Avatar of Genkai


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5 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
10 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

@Themerlinhawk No work yet sadly. I've been brainstorming ideas. Do I go back to school or find a terrible job for now? I will apply through JET come October which is probably the better way to get into Japan and not get fucked by their discrimination. JET is a government run education program, as opposed to going through private companies like I did and thousands of others. Sadly JET is highly competitive to get into so I'm not crossing my fingers that will even work out...

I've actually been pretty sick the past 2 weeks. I think my asthma was triggered and it became some awful upper viral infection thing because I've been dealing with a horrid cough for a long time and nothing seems to help, not even special cough syrup with amazing painkillers. So I'm mostly writing whenever I have energy but I'm pretty much in shitty health and can't do much job hunting until this passes...eventually. :/

I hope you guys have been better though! I should be able to get to this tomorrow afternoon, Friday at the very latest.
@ineffable I won't reserve spots, Sole and I will probably give everyone about 2-3 days to submit something before we figure out who we'll accept. I don't like to do a first come, first serve sort of thing. While I want the CS to be easy to put together, I don't want people to feel rushed. :)
@Kassarock I tagged you though I don't think you're still interested?

At any rate, hello @FiroIV and @Fox of Spades long time no see to you both. :)

Here is the OOC, I hope you guys can submit something awesome! If the slots happen to fill up, I'd be open to doing a 1x1 perhaps. :)
@Emuxe @Natsu

The OOC is up, sorry about the delay guys!


Era Tsukino




Inviting, energetic, sweet, and impulsive.


Photography, calligraphy, and reading comics.


Era plans to stick around Tamashini. Her parents run a well-known photography shop as they sell pictures to books and magazines. She has been taught and entrusted to carry on the family name. Era wants to show the rest of Japan and even the world, the beauty of the countryside. It is a firm wish within her heart, that she shares nature with the bustling cities like Osaka and Tokyo, believing they in their need to expand the automotive and technology industries, will forget how necessary it is to preserve nature. A lover of the wilderness, she wants to keep on living so she protect the town she loves, as well as its surrounding areas. If she could live in the mountains, practice her photography and protect the woods from hungry land developers, she would consider her life to be well-lived. Era is ferocious in her need to embrace the forest and to make others see its importance.


She is afraid of the dark and even when developing film at her family shop in town, she is uneasy. Along with not enjoying the darkness, she possesses a fear for airplanes, finding them unreliable and untrustworthy, vowing never to go on one, deciding to put her faith in buses, cars, trains and boats. She is very firm in this belief. Era, despite her eye for great landscapes, has a low level of spiritual awareness. Instead, she has good spiritual adaptation and strength which she will use to create long spirit claws from her fists, much like the Marvel character Wolverine.

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Hime Masami




Dignified, humble, tidy, pedantic.


Taking walks, writing poetry, and gardening.


The slow pace of the countryside has always agreed with Hime. She has no interest in the city life and views many who pine for it or who come from it, to be rather uncouth. It is Hime's belief that the country life is how one can feel most at home, their soul so close to the earth itself. She wishes to leave no impression on the earth and accepts that she may die without having made a lasting impression. She values life as it is, accepting its unpredictable nature and knows so few accomplish anything noteworthy to be remembered long after they have passed. What fuels her soul to keep living is her drive to see more of the world and its beauty. While she accepts her life as likely having no impact on anyone, she wishes to help others find their own inner truth.


Due to Hime's honest outlook on life and her own ability to make much of an impact, she fears ceasing to exist. She views things simply and wishes she could put faith in a higher power but logically fails to see proof in such an afterlife. She fears making no contribution to anyone or anything, even though it's something she sees to likely happen. Hime has a decent level of awareness and adaptation. She has abysmal levels of strength and as such has decided to use a spirit whip. It is meant to attack and grab objects with sharp precision. Her whip is not meant for lengthy fights and is used to grab at arms and legs or items, than it is to inflict much damage.
Whispers in the Dark


Slots: None Open

Co-GM: SoleAccord

RP Post Size: 4-5 paragraphs on average

RP Post Frequency: A post every 8-10 days


The year is 1997 and our heroes currently reside in the humble town of Tamashini. It is a sweet spring evening in which our heroes face their first of many tests, the first one being how to undo the damages of death.

Tamashini is a very small Japanese town nestled against lush mountains which overlook the seaside. It has a population of around 2,500. Tamashini has been untouched by the recent bustle of tourism. There is a daily bus that takes residents to other major cities. Tokyo is reached by a bus to a train station and then after nine hours on the train, only will one have reached the noisy city of Tokyo. Tamashini is very respectful of nature and as such, most homes are built into the landscape, unwilling to uproot and disturb the life around the area. The majority of families have been living in Tamashini for centuries but there are some that have recently moved from bigger cities, craving a more peaceful lifestyle. Most families export goods (paintings, baked goods, fish, etc) to other towns, villages and cities in order to make a living, other people teach in one of the local schools, practice medicine or commute to other towns to find work.

