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Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
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Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
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Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
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In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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I think she looks good to me, feel free to put her into the CS tab!
@WildRose I wouldn't mind doing something like that. I think family relationships can be just as exciting as romantic ones.
Okay, made some shitty banners so here they are; gonna work on my intro today so be on the lookout!

Let me know when it's done. :)

The man's tone was a bit rough but she had to consider him lucky, had she not been nearby she was sure his lifeless body have been washed up on shore along with the tide. Diana pulled the man up to his feet and glanced over her shoulder, knowing there would be others who may seek her out when her presence was noting to be missing. The woman knew whatever danger may have followed Logan was something she had to take care of herself. "Logan," She spoke testing his name. "What bad people?" She asked him, not at all sure what he was implying. It was easy to note how uncomfortable the man looked, though one might attribute that to him having recently been resuscitated. "Who are they?" She pressed him.

With the man moving between her and the shore, she recalled that her training sword had been left by the cliff's edge when she had dived into the ocean. Her eyes glanced upwards, spotting a glint of sunlight reflecting off her weapon which were terribly out of reach. Diana knew she could go up and get them but she didn't feel comfortable leaving Logan to fend for himself, even if he knew the threat better than she did. She had a choice to make and soon.

Diana eyed the ocean stretched out in front of them as Logan seemed to be expecting more like him to appear. She looked to see something coming out of the top of his knuckles. She wasn't sure what he was doing or what he was capable of but she knew she couldn't leave the fighting to him. This was her home and she would defend it with her last breath. "I'll be right back!" She assured him as she took off toward the cliffs, running up along the sandy cliffs as the ground under her soon changed to more solid foundation. She reached her sword and gripped it while peering over to see two boats appear out of nowhere.

Jumping back down to the beach, she landed with a large thud, her knees bent to soften the landing. Diana stood up, sword still in hand as she hurried to rejoin Logan's at his side. "Those are the bad men you spoke of? Why are they after you, Logan?" She asked him. While she didn't sense deceit from within his soul, Diana could figure out that there was something going on. Any sort of conflict Diana came across, was something she had to resolve. It was within her nature to do so.

But before anything else could be said, the boats made land.

A dozen men marched onto the beach, having climbed off from the small boats that had been tracking Logan since his theft and subsequent escape. At the moment Diana had to put her trust in Logan, that he was someone worth defending. With her mind and motives made up, she raised her sword. As the soldiers aimed their guns, Diana hesitated, having never seen such objects before. Her eyes traveled to Logan who seemed unfazed by the men who began to fire. Unwilling to be a bystander, Diana ran forward, dodging many of the bullets that flew in her and Logan's direction. As they were out numbered, Diana was unable to keep track of all of the men; one saw an opening and aimed for her as she swung her sword, using it to shield herself from the bullets as she closed the gap and attacked those close to her.
Shikamaru toyed with the idea of having Ino already on his arm and how he would act accordingly as her boyfriend. Perhaps if he could envision already having won Ino over, he would feel more relaxed. Sakura noted that he was already letting his mind wander to the possibilities. Her eyes moved to where his hand was, still holding onto hers, testing the feel of it and the warmth, likely pretending, if not wishing she was in fact Ino Yamanaka. Shikamaru leaned back in his seat, concluding that Ino would probably not expect a lot from either them since she was aware of their inexperience and innocence.

"Yeah, we do have that advantage." Sakura considered. She moved her hands back in front of her as the boy questioned her motives for assisting him. "I think one reason would be that I want Ino to be happy...you're a good guy and I think you would be a good match for her." She considered as she stared up, thinking further. "Another reason is, well it's a little silly but I guess I wanted the company even if it's under this guise. Without Team Seven together, I'm aimless, just working in the hospital with Ino or at home reading, Lady Tsunade won't consider sending me out until I've reached Chunin level so I'm working towards that but even then I doubt she'd give me a solo mission so...I guess I wanted something new to do."

"Someone new to hang out with." She considered. "It really was a spur of the moment decision though." She admitted, not wanting Shikamaru to think too highly of her impulse decision. Their food was then delivered to them and Sakura sat up a little as she smelled the soup and sizzling meat in front of them. It was mouth watering. The medic nin grabbed her black polished wooden chopsticks and stirred the bowl of noodles, vegetables and meat. Sakura glanced to Shikamaru before she stopped to take a sip of the cooled tea beside her, before she finally dug into the meal.

After a few mouthfuls she sat back, licking the corners of her mouth. "This is a place I'm sure Ino would love." She commented. Sakura had to wonder how long it might take for her friend to view Shikamaru as boyfriend material. Though whenever that would be, she and Shikamaru would part ways, still she had wonder how long this arrangement between her and Shikamaru would last. Ino was unpredictable to say the least but it did Sakura no good to speculate the longevity of her fake relationship. She knew she just had to focus on making sure Shikamaru looked appealing in the eyes of Ino. "I can go over to her house tomorrow on my day off and pick her brain a bit more." She mentioned as she went back to eating.

Outside, Kiba and Akamaru were on their way home after an afternoon of training together. The rowdy boy passed along the window and it was Sakura's striking hair that caught his eye. Kiba slowed and peered inside, spotting Sakura with Shikamaru. Kiba grinned wide and made for the door, wanting to know about this sudden budding romance. "Hey guys!" Kiba waved as he jogged over to their table. "You two on a date?" He got right to the point.

Sakura looked from Shikamaru to Kiba and his dog. She knew it was only a matter of time that this news would spread around town but she was still getting used to answering personal questions with unflinching certainty. "Yes, uh we are." She replied, giving Kiba a small smile. Before she could hint for Kiba to leave them alone, he let out an understanding hum.

"Huh. I guess that makes sense. You two are the smartest in our class, save for Sasuke...but anyway I'm happy for you guys. I bet after you guys study together you like to have some fun, am I right?" Kiba teased them. Sakura blushed and shook her head slightly at where his mind had seemed to have wandered. "Enjoy your night, don't let me spoil your fun." Kiba laughed and headed back out. Sakura watched him go as she rubbed her forehead, not sure why Kiba had to insinuate such things. Sakura glanced back to Shikamaru.

"The only fun he has is with himself." She pouted slightly as she tried to return to her meal. She did wonder now though, what sort of assumptions would different friends make about them and what assumptions would she and Shikamaru have to correct. Though since she and Shikamaru were a new couple, she had to figure some rumors would be tough to combat, as most people loved to tell stories. "I guess we should get used that and figure out how to handle dispelling...certain rumors."
Alright guys, I'll finish my sheets up and I'll kick us off, if not tonight then I'll have time Sunday. I have a 1x1 post I'm working on but after that I'll get back to my sheets here but I'm heading into the city this afternoon to have dinner with the family from out of town so I'll find time when I can this weekend. Good work guys!
@Homosaxophone I'm not really a fan of 'curses' in general since it tends to tends to give characters a special backstory that likely won't be resolved or even useful in the grand scheme of things. I'm almost aiming for fairy normal human characters since bringing in other races is opening a massive can of worms, so to speak. I would greatly advice against basing your character around a curse, but if you are that inclined, I would say to stick to a humanoid and to downplay the curse as much as possible since I'm assuming they're a victim of some wrongful attack OR they deserve the curse and if the latter is the case, they probably would have been left to die since these aliens save those with kind souls. XD

Thanks for running it by me, but I'd probably find a way to spin the curse a unique way that doesn't 'consume' the character's identity (both mentally and physically) and allows them to not let it define them. If that makes sense.
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