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I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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Bolin be like:

@Homosaxophone Great~

@Aristasy Finding out what happened will be a major plot point, there will be a lot more questions than answers and their progress in finding other planets will slowly provide them with clues.
Themyscira, 1918

The winds were exceptionally fierce as the gleaming sunlight bathed Diana Prince in rich warmth.

The hidden island of Themyscira had been her only home, surrounded by the strongest and bravest Amazon women. And while Queen Hippolyta was her mother, Diana had a strong connection with her aunt, General Antiope. Diana wished to train, knowing she would need to be prepared to one day fight Ares upon his return. Her mother had different views and didn't wish for Diana to get involved in such fights when they were likely to remain fantasy, never to fully be realized in reality. Diana refused to sit on the sidelines and watch her fellow Amazons fight and train so she and Antiope took to training in secret. Diana's progress was slow but steady and in time, she was able to make tremendous progress that challenged even the most skilled of fighters on the island.

This progress did not go unseen by her mother who eventually relented and agreed to allow Diana's training to continue, providing that Diana be pushed even harder. All Diana wished to do was focus on her training and to become strong enough to protect not just those she cared about but also the world. While she had been sheltered in her upbringing, she did have a budding interest in knowing more about the others parts of the world. In her heart she believed that there had to be other societies much like hers; societies where people were doing good, where they too, were resisting the evils of war. Diana remained unaware of the temptations that plagued the world, that conflicts were still threatening to prey upon humanity's weaknesses.

Allowing Ares to torment man was not an option in Diana's mind.

As she had completed another afternoon of tiring training, the dark haired woman found herself lingering by the tall jagged cliffs that overlooked the white sandy beach. Her breathing was slow and concentrated as she surveyed the liquid field of sapphires that stretched out before her. There was never any rain or bad weather in Themyscira. The sun was always shining and when it faded into the horizon, the moon provided the women with ample light and comfort from the darkness overhead. Diana found herself wondering about the other places she hadn't been. There had been stories told about what the world had to offer. While Diana had been taught many subjects in her youth, much of it remained abstract in concept.

Amazon women knew of men but had yet to encounter one. Themyscira was protected by barriers which prevented ships from sailing into their territory and stumbling upon their existence. At least that's how it had always been up until now. To any outsiders getting close to the island, they would see rocks and fog, preventing them from further advancement. And yet as Diana stood in the warmth of the familiar sunlight, the light grass tickling at her ankles, she spotted something fall from the sky and land with a distinct crash into the ocean. Looking down at the mess of debris, Diana spotted a figure caught in the crash, sinking into the water at a steady pace.

Without hesitation, she ran forward and jumped from the cliff, raising her arms above her head to allow for maximum propulsion as she dove into the water. Diana swam towards the man and pulled him free of the sinking wood and metal which his leg had become wedged between. Pushing them back up to the surface, she held an arm around his wide sternum as she swam them towards the shore. The wind had died down as she pulled the man up onto the sand and knelt beside him. Her eyes scanned his body, noting he had a rather broad muscular shape though he was still much smaller than the woman she trained alongside. Still, this being her first impression of a man, she was certainly intrigued.

Leaning over, she placed her ear to his chest, trying to figure out if he was still breathing or not.

There wasn't a heartbeat and Diana knew she had to do something rather than wait to go get help. She leaned over and began to push on his chest, right between where the ribs started. She stopped after about fifty-five compressions and moved her mouth over his blowing gently before she moved back to keeping his heart stimulated. Despite having been in the water just moments ago herself, Diana's leather attire remained quite dry, having resisted the water. She had a tan leather top and skirt that acted as very light but flexible casual armor. Diana heard coughing and stopped as the man was thankfully coming back around. Starting at him, she found hundreds of questions clamoring to the tip of her tongue. "Are you hurt?" She asked, her priority still the stranger's safety.

