Full Name:
Raymond Matheos
Never one for fancy nicknames, he just lets people call him Ray.
Professor of Defense and Toxin Production
Toxin Production and Magic Weapon Infusement
Ray has certainly brought his dress code up since his...old life. He still enjoys muted tones, but his collection of coats with the elbow patches and plain slacks and dress boots make him look somewhat more mature than his sense of humour would suggest. His black hair is kept short and neatly pomaded back, and he doesn't let his beard go beyond the rough stubble phase anymore. He cuts an average figure, standing at even six feet tall.
He looks like just another guy.
Ray has something of a dry sense of humour, interspersed with a penchant for well-timed quips. Often times he uses sarcasm or self-deprecation to steer somebody away from the subject of his past. Otherwise, he's a devoted teacher and takes his lessons very seriously. One could even be forgiven for thinking him a pacifist, though the way he carries himself suggests that his soldier habits have not entirely left him
He has an intimate knowledge of Defense and Toxin Production, owing to a tragic, criminal past. He gained his knowledge of Toxin Production during the war, providing a valuable boon to the Council's forces...as well as a not so valuable boon to his substance abuse.
During his time in the war, he became an accomplished swordsman, with a preference towards one-handed, single edged blades. He still has the Sabre he was given when he passed basic training, though it hasn't been used in so long it's enchantment has mostly worn away. He has neglected to re-enchant it for personal reasons, though he has a hunch that he may need to dust it off sooner than he would like.
His past, definitely. Although it would seem to be behind him, and he outwardly appears to have made peace with it, the guilt still lingers. Anyone with enough knowledge of it could manipulate his emotions to their own will with the right finesse. The thing that scares him the most is how little it would take.
Brief History:
Ray was once a promising young student of Magic. He excelled in Defense and was a voracious learner. Whatever time not spent with his girlfriend Kyra, was spent with his nose in books. He eventually came to chance upon a recruitment agent for the Doomsday Cult named Mathias Delancourt who saw potential in Ray's eagerness and naivete. He took the boy under his wing, acting as something of a tutor. All the while he was taking control of Ray's mind, subtly indoctrinating him into the Cult. It all culminated one stormy night at Ray's official initiation into the cult, wherein he plunged a dagger into the heart of an innocent man. It just so happened that the Council's strike force was too late to stop him, but quick enough to see everything.
His punishment was severe.
Mathias was executed, Ray was not. The next decade of his life made him wish he had been. Ray had murdered an innocent man for the Doomsday Cult, and thus deserved to be tried and punished. However, the Council was embroiled in war with that very cult, and could not afford to execute an able Wizard. Ray was drafted into service under the Council to fight their war. Kyra had joined voluntarily, after tearfully leaving Ray a year earlier when it became apparent who he had been getting involved with. The war took her, and Ray was shattered. The love of his life died hating him, and he had never been able to let that go. Upon completion of his service, his record was cleared and he was let go a free man. His employment options basically non-existent, he took up the councils offer to put his unfortunate knowledge of Black Magic to some good use and make sure the next generation of Wizards and Witches did not stray down the same tragic path he did.
Thus his unexpected tenure at Marchand, a place he could do well and be closely monitored. Nobody really knows his past exactly, only that he fought in the war and that his drafting was anything but orthodox, but the rumours spread around the faculty and alumni.
He does his best to ignore or deflect them.