Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


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1 yr ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
4 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
1 like
5 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
5 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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Friends...a moment of silence

Went off this band for years, but recently got back into them in a big way. It's a shame their last two albums were garbage, but the first three are gold.

A lot of fans rag on Year of the Black Rainbow, but as far as I'm concerned it's every bit as good as any one of their other albums.
Ray sat beside Madison, eating in small, contented bites. It was supremely delicious, better than anything he had eaten in about a decade. He didn't think anything could burn away the memory of MRE's, but damn it all if this smorgasbord didn't. His lesson plans were sorted, his curriculum all but memorized and he was now available to catch some small moment of leisure before trying to whip these kids into something closely resembling decent spell casters.
The real trick would be to teach them how to make better decisions than he did. He would teach from the basics of Necromancy and Blood Magic beyond, but place heavy, heavy emphasis on defending against both of them. Blood Magic and Necromancy had gotten into the mess that had been his twenties. No other foolish kid deserved that life.

He leaned back in his chair, taking a short break from his meal, and spoke to Madison.
"It's kinda funny, isn't it? We fought a war once, but I'm quaking more about my first lesson than I was about my first battle."
Of course, back then Ray was hoping his first battle would kill him, and so was the Council. No need to waste time on his execution that way.
Ease up, there Ray ol' boy. This is a nice dinner time chat. Don't get all morbid on things now...
"Who knew this many kids could be so damn scary," he said with a light chuckle."
I'm still here, will post when I get home in about three hours.
Down like a clown Charlie Brown
I wish I could believe it was coincidence, Mari...I really do.
Ray just smiled, glad to have some friendly, familiar faces here, even if a good fifty percent of the faculty gave him chills.
"Heh, yeah this place can be a bit of a maze. It took me a while to figure it out, but give it time and it will become second nature to you."
It had been a long time since Ray had been able to just fall into easy banter like this, and it did a lot to lift his spirits. Without even realizing it his shoulders slackened, releasing some of that constant tension he carried like a stone. It almost made him forget about what a complete fucking train wreck his life had become.

"I was just heading back to my quarters now, I can help you find yours if you'd like." Ray himself had gotten lost too many times when he first arrived, and eventually learned his way there through trial and error. The one time he had sheepishly asked for directions he made the mistake of asking Maeve. Her stony silence and diamond scowl set the tone for the rest of her and Ray's interaction thus far, and it was something he found hard to forget.
"Wow, they really have grown up, haven't they?" Ray said with sincerity. It was nice to see someone like Mariana with such a successful family, especially considering the other half other elder two boys parentage and the painful circumstances of her life with him.
"I look forward to seeing him here next year," Ray smiled.
If things had been different, maybe Ray would have had some kids by now. Sure, and a white picket fence and a tacky sun lounge. Somehow he felt like there was no version of him where that was ever a possibility.

”So, that’s how the Guerra household is doing. And what about your lives? What have you been getting up to? I haven’t seen you,” she said to Ray, ”In what? Five years? More? What’re you doing to kill the time?”

Hmmm...drinking, shooting up, going to council appointed rehab and just generally hating every square inch of myself! Hahahah, you know how it is, right? Of course you don't...
"Oh you know, just keeping myself busy mostly. Doing odd jobs here and there when the council needs me and just generally trying to find a place in the world." The pleasant smile he put on his face was more than likely not terribly convincing, but it was better than the ugly truth hiding in his shoulders and behind his eyes.
Somehow though, it didn't feel so disingenuous as he was talking to her. There was an almost palpable matronly aura about Mariana and it generally made people around her feel at ease. She somehow managed to have an effect on Roderic, which in itself was incredible. It made him seem like a totally different person and not...not The Devil Himself.
He suddenly became even more grateful that she was here.
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