The School: A large wooden schoolhouse by the coastal part of town, surrounded by green rice fields. A great view of the ocean is provided. The school has two floors, the first dedicated to the children of Tamashini and the second for teenagers. Class sizes are always very small with each class having around six to seven students at most, per grade. Due to the small population of the town itself, everyone tends to know everyone and that familiarity starts at the school.

The Marketplace: A row of shops that supply the town with supplies and necessary items. There are a few fish stalls, a few places to grab street snacks, a grocery store, a bookstore which also doubles as the town's hub for news and local events around the mountainside. The marketplace spans a long strip starting from the bottom of the hill which works its way up into the suburban area of town where most folks live. Those who own shops live above them while others have places either at sea-level or tucked away on a shady hill leading into the more dense mountains and forest.

The Police Box: Located on a major road in Tamashini, the police have a small station where they can keep an eye on the town. The police box is located right by the train tracks though the nearest station is still a great distance away and best reached by bus.

The Bus Station: Located across from the police, the bus station hs daily buses going to other towns and larger areas.

The Forest of Silence: Many old myths revolve around the forest that surrounds most of the seaside town of Tamashini. The Forest of Silence is where most festivals are held. The forest is known for being very quiet and tranquil, leading many kids to come up with a myriad of dark scary rumors. There are wildlife living inside but notably is a local shrine owned by a famed recluse by the name of Genkai.


Our four characters will be in their final year of high school before deciding how the next chapter of their life will start. Will they move to the big city and leave Tamashini behind? Or will they stay like their family has always done? Do they enjoy an unknown adventure or do they enjoy a quiet life where they are surrounded by familiar faces and routine? On a spur of the moment dare, they all decide to go into the woods at night to go to a secluded shrine. They have all grown up with one another and have decided to end their mandatory years of education on a thrilling note. They dare one another to go into the Forest of Silence to steal something from Genkai.

While in the woods, the four friends stumble upon the shrine they've sought out. One foolish soul decides to steal a small mysterious red bell found inside the old shrine. Before the four can retreat back home, pleased with their bravery, they find themselves pursued by a dark figure. The four make a hasty wrong turn and fall down a ravine, their skulls cracking upon impact. The dark figure vanishes and before they can consider the events that have just taken place, they are floating in the summer sky, able to see their beautiful town from the mountain. An elderly woman can be heard laughing below as she peers up at them, lamenting that the ghosts have disturbed her slumber and that they need to decide to stay as they are or to overcome a great task in order to have another chance at life.


Your character will be in their final year of high school, making them 17 or 18. Keep in mind teenagers may be a bit aimless but they do need to have some level of maturity. Losers don't get second chances at life, these young adults should have some redeemable quality about them.

Your character should be one who works well in a team, lone wolves will be denied.

Your character needs to have a level of either: spirit awareness, spirit strength or spirit adaptation. Spirit awareness allows someone to have a high intuition as to the presence of spirits. Spirit strength allows someone to channel their energy into a force, and it does not matter if someone is physically strong. And spirit adaptation allows someone to morph and use their energy for unique purposes like barriers or physical weapons.

Your character shouldn't be the unluckiest person in the room who has suffered unspeakable tragedy. Nor should they shit sunshine and rainbows, make them balanced and not overly cliche.

Your character sheet must include an anime picture, as this is an anime-based RP, visualization is very key.

Lastly, this is about having fun but this is also a commitment, don't apply if you're unsure of your availability. Respect my word as well as SoleAccord's. We have the first three arcs planned and we're looking forward to getting things rolling. Post here and once approved, you'll be allowed to post in the CS Tab. If you have questions, let us know. Please pick a good quality image so we can make you a banner. Also try and pick a pastel/light color-code for your character's dialog in the IC, include your choice in your CS response as I have in the CS Tab's example.

Overall the below sheet is very minimal though. Have fun!


Chapter One: Death Lurks in the Shadows
Awww my hero Kurama and Sole!

Very well done darling, a good amount of suspense and tension, I like. :3 I'll be sure to get you something over the next few days. I know it's gonna be tough for Kurama and Botan for a while but we shall make this suffering worth it in the end.
Working on it now but it'll probably be up tomorrow afternoon. -___-
I would say the first arc would either cover children disappearing in the woods every couple of nights or it would be some kind of theft issue in terms of items vanishing, I still need to run ideas by my co-GM.
Ahh, I see.

It would be set in a fairly modern world but a somewhat rural Japanese setting so the town itself would be fairly quiet and secluded. I would say think technology more akin to the late 90s than the modern 2017 era. Our characters would be allowed back because of clerical error. Our characters weren't technically scheduled to die when they were murdered so there's no real place for us. On top of that our characters should have some spiritual awareness. Japan does rely on folklore and has strong spiritual beliefs so it does stand to reason in such a small town, our characters do respect that aspect of history. Weapons themselves will vary from character to character. Some characters could use something as basic as a baseball bat and have it modified to channel their spiritual energy for greater impact. Other characters might be able to make swords or shields or whips out of spiritual energy. Other characters might infuse their energy to things like yoyos or flowers or even a musical instrument. I want people to be creative with how someone could defend themselves in most situations without calling much attention to themselves.

Does that help~?
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