended her fingers and struck out at its neck, burying them and drawing blood before following that with a chop to the same spot, opening the wound further and leaving the beast as good as dead. The other behind her she flipped backwards and landed on its back, fighting to keep her balance as it reared off in an attempt so shake her off. Grabbing hold of its shell she used her free hand to punch at the back of its head, repeating it until there was a cracking sound of bone and the beast promptly stopped struggling. It was brutish, fighting like this, but there was little other option when they had no weapons and no Ki. Not that the others seemed to be having much issue, she just wasn't used to it. Failing to notice one of the creatures barreling up behind her she was blindsided by its charge, yelping as she was tossed off her opponent and into some rocks, her body smashing them apart as she rolled to a stop. It hadn't done serious damage but she was winded and the beast was still coming, mouth agape and drooling in anticipation of a meal.

Eris had left her beast to deal with Orion when she saw Yumi be struck, racing across open ground to reach her in time. Just barely making it she slammed her body into its side to knock it away, not giving it a moment's respite as she chased after it and grabbed hold of its leg. With a malicious grin she spun herself and the creature around with great force, letting the beast go after a few rotations and hurtling it into another, causing both to tumble away and down a decline some ways off. Rolling her neck with a crack she glanced briefly at Yumi to make sure she was okay before going after another, dropping onto all fours when it charged at her and slipping beneath it. Laughing as it stumbled and tried to circle back at her she lunged forward and drove her claws into its face, raking out its eyes with ease and leaving it blinded. Ignoring the gracious amounts of blood now caking her hands she took another swipe, this time at its throat, spinning and kicking its head for good measure and nearly taking it off in the process. Good thing there were plenty to go around, she'd been cooped up in that cell for far too long and was more than ready to let loose.

Orion for his own part was enjoying himself, even if it wasn't as obvious. They were made to fight and had been sedentary for almost two weeks before they had been released, this was his first real taste of combat in some time. He may not fight with the finesse that Yumi or Eris displayed and he didn't have some magic machine like Viral but he had his own means of fight, namely his massive physique. It wasn't just for show, he was handily fending off two beasts at a time with his bare hands, pushing and knocking them away with single blows. Finding one of the beasts trying to blindside him he reached out and caught its jaws and with a shout lifted it and threw it high into the air, ignoring it briefly as another tried to grab hold of him. Letting it bite down on his arm he ignored the pain and smashed a large fist into its head, practically caving in the skull and causing its hold on him to release promptly. Kicking away the limp body he craned his neck to spot the falling beast and cocked back an arm, throwing a punch into its gut as it fell and causing the creature to split in half on impact, a bit of blood landing on his person as it fell apart. The faintest of smiles played on his lips at the smell, it felt good to be doing this again.
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