Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


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1 yr ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
4 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
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5 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
5 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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Seems like a few of us haven't been seen for a while. A time skip might be in order, but I suppose we should wait and see who responds.
I was never ready to let this one go

One of the greatest and best Heavy Metal albums ever produced. All killer, no filler.

Still don't entirely agree with the addition of Total Eclipse on the remastered edition, but the original 8 tracks are some of the most solid tunes ever laid down.
Ray felt his mouth twitch into a lop-sided self conscious smirk.
"Yeah...I, uh...yeah. I guess not many kids are into necromancy, are they? Gotta try and reel them in somehow."
He could remember the last time he'd been so close to Montana...the blood that had followed in his wake as though he were the eye of a crimson tornado.
He shook that memory away. This was a school and here they were on equal footing, Ray must not be afraid.
"You're looking well, Roderic. It seems like peace time agrees with y-"

“Roderic Montana!” Her voice was bright, though tired, and she picked up her skirt to walk toward him a bit faster. “And Mr. Matheos.”

Ray turned to regard the owner of the voice, and felt his face impulsively soften into a genuine smile.
"Mariana!" he exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him for a friendly hug. Though the two did not know each other terribly well, they were both aware of each others unique pasts. As similar as they were different. They had both been victims of the Cult, but she had come out of it much better than Ray had. Defectors were usually better off than prisoners. He understood Roderic had a hand to play in that, and that the two were quite close, which only served to further haze Ray's preconception of the man. He feared no judgement or manipulation from Mariana, but Roderic had forever been a wild card.

“You're getting old, Mr. Montana,” she said fondly, hesitant to break the hug until he did, “Isn't he, Mr. Matheos? Nothing but dust will be left of him soon.”

Ray chuckled softly, "That'll be the day. He'll be kicking on when we're all in our graves."
That was kind of a dark thing to say, Ray...what the hell?
He hoped his abrupt silence hadn't given away his embarrassment. The last thing anybody needed to be reminded of was imminent death...least of all veterans of the great war.
Change the subject, you idiot!
"Oh...how are you kids, Mari? They must be getting pretty big now, huh?"
That's better. Nice and happy. We're all friends here.

No, you aren't dense. I wasn't very clear on it. I had it in my head that he is headed back to his dorm.
He headed off already. He's just bumped into Roderic
Eh, it was alright. Classes were kinda boring, but I wrote up a character while listening to Iron Maiden's The Number Of The Beast album, and I'm proud of the final result.

Funny thing, actually: The last track on the album (Hallowed Be Thy Name) finished as soon as I did, give or take a few seconds. So that was fun.

You get a big ol' NOICE for your taste in music. That's one album I can always put on and listen end to end. I'll never get bored of it.

As for my day...I went to the gym in the morning, and then went out shopping. Now I'm sitting at home, listening to Iron Maiden bootlegs.
It's been a good day.
I just set it up, so you could find a way to make your entrance there somehow.
Orientation now over, the students began milling out slowly to find their dorms and settle in. Ray supposed it was time he too left as well. He had to focus on preparing his lessons and ignore everything else. He was utterly determined to make sure none of these kids fell prey to another man like Mathias. The nightmares had never ended, though the panic attacks were under control now. He still occasionally thought he caught sight of him in the corner of his eye on the street, or the subway or in his old apartment. He had to attribute part of his (now cured) narcotic dependency on the paranoia, but he couldn't cure the fact that Mathias had entered his brain, to manipulate him into joining a cult he knew nothing about.
He would die before letting another kid become a victim. It was just about the only resolve he had left, and he clung to it like a drowning man would a lifesaver in a storm.

He had become so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had blocked everyone else out around him and didn't realize he was scowling. Students he passed by and just barely avoided bumping shot him wary glances, and a few whispered to each other. He was a nobody in the grand scheme of things, but the higher noble houses were always after some piece of crippling gossip to tear somebody down with. Ray didn't think he registered enough interest, but he had been aware of the rumours revolving around him ever since basic training. He managed to silence them by being - even he would admit - a bloody good soldier. A ferocious man on the frontlines, possessed by a hatred for the Cult that his brothers in arms could only speculate upon behind his back.
He suddenly felt his shoulder brush roughly past somebody, and was met with an icy chill upon the contact that made his shudder. Ray looked up and his breath caught in his throat.
"Oh, Professor Montana. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."
Well, it's high time I got Ray to leave the common room, so perhaps they could bump into each other and have a little interaction.
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