"What is your name? How did you get here? I saw you fall from the sky like a shooting star..." Immediately she was sure this was a dangerous situation for them both to be in. "Where are you from?" She asked, even if she didn't know much of the outside, it was impossible to restrain her curiosity. Even if his statement meant nothing in context, she felt she needed answers and somehow, this man had surely fallen into her world for a reason. "My name is Diana." She decided to offer him as she got to her feet, her leather boots sinking into the sand. "You must come with me." She urged him, holding a hand out for the fallen soldier.
Aren't you a familiar face. :)
What fandoms are you into?
@71452K In terms of the world they left? I would say they've come to milestones like fire, the wheel, candles, I would say water-power is certainly there but steam-power wouldn't be something they'd have considered or really fostered in terms of inventions. But they probably were getting there right before their demise. :/

And I think with a small size it would be more doable. I had reservations of expanding the size and I should have been more firm in my vision. I don't have a lot going on (I do have a 1x1x1 which is creeping along, plus a possible ADV group but that will be fairly contained I think, and any 1x1s are equally at a pace that I don't see myself getting too overwhelmed). I had a job a few weeks ago but now...I've got some free time unfortunately...

The IntChk is over here if you'd like to join!
| Genres: Science fiction and fantasy | Slots: 2-3 Open | Post Size: 4-5 paragraphs |

Premise: |

- The world, like so many others in the universe, has gone through times of war and peace. Currently a comforting blanket of peace protects the world from its past conflicts and petty differences. The world is made up several kingdoms and yet at the moment, there is very little to complain about, very little to fight about. Magic flows freely through the world and most anyone with the time and effort, is able to wield it through various means such as runes, spells or potions/tonics. In the world there are many talents ranging from cooking to painting, to even juggling or knife throwing. Many myths depict a goddess named Aquis created the world that everyone calls home. It is a world where water covers 75% of the sapphire and emerald sphere. Most folks make money via fishing, sailing or diving. There are many islands, both big and small around the world where people make pleasant lives for themselves.

- As the sun rises on another blissful day, a few white sleek egg-shaped pods descend downwards. At first glance they would appear to be randomly scattered throughout the world and yet the ones who dispatched them, have a method to their madness. These pods have intentionally crossed paths with people who have strong mortals, a good heart and mind. When they approach the pod's door slides open to reveal textures and lights never seen before. The seat is made of alien fabric, soft to the touch but once one runs a finger along it, it becomes somewhat rough like fish scales. The pods whisk away six strangers and send them into a stasis or forced sleep. When the half-dozen awaken, fifteen years have passed and their world appears to have been destroyed. Questions arise as to where they are and why they were taken...or saved.

- Why is their home gone and how did it happen? Where will they go now? The ship they are now on calls for a small crew to take the bridge and continue traveling deeper into space. The six individuals must band together to uncover the many secrets surrounding their new lives. Despite being in a new environment, it seems magic still works and it also seems other forms of magic are being uncovered. The group must find a new home, find new allies and evade any threats that they come across.

GM Notes: |

- This is a reboot of a previous RP of mine but I am going to more strict in regards to the size. I had originally wanted a small group but it became a medium sized one and it became tough for all players to keep up with things. I believe with a reliable core cast and additional pacing from myself as GM, it could reach wondrous heights. Anyone from the other RP is welcome to join this one as we work things out. Due to its smaller size I don't foresee myself needing a co-GM but if you'd like to help, I'd be happy to have it and give anyone who does, some kind of IC-perk. If anyone has any questions, let me know.
@Sterling I used Google but on occasion, pixiv. You do have to fiddle with the key words you use and it's a hore to find pictures that don't look too young but do I wish you luck!
True, we're creating our own timeline we just gotta make sure it makes sense to us.

It would be interesting to have Jean as a possible ally (not lover or crush?) turned enemy but then again they do have a ton to already reckon with in the future.

I'm probably going to bed shortly but when I get up tomorrow I'll work on something. I hope if there anything you do need in regards to an intro needing to be tweaked, let knoe. Some folks just ghost but if there's an error I'd rather talk and patch it up than to just flee. But I think so far we've been fairly good with slinging ideas back and forth. :)
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