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I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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Maybe with the cast being older they thought they needed it. I guess we'll never know, nor will we get any new stories of other Avatars based on how LoK was received.
I think if they hadn't made Korra and Mako start off as people who didn't get along but eventually came to respect each other, that would be fine. But suddenly there had to be romantic stuff. I almost think S1 would have been better if no one ever got together. I know it's hard to consider a show like that not having a romance sub-plot but it would have saved things I think and would have allowed the characters to grow before jumping into drama. *sigh*
Korra's endgame ain't babies not right now anyway. XP

The writers were so so cruel. I wish I knew why other than time constraints but to me, that makes their choices and red herrings even worse. :(
Pema is just ruining all ships.

Korra needs to keep it in her pants and masturbate like the rest of us, not kiss dude's who are taken. XD

I mean look at this perfect couple. Who would want to break that up??? XD

Dude, your characters are terrible people. And even Pema had a hand in this.

Why you gotta hurt Asami and Bolin? XP

Though I do ship Asami and Bolin...

I don't think Mako was going there to kiss Korra though. That kiss was something that should not have happened, it's like some glitch in the matrix. Can't be feasibly explained.
I don't think Bolin would blurt it out, he's trying not to be that kind of buffoon he was before. At least I'm hoping he can be more thoughtful yet also assertive. Bolin needs to stand up for himself but also not get so involved in other people's lives....Korra...>___>
It's gonna happen when you least expect it now.

Asami and Korra having a talk after Korra loses her fire bending? And Asami can't tell Korra that she fire bends because it feels poorly timed. I'd love to see Mako blurt it out assuming Asami said something, cause I think that'd be funny. But we'll see~
Ha, it's a good thing LoK just has radio and is slowly getting movies.

I could see some crazy ass fan writing fanfics by hand and distributing it to his friends when they all meet at the arena to gush. And yes they're all guys for some reason. XD

I'm sure the argument would be mentioned during the broadcast on the radio but mostly by the commentary dude. I doubt that would reach Mako and Asami though, not that they'd really pay it much mind until they hear about Amon but I think we were gonna have Mako and Asami go to the arena when they notice the smoke (assuming Amon blows up the arena?).
Aw come on. I know people in LoK had to ship people who pro-bended. It's like k-pop mania XD
And then suddenly the match is no longer thaaaat interesting when the beloved Bolin and Avatar Korra start having it out (not in the sexy way)

Then enter AMON

Though something tells me people in the crowd may ship Korra and Bolin and one person would be super heartbroken to see them fighting and then to see Korra get pwnd.
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