Avatar of Genkai


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
10 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

A post~!

And Shika with being cute ~ ~ ~

I vaguely know of shogi myself and I don't think I'll bother to read up on either. Soooo we're about to make ahogi a very interesting game haha. Best not to dwell on that technical stuff as it isn't nearly as interesting as our couples. XD
Sure, I'm hopeful our paths will cross!
Welcome back!

And trust me, it's good to see how one has improved with their writing. We all had to start somewhere so I'm sure the stories you start now will be all the better thanks to your former fourteen year old self. :)

"Don't Be What They Made You."

A Logan roleplay between myself and The Bork Lazer.


With Transigen having lost control of their assets in their Mexican laboratory, they have sent Donald Pierce after the dangerous children. Raven has been keeping a close watch on the children under the guise of Nurse Gabriella for many years. At the same time she has been slowly stealing various tech, medicine and files to add to her research of Transigen itself. With their newest and most successful creation of X-24, Pierce is in hot pursuit of Laura while other security teams are sent to track down the numerous other children who were bred with special mutant genes. As it's the year 2029, no new mutants have been discovered though there is a possible reason for their disappearance. Raven manages to secure Laura and flee across to Texas. She has arranged with the Canadian border to allow the children safe passage within a specified amount of time. Knowing time is limited and that Laura should know who her father is, Raven reaches out to Logan and Charles for help.

I have a few posts to do before I can get up our intro but it should be up before Friday I'm betting.

I wasn't sure if we wanted to extend the time to get Laura to the border to allow us some more room for sidetrips and easier pacing so I left it vague, leaving us room to adjust some events as we'd like.
No worries, no need to rush it. :)
Thank you.

I'll finish my second CS tonight and I will get our intro up tomorrow afternoon, thanks for sticking with us guys!
I'm thinking about it~
I'm looking forward to it~!
No worries! Them having no friends. Boy, that's one thing to bond over. XD Though Shikamaru does have Choji as a friend and I think Naruto? Sakura has Ino but yeah, they're lacking in the friend department. I wonder if they realize how lonely they are. I saw your PM of Mirai and I totally love her. Shadows doesn't need to be rushed by any means, I wanna get the group RP up ASAP today or tomorrow. Anyway, I think once Shikamaru and Sakura slowly open up, they'll see how nice it is to have the other as company. :3
As soon as Firo tweaks their CS, and I finish mine, we'll kick things off. Sole is holding off on his since his two roles won't come in until the second arc. I'd like to kick things off by Sun-Mon at the latest.
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