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Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
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Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
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Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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- Considerate - Flexible - Open-minded - Indecisive -


- Natazume -


- 26 -


- Natazume grew up on a small island called Shimmer Shores. She and her family ran a small fish market and soon began to export their catch to other communities. She has a younger brother named Kliver but unlike her, he doesn't have an interest in magic. Her family used to fish the old fashioned way with spears and fishing rods but when she began to dabble in water based magic, their family business took off. Kliver was vocal about his dislike of magic and how it tainted the art of fishing and being at one with nature. Their difference eventually became so heated that she left home to help others with her magic, as she no longer felt welcomed at home. -


- After leaving home at the age of 16, Natazume roams the world in her small fishing raft she made herself out of wood, iron, leather rope and a large light blue sail to match the color of the sky. A typical day for the woman consists of docking at whatever shore she is closest to and fishing for the locals. She sells what she catches and uses that money to pay for additional food. Normally her diet is based on vegetation and fish but sometimes she will splurge on bread. In the afternoon Natazume will sail onward and find shade under the large willow trees that crop out of the clear blue ocean. By dusk she had tied her raft to a willow tree and has settled in for a night under the stars. Since she finds comfort in being on the ocean, she seldom ventures onto land. Sometimes she'll follow a river inland but it's not often she does. -


- Swimming -

- Fishing -

- Singing -

- Tying knots -


- Afraid of heights -

- Terrible liar -


- Natazume has great skill in controlling water. On both of her pinky fingers is a small seafoam ring. These water filled runes allow her to control water and bend it to her will. She has been training on her own since she was ten years old though without a proper teacher and only a few books she could scrounge together, her skills are less about fighting and more about containing things. Though her magic she is able to summon orbs of water either in the air or underwater. These spheres can contain fish and other lightweight objects. She is also able to use her runes to banish water and create an orb of air for her to temporarily breathe under water. It is something she cannot frequently conjure though. Natazume is unable to turn water into ice though she is able to create small balls of water to use as medium range projectiles. Overall though, she is a lover more than she is a fighter. -
Looks good to me, @Panic Go ahead and post 'er to the CS tab! (don't forget to edit the element in)
| Migration

RP GM: Genkai

RP genres: Fantasy & Science Fiction

RP size: 1 Spot Open

RP post expectations: 4-5 paragraphs once a week

- - - -

General premise:

- The world, like so many others in the universe, has gone through times of war and peace. Currently a comforting blanket of peace protects the world from its past conflicts and petty differences. The world is made up several kingdoms and yet at the moment, there is very little to complain about, very little to fight about. Magic flows freely through the world and most anyone with the time and effort, is able to wield it through various means such as runes, spells or potions/tonics. In the world there are many talents ranging from cooking to painting, to even juggling or knife throwing. Many myths depict a goddess named Aquis created the world that everyone calls home. It is a world where water covers 75% of the sapphire and emerald sphere. Most folks make money via fishing, sailing or diving. There are many islands, both big and small around the world where people make pleasant lives for themselves.

- As the sun rises on another blissful day, six white sleek egg-shaped pods descend downwards. At first glance they would appear to be randomly scattered throughout the world and yet the ones who dispatched them, have a method to their madness. These pods have intentionally crossed paths with people who have strong mortals, a good heart and mind. When they approach the pod's door slides open to reveal textures and lights never seen before. The seat is made of alien fabric, soft to the touch but once one runs a finger along it, it becomes somewhat rough like fish scales. The pods whisk away six strangers and send them into a stasis or forced sleep. When the half-dozen awaken, fifteen years have passed and their world appears to have been destroyed. Questions arise as to where they are and why they were taken...or saved.

- Why is their home gone and how did it happen? Where will they go now? The ship they are now on calls for a small crew to take the bridge and continue traveling deeper into space. The six individuals must band together to uncover the many secrets surrounding their new lives. Despite being in a new environment, it seems magic still works and it also seems other forms of magic are being uncovered. The group must find a new home, find new allies and evade any threats that they come across.

About the Ship:

The ship is very sleek and agile. It is called The Flock. In large main area are different labs for experiments and data collection. There are also six large private quarters for the six occupants of The Flock. There is a bridge, bar, high tech gym, kitchen, holodeck, digital library/records room, fabricated tropical pool, and other nifty features. Along the spine of The Flock, is where the six have been in stasis. The end of the tail itself is solid, meant to act like a sword slicing through enemy ships.

There will be a Captain, Pilot, Tactician, and a Medic. If we only get two players, the Tactician and Captain will likely become one role. A Captain is the leader who delegates, a Pilot is in charge of flying the ship and navigation, a Tactician is someone who gathers data for research but who also deals with combat strategics, and a Medic handles the crew's well-being. These are basic outlines of duties but keep in mind your character needs to be able to fit one or two of these duties as they will pick their role in the IC. Maybe their first choice gets taken? Just be mindful when making your character.

- - - -

Character creation:

- We will be playing fantasy tropes/stereotypes but at the same time the character shouldn't be a parody or mockery. The character has to be seriously crafted and handled. While this is meant to be a bit silly and whimsical in terms of tone, the character should have dreams and desires, should be well-rounded.

- Because fantasy and science fiction are coming into play, a character needs to be made to translate into a science fiction role. For example, a cleric who heals would be expected to take the role of medical officer/doctor. The loyal hero or wise mage would be expected to take the role of a first officer to work alongside the captain and offer advice. Someone quick their their reflexes would perhaps be suited to pilot the ship's controls. Think about both genres and how what talents would blend well together.

