Avatar of Genkai


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Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
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Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
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Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts


Family should be here soon so I'll probably have time tomorrow morning to get Naruto up. Part of me wants to have a friend walk by like Kiba or Lee and see them dining together. I'm sure Ino's gossip has only traveled so far in the span of 15 minutes.
The air between them tightened and tensed, almost thinning in a way that made it difficult to breathe. Bolin, not being one for a lot of conflict or animosity, found his own patience being tested as he listened to Korra defend her actions. She didn't regret what she did, even if it was morally questionable. He was rather torn in regards to her actions and her adamant stance in doing what she thought was right. A small part of him admired her guts as she acted on impulse, something he never did. But ultimately he was disgusted by her selfish and narrow-minded behavior, her inability to think of the consequences to her actions. She was clearly not the woman he had admired and it was all the more clear that she thought so little of him to voice her distaste for refusing to be a so-call groupie of his. He never once wanted her to be some groupie and was insulted she would insult him when she was the one wrecking relationships she had no business passing judgement on.

Bolin's heated glare followed her as he remained silent, watching Korra get up to go.

As an earth bender Bolin prided himself on being level-headed and able to withstand attacks in both the physical and verbal sense but he had heard enough of Korra's childish whining, as if she was somehow both a victim and a hero. "I am not going to forget it Korra!" He got up after her, trying to slow down his thoughts so he could sort through them. The boy moved after her, not in a heated rush but in an attempt to wade through the crowd. He gazed up at her, his heart having splintered and then shattered as his image of Korra had been completely destroyed. "You don't know me at all if you think I'm upset because you don't want to hang off my arm!" He scoffed.

By now the people around them had turned from the pro-bending match to watch two-thirds of the Fire Ferrets getting into a fight of their own. "I have been nothing but supportive of you and for you to question my friendship is a goddamn insult. I don't care that you like my brother, I can't change how you feel but honestly right now, any attraction I had to you is gone. You're not the girl I thought you were. I thought you were someone responsible and though you can be impulsive, I always valued that your heart and intentions were always good. But the fact you would selfishly act without concern for Asami is disgraceful. You have no right to judge his relationship with Asami. Are you that self-centered and arrogant that you think he went to see you so he would cheat on Asami?"

Bolin paused for a moment to collect his breath, his chest tightening as he found himself all the more upset and disappointed in Korra. "If you had any respect for Mako or Asami you would have thought before you acted. You have no idea how Mako and Asami feel about each other but the only thing you seem to care about is yourself. If you cared about Mako you would have talked to him instead of kissed him. And if you cared about Asami you wouldn't have even thought about kissing her boyfriend. Who cares if you think they're not right together? What makes you some expert on love all of a sudden? You can't even air bend. Maybe you should focus on that instead of shoving your tongue down the throat of someone who already has a girlfriend. A girlfriend I might add, who has been nothing but generous to you!"

It seemed the arena fell silent as the massive collection of spectators were focused on Bolin and Korra. The broadcaster in his booth was now commenting on the argument as opposed to the match, which had at this point, stopped for the sake of the two on the stairs. "You don't know me or Asami and you certainty don't know Mako. He told me he regrets the kiss ever happened and right now he and Asami are trying to fix the mess you caused." By now the anger had fallen from his words as he looked to Korra feeling almost sorry for how delusional she was and how foolish he had been to think she was this special girl who he had connected with. Just as he was about to voice his desire that they no longer remain friends, there was a loud crash from the ceiling.

The arena filled with smoke and Bolin coughed and turned to the platform in the middle of the venue. Many of those in the crowd rushed up to the exits and barricaded them shut. Bolin looked and saw a large metal cable descend and saw Amon holding onto it as it lowered him onto the pro-bending platform. "Amon!" Channeling his anger, he used nearby slabs of rock used during matches to create a pathway towards Amon. Before he could reach the sinister man, one of his henchmen had swung down on another cable and distracted him with hand-to-hand as Amon addressed the fearful crowd.

