Avatar of Genkai


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Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
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Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
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Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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It's okay, it may not show up as well on mobile.

Diana and Charles will have good conversions, she and Erik...not so much. Were we gonna give Logan the Jean subplot? I never really thought much of it myself but it's up to you. I also did assume the second two x-men movies were going to be ignored but it depends how you want to play Logan.

Agreed, they would set the mood very well.

I've had people say that but then vanish when I give a few paragraphs and then I wasted my time and it sucks. I'm sure when we add the other folks like Daredevil and the others, post will fluctuate in size though I do try to give at least 4-5 paragraphs. Usually more but seldom less. But again, I want to post where you're comfortable. :3
Thanks, her theme was great, I almost wish they used it a touch more often in the film.

In regards to your comment in PM, we can spend more time on the island, that's totally fine with me. I think it would help since they probably have a ton of questions for each other, plus Logan is a very different example of most men, in sooo many ways. If anything, Diana is gonna wonder why Logan looks so different, in terms of build. I also have to figure she'd comment on his physical skills during their time in WWI regarding how exceptional he is. I can only imagine the look of heartbreak when she reunites after he's had the adamantium put in. I can also see her tutting when the word 'mutant' is used because she probably sees that as a negative label.

And I can do the opener, I should have time tomorrow afternoon to settle in and listen to some Logan and WW soundtracks since those are the most fresh in my mind.

In terms of a post's typical side, what were you thinking?
Great looking character sheets so far guys!
If anyone is curious, about 15+ years ago I saw 30 second promo for Kaleido Star (never got around to watching the anime or even reading up on it) and that's primarily what sparked this lil RP.
@Silverink At the moment I don't know which we'll be in need of but I'd lean towards maybe a male?
@Silverink In regards to your PM, I am still accepting as I haven't yet accepted anyone fully so there's certainly room. :)
@FernStone Thanks for being flexible. Hopefully you won't need to adjust things too much though. We'll have to see how things go as people begin to submit their sheets and what takes shape. Often as a GM for these I play two or three main roles to ensure numbers are rounded off but I try to avoid that now that I'm older and have to manage time a little more carefully.
@FernStone Okay, just curious since I try to get a feel for what folks might be leaning just in case somehow we end up with all of one gender, I'd need to steer people to the other. I think for some it also depends on what images they find, personally I find an image before I get too invested in making a CS.
@FernStone Yep, that sounds like a good idea to have and one of the ideas I was hoping someone would conjure up. We'll have to see how things shape up. Do you know what gender you might be thinking of?
@FernStone Alright, thanks for touching base!
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