- Please give your character substance, characters fall on hard times but they also don't need to be haunted by bad luck forever. If your character has lost a love one, ask yourself if it's really necessary. Most of the time I find it isn't, and tends to never be mentioned by a character or consumes their entire mind and prevents them from being useful. If your character has a combat skill, truthfully gauge their talent on how much they have practiced, give them weaknesses and strengths. This isn't a combat heavy story but being prepared won't hurt.

- Interact with characters, let flirtation happen, let disagreements happen. These are strangers in a very stressful situation, characters will bond with some but have a tougher time with others. That said, the group still must function as a unit and for any unruly loner types who cause trouble, well I'm sure jettisoning a pod into space would be an easy solution to problematic characters.

- Other species/races like elves etc, may be allowed, just run it by me first and have a picture ready for me to look at since I'm sure if I Googled an elf, it would yield different results. Just make sure we're on the same page before you get ahead of yourself. I don't want many different races because this story isn't about that but about something bigger and I don't want a character to be defined by their appearance or whatever reactions it causes.

Character Sheet:

- Below is the coded CS, it's meant to be fairly quick and a bit silly, as I know it gets boring filling out the same CS over and over again. Please copy and paste this and post it in the OOC tab. When you have finished your sheet, tell me and I'll give you the green light to transfer it to the CS tab. I think appearances are important, hence the formatting, our IC will also have some formatting codes when it comes to skipping ahead and such. Since I have time on my hands, I have started to dust off my Photoshop program and will be making graphics for this RP. Do try to find high quality pictures for your character. I have my own CS finished in the CS tab, take a gander at what the end product should look like. Happy creating!

- - - -

Closing remarks:

- The way I tend to run group RPs is by rounds. A round begins with a post made by myself once I have posted, anyone can post whenever they want but they can only post once. This does make things a bit slow but I'd rather not people get left behind. Once everyone has posted within a timely manner, I'll post again and a new round begins.

- If you have any questions, ask em here. I wanted to keep things fairly basic so we could get things rolling sooner, rather than later. our size is going to remain small with 3-4 of us included in this, I won't make exceptions to expand the size, sorry.

- Once we get into space, I will be editing this with information on the ship and nearby planets we can decide to check out.

- Lastly, this RP is about having fun. The OOC should be just as fun. I expect people to communicate and plot together. Considering the openness of this story, I expect input from fellow players. I don't GM with an iron fist unless posts are slow to come. Let's have fun and create something cool together.
Feedback time!

Everyone looks to have gotten their first choice, woo hoo! Lucky ducks.

I'll work on my character tonight and tomorrow and we should get things rolling either Sat or Sun. I do have family coming tonight and staying for a week so they may take of some of my time.

@FernStone I didn't really need the additional paragraph about his personality, as it just adds more clutter in my mind but it's totally fine to keep it, I just didn't need folks putting in extra work when we've got an IC to divulge contextual details about how they react to situations and people.

Moving on to history! "But soon he was one of the few left without them." Assuming the city they're in is vast, he wouldn't be considered part of a 'few' without a power but the only one, so you should tweak that phrasing. And your final paragraph regarding the reunion is also unneeded since that is something I'll be explaining in my introduction post. And the awareness of having a power shouldn't be included in the CS since that will come a tad bit into the RP itself.

Other than those things needing tweaks, you're free to post in the CS tab and you're also given Air, congrats!

@Sterling No tweaks needed, you're good to go! Your girl has Fire. Feel free to post her into the CS tab at your leisure.

@Silverink You gave additional information a bit prematurely as your CS shouldn't include life after the 'second' kidnapping. The first kidnapping is fine but the CS itself should not have information about them discovering their skills (or finding fame) since it will happen in the IC itself, as opposed to before we kick things off. So the two paragraphs in his personality section can probably be deleted.

Like above, your history needs to be rewritten a bit since halfway through he gets his power but that isn't the case. He'll be taught the power in the IC so you'll have to change the half or your history. You could touch upon his first kidnapping if you'd like or you could talk more about the others in his family, since it sounds like he had a big boisterous upbringing and still felt like the black sheep of sorts.

You'll be given Beast but you can't post in the CS tab until I see the edits done on your guy. :)

@Panic Like SI, you may be better off deleting the paragraph portion of your girl's personality section. We won't talk about their circus life/powers since they won't have been informed of them yet.

Your history looks good to me, save for the last paragraph which you'll need to delete but you can touch upon it in the IC, likely your introduction post.

So with her job, you'll just put maid instead saying "before the show" etc.

And she'll be getting Greenery. So once you tweak those and run it by me again, you'll be able to post it in the CS tab.
I thought they were cute together but I believe the creators didn't really know themselves and never gave Sokka development until the very last chance in the final season, while it was worth the wait, it was delayed in my mind. That said I think the high bar of ALTA, LoK had a slim chance of matching it. I love some aspects of LoK but overall its issues outweigh the positives.
Really tho >___>
I'll have to take a look tomorrow. It's getting late for me and I'm not feeling quite well so I may turn in soon.
That's disappointing. See even that pair is out of nowhere. LoK really shit the bed.
Maybe with the cast being older they thought they needed it. I guess we'll never know, nor will we get any new stories of other Avatars based on how LoK was received.
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