"Pro-bending may be a beloved sport of Republic City but it illustrates the cruel divide between benders and non-benders. I am here tonight to even the scales. Bending is a privilege abused. Why should those without bending be forced to sit on the sidelines and cheer for those who pride themselves on being better than everyone else? This city reeks of arrogance and I will bring justice to the people who deserve it. Avatar Korra, your presence here is most opportune. I will make an example of you right here in front of everyone." Amon promised.
When FS edits their CS and posts it, we should be good to go. I'm still working on my sheets myself but I'd like to get things rolling by Sunday at the latest. Since I have family coming in tonight, it'll be tough to know when I'll have a few hours to myself but if FS gets their done tomorrow afternoon I might be able to get the intro up then but it's tough to say.
Looks good to me, you're free to post it in the CS tab!

Set in the fictional Springdale, our heroes are college students who have just graduated college. They have known each other since Pre-School and have stuck together through thick and thin. But with their schooling over now comes the question of whether or not some will move away or will stay and continue to live in the city they know and love. Right after the graduation ceremony, the group of friends decide to go up to the local wilderness and camp for a few days. There's beer, wine, probably even some pot. Needless to say everyone is having a blast now that they can truly begin to be independent and have jobs of their own.

On the second night of camping near the river, they stumble across a small box of watches behind a waterfall. The group each put on a watch and before they can think much of the treasure found, they begin to feel the ground beneath them rumble and shake. The sky overhead turns a dreary grey as a large red demon appears. Springdale has been known to honor its lore and spiritual history, and yet these folks have never seen demons or spirits that they've read about in school. And this particular demon stands at over 50 feet and does not look like he's in the mood to have friendly conversation.

The group runs back down the mountain as fast as they can, narrowing escaping the demon's destruction. They decide to investigate the watch's origin, beliving the demon and the watch might be connected. Upon going to Timer and More, a local shop, they are told that spirits are indeed real and can be seen using the nifty watches they had uncovered. This begins the group's summer adventure as they go around taking up part-time jobs for both people of Springdale but also the demons who inhabit its alleyways and haunts.

Inspiration and direction:

This is based heavily on Yokai Watch (the game, though the anime does follow it closely enough). That said I will be providing you guys with maps and such so don't feel like you need to have played the game (or seen the show) to get involved with this RP. I did have this posted in Advanced a year or two back but I feel like my intended audience might be found here because it's fairly light-hearted and fun.

I am seeking only a small group of people for this, so ideally I'd like 3 other players to join me so we'd have an even amount of boys to girls, but so we're not getting hung up on waiting for loads of people to post and have to catch up. I am not looking for posts to come daily, I'd much rather this be slow paced due to it being a slice-of-life based RP. There will be fighting involved but it won't be frequent and will rely on the yokai (aka demons) we meet and befriend. Generally though, this RP is very much open (or considered sandbox-y) since our characters will decide where to go and what to do so I'd like writers who can take the lead and play characters who seek adventure.

In terms of ages, I'm thinking we'll be playing 22-23 year olds and we will be sticking to anime pictures for appearances (as opposed to celebrities or descriptions). In terms of post size I am looking for something between casual and advanced if possible, so around 4-5 paragraphs, I've seen some great casual posts these days so I'm hopeful we can have some fun with this while progressing the plot and further developing the relationships between our characters. If you're interested or have further questions, just ask me. For the most part, I'm able to get the OOC up when I feel I get at least 3-4 interested folks, but be aware there will still be 3 spots open so space is limited to those who get a CS approved in the OOC first.
@FernStone Alrighty, thanks.

@Silverink Kay, let me know when you're done.

I'm also debating whether or not I want to add another female to the mix and give her rock...or perhaps make her The Visionary. I may do that...still unsure yet.
Here's to hoping this reboot works out~
If you didn't post in the Interest Check, that's fine. I will be going by a first come, first serve (as opposed to holding spots) basis due to limited spots so if you've got an idea, go for it.
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